Xian Xian

Chapter 40

Chapter 39: Put on the list

Entering March, the climate in Luoyang became warmer, the wind was soft and moist, and you could vaguely smell the unique earthy smell of spring.

Willows, peaches and plums are vying to sprout, blooming lively on the street. In front of the Ruyi Restaurant, there is a row of apricot blossoms, light pink apricot blossoms all over the branches, which look like a cloud of scarlet from a distance, surrounding the three-story wine floor. A magpie stood on a branch, chirping, and a pedestrian under the tree passed by, and the magpie was frightened and fluttered away. Its movements alarmed the treetops, the branches quivered slightly, and the finely divided petals fell from the branches, like a pink rain.

Li Chaoge walked through the rain of apricot blossoms and walked into the Ruyi Tower. Today, she is wearing a brown-green upper skirt, a pomegranate red dress, and white pink apricot blossoms are stained on her clothes, just like a lady who has just walked out of the painting.

Xiaoer from the shop of Ruyilou was welcoming guests. He turned around and saw Li Chaoge, and his words got stuck. He saw a woman divide the flowers and the willows, walked into the restaurant through a large group of light pink halo, and thought that she had seen a phantom. Li Chaoge crossed the entry barrier. She looked around and asked, “Is there a guest named Bai? I ordered a table of wine with you, where is he?”

The shop’s second child woke up like a dream, and finally reacted, hurriedly stepped forward to lead Li Chaoge and said: “So you are the noble person waiting for the guest officer?. Lady, please come with your child.”

Li Chaoge kept walking up the third floor. As soon as she stepped on the stairs, Bai Qianhe leaned out and waved to her. Li Chaoge knew where they were. She nodded to Xiao Er and motioned: “I have seen them. I have work. You can go back now.”

The shop Xiaoer responded and left flattered. I don’t know why, when facing this woman, Dian Xiaoer always unconsciously wanted to obey, and even when she smiled at them, Dian Xiaoer felt that it was God’s kindness.

Xiaoer scratched his head, sorry?

Li Chaoge walked to the wine table, sat down, and asked, “You call me? What’s the matter?”

Bai Qianhe knew that Li Chaoge never touched the drinks outside, so he didn’t linger, opened the door and said, “Princess, Mo Dalang has been released.”

“What?” Li Chaoge curled his eyebrows, the expression on his face suddenly became cold, “What’s going on?”

Bai Qianhe sighed, poured a glass of wine for himself and Zhou Shao, and said leisurely: “It’s a long story. Ten days ago, we arrested the monster and the Mo family’s father and daughter. The monster was guarded by the princess. The father and daughter were thrown into Dali Temple Prison. I and Zhou Shao were not familiar with the court institutions. We thought we had caught the prisoner. Then the beheading should be decapitated, the exile in exile, it would be fine. As a result, there are people today? By the way, Mo Dalang has gone home.”

Li Chaoge’s face was sober, his expression was already extremely unhappy. If it were changed to a previous life, Luo Shaniao and related suspects would be arrested and brought to justice, and they would have to be thrown into the Demon Sizhao Prison. But this World Town Demon Division has not yet been established. Li Chaoge does not have his own case-handling agency and no independent prison. He can only let the Beiya imperial army guard the Rakshasa bird. The other two suspects should be placed under the custody of Dali Temple in accordance with the rules. The person Li Chaoge captured by himself was going to be sent to Dali Temple. She was already displeased about this. As a result, Dali Temple also released her people?

Li Chaoge took a deep breath, controlled his temper, and said as elegantly as possible: “Who allowed them to let go of these little crickets in Dali Temple?”

Bai Qianhe spread his hands and said, “I don’t know. According to Mo Dalang’s wife, Mo Dalang didn’t know the existence of monsters from beginning to end. He trusted his daughter Mo Linlang, and she was tricked out of Luoyang. Later? Ma Linlang colluded with Rakshasa with the intention of killing his father. Unexpectedly, when he was dismantled by the Rakshasa bird, Ma Linlang was so angry that he pulled out his knife and wanted to kill Mo Dalang himself. When the two of them were fighting, they were hit by the princess. After this, she was taken back to the capital by the princess. After interrogation by the officials of Dali Temple, they learned that the sunrise city was indeed Mo Linlang’s idea, but Mo Dalang didn’t know it. Dali Temple went to interrogate Mo Linlang, and Mo Linlang killed himself The father confessed that he was not guilty, and even clamored to kill Mo Dalang in front of the officials of Dali Temple. Dali Temple felt that it was rebellious and unconventional, so Mo Linlang was taken into custody, and Mo Dalang was acquitted for a public trial in the future. Released.”

