Xian Xian

Chapter 139

Chapter 138: Favorite

Gu Mingke walked into the garden. He stared at the sturdy purple flower tree in front of him, silently raising his hand and covering it on the trunk.

Spiritual energy flows along the trunk and into the root system extending in all directions. The roots of the tree are extremely large, and Gu Mingke has been digging down the most central fibrous roots. Finally, he saw the scene in the depths.

Many bones were buried under the tree. Looking at the shape of the bones, some of these bones also include animals. Among them, there are three skeletons nestled together, one male and one female on each side, surrounding the slender young skeleton in the middle, which looks like a pair of parents and children.

They have horns on top of their heads and a long tail vertebra behind them. The cub in the middle has not even grown horns.

Gu Mingke withdrew his spiritual consciousness, and his spiritual power instantly withdrew from the depths of the earth. Judging from the shape of their bones, this should be a nightmare beast that has been extinct for a long time.

The nightmare beast is a kind of strange beast, with talents and magical powers hidden in its unicorn, which can lead people to dreams. Because of this, they were hunted down by many people just to gouge out the horns of their heads to make incense for the powerful. Gradually, the nightmare beast is extinct?.

The predecessor of this palace was an ancient temple. Those in power killed many slaves and beasts that gathered in Feng Shui. After a long period of time, they were forgotten. Until the last emperor of the former dynasty came here to play, he discovered this by accident. It is a treasured land of feng shui with beautiful mountains and clear waters. The former Emperor Chao Mo liked this place very much, and he immediately demolished the temple and changed it to his residence.

Later, the dynasty changed again, and the Xing Palace fell into the hands of Li Tang and was seized by the Wu clan. The male pet disliked Luoyang’s sultry heat, and the queen brought her darling to this palace to escape the heat.

The kingship on the ground changed several times, but the bones buried in the ground melted away day by day, rotted into mud in the dark, and bloomed again. In order to please the emperor, the palace people planted many strange flowers and weeds in the palace. The corpses of the nightmare beasts bloomed with purple flowers along the rhizomes, and steamed out a fine sweet fragrance, just like the incense pills that burned in the Han palace. Generally, it helps people fall asleep and induces people to dream.

The purple broken flowers on the grassland, the unknown purple flower trees in the palace, and the places where there are the bones of nightmare beasts, there are such beautiful and fragrant flowers. The flowers bloom year after year, but no one can name this purple flower. Because of this, it doesn’t have a name.

The flowers blooming on the corpse shouldn’t exist in the world? How could they be named?

Gu Mingke verified? His guess, retracted his hand, and hurried to the bedroom. Li Chaoge still stayed in a dream, every time she stayed, the danger increased by one point.

The nightmare beast is a kind of auspicious beast. When its unicorn hits a person, the person who is hit can have a good night’s dream. The powerful nightmare beast can even sense the previous life of the opponent, and then cast it into the dream. It is precisely because of this supernatural power that it brings them a scourge.

The nightmare beast is auspicious when it is alive, but it is completely different after death. In particular, the nightmare beast group buried under the palace was a vain death. It has been buried under the ground for many years without seeing the sun. The soul is still restrained and cannot leave. The resentment on the bones of the nightmare beast is getting heavier and worse, and the miasma gradually breeds.

The purple flowers only bloom for half a month. During this month, they will be tempting to dream, and then quietly swallow the soul of each other in the dream. Since ancient times, the manipulation of spells is similar. The more emotional and sincere the control is, the easier the manipulation will be successful. Spiritualism often selects young women who are sentimental and caring, and the principle of selecting people for nightmare beasts is similar.

People who like in their hearts tend to think and think more and are easy to be drawn into dreams, especially when there is a sweetheart in the dream, most people will choose to stop in the dream. This gives the nightmare beast a chance. Nightmare beasts will replay the life of the person they love in their dreams. If they go to big ups and downs, the prey will often resonate strongly, and even willing to give everything to change the destiny of the sweetheart. This is the easiest time to start. The Nightmare Beast helps the prey to change the ending, weaves an illusory dream for them, and takes the opportunity to **** the soul of the prey. The prey is addicted to dreams and happily stays with the people he likes, but in real life he has already died silently.

