Wuxia: I Know a Little Too Many of Them

Chapter 150 Inside Qingcheng, another person blocks the way

In the early morning, a red sun rises slowly from the east.

Yesterday's heavy rain washed away the hot summer atmosphere.

Fresh air fills the space between heaven and earth.

Especially along the moat, the breeze blows by, which is refreshing.

The sky is blue, with patches of red clouds.

The grass on the ground has also woken up, stretching and relaxing; the waves on the river are sparkling, with patches of white light under the rising sun, crystal clear.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!" Zhou Xiang ran on the grass beside the moat, urging the detectives to pack their things quickly, "Hurry up, everyone, enter the city early! Leader Chu said, the mission is completed After that, I’ll give you two days off, so you can wander around Qingcheng! This is Qingcheng, and some of you may only come here once in your life!”

By the bridge on the river, Chu Tang watched Zhou Xiang jumping up and down with a smile.

Next to him are horses that have been hitched to the carriage.

On the carriage, Su Qingyue and Xiaoyou were ready and ready to go.

Only a group of detectives were still packing up the tents they had set up last night.

After a night of silence, I got up early in the morning, just waiting to pack up and officially enter Qingcheng later.

It was already mid-morning, so it was neither too early nor too late.

There were also many more people on the edge of the moat. Most of them were going to the city, but a few were coming out of the city.

When these people passed by them, they couldn't help but take a second look.

Maybe he was curious as to why a group of officials were camping by the moat.

Ahead is Qingcheng, and there are many houses less than half a mile behind. You can easily find a place to spend the night. There is really no need to camp out.

It’s normal for them to wonder and take a few more looks out of curiosity.

It was also because there were so many people talking, Chu Tang led the horse and stayed quietly next to the carriage where Su Qingyue was, wary of anyone approaching.

In the carriage, perhaps as they were about to enter Qingcheng, Miss Xiaoyou couldn't sit still. From time to time, she opened the curtains of the carriage and looked towards the south gate of Qingcheng, or chatted with Chu Tang.

Chu Tang responded from time to time, his mind not on them, but imagining the scene after entering Qingcheng.

The closer it was to the last moment, the more cautious he became.

His temperament determines that he will always think of the worst when things happen.

Just as he said to Zhou Xiang last night, a journey of a hundred miles is half a mile, and the more critical the moment, the more you have to grit your teeth and hold on, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted and the whole journey will be meaningless!

After a while, all the agents were cleared.

"Team leader, it's time to go!" Zhou Xiang reported as usual, "Do you still need me to take someone to explore the front?"

Chu Tang shook his head and said with a smile: "Your mission as a pioneer officer has been completed. Just stay in the team today and go into the city with me."

Along the way, Zhou Xiang and others were ordered to walk several miles ahead in order to detect the road conditions ahead and beware of ambushes.

In Qingcheng, people are coming and going. Even if there is an ambush, the investigation is of little significance.

It is better to unite the troops together and have greater strength.

Zhou Xiang responded, mounted his horse, and led the way away.

Chu Tang also rode forward, accompanying the carriage.

Wheels! Wheels!

The carriage moved forward slowly and soon arrived at the south gate of Qingcheng.

Zhou Xiang was the only one to deal with the defenders.

Soon, after checking the documents, the city gate officers and soldiers released them, and a group of nearly twenty people entered Qingcheng slowly.

As soon as they entered the city, many officers looked around like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, looking here and there.

There is nothing better than this when a country bumpkin comes to town.

As Zhou Xiang said, many of them have never been to Qingcheng in their lives, and they have been wandering around Guijun.

The population of Guijun County is only between 30,000 and 50,000, which makes it neither big nor small.

Although Qingcheng is only the sub-center of Liangzhou and is not as large as Yuncheng, Yuncheng is more of a war machine, but there are more noble princes and a larger population dependent on them.

Qingcheng is the political center of Liangzhou, and many political orders, especially the jurisdiction of local affairs, are in charge of Qingcheng.

This results in more civil servants here.

As for civil servants, they like stability. How can they show their level if they don't make the world peaceful?

Secondly, I like to "play", and I play in a more elegant way, so there are relatively many kinds of things.

And these things require the population to serve them.

It is said that Qingcheng has a population of 200,000 to 300,000, which is about the same size as Yuncheng. It can be said to be extremely prosperous.

With a population of two to three million, it does not seem to be as large as the fifth or sixth tier cities in Chu Tang's previous life. However, this is an era where technology is not obvious.

There are no tens-of-storey residences, and there are no buildings like steel forests. Most of them are bungalows and courtyards.

No matter how extravagant a wealthy family is, they will only build a two or three-story wooden building at most, and it is not mainly used to accommodate people.

Therefore, the size of an ancient city with a population of two to three hundred thousand people is terrifying.

