Wuxia: I Know a Little Too Many of Them

Chapter 58 Tracking

Just after noon, we can't enter until after noon.

Outside the east gate of Pingxian County.

Beside the official road more than a hundred feet away from the city gate, a group of people and several horses stopped to watch.

The spring sunshine in mid-to-late February is the strongest time of the day, making these people's faces flush.

In fact, in addition to the sunlight, their excited moods also made their faces flush a lot.

"Finally! We are finally here..." Immediately, a policeman in soap-colored uniforms murmured with trembling lips.

This group of people was very strange. They had nine horses but ten people riding on them. There are two people on one horse, one is sitting and the other is lying down. The prone person's hands and feet were tied, and he lay motionless on the horse's back.

The leader was none other than Fang Kai. Those who were postponed were still Chu Tang and Shi Zhifeng.

At this time, everyone was very excited and happy.

Hurrying slowly, it took more than six hours, and they finally rushed out of the trail and arrived outside Pingxian County.

As Chu Tang expected, except for the annoying road conditions on the trail in the middle of the night and early in the morning, there really was no hostile force at all.

They came all the way without any danger.

It was said that there was no danger, but it was actually because the terrain was in a bad condition.

Shi County and Heping County can be regarded as a place with poor mountains and rivers, with many mountains and waterways. At the junction of the two places, mountains and water intersect with each other. The paths therein are not only crooked, but ordinary people are not willing to pass through them.

Although Chu Tang and the others were riding horses that were good at running, it was night after all, and their vision was extremely weak, which had a great impact.

Halfway through, one of Fang Kai's horses stepped on a deep pit, and the whole horse fell down. Not only did it throw the man away, but the horse's legs were also broken and it could no longer move.

Fortunately, apart from being knocked unconscious, the man had no major problems, which was considered a blessing in misfortune.

No one dared to delay, so Fang Kai asked his brother to give up the horse and get on the horse that escorted the prisoner. The two rode together and continued on their way.

Most of the night passed, and morning came. When the sun shone brightly, they just ate some dry food in a hurry, and then took advantage of the good sight to go faster.

After driving for a long time, we finally broke out of the trail and arrived outside the east gate of Pingxian County.

The county seat of Ping County is larger than Shi County and has a larger population. It was noon and people were coming in and out of the east gate. They also noticed this strange group of people and couldn't help but take a few more glances.

However, the nervous Fang Kai still watched them vigilantly and took precautions.

Fortunately, he could also see that these were the curious looks of ordinary people, and there were no evil eyes among them.

"Brothers, let's go into the city!" Fang Kai, who was sitting on the horse, looked back at everyone with a smile on his face and waved his hands, "Thank you for your hard work. After entering the city, we took a rest and Fang invited everyone to eat meat and drink wine!" We eat meat in big mouthfuls, from big bowls...oh, and drink from small cups! I have official duties to attend to, so I can’t drink to interfere with my work!”

"Haha!" Everyone laughed, "Fang is still so grand!"

Because the looming crisis was temporarily lifted, they couldn't help but relax their nervousness and start joking.

At the same time, under the guidance of Fang Kai, the horses walked slowly and passed the inquiries of the gatekeeper. Under the latter's gaze, everyone stepped into the land of Pingxian County.

After entering the city gate, they passed through a five-foot-wide avenue, and then walked from east to north onto a street in the city.

It was Chu Tang's first time out of Shixian County, and he couldn't help but be curious about everything. He looked here and there, looking like a country bumpkin, exactly like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

He compared the county seat of Pingxian County with the county seat of Shixian County, and finally had to admit that Shixian County where he was located was really just a small place and a small pond!

The neighborhoods in Pingxian County are obviously larger than those in Shixian County. There are more people doing business and more ordinary people walking on the streets, making them appear more prosperous and prosperous.

After entering the county seat, Fang Kai obviously relaxed. He first sent one of his men to ride a horse to the county government office to report, and then slowly and leisurely rode over there.

After walking for less than two miles and turning a few turns, a rather imposing county government came into view.

"Good guy!" Chu Tang saw the destination from a distance and couldn't help but call him "good guy, good guy."

This county government office is really too grand. The red lacquer door is two feet high and three feet wide, and the brass on the door knocker is shiny.

Outside the door are two extraordinary stone lions, squatting beside them, looking both majestic and noble. On both sides of the door are gray walls that extend for more than twenty feet. They are two feet high and cannot be climbed in by ordinary people.

"Old Shi, in this comparison, our Shi County is poor!" Chu Tang couldn't help complaining to Shi Zhifeng in a low voice, "Ping County is the big one!"

Because of the experience of living and dying together, the two got along better than before. Chu Tang even called Shi Zhifeng the affectionate "Old Shi".

