Xian Xian

Chapter 14

Chapter 13: Recognize

Since his rebirth, Pei Ji’an has often been in a trance. He thought he had just been born, and he hadn’t separated from his previous life, so he would just wait for a while. Until today, when he met Li Chaoge, he finally understood that it was not because of time.

The influence that Li Chaoge brought to him, even if it crosses life and death, and reincarnates as a human being, it will always be indelible. He thought he could let go, but when he saw her, just a silhouette was enough to set off a stormy sea in his heart.

Especially when he realized that she was born again.

The previous life Li Chaoge returned to Chang’an in the twenty-fourth year of Yonghui. When she returned to the palace, Gao Di had already passed away. After the death of the first emperor, as long as the latter emperor and the first emperor have a good relationship and are more face-to-face, they will generally continue the reign of the former emperor until the next year and then change the name to Xinyuan. Therefore, after Li Huai succeeded to the throne, he continued to use the reign of Gotti Li Ze.

Unfortunately, Li Huai didn’t ascend to the throne smoothly at all and was imprisoned. The political situation in the eastern capital was violently turbulent, and finally, the Queen Mother Wu clan took charge of the government. One year later, Li Huai was deposed and Wu Zhao ascended the throne.

The rise of Li Chaoge is inseparable from Empress Wu’s power. Empress Wu urgently needed someone to help her eradicate her political opponents. At this moment, Li Chaoge appeared.

In his previous life in the 22nd year of Yonghui, Li Chaoge didn’t even know that he was a princess, and it was even impossible for him to run from Jiannan to Mianchi, just right to help Gaodi with a fatal blow. There is only one explanation for all this, and that is that she foresaw the following things and came to Luoyang ahead of time.

Pei Ji’an was in a state of confusion for a while, and didn’t know how to face Li Chaoge. He thought that the two had cleared up and he could start a new life of his own, but why, he had a memory, and Li Chaoge also had a memory?

Are they reborn, or are they still living in their previous lives?

Pei Ji’an was in a trance, and was suddenly awakened by the sounds around him. Li Chaoge led the black bear away, and finally made room around the emperor. The attendants reacted and rushed to protect the emperor from evacuation.

Pei Ji’an forcibly stopped the messy thoughts in his mind, and quickly stepped forward to protect the emperor from retreating.

The emperor was surrounded by people. As he walked, he kept turning his head and asked: “This girl is…”

The attendants shook their heads together, not only the emperor was curious, but they were also curious. Before today, if someone told them that people can fight bears with their bare hands, they would have to laugh out loud. But now, all of this really happened before their eyes.

Not only can you fight the bear alone, you can even push the bear away. And all this happened to a young girl.

Bai Qianhe squatted on the tree and fell into doubt about his life. For more than two decades, he has always felt that he is handsome and talented. He has been the one who has made the most progress among his peers since he was a child. But now, he began to waver.

Li Chaoge looked quiet and beautiful, but he was able to catch the attack of a bear and pushed the bear away abruptly. Is this really something that can be achieved by one person?

Bai Qianhe recalled the journey from Jiannan to Dongdu, and immediately thanked Li Chaoge for not killing.

Li Chaoge was fighting with the black bear, and she noticed that the emperor had gone far away, which meant that she could let go of her hands and feet to attack. Li Chaoge immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and stopped looking forward and backward. However, after all, bears have no natural enemies in the jungle. They have thick skin and great strength. What’s terribly heavy is their incredible weight. This black bear has become mentally conscious, knowing how to use his advantage, it is extremely difficult to fight.

Li Chaoge can’t completely contain the black bear alone, she needs help. Adhering to the principle that coolies don’t need to be used for nothing, Li Chaoge was not polite, and shouted directly at Bai Qianhe’s hiding place: “Don’t hide, you come down and help me, I won’t arrest you and go to Dali Temple.”

Bai Qianhe did not intend to stand on the sidelines… However, when he heard Li Chaoge’s exchange of terms, his face was distorted for a moment.

This woman, even the reason for asking for help is so unconventional.

Bai Qianhe watched at the right time to jump off the tree, kicked on the black bear’s head with the momentum, and jumped into the air one by one, and asked, “What do you want me to do?”

“Tangle it.”

This requirement is not a problem for Bai Qianhe. Although he has learned boxing skills, after all, light work is his specialty. Bai Qianhe couldn’t fight alone, but Bai Qianhe dared to accept it by holding the black bear and flying a kite with it.

