Xian Xian

Chapter 4

Chapter 3: Rebirth

The sky was pitch black like ink, and sparse stars scattered on the sky, the light was dim, sometimes absent. Under the night sky, ten mile mountains undulate endlessly, and dense forests cover them, like a lurking behemoth, secret and dangerous.

The mountains are different from the towns, and there is no sound at night. There are only a few scattered lights scattered at the foot of the mountain, which is the only village in the Shili Dashan Mountain, Heilin Village.

Heilin Village is surrounded by black and bottomless forests, hence the name Heilin Village. There are not many people in this village. They rely on hunting for their livelihoods. They are self-sufficient in food and clothing. If there are things that cannot be made, such as lamp oil, they can only go to the nearest town to buy. It is very dangerous to go to town through the Black Forest, so lighting a lamp at night is a very extravagant thing in the Black Forest Village.

At the southwest corner of Heilin Village, the closest place to the Black Forest, stands a lonely small courtyard. This yard is not big, and the wall is filled with one piece in the east and one piece in the west. It can be seen that the days are not rich. At this moment, the main courtyard of the courtyard has the windows closed, and the room is dark and there is no sound at all.

There is no moon tonight, the oil lamp on the table has dried up, and there is no finger in the room. Li Chaoge was lying on the bed, his eyebrows were tightly furrowed, his eyelashes trembling violently. She suddenly trembled and opened her eyes suddenly.

Li Chaoge gasped, she opened her eyes and stared for a long time before realizing that she was still alive. She slowly got up, her eyes swept around, secretly vigilant.

This is where? Is she imprisoned?

Li Chaoge instinctively mobilized Zhen Qi to protect her body, and she was shocked by this. Li Chaoge hurriedly ran Da Zhou Tian and found that he was not injured in his whole body, but the Zhen Qi was gone.

I can’t say it’s gone, I can only say it’s very weak. Li Chaoge stretched out her hand and found that her fingers had become thinner, and there were small wounds left by chopping wood. They were not at all the pampering and murderous hands of later generations. Li Chaoge hurried to look for a mirror on the ground. Through the rough and fuzzy bronze mirror, she saw a familiar but immature face.

Li Chaoge was surprised, stroking his face in disbelief. At this time, she looked around and slowly remembered that this was Heilin Village, where she lived with Old Man Zhou before going to Dongdu to restore her status as a princess.

Li Chaoge felt incredible. She was a martial artist, had already broken through to the realm before death, and knew very well that Pei Ji’an had pierced her heart with that sword, and she would never survive. However, at this moment she was really standing on the ground again, her body and face became smaller, and even her martial arts had returned to her youth.

There is only one explanation, and that is that she didn’t know why she came back to life and was reborn as a girl. Looking at the true qi in her body, it is estimated that she is only fifteen or six years old now.

Li Chaoge held the table and sat down slowly. She stared at the person in the mirror blankly, thinking with emotion that she was only sixteen years old.

When she was sixteen in her previous life, she didn’t know that she was a princess, but thought she was a country girl, her parents were unknown, her identity was unknown, she ran in the mountains invisible, and Chengri dealt with the poisonous insects and beasts of the Black Forest. She didn’t know what her name was. She only vaguely remembered that when she was a child, someone yelled “Chaoge” in her ear, and she thought she was Brother Chao.

Old Man Zhou never told her where she came from, and Li Chaoge knew that he was not born with him, and he never asked. When I was a child, a child laughed at her for not having a parent, and was beaten by Li Chaoge. After that, no one dared to say anything.

She grew up like a boy, picking water and chopping wood, burning fire and cooking since she was young, and she was particularly rough by the old man Zhou. It is strange to say that she has never deliberately practiced martial arts, but the children in the village that she can fight since the age of eight dare not fight back. At the age of ten, she can follow the adults to hunt in the forest, and from the age of twelve, she can enter the mountains alone. .

You know, veterans who have hunted for more than ten years dare not enter the mountains alone. However, Li Chaoge was thrown into the mountains to chop wood at a young age. She had a bruise and swollen face at first, and then she gradually got used to it.

