Wrecking Fantasy with Technology

Volume-2: Chapter-16: Time to Start

The Kingdom of Nobunaga, The Wastelands:-

The discussions and negotiations took the next few hours.

To Harry, it seemed like the king was pretty desperate to run away with the money he got and leave the entire kingdom in Harry’s lap.

But, him being the king, he had to drag out the talks for some time to not seem too desperate.

But once the talks were over, it was difficult to tell who was happier.

Was it Harry, who had acquired an entire kingdom, or was it the previous king, who had sold his kingdom for quite a stunning price?

Whoever it may be, no one seemed to particularly care.

Having received his money, the previous king left so quickly that it felt like he had been preparing for this for days.

Apparently, he had a large mansion in a nearby smaller kingdom about two months away. And that’s where he planned to live from now on.

Unfortunately, a lot of the servants left with him.

But it was mostly the maids that went away.

Some of the maids and a lot of the male servants stayed behind in the palace.

So, even though there were fewer servants, Harry was still glad that they wouldn’t have to clean the entire palace all by themselves.

Harry looked at the system window for the time.

It was already 6:30 in the evening.

But just as he was about to close the system window, he noticed that some notifications had popped up in the messages tab.

Harry looked out of the window.

“All right everyone!

Your previous lord has now left. And he has left me in charge.

I know that the entire thing was very abrupt and even more absurd, but what has happened has happened!

For better or worse, I’m your new King!

And these two cultivators here are like my family. So you need to give them as much importance as you give me, understood?”, said Harry while pointing to where Qing and Shin were standing.

The servants nodded.

“I’ll be going to my room for now. I don’t want any disturbances for some time.

You all can use this time to collect your thoughts and decide what you want to do in the future.

Now, I’ll be taking my leave and you all can take yours as well.”

And with a wave of his hand, all the people gathered in the main hall started to disperse.

Harry’s trio also went to their brand new rooms, which were located near each other in case they ever felt like talking or anything.

Now, “the brand-new” rooms didn’t have too much of a “brand new” feel to them.

Sure, Harry’s room did look very fancy, considering that it was the official bedchamber of the king.

But the dude was so heavy that the bed in the bedchamber seemed to have been subjected to a great degree of pressure and stress.

The poor thing seemed to be begging Harry to end its miserable life.

So, before Harry could relax, he had to call a servant to get the bed replaced since it felt like it wouldn’t even last the night.

Finally, after spending about 10 minutes doing this, Harry sat down on the new bed.

“Okay system, show me what you got!”

[It seems that the host finally has some free time. This system thought that the entire day would end before the host took rest.]

“Don’t worry, I won’t ignore you… You’re the reason I got to this place...”

[Okay, putting that aside, this system is happy to announce that...]

“Don’t tell me, another attack!?”

[No, host, not an attack!

Now, as this system was saying, this system is happy to announce that the host will be getting a double reward now!]

“Double reward? What did I do to receive such a delightful thing?”

[The host has cleared the first mission given by the system, although with a lot of hiccups. Also, the host has managed to acquire a kingdom for themselves. The rewards for both were meant to be taken separately, but due to the host ignoring the first rewards for some time, this system decided to club both rewards together.]

“So, does that mean I get some SSR stuff?”, Harry asked excitedly.

[Unfortunately, the host will have to remain disappointed on that one. These are some of the very initial rewards. So, the host probably wouldn’t get anything close to what the host calls “SSR” in the first place. What the host will be getting is just both sets of rewards together. No special or evolved combinations.]

“Dang! Well, whatever! Just give me what you have...”

[Presenting rewards…

Rewards given are:

  • Knowledge of architecture and city planning
  • Knowledge of extraction and processing of metals
  • All knowledge required for the creation of vehicles
  • Knowledge of all subjects till the level of fifth grade
  • Advanced engineering knowledge
  • Knowledge about the construction of factories and related machinery
  • Kingdom sized cloaking field to hide from immortals for the next 15 years
  • 10,000 System Points to be used in the system store

All rewards have been tailored to ensure that the host can smoothly run their kingdom without depending too much on this system.

This system hopes that the host is satisfied with the rewards.]

“Heck yeah, I’m satisfied! You even finished off my college course for me! How can I be not satisfied?”

[It seems that the system’s efforts weren’t done in vain.

On that note, 2 new missions have arrived for the host.]

“New missions? Show me! I can’t wait to finish them off and get more of those sweet rewards!”

[As the host wishes.

Mission details:-

Title: Putting mortals on the map


Since the host is now the ruler of the largest mortal kingdom, the host must develop their country. For this, the host needs to develop the level of education, the standard of living, the level of sciences and most importantly, the level of technological development. However, the host also needs to ensure that their country can withstand the attacks of other countries or individuals as well and stand on equal footing with them.


  • Improve the level of education in the kingdom
  • Replan the layout of the residential areas and improve the overall quality of living.
  • Create a proper military based on standards of Earth at the minimum
  • Set up factories to provide jobs and start producing items to be exported.
  • Set up defences to ensure that the kingdom can be protected from outside interference


  • Knowledge about the creation and working of computers
  • Advanced knowledge of various fields of work and education
  • Knowledge on the creation of advanced weaponry such as land to air rockets, aircraft carriers, submarines, etc.
  • Knowledge on operation and maintenance of advanced weaponry
  • Advanced martial arts on the level of Shaolin or higher
  • 5000 SP (System Points) to be used in the system store

Note: These rewards can only be obtained by completion of the mission and cannot be bought separately.


