Xian Xian

Chapter 31

Chapter 30: Enchanting

Li Chaoge stared bitterly? Bai Qianhe glanced at him with an expression that you are finished? With hindsight, Bai Qianhe? Covered his mouth and realized that he was in trouble.

He even forgot? Now it’s a curfew, shouldn’t he be allowed to go out. But? No? Can you blame Bai Qianhe, he was originally tall? Gao? Xingxing listened to the strange talk of monsters, and suddenly he knew that he was also in the story, or was the one eaten by the monsters, who can accept this?

Bai Qianhe quietly hid in the shadows, planning to go away depending on the situation. Li Chaoge ignored Bai Qianhe. She turned around and faced the person who was holding Jinwu. She didn’t? She avoided saying: “Under Li Chaoge, in the name of the queen of the saint, catch the monster. I didn’t intend to offend the curfew, but life is shut down. Heaven, can’t it be delayed for a moment? I hope you see it for the sake of us doing things for the people, and it’s convenient.”

The patrolling team retreated to both sides, and a man riding a high-headed horse came slowly from the rear. He was covered in armor with a long knife on his waist. He looked like a general. He was riding on a horse without a smile, majestic and majestic. The other party scanned Li Chaoge, and finally fell on the dark shadow behind Li Chaoge?, coldly said: “I don’t know the princess is driving, there is a missed welcome. Luoyang has a curfew, and the ministers let the princess live outside the palace, really? Dereliction of duty. Princess, please come with your humble duty, and the minister will send you back to the palace.”

“No? Must.” Li Chaoge did not give in. The opponent had a large number of men and horses, armed with spears, but Li Chaoge was weak and empty-handed. Even so, Li Chaoge’s momentum did not fall in the wind, she calmly looked at each other, and said: “General Huo, Jun, I am from the sage to apprehend the murderous monster in Luoyang. The matter is urgent. Although the curfew is important, it’s obviously more important to catch the monster as Chunwei is about to begin. Therefore, in the next few days, will I abide by the curfew and hope that General Huo will cooperate and don’t make it difficult for me to do it.”

Huo Jingzhou still doesn’t believe it. He also knows that the monster that cannibalizes the human brain. He also knows that so many people in the Yulin Army can’t catch it. Li Chaoge, a princess who has no power to bind a chicken, can stand it? ? Seeing that Li Chaoge did not cooperate, Huo Jingzhou also patiently ran out, hugged and punched in a perfunctory manner, and said: “If the princess does not cooperate, his subordinates can only offend. Come, **** the princess back to the palace.”

Huo Jingzhou gave an order, and the Yu Lin army behind received the order and immediately went forward to arrest Li Chaoge. Zhou Shao’s arms tensed, and he secretly assumed an attacking posture, even Bai Qianhe stretched out his feet, always ready to flee. Li Chaoge stood still and didn’t move, she frowned, and gave a helpless tsk. Rebirth is just a little troublesome, there is always someone who takes her seriously. As long as the name of Li Chaoge is reported in the previous life, from the ranks of civil and military officials to the Forbidden Army of the North and South, who would dare to give more advice? But in this life, she has to force her to do it.

Li Chaoge exhaled helplessly, she stretched out her hand to tie her hair, so as not to have trouble during a fight, and then took out a token from her sleeve, coldly in front of everyone.

“The tortoise is here, don’t you? Listen to the order?”

Yu Lin Jun was about to walk in front of Li Chaoge? When he heard the tortoise symbol, Qi Qi was shocked. Li Chaoge’s right arm was straight, and he held a heavy and simple token in his palm, cast in the shape of a tortoise, with the word “Tang” inscribed in the middle with an ancient seal.

The Yulin Jun looked at each other, and didn’t dare to move rashly for a while, and looked back at Huo Jingzhou. Huo Jingzhou didn’t expect Li Chaoge to take out the soldier talisman. He dismounted with a calm face and walked quickly to the front. As the distance drew closer, he could see clearly the token in the singer Li Chao, and also the appearance of the princess. .

