Xian Xian

Chapter 38

Chapter 37: Close the net

Rakshasa bird was surprised for a moment, and laughed inexplicably, and said: “Your stepmother beats and scolds you again, I thought you would kill her.”

“I really hate her.” Ma Linlang’s face was cold, and there was no expression in her eyes. She was already depressed at a young age. “But it’s my relationship with her. Even if I want revenge, I will come personally. But it’s great. Lang killed my mother, he deserves to die!”

Rakshasa bird shrugged his feathers indifferently and said, “Okay, it’s up to you. However, the murders in the city are too loud, and it is easy to attract soldiers on patrol. Then it will be transmitted to the ears of those few people, and you and I will find it hard to comprehend. Bao. Why don’t you **** me out of the city, and then I will kill your father for you, and then we two will be separated and we will go our own way.”

When Mo Linlang heard frowning, he instinctively felt unreliable: “No. Ru? Today, the entry and exit of the city is very strict, what do I want to do? What? Lead him out of the city?”

Rakshasa bird combed his feathers and said, “That’s your business? Love. Anyway, I won’t take the risk, either? Go outside the city, or? Do you think of a way? Killing father, I don’t care.”

Ma Linlang frowned tightly. Even if she matured prematurely, she was a young girl who hadn’t been involved in the world after all. Rakshasa bird took Ma Linlang away with a few words. Even if Ma Linlang felt wrong, at the request of Rakshania bird, he couldn’t refute it.

Mo Liu clan didn’t see Mo Linlang come out for a long time, and shouted Mo Linlang’s name impatiently in the room. Ma Linlang took a deep look at Rakshasa Bird, then lowered his voice and said, “Okay, it’s a deal.”

Raksha Bird’s dark green eyes seemed to rippling with a smile: “A word is definite.”

In the evening, a round of red sun? Gradually sinking to the west, the sky is smeared with a gorgeous sunset. Numerous stupas stand in the sunset, majestic and sacred, a slow and melodious bell sounds from the top of the building, and many pedestrians walked to their homes, walking on the twilight bell, carrying the harvest of the day.

Mo Dalang stayed together for a day, and now he is back. He had a strong scent of alcohol on his body. At this usual time, several children in the family wanted to hide from him, but today, Ma Linlang mustered up the courage to walk to Mo Dalang and say: “Father, I One important thing? Tell you.”

Mo Dalang hiccuped and looked impatiently? To Mo Linlang: “What? What??”

Mo Linlang looked around and saw that Mo Liu was busy feeding his son. Didn’t he noticed this direction, he lowered his voice and said, “A great thing to make a fortune?”

Hearing Fa Cai, Mo Da Lang’s eyes widened suddenly: “What? Fa Cai?”

Mo Dalang’s voice was a little loud, which attracted Mo Liu’s attention. Mo Linlang motioned to Mo Dalang to go outside. She stood under the locust tree in the alley and said to Mo Dalang: “Father, yesterday I had a dream. I dreamed that a gray-haired old woman was digging the soil. She digged while digging. She said that this was the savings she had saved for a lifetime, but it was a pity that her son went outside to do business, so he couldn’t? I got it. It’s a pity that his son died of malaria. The old woman didn’t wait for many years. After waiting for someone to come, she wandered under the tree for a long time. Her soul could not disappear for a long time. Only after I woke up, I realized that the old woman was wearing. The clothes of the former dynasty, she should be the lonely ghost of the former dynasty. Because of the obsession, there is no way to reincarnate, so she will find someone to entrust her dream. This mother-in-law has no descendants, nor has she left any letters, Except for herself, no one knows that there are gold and silver jewelry hidden under that tree. I thought, since it is an ownerless thing, it is too wasteful to bury it in the ground, why don’t we dig it out quietly, and then take the old woman’s A good burial of the bones is a piece of merit.”

