Xian Xian

Chapter 19

Chapter 18: Grab someone

With sparks burning in Li Chaoge’s eyes, he walked toward Pei Ji’an aggressively. Is this picture too familiar? Pei Ji’an was taken aback for a moment, thinking that he had returned to his previous life.

That seemed to be a banquet. He gave stability to his return in accordance with the etiquette? The princess asked for peace. Li Chaoge also wore a big red dress and sat on the top. When he saw him, his eyes suddenly lit up.

After coming out, my friends joked, saying that Pei Ji’an Yanfu is not superficial and charming? Not only the little princess of the imperial court pestered him before and after, but even the eldest princess who had just returned to Beijing fell in love with Pei Ji’an at first sight.

Pei Ji’an calmly reprimanded his friends not to talk nonsense, not to tarnish the reputation of the two princesses. Although he refused, he knew in his heart that Li Chaoge should have a good impression of him.

The change in her eyes was so obvious.

But what about that, Pei Ji’an already has Li Changle? Li Chaoge is destined to be unrequited love. There are many women in the capital who like him, but only Li Changle can marry him. The others are just a daydream.

Li Chaoge is also one of those women.

At that time, Pei Ji’an didn’t take it to heart, and quickly ignored the banquet. As a result, a month later, the palace suddenly became ambiguous about his marriage with Guangning. Another month passed, and the Queen gradually emerged in the capital. The queen deliberately made Pei Ji’an still stable? The wind of the princess.

Pei Ji’an has always denounced it as nonsense. He and Guangning’s childhood sweethearts, the Pei family has made great contributions to the court, and the queen will not ignore the Pei family’s face even if they don’t feel sorry for their daughter. The most important thing is that Li Chaoge is a princess after all, no matter how bold a woman is, she will eventually be a passive one. Men and women are inherently unequal in their relationship. The man loves the woman and stalks and stalks the pursuit. If the woman loves the man, he stalks and screams.

A princess in Li Chaogetang, even if she is a civil servant and does not understand etiquette, she will not be without the shame of a woman, right?

Who knows, Li Chaoge didn’t post it upside down, she robbed it directly.

Pei Ji’an was in a trance for a moment, and the noise around him became louder and louder. Pei Ji’an suddenly returned to his senses, and his face suddenly became cold. Pei Ji’an understood, it turned out that Li Chaoge was trying to get rid of it. He saw that she was frosty and indifferent at the banquet tonight, and thought she had let go. As a result, she wanted to repeat the same tricks?

It’s lawless. This is a palace banquet. The saint had just announced not long ago? He and Chang Le’s marriage decree, Li Chaoge acted like this? Where does the face of Pei’s family and saint put the face? Where do you put yourself?

Li Chaoge was aggressive, with clear goals, and he was clearly directed at them. Li Changle and Pei Chuyue were frightened by Li Chaoge’s eyes, and their bodies shrank unconsciously, showing fear. Pei Ji’an kept his face calm, stretched out his hand to protect the two of them, and stood up, blocking his sweetheart and younger sister and said: “Anding? Princess, this is the palace banquet, please…”

Pei Ji’an wanted to say “please respect yourself, don’t be entangled”, but before he could say anything, Li Chaoge flashed past him.

Her eyes stared straight at the back of Pei Ji’an, without distracting even a trace of attention from the surroundings. Li Chaogeyi? He crossed Pei Ji’an without hesitation, and walked backward. Pei Ji’an’s movements were stunned, he was half talking, and he didn’t know whether to continue or not for the rest of the sentence.

At this time, most of the sight in the hall was attracted, and Pei Ji’an also followed the crowd, slowly turning around and looking behind him.

Li Chaoge rushed murderously to the seat of Pei’s family, but to everyone’s surprise, she was not for Wang Zhao and Princess Guangning, nor for the famous Yulang Pei Ji’an, but went straight to the most deserted one. In the corner, staring at the person hidden in the dark, and asked: “Who are you? Who are you? Why are you here?”