He is young and beautiful in appearance, but his eyes are full of wild aura, which is completely different from the princesses and ladies of the capital. Huo Jingzhou moved his eyes down, focusing on the token of Li Chao’s singer’s heart. The pattern is correct, and the writing on the top is correct.

This is indeed? Turtle symbol. Huo Jingzhou was greatly surprised. Seeing the soldier talisman is like seeing the emperor himself, the soldier holding the talisman, has the right to dispatch troops and generals? How could the emperor be so trivial that he gave the soldier amulet to his daughter, a little girl who was only sixteen years old?

It’s ridiculous! But the tortoise symbol is right in front of him, Huo Jingzhou dare not respect it, he knelt down with his fist, and marched in salute: “The humble duty is offended, and the crime deserves death.”

Li Chaoge put away the tortoise symbol with his backhand, and put it in the palm of his hand, thinking that this tortoise is ugly, it’s really a pleasure to use it. The soldiers of the Nanya Palace and the Imperial Army of the Beiya intersected and stayed at the Weijing Division. They were the most important armed forces around the Emperor.

Only those who hold a talisman are qualified to command the army. The emperors of the previous dynasties used this method to contain the inside and outside, in other words, now Li Chaoge is their boss, and everyone in the South and the North must obey Li Chaoge’s orders.

However, Li Chaoge knows his own weight. In the end, the soldier amulet is just a symbol, and what really mobilizes soldiers depends on its appeal and prestige. With her current strength, it is too difficult to command the imperial army and sixteen guards, but it is more than enough to scare people.

Li Chaoge put away the tortoise symbol and looked back to the back? The two raised their eyebrows slightly and said, “Let’s go.”

Zhou Shao and Bai Qianhe secretly raised their strength and followed Li Chaoge out. The Yulin army retreated to the two sides and made a way from the middle, quietly allowing Li Chaoge to pass. The tips of the spears on both sides were cold and cold, and the swords of the Yulin Army were no more than an arm away from Zhou Shao and Bai Qianhe. Zhou Shao passed in front of them, his arms were tight, and the Yulin Army on both sides were also accumulating strength.

But? Yes? In the end, no one shot. After Zhou Shao walked out of the soldiers’ formation, he felt quite strange. He had dealt with the officials so much, but it was the first time that the officers and soldiers watched him go as far away as he is now.

Bai Qianhe also thought? Very strange. This is the first time he has appeared in front of so many officers and soldiers, and the officers and soldiers’ eyes fell on him. Several times, Bai Qianhe wanted to escape, but he held back.

After he came out, Bai Qianhe touched his chin, and said, “I am being escorted by so many officers and soldiers, I am a thief? Can you really have a good face?”

“Shut up.” Li Chaoge swept coldly? Bai Qianhe glanced at him, “Do you still think? You died? Didn’t you? Fast enough? Or? Yes? You, we weren’t? Will alarm Yu Lin Jun. ”

Bai Qianhe knew that he was wrong, and shrugged to shut up. The three of Li Chaoge left? After a while, after a while, there was a sound of horseshoes. Huo Jingzhou rode a horse closer, his expression still awkward, but when he faced Li Chaoge, he would converge a little or two and dismount and salute: “Princess Anding, that monster is extremely dangerous. You only bring two guards. I’m afraid No? No. No? I know where the princess plans to go, and he is willing to protect the princess.”

“No? Use?” Li Chaoge finished, frowning disgustedly, “Moreover, they are not? My guards, I am not too bad to protect them.”

Zhou Shao didn’t have any expressions, as if he hadn’t heard Li Chaoge’s words. Bai Qianhe held his heart with a very injured look.

Huo Jingzhou’s brows tightened, he looked at the slender Li Chaoge, and then at Bai Qianhe and Zhou Shao, who were full of evil spirits. He felt more and more that this combination of them was not very reliable.

One of the three is weak, one is thief, and the other is fierce. They don’t look like good people. Actually, it’s not really a good person.