Qingcheng has two main roads running north-south and east-west, dividing the city into four major blocks: east, west, north and south.

The four large areas are divided into several small areas, stretching for more than 20 miles. It takes an hour to race from one end to the other.

As for visiting the entire Qingcheng, it is absolutely difficult to do without a few days of effort.

Chu Tang and his party entered the city from the south gate and walked directly onto the main road.

Wutong Academy is in the North City, and at the speed of a carriage, it will take nearly an hour to arrive.

Bathed in the morning sun and with more and more pedestrians in the city, their horse-playing speed became slower and slower.

On both sides of the road, there are low-rise civilian tile-roofed houses, as well as spacious and high-end wooden buildings, inns and restaurants.

Chu Tang even met a colleague on the road, but he didn't know where the other person came from and his identity was unknown. When they got close, they just nodded to each other and took it as hello.

Chu Tang didn't care about the other agents. He had to be responsible for Su Qingyue's safety, so he tightened the reins and synchronized the horse under him with the carriage, staying together.

Perhaps it was because they had been in Qingcheng since childhood, but it was no longer unusual for Su Qingyue and Xiaoyou to enter the city, and they were extremely calm.

Usually on the road, Miss Xiaoyou would open the curtains from time to time to look at the scenery on the roadside, but now she did not make any movement and stayed quietly in the carriage.

After walking for a while, Zhou Xiang, who was in front, reined in his horse and slowed down. He waited for Chu Tang to arrive beside him and then said with a smile: "Boss, you haven't been to Qingcheng before. How about it? Is it big and prosperous? Isn't it shocking?" Shocked? When I came here for the first time, my jaw almost dropped to the floor!"

Chu Tang chuckled and shook his head without saying anything.

What are you thinking about? In his world, a city has a population of 10 to 20 million. Even third- and fourth-tier cities have a population of millions.

Among them, one road is dozens of kilometers long, which is big enough for horse racing. How can it be comparable to the Qingcheng in front of us?

The only thing that interested him was the simple and elegant scenery of the period.

As for the scale, it’s all pediatric stuff!

Zhou Xiang was surprised by Chu Tang's attitude and couldn't help but ask: "Boss, two or three hundred thousand people are not enough to impress you? Then you can only go to Zhongzhou Imperial Capital to see it. It is said that the Imperial Capital has a population of more than two hundred Ten thousand. Two million, what a concept, how amazing!”

"Zhongzhou, the imperial capital..." Chu Tang raised his head slightly, narrowed his eyes, and a voice sounded in his heart: "I will go!"

Of course, he didn't show his emotions on his face and remained calm and unchanging.

Seeing this, Zhou Xiang timidly asked: "Board leader, are you pretending, or do you really don't understand? I'm talking about a population of two million! Can't you give me some indication?"

Chu Tang looked sideways at him and asked, "What do you want to express?"

"Shocked? Anticipated? Jaw-dropped?" Zhou Xiang gave an example.

"Get lost!" Chu Tang glared at him.

Zhou Xiang scratched his head, not knowing what to say.

Chu Tang was silent for a while, then suddenly looked at Zhou Xiang and said: "I had some dreams. In the dream, there was a city with a population of 20 million, with buildings a hundred feet high, roads dozens of feet wide, busy with traffic, brightly lit, and the night was like day... …”

On the contrary, Zhou Xiang was dumbfounded. After a long while, he said in shock: "Boss, you...your dream is so... awesome! You have such a rich imagination! There are 20 million people, and the night is like day. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a fairyland." Bar?"

"Wonderland..." Chu Tang was stunned for a moment, his eyes suddenly wandered, and after a while he smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, you can only find such a fairyland in dreams."

His tone was bleak and his expression was lonely.

Zhou Xiang couldn't adapt to Chu Tang's changes for a while, so he asked carefully: "Board leader, are you okay?"

Chu Tang shook his head violently and said it was okay.

The past cannot be pursued.

Can he still go back?

I'm afraid I can't.

In this case, you have to look forward!

They come, the security.

Over the past three years, he has gradually become accustomed to his current life.

Besides, God treated him well and gave him an omnipotent panel.

The panel allows him to complete a journey that would take others decades to complete in an instant.

With such a heaven-defying existence, what else is there to complain about?

Let’s happily be a cheater covered in cheats!


Suddenly, the cry of stopping horses came from ahead, and the entire team stopped, waking Chu Tang out of his reverie.

"Is there something wrong?" He raised his head suddenly.

There are still many tourists around, but the view is wider.

Looking around, there are wide roads extending to the north, south and east and west.

"Is this the junction between the north and south and the east and west of Qingcheng?" Chu Tang realized immediately, and before they knew it, they had reached the center of Qingcheng.

