Xian Xian

Chapter 62

Chapter 61: Murder

Gu Ming Ke looked at the door not far away. There were still water marks on the steps and door door, which seemed to have just been scrubbed. The colleague of Dali Temple noticed Gu Ming Ke’s gaze, and then looked over, his face changed slightly, and he complained in a low voice: “The saint is really a squandering woman. Usually he spoils his daughter and squanders money and acts arrogantly. Let’s not say anything. Unexpectedly, even the dynasty would be left to their mischief. Are the female family members able to intervene in the affairs of the country? Just discuss politics with the queen, Sheng Yuangong? The Lord knows nothing about the court, so he should be prepared to marry and what to do when he enters the dynasty? The daughter set up an organization to make her mess around, and she was also named as the third-rank commander. The third-rank officer was so god-sage, and now he became a plaything of a little lady. Will not be the country.”

When Gu Ming Ke heard these words, he quietly said: “The two saints are in the dynasty, the sun and the moon are in the same glory. You’d better not say these words. Although the officials in the DPRK are all men, they are not mentioned in the code. Women are not allowed to enter official positions. After some time, she will not be able to accomplish anything, so it is not too late to mock her.”

The colleagues of Dali Temple looked at Gu Ming? Ke incredulously: “Gu Sicheng, what are you doing? The saint’s ears are soft, and your daughter’s mischief, you can’t make your ears soft? Sheng Yuan Gong? The Lord established a so-called town monster. Si, everywhere compared to Dali Temple, there is a hint of acupuncture. As an official of Dali Temple, you should not be the first orthodox member of the law, should you hate Sheng Yuan Gong? Is the Lord abominable? You said for her. What are you talking about!”

“Just talk about justice.” Gu Ming Ke said, “Since the saint does this, he has his own consideration. Don’t talk about it. The saint is still waiting in the palace. Here, go to the face saint first.”

The colleagues of Dali Temple knew that this was in the palace, and although they were uncomfortable, they could only shut up reluctantly. Tian Hou has a lot of eyes and ears, and if he is dissatisfied with women’s participation in politics, if these words reach Tian Hou’s ears, he may not be well. For the sake of their own future, the colleagues of Dali Temple silently endured it.

Dali Temple is in the east of the imperial city, very close to the East Palace, but some distance from the place of Shang Dynasty. Because of the episode just now, Gu Ming Ke and his colleagues were speechless all the way, quietly walking towards the Tongming Hall.

Gu Ming Ke glanced over the upright and solemn palace. So many years have passed, the palace architecture has changed a lot. Gu Ming Ke looks uncomfortable, but also feels a little emotional.

It turned out that Kui State was still perished. The vows of unifying the world and being the emperor for thousands of generations are still in my ears, but the rise and fall of the world is not special for the Qin family.

The Qin clan has been annihilated in the long river of history, and now the lord of the world is Li Tang.

When Gu Ming Ke saw the Town Demon Division when he went out today, he was not dissatisfied with the woman’s political affairs, but happened to remember something. Jiao Wei murmured inadvertently, saying that someone had been inquiring about Gu Ming’s past. The Jiaowei speaker was unintentional, but Gu Ming Ke remembered it.

Gu Ming Ke checked Jiao Wei’s memory and found that it was Li Chaoge’s. Gu Ming Ke was not surprised by this result. He had known for a long time that it would be her.

His identity is probably about to be revealed.

Gu Ming Ke has never paid attention to the female ghost and Pei Chuyue’s affairs, but he can sense that someone has seen Gu Ming Ke’s fate, and combined with Pei Chuyue and the marriage, Pei Chuyue is again to the original Gu Ming? Ke has a good impression, and many factors add up. It is not difficult to guess that Pei Chuyue’s marriage partner is Gu Ming Ke.

Dark marriage is a ritual in the underworld. There are many differences from the yang, but the process is similar. To get married, you need the birth date of both the man and the woman, written in the marriage book and confessing to heaven, and then worshiping the heaven and earth, parents, and husband and wife, and the three worship ceremony will be considered as the real contract. The Pei family did not discover the marriage certificate, the female ghost was sent to the monastery, and there was no shadow of the marriage certificate, so it could only be taken away by Li Chaoge.

Gu Ming Ke thought of catching ghosts. The next day, Li Chaoge suddenly came to him early in the morning, staring at his cheeks and neck.

At least there must be a dead person for a dark marriage. The original Gu Ming Ke has gone to reincarnation, but he is indeed dead. He is not Gu Ming Ke and the incident is then exposed.

Looking at the attitude of Pei’s family towards him, the only thing about this at the moment is? Li Chaoge knows that Mrs. Pei and others don’t know who the other person in the marriage is. The evidence is in Li Chao singer, it seems that she has guessed eight or nine.

He wasn’t worried about this, he wasn’t the real Gu Ming? What about Ke, the world? People think he is, that’s enough. The **** of the immortal family is far beyond Li Chaoge’s reach. Xiao Ling used a mirror to change the memory of people in this life. Even if Li Chaoge doubts, there is no way to prove it.