Don’t you know that livid face, but is it? The other one, Huo Jingzhou, still has an impression.

Zhou Shao’s name is like Lei Guaner, few in the Forbidden Army do not know him. How much effort did it take to catch him in jail? As a result, now, Li Chaoge has let him out in a light and fluttering manner.

Huo Jingzhou was very angry, but who made this? The princess still has the token of the saint in her hand. Huo Jingzhou endured his anger and said, “Princess, you are a wealthy daughter, and you can take risks with your own body. Please princess think twice.”

Li Chaoge moved her fingers impatiently. After she was reborn, her temper was so much better. If someone dared to be so squeaky and crooked in her previous life, she would have punched it early. Li Chaoge was anxious to catch the monsters, didn’t he want to entangle with them, so he said: “Okay. Open the road ahead and take me to the place where monsters frequent. You bring your manpower to strengthen patrols, and there is a little disturbance. , Report to me immediately.”

When Huo Jingzhou heard Li Chaoge’s tone, he frowned, frowned, but still endured it, clasped his fists and said, “Yes. Princess, please go here.”

With the Yulin army taking the lead, no one dared to stop them along the way. Li Chaoge and a few people came to the spot where the previous incidents occurred.

Luoyang, like Chang’an, has horizontal and vertical streets, dotted squares and cities, and areas with similar functions are clustered together. Outside are separated by square walls, houses are called squares, and commercial districts are called cities. This area is a residential area for civilians, full of blue bricks and tiles, and many restaurants. Although it is not as rich as the imperial city, it has a very strong atmosphere of life.

Although Luoyang enforces a curfew, it is the main street outside of Fangshi that is prohibited, and the laneway inside the residential complex is not forbidden. It is inevitable that there will be urgent things in life. It is not realistic to let people leave the house in one night.

It is precisely because of this that life cases occurred frequently a few days ago. Someone even went out to buy a sesame cake, and was targeted by the monster.

Li Chaoge stood on the street, looked around, and said, “Zhou Shao, you are in ambush in the shadows, following Bai Qianhe from a distance, don’t you want to stun the snake. Huo Jingzhou, you take the Yulin army away and patrol as usual, no You want to be discovered by a monster Come out. Remember, try to go as far as possible to a quiet place with few people.”

Bai Qianhe’s face grows wider as he listens to it, does Bai Jingxiu blame him? Why are there so many people present? Why do you want him to be a bait?

Bai Qianhe a hundred? Happy. People are afraid of death, don’t worry about it? You are so proud, when you really get into the battle, all of you will flinch.

After all, the monster that eats human brains has only one life, can’t you tolerate it? Moreover, the others are all in an ambush in groups, but he is the only one who goes deep into the tiger’s den and fights alone.

Li Chaoge saw that Bai Qianhe’s face was not good, and comforted: “Don’t worry, I will look at you from a high place. If you have an accident, you will die for the country, and I will apply for a pension for you.”

Bai Qianhe was silent for a while, and said quietly, “I thank you.”

After making arrangements, Li Chaoge waved his hand to signal everyone to take their place. Huo Jingzhou still doesn’t trust Li Chaoge, but these few words of her seem to be decent, she doesn’t? Is? I don’t know anything. Li Chaoge arranged a series of manpower and tasks, and spoke in an orderly manner. Huo Jingzhou could not even find an opportunity to interrupt. After Li Chaoge said it dispersed, everyone naturally followed her instructions.

Bai Qianhe had done so lightly, and he left in a hurry? Zhou Shao quickly disappeared into the shadows without saying a word.

Huo Jingzhou clasped his fists. He was wearing armor on his body, and when he did his actions, he was sonorous and powerful. He was in a row: “Heaven and earth, the net has already been stepped, and then hand it over to the humble post. Please go back to the palace to rest.”

Li Chaoge glanced lightly? He glanced at him and said with disgust: “There is so much nonsense.”

Li Chaoge said casually? In a word, Huo Jingzhou did not hear clearly, no? He asked his ears: “Princess, what do you say?”