Therefore, every year in the palace, there are some women who die without disease, no murderer or illness, and even women with smiles at the corners of their mouths when they die. The queen came this year, and the Nightmare Beast found a more suitable target, and then let it go? This group of Gong E.

I want to know that most of Gong E’s sweethearts are ordinary people, and when it comes to the ups and downs of life, they can’t compare to this group of princes and grandchildren. Li Chaoge has studied the fairy law, and her soul is stronger than ordinary mortals. She has experienced two lives, and her love-hate entanglement is deeper than others. No matter from which aspect, she is the best target.

Gu Mingke guessed that there should be someone else in the palace who was recruited, but now he can’t take care of it, he must first rescue Li Chaoge.

Gu Mingke is a god, he would not be affected by the nightmare beast, but when someone spied on his fate, he felt a little bit, and he also saw a fragment of his life. At first Gu Mingke thought it was accidental, but dreams happened one after another, and Gu Mingke finally confirmed that it was a nightmare beast.

However, it is too late by this time? Li Chaoge was in a deep dream, unable to extricate himself. If the two dreams are synchronized, then Gu Mingke probably knows what she will experience next?.

When Gu Mingke returned to the palace, he asked the maid: “Where is the princess?”

The court lady stood in front of the lamp, whispered: “The princess is still sleeping.”

This is really a regretful and not surprising answer. Gu Mingke said: “Next I will guard, you all go out.”

Gu Mingke is a messenger, and the maids went out without any doubts?. The maids blew out the candle and gently closed the hall door. After the people left, the room returned to silence. Gu Mingke sat down in front of Li Chaoge’s bed, and whispered again: “Li Chaoge?”

This time he used spiritual power, but Li Chaoge still had no response. This is really a very troublesome situation. The nightmare beast’s dream disagrees with other phantom dreams, and the spellists often stay in the dream voluntarily. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for the outside world to wake them up. Based on the fragments he saw, Gu Mingke secretly calculated that Li Chaoge was progressing in his dream during the time he was out? Where did he go.

Calculating the time, at least it has come to the battle of Changling. The nightmare beast has a very powerful ability to weave fantasy dreams. The dreamer can empathize to the greatest extent. The happiness and pain, bleeding and injury of the dream owner will be passed on to the dreamer. Gu Mingke knew what was going to happen next, so he didn’t want Li Chaoge to experience it at all.

Before the maid left, most of the lights were turned off, and there was only a small light in front of the bed. The candle’s wick shook, and it fell completely silent.

Gu Mingke looked at Li Chaoge’s profile in the faint, if the selected person’s emotions were not sincere or pure, they would not be drawn into a dream at all, let alone fall into an illusion so quickly. The person she dreamed of was him, what does it mean?

The scam woven in the name of love can only be cracked by love.


Li Chaoge was watching a war in his dream. This was another victory with less. The second son took advantage of the enemy’s eagerness to win, pretending to be defeated, retreat, and lure the enemy to go deeper, and finally surrounded by pieces and annihilated one by one. The battle was fought beautifully, and the enemy’s vitality was greatly injured by this battle, and it lost more than 80% of its troops, and no longer had the ability to fight against Kui.

This is like a turning point. Countries finally realize that a powerful enemy has risen from a place where no one is paying attention. The nations have lost their voices and began to cooperate one after another to besiege Kui.

The battle of Changling shocked both inside and outside, and thus changed the situation of the countries. The name of the Qin eldest son of the Martial God also made a lot of noise, and his name spread all over the world. Although Valkyrie was also a code name, this was the first time that the second son did not appear as Brother Wang, but because he was remembered. The Second Young Master does not reject this title, even after the fermentation of civil art, the people in the portraits are getting more and more weird and outrageous.

In the past three years, the second son has basically stayed on the battlefield. For one thing, the front line is tight and uncomfortable, and secondly, he is unwilling to go back. In the army, he is free to be himself, unlike in the palace, he walks on thin ice and does not see the sun. Even if he can appear in front of people, he must be careful to play another person.

