Xian Xian

Chapter 35

Chapter 34: Linlang

Mo Linlang looked at? Stunned, Mo Liu came out of the house, and saw that Mo Linlang stood in front of the chicken coop, and was suddenly out of breath—come around, picked up the broom next to him, and hit Mo Linlang. “Little **** hoof, lazy again! Eat mine and use mine, and dare to sneak and slip, I make you lazy, I make you lazy!”

The bamboo broom was drew on the person, it hurt, and Ma Linlang subconsciously hid. But it’s okay if you don’t hide.—? Hiding Mo Liu became more and more angry, hitting someone with a thick wrist stick, without the slightest fear: “Let you come out to feed the chickens, you are lazy here. Just be with your bitch. —Yes, greedy and lazy, a natural loser!”

Mo Linlang before?–? She was so muffled, no matter how heavy the bamboo pole swept her body, she just frowned and endured it? But when she heard Mo Liu scold her mother, she was agitated and pushed Mo Liu backhand: “You are not allowed to scold my mother!”

Mo Liu was unprepared, he was really pushed by Mo Linlang, he fell several steps and almost fell. Mo Liu staggered and stood still, she looked at Mo Linlang, her eyes became more vicious: “Well, you little bitch, dare to push me? I’m your mother. For so many years, who of your Mo family is not relying on it? My dowry. Living, you dare to fight back? You ungrateful thing, push me today, will you hit me tomorrow? God, my life is so hard, I worked so hard to support the Mo family, why? ?—? An unscrupulous trash!”

Mo Liu’s voice was so loud that he was struggling to cry when he was crying, wishing to be heard all over the street. Mo Liu’s son heard the movement from the room and ran out to punch and kick Mo Linlang, and he couldn’t help cursing: “Let you beat my mother, let you beat my mother, you lose money!”

Mo Liu’s son is already eight years old, and the child doesn’t know how serious it is, and it hurts dullly when he kicks it up. Mo Linlang clutched the bruise on his arm, silently enduring the cry of Mo Liu and the beating of his step-brother. She lowered her head and pursed her lips, her eyes were dark and depressed to the extreme.

The movement of the Mo’s yard quickly alarmed the neighbors in the neighborhood. Everyone went out to see and asked each other: “What’s wrong with the Mo family?”

—? The older lady shook her head and said, “What’s the matter, it’s not that the one in their family went crazy again, venting her anger with the little lady Mo. Hey, this little lady is really pitiful. She lost her mother at the age of ten, stepmother.” Bringing her younger brother into the door, she not only has to be beaten and scolded by her father, but she also suffers?

“Oh, that’s the case with a motherless child. How did her mother die? She died of illness?”

“Fart, he was beaten to death by Dalang Mo. Dalang Mo loves to drink,-he doesn’t matter if he drank, he went home to face his wife and daughter with prestige. Her mother was beaten several times, every time She said she wanted to get away with each other. The next day, Mo Dalang faced her? Her mother cried and begged for mercy. The most powerful-she knelt down this time. , Mo Dalang started more and more heavier, there is -? When Mo Dalang drank crazy, her mother was beaten to death.”

“What?” The new people didn’t know these old things. Hearing that someone had died in the Mo family’s yard, they really got goosebumps all over their bodies. “What is this? When? If you die well, will the government just ask?”

“It’s been a long time, probably when the little lady of the Mo family was ten years old.” The older lady replied, “the husband taught his wife. This is a housework. How can the government take care of it? Not to mention that the little lady of the Mo family is a teacher of Jiaofang. Fang Liang, born a grade lower than Liang Ji, and without the support of his father and uncle, who would report her to the official? No one reports to the official, and the government naturally ignores it. Later, Mo Dalang married a widow, and he came in with his family property and son. —? When you enter the door, you will set the rules, and no one will advance the matter of the lady. It is the poor girl. When the mother died, she had already remembered things. Not only did she have to endure it later? Father beat and scolded, but also Take care of your stepmother and younger brother, carry water, cook, and wash clothes every day, and be taken out of anger by your stepmother if you are not careful. Alas, it’s all fate.”

Everyone in the neighborhood heard,—? They sighed, but they just talked about their parents’ shortcomings. It is absolutely impossible to go out to get justice for Mo Xiaomao. At the most, I gave Mo Xiaomao some food behind her back.

At this time—a lady with filial piety lowered her voice and asked, “Ms. Mo, their eyes have some problems? Last time I talked to her, she said well, she suddenly looked behind me and stared at me. I didn’t move, like what’s on my back. But it scared me a lot.”

The others shook their heads and babbled and said, “I don’t know. The lintel of the Mo family is not good, the father is a drunkard, the mother is a good man, and the stepmother is a shrew. It is inevitable that the daughters who come out of this family will be utterly chattering.”

“It’s a pity. I see her eyebrows are pretty and pretty, and I thought about arguing with our family Erlang. Is this the stall?-Huyue’s family, let’s forget it.”

