Xian Xian

Chapter 52

Chapter 51: contract

Gao Zihan was silent for a moment, and slowly said: “Today’s matter is still the first thing for the young lady Pei? She said that she did not get a good result. Princess Guangning was curious and asked what divination was. The popular method of supporting immortals.”

After talking about the immortal method, Gao Zihan paused. After all these things today, how can she not know that this is not a fairy technique at all, it is almost the same if it is a wicked technique. Gao Zihan’s face turned pale again when he remembered what happened just now. Princess Dongyang saw that she felt distressed and couldn’t help saying: “Zihan, don’t think about it if you feel uncomfortable. These things are all over.”

After that, the princess Dongyang turned around and said to Li Chaoge: “Sheng Yuan, Zihan is uncomfortable, you should ask someone else for questioning.”

“Aniang, I’m okay.” Gao Zihan stopped Princess Dongyang’s words. She grabbed her fingers, and squatted in recollection. “After we explained to Princess Guangning, Princess Guangning was in high spirits, so we offered to help you. Xian…make a wish for that thing. The previous steps are the same. First, take a plate, put in water, blend in cinnabar, and finally drip your own blood, mix it into paint, and draw the yin and yang position. Rumors say that Fu Jiu invited it like this , I don’t know which step went wrong, it will summon ghosts.”

Li Chaoge heard it and asked, “How is the azimuth drawn?”

Gao Zihan gestured with his hands for a while, and suddenly remembered that the talisman paper that summoned Fu Ji was still there, and quickly said, “That piece of paper should still be in the side hall. Go get it quickly.”

The long princess mansion is now in chaos, but fortunately no one dared to approach the side hall, and the piece of talisman paper was happily placed on the table. The maid went to the side hall tremblingly, but they didn’t dare to look at it, and they were in a mess, and quickly brought them to Li Chaoge.

When Princess Dongyang and Gao Zihan saw the piece of paper, their expressions changed drastically, and the female relatives in the inner room shattered. Li Chaoge took the things, unfolded it, and looked at it, already knowing it in his heart. She closed the talisman and said to Princess Dongyang and Gao Zihan: “Don’t be nervous, the Princess Palace is now clean? Guarded, you don’t have to worry about being filthy coming home for the next 30 to 40 years. Don’t worry. Cousin Gao, this Who taught you Zhang Fu to paint?”

“Teach?” Gao Zihan frowned, quite puzzled, “No one taught me. This is how it was drawn in Fangshi rumors. What’s wrong with this talisman?”

Not too stupid to save, Li Chaoge folded the paper, retracted it into his sleeve, and said, “The paper is okay, but the symbol on it is wrong. This is a very yin-stricken Summoning Array, and was called by it. The things that come here will never be clean. You are still mixed with cinnabar, no wonder.”

Princess Dongyang grew up in the palace after all, so she was naturally vigilant about these witches, ghosts and gods. She frowned as she heard it, and finally, her face became gloomy: “Bold, who is playing mystery and dare to be the daughter of this palace?”

Li Chaoge raised his eyebrows and said nothing. The princess of Dongyang thought that someone deliberately disclosed the problematic drawings to Gao Zihan and changed the law to cause Gao Zihan to die, but Li Chaoge felt that it was not necessarily intentional.

To be precise, it may not be aimed at Gao Zihan. Gao Zihan just said that they just followed the trend to play with it because they saw the popularity in the market. If this kind of blueprint was used when it first circulated, then Gao Zihan and a few people just strayed into the snare, luck? Good, it made the matter a big deal. Such a large-scale spread is not like the handwriting of the Dongyang princess’s enemies, but more like a layout of someone who wants to harvest lives indiscriminately.

These words Li Chaoge didn’t tell Princess Dongyang and Gao Zihan that if Li Chaoge’s speculation is true, then the involvement behind this incident will be very terrifying. Before everything becomes clear, revealing too much will only provoke panic. It’s better to let Dongyang Princess continue to misunderstand. The mother and daughter acted arrogantly, and it is estimated that they have provoke a lot of opponents. The long-term princess of Dongyang would spend a long time investigating enemies in every household. With the high-profile style of the mother and daughter, Luoyang might be lively next. This is just right for Li Chaoge. Only when the water is muddled can she have a chance to follow the vine.

Li Chaoge didn’t say anything, and let Princess Dongyang misunderstand him. The princess of Dongyang was very angry. After scolding for a long time, many noble ladies in Dongdu were torn into the water by her, revealing a lot of gossip. Li Chaoge had known before that there were some ladies in the East who were playing very openly, but only today did I know how open they are. Li Chaoge listened silently, and waited until the princess Dongyang was almost scolded, then said: “Aunt Dongyang, who is the real culprit can be found slowly, now the top priority is to save his life. Cousin Gao, after you summoned to help you, what have you promised? desire?”

Gao Zihan was also angry when he heard that he had been trapped by others. She had a sullen face, and thought carefully: “My wish is to be the tallest person in the audience. The eldest grandson Sanniang will not gain weight no matter how much she wants to eat. The eldest grandson Wuniang wishes her father not to frown, and Cao Niangzi wants grandfather to hurry up. Get better.”