Besides, Gu Ming Ke doesn’t need to live a lifetime in the world, and temporarily endure for two years. After covering the greedy wolf, he can return to the heavenly court. Regardless of whether Li Chaoge had doubts, there was no obstacle to Gu Ming Ke.

Gu Ming Ke was just very embarrassed. Didn’t he think that he would expose his identity in such a place. It’s not a misplay or sudden danger, but a little girl’s personal affair.

It is outrageous.

Within the town demon division, Li Chaoge had just sent Bai Qianhe away, and the attendant in Miyagi arrived. Listening to Li Chaoge? When the emperor announced the call, he stood up without saying a word, and asked as he walked out, “Why did the saint suddenly call someone?”

“Slaves don’t know it, it seems to be an out-of-state matter.”

Li Chaoge responded and asked, “Who have all the saints summoned?”

“In addition to the public lord, there are also Dali Temple and the Criminal Ministry.”

If Li Chaoge had anything to think about, the Ministry of Justice and Dali Temple also went, it seems to be a murderous case. Which state had something happened, and even the capital was alarmed?

Li Chaoge thought about it, and said casually: “I understand it. I’ll go by myself. You can go to Dali Temple and inform them.”

“The officials and ministers of Dali Temple have gone, and the servants and maids have just come out of Dali Temple.”

Li Chaoge raised his eyebrows, squinted? He glanced at the servant?: “The same imperial decree, you first notify Dali Temple, and then you will notify me last?”

The servant was stunned, but he didn’t expect Li Chaoge to grab such a place. The servant was obstructed and tried to remedy: “The father-in-law calms down his anger, and the servant and maid are afraid of neglecting the father-in-law, so they make a special trip to lead the way to the father-in-law…”

Li Chaoge didn’t want to listen? He was talking nonsense, she walked out of the town demon division with a calm face. Li Chaoge stood on the corridor and looked around. There was no figure in front of him. Without a word, Li Chaoge raised his clothes and hurried forward.

The waiter chased after him, and kept shouting, but was thrown behind his ears by Li Chaoge. Li Chaoge chased him all the way, and daringly in front of Tongming Hall, he saw Gu Ming Ke’s back.

Gu Ming Ke was about to go up the stairs, vaguely heard that someone behind him called him: “Gu Sicheng.”

Gu Ming Ke turned his head and found that Li Chaoge hurried to catch up from behind, rushed past him, and rushed into the palace in front of him.

Several people in Dali Temple were speechless together. A colleague quietly pulled Gu Ming Ke’s sleeves and asked, “Sheng Yuan Gong? What is the Lord doing?”

“I don’t know.” Gu Ming Ke sighed helplessly, and continued to put on his clothes, climbing up the steps, “Maybe it’s naive.”

Li Chaoge rushed into the hall door fiercely, the voice inside paused, everyone turned their heads, the emperor saw her and asked in surprise: “Chaoge? What are you doing, why are you in a hurry?”

Li Chaoge didn’t change his face, and said: “I want to share the worries for the saint as soon as possible, but he couldn’t restrain his anxiety, so he ran here first.”

Gu Ming Ke entered the door, just in time to hear this sentence. He laughed extremely lightly, and raised his hand to salute the emperor and prime ministers: “See the saint, see Shangshu, Siqing.”

Important figures such as Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry and Dali Temple Qing were already there, and it seemed that they had been discussing with the emperor for a while. After they almost discussed a solution, they asked the juniors to come over. It is impossible for Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry and the high-ranking third-rank officials of Dali Temple to investigate the case in person.

Li Chaoge also saluted the emperor, Xingbu Shangshu, and others. In front of the emperor, these officials were very temperamental, and asked them to stand up in a pleasant manner. Li Chaoge and Gu Ming Ke stood up, and one of them stood up behind the emperor’s case and said, “Gu Sicheng, Lord Sheng Yuan.”

Li Chaoge just pretends that he can’t see it, or is Gu Ming?

Pei Ji’an entered the official office at the beginning of this month and released the Supplements of Huzuo. Zuo Shiyi from the eighth rank, the grade is very small, but it is a beauty that scholars can’t envy even if they break their heads. Without him, although Zuo Sui was a small official, but noble and elegant, he followed the emperor’s side to worship satirical remonstrance, and the court discussed the seal. The principles of officialdom have been connected since ancient times. The closer you are to the emperor, the more important it is. The Zuo Supplement has both a clear name and an advantage, and it is almost a straight way to promote the prime minister. Pei Ji’an became the emperor’s adviser as soon as he became an official.

Today it is Pei Ji’an’s turn to be on duty. The emperor and the ministers are discussing matters. He will record the conversation between the saint and the minister on the side. If the saint asks questions, he can also talk about his own opinions. The errands are very expensive. Pei Ji’an is polite and good-spoken, and has received many public praises these days. Coupled with the invisible identity of Pei Ji’an and the prince horse, everyone knows that the road to Qingyun, Pei’s Dalang, is already under his feet.

