X-Force: Beyond Omega

Ch: 8 [A tiresome morning]

Kitty phased right through the door, not bothering to wait for an invitation. She popped her head in first, smirking when she saw me sitting there in a half-awake state.

"Morning, sleepyhead!" she said, stepping fully into the room. She looked way too chipper for someone who should still be asleep.

"Morning," I mumbled. "What's up? And why do you care if I'm naked? You've already seen everything."

She laughed. "Well, I'm trying to respect some privacy around here after that incident. You never know what trauma I'd have to live with if I caught you in an embarrassing position. You know, some have some weird fetishes and I don't want to scar my mind."

I rolled my eyes, throwing my blanket over my legs. "So, what's going on?"

"Jean sent me," Kitty said, sitting on the edge of my bed. "She figured you'd want to join us for breakfast before the big winter break officially kicks in. It's tradition, after all."

"Breakfast? Right now?" I raised a brow. "Since when is that a thing?"

She shrugged. "Since forever. Maybe you were too busy with your 'intense training' to notice?"

I sighed, pulling on a hoodie. "Fine, I'll come. But I better not see weird holiday sweaters or I'm out."

Kitty laughed. "No promises. You know how festive the Professor gets."

We made our way downstairs, where the dining hall had been decorated for the season. Tinsel, wreaths, and even a giant Christmas tree stood near the windows, casting colorful lights across the room. Most of the students who hadn't gone home were already there, chatting over plates of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. And yes—there were plenty of holiday sweaters.

"Ugh, you weren't kidding," I muttered, spotting Logan of all people wearing a hideous sweater with a reindeer on it. "I think my eyes are burning."

Kitty snorted. "That's Jubilee's idea. Hehehe! Just wait until you see Beast's sweater. It lights up."

I facepalmed. "Of course it does."

Jean waved us over from the far end of the table. She wasn't in anything festive, which was a small relief. I grabbed a plate and sat down across from her, trying to act like I didn't notice the mountain of food on her plate.

"Morning," Jean greeted with a smile. "Sleep well?"

"Sort of," I replied. "Until Kitty here barged into my room."

"Oh, come on, it was a polite intrusion," Kitty defended herself, piling syrup on her pancakes.

I shook my head and dug into my food. For a while, we just ate in peace, chatting about nothing important. The energy in the room was light, and it was a nice break from the usual intensity of the academy.

"So, got any plans for the break?" Jean asked me as she finished her coffee.

I shrugged. "Not really. Figured I'd stay here and keep training. Maybe enjoy the snow a bit and if I'm lucky, I'll find a job. Can't stay penniless all the time, can I now?"

"All work and no play," Kitty said, wagging a finger at me. "You need to relax sometimes, you know?"

"I relax," I countered. "I just do it while freezing things."

Jubilee walked toward us, hearing our conversation, and joined in, "Maybe you could join us for some actual fun this time. We're planning a snowball fight later. The kids are really excited about it."

I arched a brow. "Snowball fight? Isn't that a little... childish?"

"Yes," Jean said with a grin, "and it's a great way to let off steam. Think of it as training if that makes you feel better."

"I think I'll just take a walk outside. I don't remember the last time I went out, so, yeah..."

I trailed off. I was surprised by the chorus of disappointed groans that followed my declaration. Kitty even gave me puppy dog eyes, as if that would convince me to change my mind.

"Nope. You ain't gonna play that card against me. Not happening. I just want some time alone away from you," I pointed at Kitty, "and you," I pointed at Jubilee.

Jean chuckled, and I turned to her. "Don't you dare join them."

"Well, I guess I'll join you then if you don't mind," Jean offered. "A walk sounds nice. Plus, since you want to make some money, I know the perfect place." The last part, she said through telepathy.

"Uhh... Sure," I replied, and Jean smirked, knowing she got me.

Kitty frowned. "Really? You two? I thought we were friends. What happened to girl power?"

"Girl power is fine," Jean said. "But we all need some space sometimes. You and Jubes should understand that."

The girls looked at each other, shrugged, then nodded. Kitty threw her arm around Jubilee's shoulders.

"Fine, as long as you bring us pizza when you get back, we're good."

"Deal," Jean agreed. "Now finish your breakfast and clean up. And don't go blasting things up again, Jubilee." She then turned toward Logan. "And you better keep an eye on them instead of fiddling with that old bike of yours!"

Logan grunted, but he didn't argue. Kitty and Jubilee stifled their giggles before digging into their food.

After breakfast, I went back to my room, hoping to squeeze in some more rest. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy the festive atmosphere, it was nice to see everyone in a good mood for a change, but after a month of intense training, I needed every bit of downtime I could get. Besides, I had a feeling that if I stuck around the dining hall any longer, I'd get dragged into their pace, and there was no way I was letting that happen.

I collapsed on my bed, the warmth of my room a stark contrast to the winter chill outside. The sound of muffled laughter from the hall filtered through the walls as I pulled the blanket over myself.

I closed my eyes, letting the calm wash over me. In the back of my mind, I wondered what Jean had meant earlier about a way to make money. The academy covered basic needs, but having a bit of cash wouldn't hurt. Maybe she had some side gigs lined up—something that wouldn't require me to show off my mutation too much.

After a couple of hours, I woke up feeling more refreshed. Glancing at the clock, I noticed it was nearing noon. Time for that walk. I threw on my usual winter coat, making sure to pack a pair of gloves, and headed downstairs. Jean was waiting for me at the entrance, already bundled up in her coat and scarf.

"Ready?" she asked.

"Yeah. Lead the way."

We stepped outside, and the cold hit me immediately. The fresh layer of snow from last night crunched beneath our boots as we made our way across the academy grounds. The trees, heavy with snow, lined the path, and the sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the pristine white.

For a while, we didn't talk. The quiet was comforting. Jean walked beside me, hands stuffed in her pockets, her breath visible in the chilly air.

As we reached the gates of the academy, I finally broke the silence. "So, you gonna tell me where we're going, or is this some kind of top-secret mission?"

Jean smirked, glancing at me from the corner of her eye. "It's not a mission. But it is top secret." She paused, and I could hear her voice in my head again. "Especially from the Professor."

That caught my attention. I raised an eyebrow but didn't push her for details. We continued walking, leaving the academy grounds behind and heading into the city. The streets were bustling with people doing last-minute shopping, cars honking as they navigated through the holiday traffic.

We eventually turned down a quieter street, the buildings becoming taller and more commercial. A neon sign ahead flashed in bold letters: Lucky Star Casino.

I stopped in my tracks, blinking in disbelief. "A casino?" I asked out loud, turning to Jean.

She grinned. "You said you needed money, right? I know a few tricks to help with that." She nodded toward the building. "Come on, it'll be fun."

"Wait! Don't tell me!" I muttered, hesitating. She uses her power to win in a casino, hahaha! Dang! I like this Jean.

"Not if you play smart," Jean replied, her smile growing. "And like I said, don't tell the Professor. He'd lecture us for weeks."

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[12 advance chapters] [No double billing]

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