Three years can change a lot. The thin boy has become shoulder-wide and long-legged, with sharp sharp edges. The situation in the nations has become all-encompassing, and the relationship between him and his brother has become subtle.

The deeds of Valkyrie spread quickly among the people. Later, his reputation became more and more popular. Many things that he did not do were also put on the head of Valkyrie. The court of Kui Kingdom quickly reacted and took advantage of the momentum to make a name for the **** of war. What was born auspicious, juvenile prodigy, and king of destiny were all mixed together. However, the eldest son of the Qin clan already has the name of a child prodigy. At this moment, the two images are put together and it is not abrupt. However, for the two parties, the feeling is completely different.

After the Battle of Changling, the second son has been running around on the battlefield. Although they were victorious, the war did not end. The rest of the nations realize that Kui is growing, and they are plotting to unite in the past few days, wanting the six-nation coalition to besiege Kui.

The Shangdang winter was dry and cold. The second son came back from outside the city, and the attendant sent a message saying that he had received a letter from the royal capital.

The father summoned him back to the palace, saying that he had something to discuss. The second son had just checked the soldiers and horses. At this moment, Kui Jun had sufficient food and grass, and his morale was strong, and the enemy country was no longer able to fight. He should leave the party for a short time and it should not be a problem.

The second son confessed to his men? Patroling and arming, he took his entourage and rushed to the royal capital.

He wanted to go and come back soon, so he didn’t say anything, only brought a few people. Except for a few high-level officials, no one knew that he had left. He walked out of the city in the morning hoarfrost, rode a horse, and ran towards the palace quickly.

On the tenth day of the first lunar month, he had just passed his eighteenth birthday.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Li Chaoge appeared outside the palace. She felt an invisible storm, and her royal intuition told her that it was not easy for King Kui to call the second son back to the palace this time. Once the eldest son was active outside, the second son could only hide in the deep palace and quietly be a shadow. Now the second son is shining on the battlefield, the eldest son wants to avoid people’s eyes. The brotherhood of the royal family can’t stand the test at all. Two people share the same identity, and there must be a solution.

Li Chaoge sighed secretly, letting the twin brothers pretend to be alone was the most stupid decision. Obviously both of them are excellent, and any one of them can be competent for the king. If they did not hide their identity at the beginning, the two brothers were in charge of the palace and the other was fighting in the field, no matter what, it would be better than now. Li Chaoge watched him stop at the gate of the palace, unresolved, and quickly walked towards the palace. Li Chaoge instinctively followed, but at this time, the ground suddenly began to shake, Li Chaoge raised his head, and the originally stable dream was faintly broken.

Someone outside of the sky seems to be calling her: “Li Chaoge, come out.”

Li Chaoge felt that the world was collapsing, but she was not reconciled. When the second son was still young, she had seen his front face, but since he was able to move around freely when he was five or six years old, she could only follow behind him, like a spirit behind him, watching his back day by day. Li Chaoge wanted to see his front face very much, but there was a kind of binding force that restricted her movement. But it doesn’t matter, he has a twin brother, and he can’t see the second son’s appearance, just like the older son.

The last time Li Chaoge saw the eldest son? It was when the other party was twelve years old. He was still fat at the age of twelve, and his appearance was slightly different from that of adulthood. But this time the opponent is already eighteen, Li Chaoge can recognize it anyway.

She has a very bold guess, she needs to be verified. She also knew that this dream was strange, but she was only the last step away, and she was unwilling to leave here.

Li Chaoge kept ignoring the sound of the sky and continued to move forward. She walked into the tall and ancient city, and her dreams were increasingly repelling her. Li Chaoge insisted on walking for two more steps, and suddenly felt a strong sense of falling.

Li Chaoge opened her eyes suddenly, still with the thrill of weightlessness remaining in her eyes. She stared at the scene in front of her, unable to react for a moment.

She has always wondered what he will look like when he grows up. She saw him when he was two years old. At that time, he was lovely with Yuxue and long eyelashes. Li Chaoge always thought, such beautiful eyes, I don’t know what they will look like in the future.