Li Chaoge’s anger continued to rise. After hearing this, she silently moved her wrists, already wondering if she would be punished if she smashed Dali Temple. She took a deep breath and asked, “It’s true that Mo Linlang killed his father? Could it be that Mo Dalang shirked responsibility in order to get rid of the crime, or was Dali Temple in order to close the case as soon as possible?”

Bai Qianhe shook his head, saying that he didn’t know. Zhou Shao was silent all the time. Hearing this, he suddenly said: “Dali Temple has been beaten to recruit me? I don’t know, but Mo Linlang wants to kill her father, it should be true.”

“Oh?” Li Chaoge raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhou Shao, “What do you say?”

“There is a gangster in Xicheng. He worked with me before. When he learned that I was at Chamo’s house, he told me a little bit. He said that the daughter of the Mo family was strange, she seemed to be able to see it. Some unclean things have been incompatible with the people around them since they were young. Because of this, people in this area don’t want to get too close to her, and children are beaten by their parents and are not allowed to play with Ma Linlang. When her mother died, she became more taciturn and behaving more and more strangely. Other little ladies may not have the courage, but if it were her, it would be possible.”

Li Chaoge heard it? Instinctively frowned and asked: “How did her mother die?”

Zhou Shao seemed to sigh, and whispered: “Her father beat him to death.”

Li Chaoge was surprised, even Bai Qianhe put down his glass, and asked incredulously: “Who was beaten to death?”

Zhou Shao nodded, indicating that they were right. Li Chaoge’s face was completely cold, she thought for a while, and asked with some insight: “Did she see this when Mo Dalang killed her mother?”

“Yes. I heard that Mo Dalang has this problem all the time. I have been fighting for many years. That time she didn’t control her hands and threw her mother on the stove. She accidentally knocked her head on the edge of the brick and hit her to death. Mo Dalang After a few years, he married a widow. Seeing no one will be held accountable, he slowly raised his head, and recently started to do it again.”

Li Chaoge originally didn’t know why Bai Ma Linlang wanted to help the Rakshasa bird out of the city. Now, after listening to Zhou Shao’s words, I thought it’s no wonder Ma Linlang was willing to help the monster. If it was Li Chaoge, even if she was in jail, she would kill Mo Dalang. People? Scum. Rakshasa bird is also good at bewitching people’s hearts. I think it was Raksha bird who made a deal with Ma Linlang. Ma Linlang believed that it was true and helped Raksha bird escape. When the promise was finally fulfilled, Raksha bird quit.

Li Chaoge heard? Only sighed, she asked: “Even if Ma Linlang was guilty of killing his father, but he did not succeed after all, and? And Mo Dalang also killed someone? Why did he arrest Ma Linlang alone but let him go?”

“This is the court’s judgment, I? I don’t know it? For nothing.” Zhou Shao was silent for a while, muffled? “Actually, it’s not surprising. Princess, you are a royal? You don’t understand the unspoken rules of the folks.” □ □ Killing officials, wives and fathers, sons and fathers are all subject to heavy sentences. Mo Linlang is a woman and a junior, so she will inevitably not get a good death.”

Three people? All can’t speak. After being quiet for a while, Bai Qianhe frowned and asked: “Is this the matter? We caught monsters for justice and for the people, but in the end we caught someone who avenged the mother. Daughter, let out a murderer with blood in his hands. Then what’s the point of us doing all this?”

“The charge has not been determined. It is too early to say these words.” Li Chaoge saw that the atmosphere in the team was not right, and immediately stopped Bai Qianhe’s words, and said firmly and calmly, “Dali Temple is just the initial release of the suspect? , Later? How to proceed, how to convict, how to sentence, there is no conclusion. I’ll check the death of Mo Linlang’s mother that year, if someone really died?, Dali Temple and Jing Zhaoyin don’t make sense, maybe it’s here. What’s the secret?”

Although Bai Qianhe and Zhou Shao are well-known in the arena, they are just two small people in the market. They have no knowledge of the court and no energy. Li Chaoge alone is the only one of them who has the ability to change all of this. And the chivalry and sense of justice shown by Li Chaoge also made Bai Qianhe and Zhou Shao willing to believe in her.