At the age of fourteen, Li Chaoge was already able to bring down a bear on his own. When she came back carrying the bear skin, she found that Old Man Zhou had disappeared. Only one uncovered book and ten dirty copper plates were left at home.

Old Man Zhou disappeared.

Li Chaoge was left behind again.

Anyway, it was not the first time to be discarded. Li Chaoge was uncomfortable for two days and quickly looked away. She can live her life as she should. When she goes hunting in the Black Forest, she will also practice the mentality left by the old man Zhou by the way. She doesn’t know what the book is, but the day is idle as well, so let’s practice by the way.

Li Chaoge grew up to seventeen years old crudely. When he was seventeen years old, ten miles of mountains moved, Helin Village was affected by aftershocks, houses were dumped, the land was cracked, and the disaster was very serious. The villagers make a living in Hukou, and there were no casualties. However, following the earthquake, many beasts and poisonous insects in the mountains were alarmed and swarmed toward the edge of the forest. Heilin Village couldn’t live anymore, and Li Chaoge could only follow the villagers across the Black Forest and seek refuge in Rongzhou.

That was the first time Li Chaoge saw the outside world. The city gate of Rongzhou was majestic and majestic, rising from the ground, with banners on the gates for hunting, armored and spears, Li Chaoge watched this scene, completely shocked.

She obviously grew up in the mountains and had never seen this world. But in Li Chaoge’s heart, a strangely blurred picture emerged.

It seemed that it was such a neat and mighty gate, and it was also such a mighty soldier, but it was taller and bigger than the gate of Rongzhou.

where is that? Why does she remember this picture?

Without waiting for Li Chaoge to understand, the line into the city was queued for them. The guards interrogated the source. The village chief replied in front. As soon as Li Chaoge looked up, he saw a portrait on the notice wall at the city gate.

The Huang Bang next to the portrait said that the saint and the queen returned from the Mount Tai Feng Chan, and the queen worshipped the queen Wende as a daughter-in-law. After that, she was suddenly moved and thought of her daughter.

The Queen of Heaven is the queen of today’s sage. She was established as a queen in the thirteenth year of Yonghui. In the 16th year of Yonghui, she and Shengshang went to the dynasty together. There is nothing to regret in such a life logically, but everything goes smoothly after the diva, and there is only one heart disease.

In the twelve years of Yonghui, while the Queen was still working as Zhaoyi, Shuofang mutiny, and the nobles of Wang Sun and noble fled Chang’an in a hurry. On the road to the south, Wu Zhaoyi’s eldest daughter, Li Chaoge, the six-year-old Anding princess, was lost.

In fact, it was not lost, but was left behind by the Queen and Queen. It is said that when the chasing soldiers were behind, Princess Anding stumbled behind the carriages of Queen Wang and Wu Zhaoyi. Queen Wang was afraid of being overtaken by the chasing soldiers and cut the rope cruelly. The rope broke, and Princess Anding fell into the rebellion, and she never knew her life or death.

How can a six-year-old kid survive when he falls into the rebels? Everyone acquiesced that Princess Anding was dead, Wu Zhaoyi was in grief, and the emperor was also furious, reprimanding the queen for being scorpion-hearted, and soon abolished Wang’s position as queen. In the second year, when Shuofang was in chaos and peace, the emperor and his concubines moved back to Chang’an. In the same year, the emperor stood up against the crowd and established Wu Zhaoyi as his queen.

After Wu Zhaoyi claimed the title, the eldest daughter An Ding princess arbitrarily pursued the title, and the food and wealth were added as if they were no money. Later, the younger daughter gradually grew up, and Wu Zhaoyi finally came out of the pain of bereavement.

With the little princess, the unfortunate eldest princess seems to have become a thing of the past, and no one in the palace mentioned her again for many years. Unexpectedly, this confession of Zen evoked the pain of thinking about women.

After Tian Hau returned to the eastern capital, she ordered people to draw a portrait of Princess Anding, and sent it to various prefectures and counties, and the edict posted it in the most conspicuous place. Tian Hou also announced the name of Princess Anding and her age at the time of loss, clothes, and accessories. She offered a reward for the whereabouts of Princess Anding, and promised that anyone who provided information about Princess Anding would be rewarded with thousands of dollars as long as they were verified to be correct. .