When Shi Zhifeng heard this, he panicked, looked left and right, and shouted in a low voice: "Chu Tang, stop Meng Lang! How can you point your fingers and point your fingers in front of someone else's door?!"

"Boring!" Chu Tang couldn't help but rolled his eyes, but stopped talking.

At this time, a middle-aged man hurriedly walked out of the county government office. When he saw Fang Kai, he quickly greeted him.

"Chu Tang, this man's name is Yan Sanying. He is the head catcher of Ping County and is also a cultivator of the Three Realms. This man is often smiling but not smiling. He is known as the Smiling Tiger and is ruthless. Don't offend him." Shi Zhifeng reminded him softly. Chu Tang.

Chu Tang was speechless, thinking, brother, you have got the wrong person. I have always been kind to others, always greeting people with a smile. They say you don’t hit anyone with a smile. How could I easily offend others? Most of the people who offended me have seen it. The king of hell!

But it's you, Team Leader Shi, who always has a dark face and curses people at every turn. You're the one who offends people to death, right?

Thinking of this, Chu Tang's heart moved and asked: "Old Shi, do you have any unpleasantness with him?"

Shi Zhifeng snorted coldly: "I just can't understand his behavior!"

"Have you ever fought? Who won and who lost?" Chu Tang asked again.

Shi Zhifeng sneered: "I'm afraid of young people. I'm only thirty, and he's almost fifty. How can he be my opponent!"

Chu Tang curled his lips and said: "Judging victory or defeat based on youth? So you are thirty, and I am less than twenty. You can't beat me!"

Shi Zhifeng: "..."

Damn it, mother, I know I can't beat you now, but don't say it so nakedly!

Countless resentments arose in Shi Zhifeng's heart. It was precisely because he had seen Chu Tang, a young man's explosive fighting prowess, that he, who was also a member of the Third Realm, refused to admit defeat and was willing to take risks and escort the prisoners, just to find a Fourth Realm Kung Fu in the county government. Come practice and hit the four realms!

With Chu Tang and Shi Zhifeng bickering with each other from time to time, everyone entered the county government office and settled down under Yan Sanying's greeting.

Fang Kai followed Yan Sanying to meet with the county captain and magistrate of Ping County, and only arranged other matters after returning.

In the side yard of the county government office, a row of wing rooms was chosen. Fang Kai and the prisoner were in the middle, and everyone was guarding them. On the outside, police officers from Ping County were patrolling.

There are three floors inside and three floors outside, and the defense is tight. Anyone approaching can be discovered immediately.

Obviously, Pingxian County also knew that the matter was serious and did not dare to neglect it.

Fang Kai also fulfilled his promise. After everyone rested for a long time, he served good wine and food for everyone to eat to their heart's content.

During this period, he told everyone to be patient and stay at the county government office, because they were rushing quickly, and according to the plan, the county government coordinator would not arrive until at least the day after tomorrow.

Therefore, they have to stay in Ping County tomorrow.

Fang Kai also said that if you need to, you can go out for a walk, but you can't go far, and you can't become a soft-footed shrimp!

Chu Tang didn't understand the meaning of "need" and "soft-footed shrimp" at first, but he didn't wake up until he saw the obscene smiles on everyone's faces.

"A bunch of LSPs!" Chu Tang secretly cursed, "As pure as I am, I am ashamed to be in your company!"

The next afternoon.

Everyone who had rested for nearly a day was revived with full health due to their strong martial arts skills.

The several hot-blooded policemen, except for the few who were on duty to guard the prisoners, all went to go out to the Goulan to eat flowers and wine.

Under Chu Tang's shocked gaze, Shi Zhifeng also followed out expressionlessly.

Promote prostitution in daylight! shameless!

Wu Yi also invited Chu Tang to go with him.

Chu Tang was unwilling to hand over his innocence of more than 20 years in two lives to the Goulan woman, so naturally he did not want to go to a place with fireworks like that.

He excused himself to practice martial arts and couldn't waste time. Therefore, people praised him for his perseverance and tenacity, and that he would become something great in the future.

Chu Tang, who might become a great person, finished his shift in the morning and was bored for a long time in the afternoon. He couldn't help but walk out of the county office to see the scenery of Pingxian County.

He walked to the right outside the county government office.

Along the bustling street, I passed by the wine shop and took a few sips of the aroma of the wine; I walked by the pawn shop and saw the sad faces of the people who pledged their money; when I got close to the rice shop, I saw the hardship of people's livelihood; I also took a quick look at the cloth shop. Seeing the appearance of all living beings.

After a while, Chu Tang, who was wandering around the bustling scene of Ping County, vaguely realized something was wrong!

The same man followed him two streets away!

If he walks, the other side will go; if he stops, the other side will stop.

"Someone is following me in this unfamiliar place?"

Chu Tang felt awe-struck in his heart and suddenly became alert.

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