But don’t be long?

But now, Li Chaoge is staring at the eyes that are close at hand. These eyes are beautifully contoured, and the eyelashes are thick and slender, and the beautiful lines can still be seen when the eyes are closed. He seemed to feel something, and slowly opened his eyes, his pupils were as clear as jade, black and white were distinct.

If those eyes grow up, they will probably look like this. He hasn’t been disabled, he is still extremely beautiful.

The two looked at each other, and Gu Mingke held down the back of her head deeper and passed the fairy qi to her.

Li Chaoge felt the fresh air surging between his lips and teeth, and finally reacted, reaching out to push Gu Mingke’s shoulders. Gu Mingke made sure that she had woken up and let her go.

Li Chaoge was free and immediately gasped. She half-supported her body laboriously, and touched her lips in disbelief. There seemed to be Gu Mingke’s cold breath still remaining on it. What’s terrible was that even at this time, he looked cold, self-sufficient, calm and calm.

Li Chaoge’s mentality exploded: “What are you doing?”

“Passing Qi.” Gu Mingke sat on the side of her bed upright, with a calm tone as if he was stating the case, “You are caught in a dream, and there is life-threatening danger. I can only do this.”

Li Chaoge’s eyes widened and he was surprisingly angry: “Don’t you? Think I haven’t learned about Xiuxian, so you can deceive. What do you have to do to pass the qi? Use the lip-to-lip method? Isn’t it faster to come in from the pulse?”

Gu Mingke nodded, confirmed? Her thoughts: “It’s faster, but it’s useless.”

Li Chaoge’s eyes opened wider and wider, and she even felt that she was dreaming now. Is this Gu Mingke? Even if Li Chaoge was not in the accident, but was kissed by a man, after waking up, the other party was still acting in a business and unmoved appearance, she would be furious.

Li Chaoge sat up **** the bed, stared at him coldly, and asked, “What do you mean? Could you explain what you did just now? Why?”

Gu Mingke actually gave it a straightforward explanation: “You are poisoned.” Gu Mingke pointed to the purple flower outside the hall, and said: “This is the flower that grows from the bones of the nightmare beast. It can be tempting to indulge. Dreamland, when you have empathy with the person in your dream, it will take advantage of the emptiness and swallow your soul.”

Li Chaoge thought for a while, this statement was consistent with her dream. If she had really entered the palace with the second son, she would be in danger. Li Chaoge basically believed it, but she still looked like she didn’t get in, and asked coldly: “Is there any more?”

“Besides you, there should be others who are trapped. According to the nightmare beast’s criteria for picking people, Li Changle is also very dangerous.”

Li Chaoge tilted his head and thought, “Why do you say that?”

“Girls who are pregnant with spring think more about it. This kind of person is the easiest to deceive, and it is easy to be hung up after entering the dream state. If I don’t wake you up, will it be easy for you to agree to some conditions on the other side when you see the next picture?”

Li Chaoge thought for a while, really? She was immersed in her emotions, as if she had been with him? Once in life, if she really sees something later, she does not guarantee that she can face it calmly. If the subject was changed to Li Changle, it would be a fool.

When Li Chaoge thought of danger, he immediately thought of the queen: “What about the queen?”

Gu Mingke glanced at her clearly: “Nightmare beasts feed on emotions and do not choose prey based on their status. The emotions of the empress and Wu Yuanqing are not true enough, and nightmare beasts are not rare.”

Li Chaoge was speechless for a while, and the queen obviously loved Zhang Yanchang so much…but this explanation was **** convincing, and Li Chaoge didn’t hesitate to believe it?.

Li Chaoge was thinking about the nightmare beast, but he forgot it? Asked the question just now, and focused on solving the monster: “Then how to solve it?”

“There are two ways. One is to use the other way to return the body, the nightmare beast uses the dream to lure its prey into the game. If it can find the real person in the dream and make a certain amount of physical contact, the dreamer can wake up. .”

Li Chaoge’s eyebrows jumped: “Just like you did?”