Among the gossips of the ladies, the sound of horseshoes came from outside the alley. They were frightened—jumped and retracted into the door one after another, looking at the outside carefully through the door panel.

—? The Yulin Army stopped at the alley and searched from house to house. The Mo family’s crying and howling sounded earth-shaking, and the Yulin Army naturally went to the Mo family first.

Yu Lin Jun stopped outside the dilapidated wooden door and knocked on the door with a calm face: “Open the door, Yu Lin Jun will check.”

Mo Liu was crying and howling when he heard a knock on the door, and he was shocked. At this time, the officers and soldiers outside were impatient, and said again—? Sound, when Mo Liu heard “Yulin Army”, tears were drawn back into his eyes immediately, and he hurriedly ran to open the door for Yulin Army.

“Master Jun, forgive the sin. The slave family didn’t hear it in the house just now. It was not intentional to neglect. Master Jun, we are good citizens. What are you doing in our house?”

Yu Linjun stood outside the door, scanning over the flattering Mo Liu, and then looking at the little girl in rags behind, it was already clear in his heart. It is another unscrupulous parent who takes their children out of anger, but this is after all someone else’s housework. Jun Habayashi has official duties, and he didn’t ask much, and said coldly: “Let everyone in your family come out. ,Routine inspection.”

Without waiting for Mo Liu’s reply, Yu Linjun pushed her away and strode into the yard. Mo Liu rushed to catch up and said kindly: “My Dalang has gone out, and there are only our orphans and widows in the house. What will the army ye want to search? Our ordinary people, abide by the law, have nothing to do with criminals. ”

The Habayashi army went into the main house and searched the circle, rudely looking through the cage, bed cabinet, and urn, but found no one in private. He walked out of the yard, and the other two Habayashi soldiers came out from next door and shook their heads at him.

Yu Linjun swept across the three people in the yard, and the headed woman had a bitter and flattering face.—? A ten-year-old boy cringed on the woman’s lap; the other fifteen or sixteen-looking little lady looked down. Holding her head, she couldn’t see her expression clearly. She had injuries on her body, but it was obviously a bruise pulled out by a hard object, not caused by a sword.

Yu Lin Jun remembered that Princess An Ding last night-the sword slashed on the right wing of the Rakshasa bird, and the wound was stretched for a long time. It was definitely not the three women and children in front of him. Yu Lin Jun’s heart has already reached a conclusion. Before going out, he routinely asked: “The nearest, have you seen any strange people?”

Mo Liu naturally hurriedly shook his head—? He repeatedly denied it. Yu Lin Jun looked at Mo Linlang again, Mo Linlang hung his head, and said, “No.”

Yu Lin Jun was relieved, and explained that he is not allowed to go out casually. When he sees a person with a wound on his right arm, he must report to the official and leave with him. Before leaving the house, Yu Linjun couldn’t see it after all, and he scolded Mo Liu with a calm face: “No noise is allowed at the feet of the emperor. If something happens and disturbs the big man above, no one can keep you.”

Mo Liu clan is a Dousheng Xiaomin, who is vicious to the weak Mo Linlang, but when he meets someone stronger than her, he immediately bowed his head and bowed, not daring to contradict him. When she heard that Yu Lin Jun was upset, she immediately frightened as if she lost her soul—?, she shuddered: “Yes, the army master spares her life, and the slave family will never dare anymore.”

Beating this-sentence is already the limit of the Yu Lin army, no matter how much he has no time, he is not obliged to do it. After Yu Linjun finished speaking, he scanned the Mo family’s yard roughly, and walked out safely, knocking on the door of the family.

“Open the door, and Yu Lin Jun checks.”

The opposite person hurriedly opened the door to welcome Yu Linjun into the hospital. They all lived in this alley? Ordinary people, who hadn’t even touched the door of the official mansion, suddenly came Yulin Army, all of them were scared to death. The alley was quiet, only the sound of Yu Linjun’s inspection could be heard. Mo Linlang stood in the yard, quietly looking at the chicken coop.

There, there is—a wounded bird. Its feathers resemble chickens, but the details can be seen to be wrong. The most obvious one is the injury on its right wing.

Mo Linlang silently lowered her eyelashes, remembering what she had heard at the gate of the workshop today.

Outside the Fangmen, Li Chaoge was patrolling the street. The Yulin Army ran into the surrounding neighborhoods in batches. After the meeting, they came back to their lives one after another: “Princess, there is no Yongfengfang.”

“Taohuafang doesn’t.”

“Yijiaofang-everything is normal.”


The soldiers who searched came back in batches, but none of them found the Rakshasa bird. Li Chaoge’s brows wrinkled and tightened, and he was already in the south of the city, and only Renhe, Xingjiao, Jiaqing, and Guide were left in the future. Could it be that monsters are hiding in these four cities?

Li Chaoge closed his eyebrows without expressing his position, and said to the neatly arranged Yulin army below: “Continue to go south and search the remaining squares.”