They are born with a hatred of the government, and especially hate politicians who turn their hands in the clouds and cover their hands in the rain, but Li Chaoge strangely blends the two identities of the warriors and the court politicians, but it is not annoying at all.

If these words were replaced by other officials, Zhou Shao would have turned away without saying a word, but if it was Li Chaoge, he would think, perhaps, there was a real turn for the better.

He wanted to get rid of the crime and restore his freedom, but it didn’t mean that Zhou Shao was willing to be a court eagle claw, causing innocent people to go to jail.

Li Chaoge’s expression was very calm, with a confident look, successfully stabilizing Zhou Shao and Bai Qianhe. Li Chaoge’s performance was strong, but he was sighing in his heart. It is too uncomfortable to have no status. If she has a town demon division under her, from arresting people, hearing to finalizing the case, they will make the decision on their own. How can this matter be caused? It’s okay now, they arrested people, Dali Temple settled the case, and the right to speak is in the hands of others, but it’s not so angry.

Li Chaoge once again made up his mind that she must establish the Town Demon Division as soon as possible. Because of the episode of Ma Linlang, the atmosphere on the table was a little embarrassing. At this time, there was a loud noise outside, drawing the eyes of all three of them.

Li Chaoge changed the topic accordingly. She called Xiaoer to the shop, gave a string of copper plates to the shop Xiaoer, and asked: “What’s wrong outside, why is it so lively?”

Dian Xiaoer received the reward and said happily: “Return to the lady, this year’s Jinshi has been put on the list. Luoyang’s eldest daughter-in-law and little girls are catching son-in-law under the emperor’s list, so there is such a big disturbance.”

“Oh?” Hearing the imperial examination, Li Chaoge thought of someone?, and asked, “Who are in Jinshi this year?”

“Twenty people have been recorded in the Jinshi course, and 15 people have been admitted. The law has the least, only one person.”

one person?? Li Chaoge raised her eyebrows when she heard it. She already knew who this person was. Sure enough, the shop’s little second had sold enough, and he smiled and said: “This year, the student of the law department is very good. Not only does he have good grades, but also his looks are extremely outstanding. So many people outside? See this person?”

Li Chaoge smiled lightly, and felt sad again after laughing. Gu Ming Ke passed the exam as soon as she finished scolding Dali Temple. This is the only surviving seedling of Ming Fake, presumably, he will be robbed and recorded by the old antiques at Dali Temple.

Li Chaoge asked: “Where is the new jinshi now?”

“Already in the palace. The saint? Queen of Heaven? After hearing the release of the list?, he specifically called everyone to the palace and asked them personally. I heard that the saint? They must be ranked first, and those who rank first can be given priority to officials.”

There is no doubt that this approach must have been suggested by Tian Hou. In the past few years, the admission of imperial examinations was completely determined by the Ministry of Rites, and the emperor and the queen did not have any right to participate. The Ministry of Etiquette determines the number and selection of persons to be admitted, and then these people are sent to the Ministry of Officials, and the Ministry of Officials conducts an official evaluation. If you fail the examination, even if you pass the Jinshi examination, you will not be able to become an official.

There are pros and cons to this move. Poetry writing and serving as an official are indeed two things. Some people are talented and may not be suitable for official positions. But this also caused the divas to be able to enter the court’s vision for a long time. With Tianhou’s personality, how can he let his throat be choked by others? Since the official appointment process can’t interfere, after that day? I will add a program to hold the palace exam.

She personally designated the first, second, and third, and it would be unreasonable for the staff to not grant officials. What’s more, looking at the Queen of Heaven? What does she mean? She didn’t pass the official department at all. It is estimated that the official position will be determined on the spot in the palace examination.

Li Chaoge is interested, she also wants to see, how does Gu Ming Ke respond to the diva? Q&A. Li Chaoge stood up, threw a bunch of money on the table, and said: “You continue to drink, I? Go to the palace to see.”

Zhou Shao and Bai Qianhe now have no source of livelihood, in other words, they are raised by Li Chaoge. Li Chaoge paid the bill, but they did not move and continued to eat and drink calmly. The shop Xiaoer saw this beautiful and rich golden chief go out?, hey?, and asked: “Lady, why don’t you ask Ming? The name of the gentleman in Fake is born? The little lady outside is crazy. ”

Li Chaoge chuckled lightly, holding the sword, and walking down the stairs quickly: “Don’t ask. I know.”

Didn’t she go to the near water tower to get the first month?

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