Everyone was surprised. Listening to the princess’s words, they actually knew each other? Whispers suddenly sounded in the hall, and everyone was quietly asking: “Who is that man? What is the relationship between him and An Ding? The princess?”

With such a big movement, even the emperor and the queen sitting at the top were alarmed. The emperor leaned forward and asked the queen in a low voice: “Who is that man? What is Chaoge doing?”

Although Tian Hou kept smiling, her eyes were full of inquiry: “I don’t know. I just told her that if the man in the house has something she likes, she can go? Answer one or two. Unexpectedly, she really went.”

Probably the Queen did not expect that Li Chaoge would make such a big battle. Looking at Li Chaoge’s momentum, people who know understand that she is attending a banquet, but those who don’t know think she is going to grab her relatives.

The queen is a human being, and the palace people around him are not bad. After a while, a court lady came up, knelt next to the Queen, and whispered in a low voice: “The Queen, that is the cousin of Pei’s family, and the widowed Lady Pei lives in Pei’s house with the name Gu Mingke.”

Gu Mingke… The Queen raised her eyebrows lightly, her eyes full of intrigue. She had never heard of this name before, and she didn’t want to be famous in Dongdu. The Queen didn’t know that Li Chaoge lived in Jiannan, how did he know Pei’s cousin?

At this moment, Gu Mingke also wanted to know, why did Li Chaoge find him? Gu Mingke was standing in the shadows and blowing air. He sensed movement behind him, but he didn’t take it seriously. In the crowd, Li Chaoge would not openly attack Pei Ji’an, and Pei Ji’an was always safe. Who thought, Li Chaoge didn’t stay by Pei Ji’an, instead he crossed Pei Ji’an and walked directly towards him.

Only then did Gu Mingke realize that she turned out to be directed at him.

It’s a little troublesome. Gu Mingke turned around and looked at Li Chaoge quietly, with a calm expression, Gu Jing Wubo: “Princess, I don’t know you?”

“You? Don’t know me?” Li Chaoge stared at him vigorously, and asked every word, “Then who is the masked man I met in Jiannan?”

“How do I get to know the people the princess meets?” Gu Mingke nodded gently at Li Chaoge, and said goodbye gently and politely, “The princess is not looking for the person, but there is something else? I will leave first.”

After he finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves and turned around, and walked out without nostalgia. Li Chaoge didn’t hold back, she dragged a long skirt and followed Gu Mingke, and said: “I won’t admit it, it’s you. Your height and body shape are exactly the same as him.”

“There are not many people of the same age and body shape in the world.”

“What about your voice? Even through the mask, I can remember your voice. You? Such a voice is rare in the world, and I will never remember it wrong.”

“The princess is busy with everything, well-informed, and I am confused? It is also true. I have been in the Eastern Capital for many years and have never been to Jiannan Road, let alone feel? What is special about my voice. The person in the mouth of the princess is not the same. , The princess should find someone else.”

The figure doesn’t recognize it, even the voice doesn’t recognize it. Li Chaoge glanced at his hand, raised his eyebrows and said, “What about your hand? I remember the person I saw with long fingers and a shallow crescent-shaped scar on the right wrist bone. The son dare not let me see. Your right hand?”

Gu Mingke secretly said in his heart, it seems that next time you disguise, you must not only cover your face, but also cover your hands. Following Gu Mingke’s actions, they had already reached the bright spot, and many people around looked in this direction. Gu Mingke calmly stretched out his hands, and openly exposed his hands to the light: “I said, princess, you? You have admitted the wrong person.”

Li Chaoge lowered his head to look at his hand, but what was strange was that this time his right hand had distinct joints, white as jade, without any scars. Li Chaoge didn’t believe in evil, so he pulled it over and took a closer look, but he still didn’t find any traces of disguise.

These hands are slender and white, with even flesh and blood, and they are beautiful like works of art. In any case, it doesn’t look like it will leave a scar.