Bai Qianhe performed light work, fascinated in the woods, kicking the black bear from time to time. The black bear spirit was so annoyed by him that he roared irritably.

Li Chaoge took the opportunity to condense his true energy on the sword, and aimed at the black bear spirit’s head. The bear was originally rough and thick, and this black bear was stamina-hungry. It would be too troublesome to attack its body and slowly find the gate of life, so it is better to head directly.

As long as you blow your head, no matter what the monster is damned, it’s simple and easy.

Li Chaoge took advantage of the black bear’s sight to be attracted by Bai Qianhe, flew up, and hit the black bear with a heavy sword on the head. Li Chaoge’s sword was filled with infuriating energy, but it still did not pierce the black bear spirit’s fur, but the black bear spirit’s head was hit hard and it was uncomfortable.

The black bear spirit was surprisingly furious, roaring and rushing towards Li Chaoge, and slapped a palm vigorously. Li Chaoge didn’t take it hard, she jumped up at a very close distance, stepped on the forefoot of the black bear spirit, and flew out with the force of the black bear spirit’s palm before the black bear spirit grasped it tightly.

The black bear had great strength, and this time he sent Li Chaoge far away, just to avoid the black bear’s attack. The black bear spirit realized that he was being used by this person, and was angry and angry, roaring and chasing behind Li Chaoge. It’s a pity that the black bear spirit has a huge body, how can it be lighter than Li Chaoge. She calmly turned over on the tree, Shi Shiran fell from the top of the tree.

When landing, she inadvertently raised her eyes, just to see a person on the opposite side riding on the horse, watching her quietly.

He is riding a white horse, wearing a white clothes, holding the reins, and sitting on the saddle easily and upright. There was a dead leaf falling in the middle, the two looked at each other, and neither of them spoke.

Obviously, there is a fierce battlefield not far away, but for him, it seems to be walking leisurely in his garden.

Li Chaoge’s pupils contracted violently, and he didn’t even notice that his feet were stepping on the ground. She had never seen this person, but he gave her an unparalleled sense of familiarity.

The immortal she saw in Pingshan when she was twelve, and the masked man who appeared in the Black Forest a few days ago, could it be him?

Li Chaoge was so shocked that she forgot that she was still fighting. At this time, the stones on the ground trembled slightly, and Bai Qianhe collapsed behind and shouted: “Sister, what are you doing? I can’t hold it here anymore!”

Li Chaoge returned to his senses, and quickly raised his sword with his backhand, and went to the front to help Bai Qianhe. Li Chaoge and Bai Qianhe attacked and restrained each other. Although it was the first time they cooperated, they were both experienced men and worked closely together. It didn’t take long for the huge black bear spirit to fall to the ground with a thud.

After the black bear fell, Bai Qianhe also fell down with exhaustion. It was too exciting. He grew up so old and had never experienced such a fierce battle. Dangerous, but also fun!

After all, Li Chaoge’s current skill is no better than her previous life, and she looks a little embarrassed. She wiped the sweat off the side of her face, and fixed her eyes on the place just now. However, there was no one there.

He disappeared again?

Does he really exist, or is it just an illusion of her?

Li Chaoge couldn’t help but kicked Bai Qianhe’s clothes and asked, “Hey, can you see the man riding a horse just now?”

Bai Qianhe was lying on the ground, he was too lazy to move, and said casually: “Yes. There is such a **** bear standing here, and his horse is not frightened. What a good horse!”

Li Chaoge was frowning and thinking. Hearing Bai Qianhe’s words, he was angry and disgusted: “Are you concerned about these things?”

How could Bai Qianhe not know what Li Chaoge meant. Only when the two of them were fighting with the black bear, the man was not far away, and he didn’t even dismount. But the black bear entangled them wholeheartedly, and did not attack the weaker white-clothed man at all.

In fact, Bai Qianhe had noticed this person early. He was calm and composed when he saw the man strolling in the courtyard. He thought he had seen a ghost. He has been holding back not to say, but he did not expect that Li Chaoge could also see it.

It’s not a ghost, it’s a human. The black bear attacked them but didn’t attack the white-clothed man. Either the man had a unique invisibility technique, or the man’s morality was too high, far beyond the black bear. Animals seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so they dare not provoke stronger enemies.

No matter which explanation, it is scary to think about it.

