X-Force: Beyond Omega

Ch: 4 [Testing mutation]

The door to the underground bunker closed with a heavy loud thud, sealing us in a big chamber that looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. The walls glowed with a dull metallic glint. I glanced around the room, noting the various pieces of equipment and machinery scattered throughout. A row of computers lined one wall, while several large screens hung on another. In the center of the room sat a massive circular platform surrounded by a series of weird machines.

"Welcome to the Danger Room," Storm said as she walked alongside me, her voice echoing slightly in the large, open space. "This place was designed to handle any kind of power or mutation. You could blow up half the room, and it would repair itself in minutes."

"Now, this is big," I said as I looked around. "So, this is where you train the heavy hitters, huh?!"

"Yup," Storm nodded, leading me toward the center of the room. "This bunker is equipped with vibranium, one of the most durable materials in the world. It can withstand almost anything—so you don’t have to worry about going all out here."

Vibranium?! Did Black Panther help them with the metal or maybe Shield? Hmmm! That's a question for another day.

As we walked, I couldn’t help but notice the sheer size of the place. The ceiling was at least fifty feet high, and the walls stretched out endlessly, with various sections partitioned off for different kinds of training. In one corner, I saw a holographic projection system flickering to life, simulating various landscapes and environments. It was like a virtual world contained within a fortress.

In the center of the room stood a woman I recognized immediately—Psylocke. With her long purple hair and that purple knife, she was spinning on her fingertip, yup! That's Psylocke, no doubt about that. She was dressed in a dark bodysuit, and as she saw us approaching, she straightened up and gave a slight nod of acknowledgment.

"Aron, this is Psylocke," Storm said, introducing her with a wave of her hand. "She's one of the most skilled telepaths and martial artists here. I called her to help with the power testing."

"Psylocke," I greeted, trying not to let my excitement show. Seeing these characters in real life was still surreal, even though I was playing it cool.

"Nice to meet you, Aron," Psylocke replied, her voice carrying a certain calmness that was almost soothing. "I heard about your situation. Don't waste your time worrying about it. The more you think about it, the worse it'll get. So, instead of thinking about what ifs and not, just focus on the present. It gets much easier that way. So, you ready to test out your power?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Though I’m not exactly sure what I can do yet."

"We’ll figure that out," Storm said reassuringly. "But first, let’s see what your mutation is. Then we can decide your limitations. Psylocke will assist you by using her psionic powers. They’re unique, so it should give us a good idea of your mutation’s limits."

"Psionic powers?" I repeated, feigning ignorance again. "What does that mean exactly?"

"It means I can create weapons and constructs from pure psychic energy," Psylocke explained as she stepped closer. "For this test, I’ll be using my Psionic Knife—a weapon that targets your mind rather than your body. We’ll see if you can absorb it and what happens after that."

"Wow! You gonna put it in my head?!" I exclaimed with surprise. "Shouldn't we start small or something?"

Psylocke smirked slightly before saying, "Afraid I might mess up your brain? Don’t worry, I'm quite skilled with this thing. There's almost no chance of permanent damage."

"Almost...almost?!" I repeated nervously.

Storm laughed at my reaction. "You have nothing to fear. Psylocke is an expert at wielding this knife. If she says it's safe, then it's safe."

"Fine, fine. I trust you guys," I sighed, deciding to go along with their plan.

Psylocke took a deep breath, her hands beginning to glow with a vibrant purple light. Within moments, the energy coalesced into a blade, crackling with raw power. Wait! That's not a knife! That's a freaking foot-long sword made out of pure psychic energy! Holy shit!

"Wait a sec... How about we talk this out, huh?" I said as I took a step back. Fuck me! That's a big sword! I don't wanna get stabbed by that thing! It's not that I'm afraid or anything. Ok. Maybe a little. In the past, I took punches and survived gunshots, even got stabbed by knives, but that thing is made out of pure energy and I got a bad feeling about it.

"Don't you worry," Before I could resist, that blade had already stabbed my forehead.

I felt a jolt run through my entire body. It wasn’t pain, exactly, but more like a shock to my system, as if every nerve was being activated all at once.

"Focus!" Storm’s voice cut through the sensation. "Try to absorb it. You have done it before, you can do it again. You see, mutation often activates in danger."

Yeah, easy for you to say. I gritted my teeth and tried to do as she said. I concentrated on the energy, willing it to flow into me rather than push against me. Slowly, I felt a shift. The energy from the blade started to sink into my body, like water being absorbed by a sponge. It was still intense, but the more I focused, the more manageable it became.

"That’s it," Psylocke encouraged, her voice calm and steady. "You’re doing well."

As the last of the psionic energy was absorbed, I felt a strange sensation—a buildup of power inside me. It was as if the energy from the knife had settled somewhere deep within, waiting to be unleashed.

"How do you feel?" Storm asked, watching me with a serious expression.

"Different," I replied, flexing my fingers as I tried to get a sense of this new power. "It's weird... Hard to explain. It's like something waiting to rush out."

"Try releasing it," Psylocke suggested, stepping back to give me some space. "Focus on the energy and see if you can project it outward. Imagination is the key here. Visualize what you want and then let the energy take shape."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, focusing on the power within me. At first, it was difficult to find, but as I concentrated, I began to feel it growing stronger. It pulsated inside me like a heartbeat, sending waves of energy throughout my body. I pictured it flowing out of me...

At first, nothing happened, but then I felt a surge. The energy began to move, traveling from the core of my being, through my arm, and into my hand. A faint purple glow started to form around my fingers, growing brighter with each passing second.

"Good, now focus it into a shape," Psylocke instructed, her voice guiding me through the process.

I concentrated harder, trying to shape the energy the way Psylocke had. It was difficult—like trying to mold a piece of clay with your mind—but gradually, it started to take form. A small blade of purple energy appeared in my hand, not as defined as Psylocke’s but still recognizable.

"Wow," I muttered, staring at the blade in amazement.

"Looks like you're a fast learner," Psylocke smiled, impressed with my progress. "That's good. Try to create another blade in your left hand."

"Another? Oh, ok..." I did as she said, trying to replicate the same process. This time, it was easier. The energy flowed naturally, and within seconds, another blade appeared in my left hand.

"Excellent," Psylocke nodded, looking pleased. "Now, merge them into a single blade."

"Merge?" I frowned, confused.

"Yes, just focus on the two blades and try to make them become one," Psylocke explained patiently. "It's easier than it sounds."

I did as she said, concentrating on the two blades. Gradually, they began to merge, forming a single larger blade of purple energy. It was still a bit unstable, but it was definitely one entity instead of two.

"Incredible," Psylocke murmured, studying me closely. "You're a natural at this."

"Thanks," I grinned, proud of my accomplishment.


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[12 advance chapters] [No double billing]

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