As Mo Dalang listened, his expression became more and more greedy. He knew that his daughter was not quite right since she was a child. When she was a child, Mo Linlang often spoke to the air, and she would point to a place and say, “That person does not have a head.” Mo Dalang was terribly scared. Later, Mo Linlang’s biological mother quietly went to the Taoist priest. The Taoist said that Mo Linlang was born with a light character and recruited ghosts. Unless he was razed to enter the Tao, he would die sooner or later. Mo Linlang’s biological mother didn’t believe it, so she asked for a lot of talisman papers with the Taoist priest, and after drinking it for some time, she finally stopped talking nonsense.

But when Mo Linlang talked to people, her eyes would still suddenly jump to a place, and she didn’t look like a fake. Mo Dalang didn’t know whether Mo Linlang was cured by Fushui, or whether she had grown up and knew how to conceal her own difference.

Mo Dalang hasn’t thought about it all these years. For this reason, he has become more and more disgusted with Mo Linlang’s biological mother. Mo Dalang was a little bit stunned by Mo Linlang’s eyes, and could only numb himself with drinking. As soon as he drank, he wanted to hit someone. Once accidentally? He killed Ma Linlang’s biological mother.

Later, Mo Linlang became more and more silent. Mo Dalang felt that this girl was very strange, and he didn’t want to see her selfishly, so Mo Liu clan rubbed Mo Linlang. Today? He didn’t want to pay attention to Ma Linlang, but Ma Linlang said to make a fortune, and Mo Dalang didn’t hold it back, so he followed Ma Linlang.

Unexpectedly, he heard such a story. Did Mo Dalang? Ever thought about Mo Linlang lie to him. He knew about Mo Linlang’s weirdness. If you don’t, someone said that he dreamed of his old lady burying gold, and Mo Dalang must think that the other party was crazy about money, but When Ma Linlang dreamed, Mo Dalang felt that something really happened?

That’s gold! Mo Dalang hurriedly looked around? Look? When he saw no one in the alley, he lowered his voice? and asked, “Do you remember the appearance and location of that tree?”

Mo Linlang quietly watched Mo Dalang, who was greedy and ugly, nodded gently and said, “I remember.”

Mo Dalang clapped his hands vigorously, and couldn’t help but say: “Great!” He realized that his voice was too loud, and quickly controlled it, and quietly said to Mo Linlang, “You tell me the location, before you have it? When someone finds out, I will go digging for gold.”

There was irony in Ma Linlang’s eyes. She said, “Father, there will be a curfew soon, and it is too late to come back even if I leave the city. Not cost-effective. Why don’t we go tomorrow? We happen to prepare something for self-defense as well.”

Mo Dalang nodded repeatedly and said, “Yes, you are right, I am happy and confused. You will draw the map tonight, and I will dig as soon as I open the gate of the city tomorrow?”

“I only remember the look of that tree, did you see the surrounding terrain.” Mo Linlang said, “Father, I will take you with you tomorrow.”

Mo Dalang didn’t want the gold to be seen by others. If he dug it out, then all the gold belonged to him. If he brought Ma Linlang with him, he had to share some of it with Ma Linlang. But Mo Dalang then thought, Mo Linlang is his daughter, how can he not turn to him? As long as he coaxed Ma Linlang a few words, Ma Linlang was sure to be obedient. Let Ma Linlang have more dreams in the future. Doesn’t he have money to spend?

Mo Dalang couldn’t close his mouth happily. For the first time, he showed a gentle and loving look to Ma Linlang. He touched Ma Linlang’s head and said, “Good girl? Son, you are doing well. If you make a fortune for your father, I will definitely buy you a dowry. It’s useless for Liu to stop it. What will you go back for a while? Don’t tell Liu, whether you can find something tomorrow, don’t tell her. Although she belongs to the Mo family Daughter-in-law, but after all, it’s a foreign surname. Only our father and daughter are of one mind, don’t you think?”