Gu Mingke did not refute, but admitted? He did not ask Li Chaoge what he dreamed of, and Li Chaoge no longer had to verify his answer.

Li Chaoge asked: “What kind of physical contact can save a person? Is it necessary to appear in person, or? Is it possible to use the other party’s old things…”

“I must be in person.” Gu Mingke said in a very calm tone, serious, “For example, holding hands, hugging, kissing or even having sex. This kind of contact is not okay with objects?”

Li Chaoge thought he was rough enough, but he blushed when he heard these words. She waved her hand weakly and said, “Okay, what is the other way?”

How could Gu Mingke say such things peacefully? This method is not feasible? Sex, first of all, how does Li Chaoge know who Li Changle’s dream person is, even if he asks the maid to know?, how does Li Chaoge find someone and ask him to hug a married princess?

Li Chaoge is ready to smash the second method, even if it is going to the sword, the mountain and the fire, she will definitely win it. Gu Mingke was still very calm and said, “The second way is to find the nightmare beast body and kill their ghosts.”

Li Chaoge was stunned for a while. Her temples twitched, she endured her emotions and asked, “Obviously the second method is simple and once and for all, why don’t you choose?”

Gu Mingke was very calm: “The banquet outside is over, and there are people everywhere. Except the nightmare beast’s movements are too big, I am not suitable to come forward.”

“It’s nonsense.” Li Chaoge stared at Gu Mingke hard and said, “With your ability, you can solve this matter quietly without disturbing anyone.”

Why do you have to? Wake up Li Chaoge in that way, and then let her kill the nightmare beast? He doesn’t have to be near and far, and he has to go to great troubles.

Gu Mingke didn’t struggle, nodded and admitted: “Yes.”

He had a second choice, which was even better, but he didn’t.

Li Chaoge was angry and shocked, mixed with panic that she didn’t even know: “Why?”

Gu Mingke stared at Li Chaoge deeply, and there seemed to be dim light floating in the depths of his eyes: “I want to verify one thing.”

Li Chaoge unknowingly held his breath: “Verify what?”

Gu Mingke seemed to sigh and whispered: “Silly girl. Do you know how the nightmare beast chooses the lord of the dreamland after it picks its prey?”

Li Chaoge felt something was wrong inexplicably. She was wary and asked: “How did you choose?”

“It chooses the one the prey likes.” Gu Mingke looked at her with the lake and mountains in his eyes, as if only the reflection of Li Chaoge, “Only the one who truly loves will be pleased by the other party, because the other party? Sad and sorrowful, I will be willing to make a deal with the nightmare beast for the other party.”

Li Chaoge was stunned. Dreaming of someone you like? Then she dreamed of Gu Mingke?

Gu Mingke continued: “You have a person you like, and your feelings are true, and you don’t stop at your physical appearance. That person is me.”

It’s really gratifying, her liking for him doesn’t stop at her appearance. Li Chaoge’s mind was dizzy, as if his whole body was warming up: “You…who said it was you?”

Gu Mingke slowly said, “I wake you up, just like watching a child who has been pierced in his mind and harassed.”

Yes, Gu Mingke just said so much, many clues are faintly corroborating, Li Chaoge should have reacted long ago. But she was panicked by this thunder? God didn’t even connect these words.

She was selfish in her heart, and she was exposed to her face to face, Li Chao, the singer was at a loss, and was so embarrassed that she suddenly abandoned herself. She simply broke the jar and looked at Gu Mingke calmly: “Then what are you going to do?”

“The marriage is all done? What can I do.” Gu Mingke said quietly, “It’s just right, there’s no need to divorce.”

Rao is Li Chaoge preparing? In various situations, he didn’t expect him to say such things. Seeing her look suspicious, Gu Mingke smiled, smiled, and straightened the hair on her shoulders behind her: “Did you say? Attacking the shield with his spear, you will dream of someone who treats you sincerely. For the same reason, the other party can wake you up.”

Li Chaoge stopped? Can’t understand? What is Gu Mingke talking about. Gu Mingke stroked her long hair and leaned over to kiss her gently.

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