Bai Qianhe lay on the ground like a muddy beach, once again doubting his self-recognition.

A suspected lost princess in Dongdu can break a bear with her bare hands, and an ordinary-looking family prince on the hunting ground can scare the giant bear from approaching.

The imperial court is so crouching tiger, hiding dragon? Is it true that the government has been indifferent to the arena for many years, but it is actually showing mercy?

After Li Chaoge and Bai Qianhe put the bear down, the waiter in red came over shortly after. The servant cautiously walked around the giant bear on the ground, and after making sure that the other party was completely dead, he walked over with relief: “This girl, this gentleman, please, please.”

Bai Qianhe lay crookedly on the ground, seeming to be foolish, but in fact immediately went to observe Li Chaoge’s expression. Li Chaoge received the sword, his face was straight, and he nodded slightly: “Okay.”

Li Chaoge followed the servant without resistance. Bai Qianhe’s eyes rolled around, and a carp bounced off the ground, following Li Chaoge, planning to go to the front to see the excitement.

Li Chaoge was quickly brought to Li Ze. The emperor was surrounded by many people. When he saw Li Chaoge coming, he asked, “Did you kill the bear?”

When Li Chaoge saw the emperor, his fingers tightened. She was tight all over, but she nodded coldly on her face: “Yes. Not only me, there is another person to help.”

The emperor knew that although he was pampered and ignorant of martial arts, he could see who contributed the most in the battle just now. Without another person, she can kill the black bear, but it takes a little longer; but without her, only another man can not put the black bear down in any way.

It is rare for the emperor to see such a tyrannical person in martial arts, and such an astonishing force also appeared on a little girl. The emperor was curious, and asked easily: “What is your name, where is your hometown, and who are your parents? Given that you are not very young, why do you have such a powerful martial arts?”

Li Chaoge held the sword tightly with his fingers, his knuckles were stretched white because of too much force. She stopped for a while to control her voice, and said nonchalantly, “I was lost since I was a child. I don’t know who my parents are. I was raised by a knight. I live in Jiannan Road with my adoptive father. Jiannan Renshi.”

Lost since childhood, Jiannan…The emperor’s eyes moved when he heard these words. He became serious inexplicably, and carefully examined Li Chaoge’s face. He felt good-natured just now, and now he looks more closely, and it really looks more like it.

The emperor’s voice tightened unconsciously and asked: “When did you get lost and how old is this year?”

“The old man said that he was six years old when he picked me up. It has been ten years now, exactly sixteen…”

Just like Chaoge, the emperor’s face changed, and he asked: “Then do you know your name?”

Li Chaoge shook his head: “I don’t know, I just remember that when I was young, someone seemed to call me Brother Chao, and all these old men and others called me Brother Chao.”

The news of Princess Anding’s loss was announced to the world, and the emperor could hear it, but other people could not. Many entourages and servants showed suspicion. How could it happen that the saint and Tianhou went to the palace to relax, happened to be attacked by a wild bear, happened to be rescued by someone, and happened to have the same life experience as Princess Anding?

How could there be such a perfect coincidence in the world?

The servants and courtiers all looked suspicious, but the emperor was in deep thoughts. He waved away his entourage, and the people around him called out “Your Majesty.” The emperor insisted on stepping out of the protection circle regardless of him, stopping in front of Li Chaoge, staring at her carefully.

Li Chaoge’s back tightened. The emperor looked at it for a while, the corners of his eyes suddenly moistened, and said, “Like, too much.”

The cheeks and forehead portrait of the young queen, smooth and round, is an atmospheric oval face. And her eyes and nose carry the profoundness of the Li family.

Li’s ancestors have the Hu people’s ancestry, and his eyebrows are more straightforward than ordinary people. She undoubtedly inherited the strengths of both her parents, her face is smooth, her skin is delicate, her eyebrows are exquisite and three-dimensional, and the bridge of her nose is straight and straight. Especially her eyes are beautifully curved, with long eyelashes, and the corners of her eyes are slightly raised. There is a murderous look in her beauty.

Li Chaoge asked knowingly, but said blankly: “What’s the matter?”

The emperor stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears from the corner of his eyes, and squeezed Li Chaoge’s hand firmly, and said gratifyingly: “My child, you are not from the Jiannan family, and you are not called Brother Chao. You were born in Chang’an, and call Li Chaoge by your name.”

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