But when Li Chaoge saw him in the Black Forest last time, it was clear that there were old scars on his wrists, which were obviously left behind by sharp objects. Why can’t I find it now?

The two of them stayed in front of the temple, and the people around seemed to be doing their own things, but in fact they all listened to their movements with their ears. People from the Pei family walked over slowly, and Pei Jian saw Li Chaoge holding Gu Mingke’s hand from a distance, and kept checking it over and over again, feeling cold for some reason.

What are they two doing? Li Chaoge is a woman, in the public, how is she like this?

Pei Ji’an’s actions were quicker than his reaction. Before he realized it, he blurted out: “What are you doing? Men and women are giving or not kissing, please let the princess let go.”

Li Huai also followed. He heard Pei Ji’an’s words slightly embarrassed, coughed, and said: “Emperor Sister, this is the cousin of the Pei family, heir to the history books of his ancestors, and a scholarly family. There may be some misunderstanding between you?”

Misunderstanding, what else can be misunderstanding? Li Chaoge’s face was extremely ugly. She raised her eyes to look at Gu Mingke. Gu Mingke’s eyes were obscure, and she looked at her calmly. Li Chaoge still doesn’t understand. He is a cultivator. He just didn’t know how to cover up the scar.

Li Chaoge was unreasonable and was very angry. She took a deep breath, she was so angry that she laughed? Come out: “So I misunderstood the son? Maybe, I really misunderstood it? Right. But it doesn’t matter, I feel that the son is very kind when I see him, as if We’ve known each other for a long time, and it’s okay for us to get acquainted now. I don’t know, what is the name of the son, where does he live, and where is he from?”

When people on both sides heard this, they exchanged eyes with each other, and both showed ambiguous smiles. On the contrary, Pei Ji’an’s face was getting worse and worse, and he couldn’t bear it when he finally heard it.

When Li Chaoge met him for the first time in his previous life, he also asked these words. She also said that she met Pei Ji’an at first sight, as if she had seen it when she was a child. Dare to love, she is an ironic rhetoric, the target of running water?

“The nameless people are not enough.” Gu Mingke moved his wrist, but Li Chaoge refused to let it go. He secretly used his strength to pull his hand out of Li Chaoge’s claws. He straightened his sleeves indifferently, put his right hand under the long sleeves, and nodded politely: “Princess, since the misunderstanding has been solved, let’s say goodbye first? The princess and Zhao Wang will stay here. I won’t be able to accompany you.”

Gu Mingke turned and walked out, stepping over the hazy halo, and gradually blending into the night. Li Chaoge stood in the brilliant bright lights, staring at the back of the opponent with a good look. Gu Mingke noticed it, but he didn’t care and continued to walk outside.

Li Chaoge smiled lightly? Laughed, and said leisurely: “You? Think you? I can’t know if you don’t say it?”

As she said, she glanced to the side, her eyes gleaming, and she was amazing: “What is his name, where does he live, and where is he from?”

The attendants on both sides were slightly embarrassed: “Princess…”


This princess grew up among the people, and just returned to the palace, but I don’t know why she learned the power of the queen? Ten percent. When she gave orders without expression, even Li Huai did not dare to disobey.

Li Huai can only look apologetically? Pei Ji’an glanced at him and said helplessly: “This is Pei Dalangjun’s cousin, whose surname is Gu, and is the grandson of Shi Gong Gu Shang, a real family of Qinggui, behind the famous family. Now I live in Pei. The government is recuperating and does not like to associate with outsiders, so the emperor must not persecute.”

Last name Gu? Li Chaoge frowned secretly. Why hadn’t she heard of a person surnamed Gu in her previous life? Li Chaoge continued to ask: “Where is his name?”

Do you even have to ask others’ names? Li Huai was speechless, and once again looked at Pei Ji’an apologetically. Pei Ji’an came forward and personally replied: “The cousin is from this generation, and my uncle hopes that my cousin Mingde will be upright and rehabilitate himself, so he takes the word “Ke”.