As soon as the reward order came out, the openers flocked to the list. However, after three years, none of the news was true. Gradually, people forgot about it. Until Li Chaoge was seventeen years old when he fled, he stood at the gate of Rongzhou City and saw his portrait.

She saw the words “Li Chaoge” above, and her dusty memory suddenly recovered. She remembered that she was not a mountain barbarian girl at all, she was not a member of Jiannan, let alone Brother Chao. Her name is Li Chaoge.

Li Chaoge was so smashed by this cognition that she couldn’t get her back, she was dull and thought for three days, finally unveiled the emperor’s list, and rang the drum in front of the government office.

In the past three years, the government has seen too many similar people, and it has long been a surprise. The governor of Rongzhou responded verbally, but he didn’t take it seriously and sent Li Chaoge out. Li Chaoge waited for a year until he changed the governor’s history in the following year. The new governor was afraid that the queen would liquidate him, and tentatively handed news to Luoyang before Li Chaoge finally entered the sight of Dongdu.

In the first year of Jingming, Li Chaoge was eighteen years old. He was escorted to Luoyang by the governor and met the legendary queen. The Queen burst into tears as soon as she saw Li Chaoge. After that, Li Chaoge restored her status as a princess, named Princess Anding, and served as a restaurant. That is, in that year, she met Pei Ji’an at her return banquet.

From then on, she liked Pei Ji’an as much as the devil. In order to **** Pei Ji’an with Li Changle, she did not hesitate to become a royal eagle claw and exclude dissidents for the queen. Li Chaoge had always felt that he was ordinary, and although he always won in fights, it was nothing too big. Until he went to Luoyang, Li Chaoge slowly discovered that she seemed to be different from ordinary people.

It turned out that the people outside Heilin Village were very useless.

Li Chaoge could easily defeat the guards in the court, and the ghosts and evil spirits that had plagued the court for a long time were vulnerable to Li Chao singer. The mentality that Old Man Zhou left behind became deeper and deeper, and Li Chaoge was also on this road, going further and further.

The command of the Town Demon Division made Li Chaoge’s name thoroughly started.

In the beginning, Li Chaoge was just killing evil monsters and evil spirits that demanded his life; later it became the witchcraft witchcraft, to check whether the court ministers had contact with Daoni and his ilk. Later, the town monster became a omnipotent charge. Li Chaoge will go to someone’s house to kill the evil spirits and eliminate the evil.

In the Eastern Capital, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Hundred Ghosts Walking at Night, there are many fairies and ghosts hidden. But no matter how terrible the ghost is, how can it be compared to the ghost in the heart of a person.

Li Chaoge gradually walked to the road of nowhere, and later, she could not tolerate her turning back. In order to protect herself, she had to kill more people. Later, she even killed her mother and established herself as the emperor.

It’s a pity that she calculated by the agency, but died under the sword of Pei Ji’an just before she became the throne.

Li Chaoge regained his senses, and she took a closer look at the woman in the mirror. The person in the mirror had willow eyebrows and apricot eyes, red lips and snow skin, and her eyes were extremely clear and not stained with any wind or frost. Li Chaoge pulled down the mirror and stood up resolutely.

How can you be at ease when you have seen high mountains? In this life, she will naturally return to Luoyang.

It’s just that you don’t have to wait for the Rongzhou Governor to send someone to send it. The 16-year-old Li Chaoge didn’t know the way to the East Capital, but the Commander of the Town Demon Division did.

To the Eastern Capital, she will go by herself; the lost princess will take it herself; she will grab the throne she has missed in the previous life.

As for Pei Ji’an, go wherever it is cool. When Li Chaoge thinks of his previous life, he gets heart-struck with anger. Fortunately, she is in her hands. Wouldn’t she be her own queen and be obsessed with what a man does?

Li Chaoge had no other ability, only his words counted. She said that she didn’t like Pei Ji’an anymore, so she would never look back at him.

In this life, her sight belongs to thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.

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