People in the officialdom were very flattering to Pei Ji’an, and even the maids and servants in the palace also wooed Pei Ji’an many times. Pei Ji’an refused one by one, and did his job steadily. When everyone saw this, they had a good impression of him.

Pei Ji’an has always been disadvantaged in the officialdom of the palace, except in the presence of Lord Sheng Yuan. Li Chaoge turned a blind eye, but fortunately, Gu Ming told the rules and gave Pei Ji’an a gift in accordance with official etiquette, so that Pei Ji’an would not be embarrassed on the spot. After saying hello to each other, Pei Ji’an and Gu Ming Ke took their seats.

The emperor said: “I called you to come today, is there something to discuss? A newsletter came from Luzhou. Not long after the new governor took office, he was accidentally killed in the government office. This is already the third governor died in Luzhou. Now. Governor Lu has frequent accidents. Zhu Qing thinks, what’s the matter?”

Li Chaoge’s eyebrows twitched, Luzhou successively died, and this is the third one?

Luzhou is surrounded by mountains and rivers, Linhuai and Jiang. It has always been a battleground for military strategists. Moreover, there are many sects in Luzhou, and the internal forces are extremely complicated. The chief of Luzhou died violently one after another, and Li Chaoge immediately smelled an unusual aura.

Li Chaoge didn’t even think about it, and said, “Sage, there must be something wrong with the sudden death of Luzhou Governor?”

Almost at the same time when Li Chaoge spoke, Gu Ming Ke also spoke: “An abnormality is a demon. There may be hidden secrets in the death of the assassin.”

When Li Chaoge heard that Gu Ming Ke was talking with her, his eyebrows jumped, and he refused to give in, biting his scalp and continuing to speak. Gu Ming Ke didn’t stop, and the two voices sounded simultaneously.

“The three princes all died inexplicably, most of which were caused by monsters. Please the saint order the demon to be cleared?”

“The three governors have committed life cases one after another, and they may be murdered. Please decree the saint to conduct a thorough investigation and uphold justice.”

After the two said, everyone was expressionless and straight. The emperor listened at the same time? Two people talked, neither of them listened too much? Clearly, only remember that one said it was a monster and the other said it was man-made.

This… the emperor is embarrassed. If it’s a monster causing chaos, it’s under the control of the town’s monster department. If it’s a man-made murder, it will be investigated by Dali Temple. Who the **** is it?

The emperor looked around and said, “I have discussed with Siqing, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence. What’s more, the three court officials died in an unfavorable manner. The court has to look into the water. What do I mean to everyone? Send a special envoy to Luzhou to investigate, who of you is willing to take the order?”

“Children are willing.”

“Courier please order.”

Li Chaoge took a deep breath, smiled and glanced at Gu Ming Ke: “Gu Sicheng, listen? It is said that Dali Temple is very expensive. Do you also care about monsters?”

“I haven’t seen the corpse and the scene, how did the commander know that the monster did it?” Gu Ming Ke calmly said, “Luzhou is located in a fortress and the situation is complicated. It is very likely that the local forces have colluded with the court and deliberately murdered the imperial court official. Dali Temple maintains justice? It is the right way to rectify injustices. This kind of thing is naturally under the control of Dali Temple.”

“Even if the local forces are in collusion, they can murder three imperial officials in succession, and it is impossible to guarantee that they will not extend their magic claws to the imperial commission of Dali Temple. Dali Temple is all the pillars of the imperial court. , It is the loss of the imperial court. On the contrary, the town demon has a thick skin and can come out in large numbers, and is not afraid of Xiaoxiao’s plot. Luzhou, it is still suitable for us to go.”

Gu Ming Ke seemed to have a smile on his lips, and said unhurriedly: “Commander, the saint sent people to Luzhou to investigate the case, but not to fight. The town demon division has just been established, and the manpower is not yet complete. The commander’s subordinates The strength of those people is indeed good, but the investigation depends on the brain, not the strength?.”

Gu Ming Ke was calm and calm, but the words in his mouth made people feel angry. Li Chaoge looked at Gu Ming Ke’s beautiful profile and tried hard to endure the urge to do it. Li Chaoge stared at Gu Ming Ke hard, and suddenly smiled, and said: “In the officialdom, the rank is judged to be superior and inferior. I am the third grade, and I am lucky to be Gu Sicheng’s chief. Does Gu Sicheng want to compete with the chief?”

Gu Ming Ke paused for a while, can he do this? Everyone competed on the basis of strength and equality. Li Chaoge couldn’t see the contention, so he moved out of office to suppress others. It’s also because she can tell.

Seeing that the two of them had become stiff, the emperor hurriedly came to an end and said, “No matter what you are worried about? It makes sense. The situation in Luzhou is unclear. There are also many sects in the rivers and lakes. I am afraid that it is dangerous to go rashly. You know everything you want, you know what you know, and you know what you know, just go together. You can cooperate with each other to ensure safety and to find out the truth as soon as possible. It’s just right.”

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