Li Chaoge went through people in his mind and asked, “Where is Pei Chuyue?”

“She didn’t say.” Gao Zihan said, “She made a wish silently in her heart. We refused to say how to ask. I don’t know what she promised. Then I went out and suddenly lost consciousness, waiting for me to think about it again. When I was in the attic.”

Li Chaoge nodded slightly: “I understand. No wonder she mumbled to the heights at the time. It turns out that this is an agreement between you and her.”

Gao Zihan and Princess Dongyang turned pale, and no one dared to ask who ‘she” was in Li Chaoge’s words. After a while, Gao Zihan plucked up the courage? and asked: “I was just playing around, and didn’t think about it? Really, let alone make an agreement with those things. Will it be serious?”

Li Chaoge didn’t answer, his heart said how could it not be serious. The way of heaven lies in checks and balances. Demons can obtain powerful mana through cultivation, and similarly, they cannot possess spiritual intelligence, and each advancement has to go through nine deaths. Humans are born with spirits, are born to speak, but have a short lifespan, are fragile, and are blessed by heaven. Every newborn child will have a scent of grandeur in her mother’s womb. After birth, this radiant of grandeur is getting weaker and weaker, and when the grandeur is dissipated, it is also the end of life. Therefore, demons and ghosts can not eat people casually, especially ghosts. They jump out of the six reincarnations, and are intolerant of heaven. When they approach people, they will be repelled by the atmosphere of the grandeur, unless they are invited by the deity.

For example, scholars invite female ghosts and foxes to go home for the night. For example, Zhongyuan opens the door at night and invites ghosts to come in as guests. For example, people like Gao Zihan and others take the initiative to ask ghosts for help.

They dripped their own blood to open up the natural barrier of their bodies, allowing ghosts to enter their bodies. Once the ghost has fulfilled their wishes for them, they will be paid.

Making a deal with Li Gui, no matter whether it is the way to realize the wish or the subsequent payment, there will be no good things.

Seeing Li Chaoge’s face, Gao Zihan also understood that the situation was serious. She felt a heavy heart, and couldn’t help asking: “After that, what should I do?”

“You’re all right, please recover from your illness with peace of mind.” After Li Chaoge finished speaking, he added, “It is the other people who should be worried.”

Although Li Chaoge’s words were comforting Gao Zihan, they did not cheat. Li Chaoge didn’t check Gao Zihan’s pulse, just a rough look at it, you can feel that Gao Zihan’s body is full of aura, clean and unsullied, and you don’t have to worry about being close by filth and evil for the rest of your life. How can Li Gui dare to come back and look for her. But for a few others, I’m afraid it’s not so good.

“Really?” Gao Zihan still didn’t dare to rest assured, she was suspicious, pointed to her back of the head and side of her waist and said, “I don’t know what’s going on. After I woke up, my head hurts so much, and my waist is black and blue. Isn’t it true that the ghost is making trouble?”

Without blinking his eyes, Li Chaoge said awe-inspiringly: “It may be that a ghost hurt your body when it was possessed. It was all skin trauma. Just keep it for a few days.”

Gao Zihan rubbed the bag on the back of his head, and gradually took it seriously: “Okay.”

Li Chaoge has finished asking what he should ask. Even if he asks Gao Zihan, he doesn’t know the other questions. Li Chaoge got up and said, “Cousin Gao, you are so sick. I’ll leave first.”

The princess Dongyang stood up and wanted to send Li Chaoge out. Li Chaoge stopped and said, “Aunt Dongyang stay. You can take care of your cousin here. I can go out by myself.”

The princess Dongyang was really worried about her daughter. After she pushed back twice, she sat down and asked the maid to send Li Chaoge out. The maid opened the curtain for Li Chaoge. Li Chaoge was about to leave when he suddenly heard Gao Zihan shouting behind him: “Wait a minute.”

Li Chaoge paused and looked back at Gao Zihan. The expression on Gao Zihan’s face looks a bit strange. She squeezed her hand awkwardly, and finally raised her head and said awkwardly, “Although I don’t like your uncomfortable character, this time, thank you.”

Li Chaoge thought it was something, she hummed indifferently, walked through the bead curtain and walked out quickly.

Gao Zihan craned his neck and saw Li Chaoge walking outside the main hall through the half-open window. In the courtyard, a white-clothed man stood under the eaves with one hand and one hand. When she came out, what did the two talk in a low voice, and walked out one after another.

The sun shone on the two of them, one extremely strong, the other extremely clear. They walked in the mighty spring light, almost dazzling.

The princess Dongyang scolded displeasedly: “You child, Sheng Yuan rescued you today, how can you say this?”

“I’m just telling the truth.” Gao Zihan slowly fell on the pillow. Li Chaoge and the Dongdu ladies circle were out of sync. Gao Zihan hated Li Chaoge for not observing the world’s default rules for women, and sincerely envied her, he can walk in the sun. Down.