After Pei Ji’an finished speaking, he thought to himself that Li Chaoge had never seen Gu Mingke in her previous life. When she returned to Luoyang, Gu Mingke had already died of illness. In this life, Li Chaoge returned early, and it happened that her cousin was also alive. She became interested in her cousin. Is this a good thing? At least it shows that Li Chaoge is willing to look elsewhere and will not pester Pei Ji’an anymore.

She is looking for another new love, and he can also marry his true love, isn’t it right? Obviously it is the best of both worlds? Love, why is Pei Ji’an so depressed?

Li Chaoge said the name silently in his heart, Gu Mingke. Ke, Li Chaoge feels inexplicably? This word fits him very well.

And Pei Ji’an said that Gu Mingke is weak and sick, and has rarely seen anyone for many years. This actually confirms? Li Chaoge’s conjecture, Li Chaoge has cultivated superior exercises, and it can be seen that Gu Mingke is not sick and weak in any way. Gu Mingke gave himself a reputation for being sick, mostly to avoid people’s eyes and eyes and cover his whereabouts.

So it is very likely that he was recuperating in Pei’s house in name, but he actually traveled around the world, so he appeared in Jiannan many days ago, and it was completely explained. The only contradiction is the immortal Li Chaoge saw when he was twelve years old. At that time, the immortal was already an adult man, and at Gu Mingke’s age, he seemed not to be right.

But this is only a small problem. On the whole, it does not affect the possibility that Gu Mingke is the deity of Bai Yueguang who was shocked when she was a teenager. Li Chaoge settled in his heart and asked the last question that she was most concerned about: “Is Gu Mingke married? Does he have a fiancé?”

Li Huai even couldn’t hide the expression on his face: “Emperor Sister!”

Li Chaoge raised his eyebrows and glanced at Li Huai casually. Li Huai didn’t know why, and his momentum suddenly collapsed. Obviously he is the prince who grew up in the palace. Why did Li Chaoge look so much like that? Mother?

The meaning of Li Chaoge’s last sentence is so obvious that everyone can’t pretend to see it. Li Changle and Pei Chuyue were embarrassed, thinking that this was what a girl should say, and they couldn’t lift their shameful faces. Li Huai was restrained by Li Chaoge’s momentum, and he dared not say anything for a while. He could only look at Pei Ji’an for help, hoping that Pei Ji’an would come forward to round the field.

However, Pei Ji’an didn’t know what was going on? He was wandering again? Li Huai gave him several eyes, but Pei Ji’an was indifferent. Li Huai was in a dilemma. A soft voice came from behind. Prince Li Shan slowly approached and asked with a smile: “What’s the matter? Why are you standing here?”

When everyone saw that the prince was coming, they all breathed a sigh of relief and saluted. Li Shan nodded slightly, and said to Li Chaoge: “Chaoge, mother tells you to go over.”

Li Chaoge hasn’t found out Gu Mingke’s marital status, so he is reluctant to give up halfway. However, the Queen’s order should not be delayed. Li Chaoge can only temporarily suppress Gu Mingke’s affairs, and go to see the Queen first.

On the high platform, the queen and the emperor were talking. Seeing Li Chaoge coming, Tianhou stopped talking. After Li Chaoge approached, she smiled and asked, “Chaoge, what happened just now? What, why have you been there for so long?”

Li Chaoge did not expose Gu Mingke, but said ambiguously: “I didn’t intend to see a person, I was a little curious.”

“Oh?” The Queen raised her eyebrows slightly, and the emperor came over and asked, “That’s the cousin of the Gu family? He doesn’t seem to have any specialties, and he is also unknown in the Eastern Capital. What are you looking for?”

“Man, the requirements don’t have to be that high.” Li Chaoge stretched his sleeves, as he should say, “It’s enough to look good?”

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