The road is wide enough for several convoys to pass through the intersection.

But the front still stopped. There must be something stopping them.

With sharp eyes, Chu Tang saw that Zhou Xiang, who was opening the way, was blocked by a group of people and was talking.

"Boss Chu, what's wrong?" On the left side of Chu Tang, Xiaoyou opened the curtains and leaned over Su Qingyue, who was sitting next to her, to ask.

Chu Tang shook his head and said, "I don't know yet. Miss Su and Miss Xiaoyou, please be patient and leave everything to me. Chu will definitely handle it properly."

Xiaoyou is still a little worried: "Isn't it the Cheng family coming to rob us on the way again? Head to the right and go to the north three or four miles away, where is the home of the head of the Cheng family!"

Chu Tang said firmly: "Chu will bring you two to Beicheng safely, but please don't worry."

Yes, he is about to complete this task, and even the King of Heaven cannot stop him from going to Wutong Academy.

The Cheng family in the Sixth Realm, if they make him angry, just kill a few of his people to see if his magic weapon is sharp!

"With the words of Captain Chu, Miss and I feel relieved." Xiaoyou seemed to trust Chu Tang and said with a smile.

Su Qingyue, who was wearing a veil, patted her little head and said angrily: "You are just worried about yourself, don't bring me with you!"

Xiaoyou muttered, "Aren't I worried about you? Are there not enough disturbances along the way? We are about to arrive, who knows if something will happen again!"

"There won't be any trouble!" Chu Tang emphasized.

Xiaoyou hummed: "Boss Chu, I believe you!" After saying that, he gave him a cheering gesture and then lowered the curtain.

Chu Tang only heard a burst of laughter and laughter coming from the carriage, and couldn't help but shake his head slightly. Loli can always cheer up a man's mood.

Gotta get it!

Zhou Xiang rode from the front again and came to Chu Tang. Without waiting for the latter to ask, he said first: "Squad leader, there is a group of people blocking the road ahead. They say they are from the Su family in Qingcheng. One of them even said he is Miss Su's cousin." , come and take Miss Su back to Su’s house!”

"Huh?" Chu Tang was a little surprised.

He really wanted the Cheng family to rob the road, and he was ready for a fierce battle, but he never thought that it was the Su family who came.

The other party should not use his identity to deceive others. After all, Su Qingyue is here. Whether it is true or false can be distinguished in a blink of an eye.

Chu Tang was surprised by the Su family's accurate identification of their itinerary.

It was as if I had received the news in advance and had been waiting here for a long time.

"My cousin? Which cousin?" Before Chu Tang could make a decision, Su Qingyue took the initiative to open the curtains and asked.

Zhou Xiang's voice was loud and she could hear it clearly in the carriage.

Zhou Xiang immediately replied: "He calls himself Su Kang."

"My cousin?" Su Qingyue also sounded surprised, "Isn't he practicing in seclusion? Why is he here instead? Can you let him come over for an interview?"

Zhou Xiang didn't answer and turned to look at Chu Tang.

Seeing this, Su Qingyue slowly moved her head and looked at Chu Tang.

Chu Tang was very satisfied with Zhou Xiang's attitude and nodded slightly to him.

Zhou Xiang understood immediately and rode forward again.

Su Qingyue said with profound meaning: "Team leader Chu is so good at handling his subordinates. The entire team of policemen are following your lead!"

Chu Tang glanced at her. The white gauze on the other person's face blocked her face, and her expression could not be seen. Only her bright eyes had an inexplicable light, and it was impossible to tell what she meant when she said this.

"Thanks to the brothers, I just want to give Chu some face." Chu Tang's answer was quite satisfactory.

"Then Captain Chu is too humble!" Su Qingyue laughed.

Chu Tang felt his head hurt. He hated trouble, and even talking was too complicated.

As for the Miss Su family in front of me, although she is still young, she is from a wealthy family after all. Her father is also a prefect of a county. She has been influenced by her since she was a child. She also loves reading and knows the past and present. She must not be treated like an ordinary little girl.

However, Chu Tang didn't want to fight with her. It was tiring and pointless.

Fortunately, Zhou Xiang quickly brought someone over and attracted Su Qingyue's attention.

"Cousin!" Su Qingyue, who stuck her head out of the carriage, immediately saw the appearance of the person coming and shouted in surprise.

The voice was affirmative and filled with inexplicable joy.

From this point of view, the visitor is indeed from the Su family!

But Chu Tang did not relax his vigilance because of the other party's identity. Instead, he pinched the horse's belly with his legs and blocked him with both the man and the horse!

"Huh?" Su Kang, who was walking quickly towards the carriage, raised his head and fixed his gaze on Chu Tang on the black horse.

The two people's eyes met, sparking a strange light!

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