Ma Linlang looked at Mo Dalang, his lips twitched ironically, and nodded: “This is natural. Father, if we leave the city early tomorrow morning and return empty-handed, my little lady has to doubt it, why don’t we take a few? When the chicken goes out, it says that it sells chickens outside the city, and it happens that the basket can also hide things.”

As soon as Mo Dalang heard the Lord’s intention, he immediately said: “Or you think well, we will do this. You will go to the chicken coop to pick a few chickens, and you will not sleep in bed tomorrow morning, get up early, and we will start a workshop. The door? Let’s go.”

Mo Linlang responded, lowered her eyes, and thought sarcastically, she has never depended on the bed. Every day, she waited at the gate before dawn.

The lazy people are clearly Mo Liu and Mo Dalang.

Mo Linlang and Mo Dalang returned to the house. When Mo Liu saw that Mo Linlang suddenly talked to Mo Dalang, he went out and muttered for a long time, and his eyes kept staring suspiciously at them. But Mo Dalang today? I don’t know what?, no matter what Mo Liu’s? The trial is not leaking, Mo Linlang ran to the chicken coop as soon as he returned to the yard, holding a few chickens to see?.

Mo Liu felt something was wrong instinctively, and stared at Mo Linlang all night. Did Mo Linlang care? She went back to the woodshed where she slept early and dug out a knife from the hidden corner of the wall.

This knife was rusty. It was obviously because someone else threw it away. It was picked up again and polished a little bit. Ma Linlang slowly unwrapped the cloth from the knife body, and the blade reflected the moonlight coldly on her face. Those eyes are as dead and without emotion.

Ma Linlang hid the dagger in her sleeve, fingers tightly clenched silently.

Mother, for this day, she endured it for five years. Tomorrow? She can get revenge.

Mo Dalang didn’t sleep well all night because there was something in his heart. Before dawn the next day, Mo Dalang suddenly woke up from his sleep. He was lying on the bed, and for some reason he was in a cold sweat, and his heart was pounding.

Mo Liu’s and Mo Xiaolang slept next to him, Mo Dalang quietly got up, walked around Mo Liu’s, and went barefoot to the ground. He didn’t dare to wear shoes until he got out of the house.

At this moment, the sky was blue and black, and the courtyard was still gray. Mo Linlang had already put on his clothes, tidy up the yard quickly, and fed the chickens.

Mo Dalang got up so early for the first time, he looked at the little girl in the morning light, she was obviously thin, but she worked skillfully and neatly. Mo Dalang couldn’t imagine that this was his own daughter. He coughed, feeling a little guilty inexplicably: “Lin Lang.”

Mo Linlang looked back, and smiled at Mo Dalang: “Father, you are awake.”

Ma Linlang’s clothes have been worn for several years, and the cuffs are already short. As she moved, her arms showed a very long length, and she could see the thin wrist bones and the bruises of blue and black. Mo Dalang finally realized that Mo Liu had treated Ma Linlang too harshly. With a guilty heart, he said to Ma Linlang, “You are still a child. Keep these alive and let your mother do it. Hurry up and pack things, we Going out of town.”

Ma Linlang replied, she lifted the basket set aside, bent over to hold the baby chicken from the chicken coop. When she reached out to a chicken with blood on its wings, the chicken seemed to be sensitive, and she also looked up at her. The eyes of the two crossed, Mo Linlang didn’t speak, and quietly put the Rakshasa bird in the basket, mixing with many chicks.

Mo Dalang thought of digging for gold by himself for a while, and he was so flustered that he kept wiping sweat along the way. But Mo Linlang was very calm. The two of them lined up in the line out of the city. After a lot of investigations, they finally reached the city gate.

The gate? The guard stopped them, checked their arms, and asked sharply, “What’s in the basket?”

Ma Linlang lifted a corner lightly and said, “It’s a chicken.”

“You want to sell chickens, why don’t you go out of the city if you don’t go to Nanshi?”