He didn’t wait to answer, only felt a gust of wind passing over the tip of his nose, causing the tassels on his helmet to move. Huo Jingzhou looked up and saw a purple figure passing by the eaves, and soon there was nowhere to be found.

Huo Jingzhou was stunned for a long time. He always thought that this inexplicable? Lost and inexplicable? Returning princess was messing around, but? Now, he suddenly believed her.

But yes, it is really that she protects Zhou Shao and Bai Qianhe, and it is not that the two villains protect her.

Li Chaoge was light and light, and soon occupied the commanding heights, with a panoramic view of the houses and alleys in this area. Li Chaoge stared around carefully, not letting go of any wind and grass.

Bai Qianhe changed his place, pretending to be an ordinary person, staggering in the lane. Li Chaoge stared at him from a distance. In the darkness, there were many eyes holding his breath, watching Bai Qianhe’s every move secretly.

But this time, don’t you know if it’s gone? The wind is still? Bai Qianhe is not enough to attract the demon, they have waited for a long time, the land has changed, several, and no trace of the demon can be seen. Bai Qianhe feels mad? When the handover is over, he quietly asked Li Chaoge: “Princess, are you sure that the monster will come out tonight? It ate yesterday? Two people, I guess they are still hungry today, I’m afraid not tonight. Will it come out?.”

Other people have similar ideas. Li Chaoge frowned, pondered for a long time, and still shook his head: “No? Yes. With my experience dealing with monsters, the smoother they are, the more rampant they will be. Just accept it when you see it, and it’s enough? So far it’s the truth of human beings, but monsters don’t. Sanity, don’t you? Know this. It will definitely act tonight, but why? Why didn’t it come out? Could it be that its intelligence has evolved to a human-like level, enough to see through our traps?”

Li Chaoge curled his eyebrows, quite distressed. According to her previous experience of catching monsters, wouldn’t the speed of the monsters evolve so fast? This is? She made her debut, she always? As bad as this, the first time she met? A mutant monster one in a million, right?

Li Chaoge looked around. The houses in the East Capital were neatly arranged, row upon row. The pagodas were scattered high and low in Luoyang City, exuding a silent sympathy. The neat and majestic Dongdu is quiet at this moment, and the streets and alleys can be seen at a glance.

The rumors of the trolls are making a lot of noise? There is a lot of noise, and now, who would dare to go out and walk around at night?

Wait, what did Li Chaoge think? He suddenly woke up. Her eyes widened sharply, and she squeezed her palms hard and said: “No? Good.”


Recently, people are in panic, and every one of them dare not go out at night. As long as it is not a big event, everyone will try their best to endure until dawn.

The streets of Luoyang were empty, but in the mansion, people came and went, and the popularity was unprecedented. A group of black shadows passed by the treetops and landed in the shadows. After a while, a woman walked out under the root of the wall. She was wearing a green maid’s clothes, she was slender, with slender limbs, but her skull was very tall, and her mouth was unusually pointed. She looked around, followed behind a group of women, and quietly mixed into the crowd.

She followed the maids? For a while, she slowly approached the people in front, and asked in a low voice: “Sister, where are we going now?”

The maid didn’t pay attention to someone behind her, and suddenly there was a voice behind her, and she was shocked. When she turned her head, she saw that the person was wearing the clothes of Pei’s mansion, her face was a bit raw, but her waist badge and logo were all available. The maid did not think much, and replied: “We are going to bring tea to the old lady.”

The green-clothed woman responded, and then asked, “Sister, I just came to the mansion? I don’t? I understand the situation in the mansion. Don’t you know, who is the weakest and most talented person in our mansion?”

The maid thought her question was strange, but when she heard that she had just entered the house, she felt that she could understand it. The most talented person in Pei’s mansion is not easy to say, but at the same time, the cousin is the only one who is still weak.

The handmaid pointed to Xiyuan and said in a low voice, “It must be the cousin, Gu Mingke.”

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