  • Destruction of kingdom
  • Loss of half of all items and knowledge in possession
  • Destruction of ⅛th part of the host’s soul

Time limit: 10 years

Mission details:-

Title: The Crown of Wangxiu


With the host already in possession of a kingdom, the host has lost the right to ascend to the throne of his previous country. However, the gods have judged the current heir of Wangxiu to not be worthy of the title. Therefore, the host needs to ensure that the candidate chosen as a replacement must be put on the throne.


  • Defeat the current king of Wangxiu
  • Ensure that the title cannot be passed to the current heir
  • Crown Shin Long, the brother of Qing Long, as the new king of Wangxiu


  • Knowledge on the creation of exoskeletons for military purposes
  • Knowledge on operation and maintenance of exoskeletons
  • Knowledge on the creation of advanced computers
  • Advanced knowledge on computer network creation such as the internet
  • Advanced knowledge about the different races present in the world

Note: These rewards can only be obtained by completion of the mission and cannot be bought separately.


  • Destruction of kingdom
  • Loss of half of all items and knowledge in possession
  • Destruction of ⅛th part of the host’s soul

Time limit: 15 years]

“Uh-huh, uh-huh, un-huh, hmmm…

What’s up with these absurdities?

You expect me to develop a kingdom strong enough to compete with cultivators and immortals!?

And you gave me what, just 10 short years to do that!?

What the heck is wrong with you!?

Even Landon Barn wasn’t given such insane conditions from his ultra-shameless system!

And you, my kindest and sweetest system, are giving me this BS!?”

[The system apologies to the host. The quests are not decided by the system but are decided by the gods in charge of this system. This system can only manipulate the rewards. That is all.

However, the system will try its best to support the host in whatever way it can.]

“Decided by the gods? Those guys did do a lot of things for me during the past four years…

I suppose I won’t be allowed to argue about this stuff in the first place.

I think it’s better if I focus on getting this impossible task done rather than sitting all day wailing about it.”

Saying this, Harry decided to finally get some rest and lied down on the bed.

It wasn’t very comfortable, but Harry did manage to get an hour nap before Qing came to wake him up.

After this, they went to the dining hall along with Shin to have dinner.

Harry had already spent two hours on the entire missions thing and it was already around 8:30 at night.

After dinner, they spent about half an hour making a list of all the servants and funds they had left.

Thankfully, the old king hadn’t taken much from the treasury and there was still enough left to give people a decent salary for the next six months.

The reason was that the king had been hoarding a lot of money and treasures in the royal treasury which he rarely used.

That night, the three of them decided to sleep a little early since they found that it was already too late at night to do anything else.

The next morning, Harry woke up to find Qing and Shin waiting outside his room.

They already appeared to be dressed up and ready for the day.

Seeing that, Harry also quickly went to get ready. (Though it wasn’t that easy without showers and other modern stuff.)

Then the three of them quickly stuffed breakfast in their mouths and rushed to the podium outside the palace.

Harry had to address the citizens regarding the change in the ruler of their kingdom.

He had asked the system to help him with the script, so his speech came out pretty decent.

He mainly talked about how the king had entrusted the kingdom to him and what his plans for the future of the kingdom were. He also mixed in slight hints about how he was against the horrible behaviours of the previous king.

The general population, who was already quite dissatisfied with their previous king, picked up his hints and started cheering for him.

Overall, there weren’t any significant amounts of complaints that he received from the people.

The only major thing that did happen was that some of the many nobles of the kingdom decided to leave as well.

It wasn’t a perfect thing but it could be called pretty successful in Harry’s opinion.

 One other important thing that Harry did was rename the country.

The old king was gone.

And Harry decided to start afresh and completely remove any traces of the past from the kingdom.

And to do this, Harry felt that it was necessary to start with naming the city something fresh as well.

As a symbol of the beginning of change as well as a new hope for its people.

Harry had put some thought into it overnight along with some inputs from the system as well.

He had even proceeded to ask Shin and Qing as well when the three of them were eating breakfast in the morning.

Only after getting a go-ahead from those two, did Harry proceed to announce it to the public.

And from the reactions of his citizens, they also liked the idea of renaming their kingdom as a symbol of a new beginning.

As for the name Harry had chosen?

He did let his otaku brain chip in a little and he ended up calling his new kingdom…

“The Country of Eruchea, what a nice name...”, Harry said to himself.

Naturally, since he was dealing with Japan, which had pretty strict copyrights laws and also a major history with transmigrations, he couldn’t go around blatantly using the original name.

Because who knew when the entire country would transmigrate again.

They already had some laws made for any “isekai” they went to after returning from their first transmigration trip, as Harry had heard in a rumour.

At that time, he thought of it as absurdity, but he wasn’t so sure now that he had transmigrated himself.

What he did was simply romanised the name with a different spelling.

Probably no copyright strikes were made and he got a pretty good name too.

After the announcements were made, Harry started going towards his second task of the day.

And this task was in the Knights’ dormitories of the Kingdom of Nobunaga.

Or as Harry planned on calling it, “The Military Barracks of Eruchea”.

It was now the time to turn those elite knights into elite military personnel!

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