The soldiers lined up and ran away. Li Chaoge rode a horse, slowly draped in the back, slowly sweeping his eyes towards the crowd. Bai Qianhe and Zhou Shao came up from behind and shouted, “Princess, have you found it here?”

Li Chaoge heard that it was them, strangled his horse, and said, “Not yet. What about you, do you have any news?”

Bai Qianhe shrugged, spreading his hands and said: “I ran to every brothel in Beili, and almost pulled the benefactor from the bed. There are many fat heads and big ears, but none of them have injuries on their right arm. But I asked my sisters and sisters whom I knew to pay attention to, and they agreed. When they saw someone who was not right, they would notify me immediately.” Li Chaoge nodded, and Zhou Shao also said: “I asked the beggar and toothwoman in the west of the city, who fought last night. Everyone dared not go out, and no one ran in in a panic. There were a few injured in Xicheng, but I went to one-? I’ve seen it, either? The wound is in the wrong position, or the scar has been left long ago. , They are not up to Raksha Bird.”

There is nothing? New progress, Li Chaoge sighed in his heart, and said, “Let those punks continue to pay attention. If you find someone who is injured, report it immediately.”

Zhou Shao should go down. The three of them are sitting on a tall horse, looking all over? It’s not easy to provoke. When the people passing by saw them, they took a detour from a distance. They all walked out and looked back quietly.

Bai Qianhe noticed it. He smiled and said to Li Chaoge: “Princess, you—this time, you became famous in World War I. Now in Luoyang, no one does not know Princess Anding.”

“The Queen’s list is announced to the world. They already knew Princess Anding.” Li Chaoge didn’t care, she strangled her horse, and said softly, “Wait? When? When, mention me, the first thing they think of is mine. The name, not my title, is considered to be truly remembered by the people.”

When Bai Qianhe raised his eyebrows meaningfully, Zhou Shao still dropped his eyes calmly, as if he didn’t care what Li Chaoge wanted to do. The three of them said-yes, they couldn’t help but return to the monster.

Bai Qianhe said in a strange way: “I am also strange. With such a large search effort, even a fly should have been found. The bird was injured. Why? Can I hide it well? Where did you hide it?”

The other two did not speak. Obviously, they also felt tired. Zhou Shao and Bai Qianhe are both used to talking with their fists. Last night, I did it happily. They all thought it was over, but they didn’t expect the follow-up to be so troublesome.

Bai Qianhe couldn’t help sighing in his heart. It seemed that he had wronged the court before, and the court was not all waste. He had previously mocked the impotence of the imperial court, and the government had so many manpower, and in the end, he couldn’t catch even a thief. It was absolutely useless. But now he felt it himself—? Every time, Bai Qianhe was speechless.

Bai Qianhe glanced at the sky and said, “It’s too late, I’m afraid I won’t be able to find it out. Princess, you’ve already gotten through the night, go back and rest? It’s not bad this time.”

Li Chaoge originally wanted to refuse, but when she reached her lips, what suddenly came to her mind?: “That’s right. I have to settle the matter before the Dali Temple like Wang Ba Laozi complains.”

Bai Qianhe heard something wrong and asked casually: “What’s the matter, what do you have? Is there no discussion?”

Li Chaoge did not speak. Bai Qianhe looked at Zhou Shao, then at Li Chaoge, oh-? Sounds: “Could it be that you fished him out, haven’t you talked to the person above?”

Li Chaoge was very calm and said, “Anyway, it’s my father and mother, what’s the point? I’m going back to the palace first. You guys will almost go to rest. If there is news, send someone to the west gate of Los Angeles to spread the letter. , I’ll be there soon.”

Bai Qianhe looked at her with a sympathetic look, and nodded again and again: “Don’t worry, it’s rare to be cheap, and I won’t save you room and board.”

Li Chaoge didn’t stare at him with anger, turned around and walked away with his horse. After Li Chaoge left, Bai Qianhe straddled Zhou Shao’s shoulders and said, “Let’s go, let’s go to the restaurant in Beili, and introduce you to some beautiful Orchid.”

When Zhou Shao heard the name of the place, he said in disgust: “Don’t go.”

“Why? Not going?” Bai Qianhe was upset, “Everyone–? If you have ever had a fight, then you are a dead brother, don’t you look down on me?”

Zhou Shao didn’t say anything. After the meeting, he whispered: “I have a lady, and I won’t go to the Land of Wind and Moon.”

“Huh?” Bai Qianhe raised his eyebrows, “Didn’t you get together?”

“…In my heart, she has always been.”


After returning to the palace, Li Chaoge hurried to the Dechang Hall to wash his face, and went to Wencheng Hall to find the Queen and the Emperor. It is said that the wicked should file a complaint first, she has to rush to Dali Temple? To win the emperor and the queen over, otherwise, her next plan will be a little troublesome.

Li Chaoge wanted to give the Town Demon Division a different ending, so the first step is especially important.

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