The world likes her, does not like her, for Li Chaoge, what is the difference? She has never cared about other people’s views.

Li Chaoge and Gu Mingke walked outside the princess’s mansion and said: “Their five little ladies used blood as a contract and made a deal with Li ghost. Gao Zihan’s wish was to go to the next level and see the mountains and mountains, but they were almost hanged. At the highest level. The wishes of the others are all related to the family members, but Pei Chuyue did not say it. Are you more careful?”

Don’t kill the ghost, take the credit of Li Chaoge.

Gu Mingke nodded and said, “Okay, I will try my best.”

While they were talking, the two had already walked out of the front door, and the servants of the princess mansion saluted Li Chaoge out. Li Chaoge didn’t care about the crowd behind him, but asked, “Where are you going next?”

“Dali Temple.”

Li Chaoge tweeted softly and couldn’t help asking, “Didn’t you take a leave today?”

“Princess Dongyang’s banquet was suspended, and the reason for asking for leave was invalidated, so the leave was cancelled naturally.”

This statement sounds quite reasonable, Li Chaoge has nothing to say, feeling that it is really a model worker. Li Chaoge thought of Mo Linlang’s affairs, and said: “It just so happens that I have something to go to Dali Temple. Today, if I can see the original body of the ghost, why should I let it go? I will ask Mo Linlang, what is the yin and yang eye? What’s going on.”

Gu Mingke didn’t rush and asked, “Do you have an order for trial?”

Li Chaoge had a meal: “No. But people are locked in the prison of Dali Temple, isn’t this what you said?”

“It’s not in compliance with the rules.” Gu Mingke said in a clear and shallow voice, “You have no official or job, you are not an insider of the Dali Temple, you are not a special commissioner of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and you are not appointed by the palace. You cannot see the imperial court.”

Li Chaoge’s tolerance for beauties has always been very high, but Gu Mingke is obviously an exception. Li Chaoge took a deep breath and tried to say peacefully: “I know it’s not compliant. But since we are all so familiar, can’t you be accommodating?”

“First?, we are not familiar. Secondly…” Gu Mingke glanced back and glanced at her indifferently, “Who told you that if you have a good personal relationship, you can not follow the rules?”

Li Chaoge’s fists were hard, she squeezed her fingers, and slowly said, “I don’t want to do it either. However, if someone makes me unhappy, I can only make the other party more unhappy. If you block my way again, I will We had to kill Pei Ji’an, and none of us had a better life.”

“Okay.” Gu Mingke said indifferently, “It’s his honour to die to maintain fairness and order. Go ahead.”

Gu Mingke tried to be ashamed and went back to the Heavenly Court to reset the world for the third time, and he would not violate the principle for Li Chaoge. Do not know what to do, disrupt order, and dare to threaten him?

Gu Mingke is not used to her problem.

Li Chaoge was choked and wanted to do it again. Gu Mingke is really invulnerable, saying that it sounds good is very principled, and that it is ugly, it is simply pedantic.

The two of them were in a stalemate, when a carriage suddenly drove up at the entrance of the street, and went straight to the Princess of Dongyang, looking at the frame of the palace. Li Chaoge immediately realized that this was coming to her. Today, she went out of the palace with Li Changle. After the ghost incident broke out, Li Changle was scared to return to the palace, but Li Chaoge still stayed in the princess mansion. Li Changle also took the carriage away when he left. Now that the palace heard about the haunting of the Long Princess House, he hurriedly sent someone to pick up Li Chaoge.

Li Chaoge didn’t want to go back. Today’s affairs are so violent. After returning to the palace, the emperor and the queen will definitely interrogate them in turn, and they will not be allowed to leave the palace at that time. Li Chaoge didn’t want to be locked in the palace. It happened that the maid on the carriage didn’t see her. Li Chaoge turned to the side, covering his face with his hand, intending to drive away quietly.

She had only taken two steps and was caught by her arm suddenly. Li Chaoge turned his head in surprise and saw Gu Mingke’s upright face, raised his voice slightly, and shouted to the maids at the gate of the princess’s mansion: “Are you looking for her? Princess Sheng Yuan is here.”

Li Chaoge immediately cursed in her heart, but it was too late for her to hide. The maidservants turned around and saw that Li Chaoge came over in a panic: “Princess, are you okay? The saint and the queen are extremely worried, slaves and maids. Just protect you back to the palace.”

Li Chaoge was surrounded by court ladies and couldn’t get out after several attempts. She raised her head and looked with a murderous look? To Gu Mingke, Gu Mingke did not dodge, even nodded and smiled at her, saying: “The princess has a safe journey.”

Seeing that Gu Mingke had sent Li Chaoge back, the ladies of the palace were very moved and saluted: “Thank you Gu Langjun for your reminder. Lang Jun Wanan.”

Li Chaoge was dragged by the maids, watching? Gu Mingke straightened his sleeves and walked away. She took a deep breath and told herself that he had a good-looking face, and that he chose the one that she chose. Can’t you be angry?

She was afraid that she couldn’t help it, and one day she would be angry with Gu Mingke.

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