Did Ma Linlang answer? Mo Dalang hurriedly stepped forward, bowing to please and secretly stuffing money, and finally got through the guard. The guard lifted the cloth on the basket with a knife, glanced roughly, dropped it rudely, and said, “Okay, go out.”

“Hey, thank you Junye!”

Ma Linlang calmly tidied the messed-up blue-flowered coarse cloth, covered it on the chirping chicken, and walked out of the Changxia Gate with the basket on his shoulders.

Mo Dalang went out smoothly? He was obviously relieved, only then did he realize that his back was soaked with sweat. Mo Dalang picked up his clothes and fanned them, and asked, “Where is the place you dreamed of?”

Ma Linlang lowered his eyes and said softly: “Just ahead.”

Changxiamen, after the father and daughter left, the guards of the city gate immediately walked to the officer and whispered a report: “General, someone has taken a bird out of the city.”

Eizhong Lang Habayashi immediately cheered up and asked, “Which direction did you go from?”

The guard pointed to the direction where Mo Linlang and Mo Dalang had left. Zhong Lang would look up and see a weak girl with a bamboo basket on his arm. General Zhong Lang nodded and said, “Take people to follow quietly. Don’t be stunned. I will report to Princess An Ding. Let others be careful. Guard the city gate. If there are people with chickens, ducks, geese and other birds going out? , Write it all down.”


On the third day of the announcement, Li Chaoge finally received the news he wanted. She held the sword, knocked it on the table, beckoning Bai Qianhe not to eat it: “Go, the fish is on the bait, it’s time to close the net.”

Today, Li Chaoge changed into a purple-colored Hu suit with a leather belt on his waist and moccasin boots under his feet. She walked through the teahouse in strides, with a calm expression, firm steps, and a cold and steady momentum. Obviously the sun hadn’t risen yet, but her figure passed through the gray mist, like the first ray of sunlight in the morning, and immediately pierced the chaos, and the whole world was bright.

Zhou Shao drank the wine in one sip, stood up and left without saying a word. Bai Qianhe resignedly stuffed the buns into his mouth, not reconciled when he left? He took two more from the table: “You slow down, wait for me!”

Li Chaoge has turned on his horse, straddling his horse with long legs, amazingly slender. Holding the reins in her hand, she ran the horse without waiting for Zhou Shao and Bai Qianhe to be ready, “I’m leaving, you follow.”

From the very beginning, Li Chaoge didn’t expect to find the Rakshasa by the notice. Luoyang is the capital of 10,000 households, with a permanent population of 500,000. The poultry that these 500,000 people raise and eat are even harder to count. Relying on the people to report spontaneously, how? Maybe it is possible to find a Rakshasa bird who is good at transforming, especially good at bewitching people’s hearts?

Her announcement was just a cover, and her real investigation focus was actually on the gates. The Rakshasa bird was seriously injured. At this moment, it is no different from a frightened bird. Before that, it could still hold its breath. When it heard that the court had begun to pay attention to the birds, it would definitely not be able to sit down anymore and would definitely find a way. ?Out of town.

As long as Li Chaoge keeps the gate of the city, there is no need to look for it one by one. She just waited for the Rakshasa bird to throw herself into the net.

At the moment when the gate was opened, the people of Luoyang rushed to the streets, and the ancient Dongdu was slowly waking up after a night of sleep. On the straight and spacious Luoyang Street, a sound of horseshoes came, and the people hurriedly avoided. Didn’t they? Did you see? Who was on the horse, felt a gust of wind blew by, and immediately left. .

The people turned their heads one after another, looking at the purple back, and asked curiously: “Who is this?”

Before they could finish, another hooves approached, leading? Two men ran past, and then a group of soldiers followed. After this group of people finally passed, the people of Luoyang reacted and said one after another: “So it was Princess Anding?”

Li Chaoge was in a hurry, the breeze passed through her hair, and her long hair was hunting and flying. Did Li Chaoge look back, her eyes were straight ahead, and she galloped towards the Changxia Gate indefinitely.

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