Xian Xian

Chapter 86

Chapter 85: Prince

In the season of spring, at sunset, rain is falling on the outside. The servant hurriedly opened up the umbrella for Li Shan, and carefully escorted Li Shan to the East Palace: “Prince go slowly, please be careful of your steps.”

This year, there has been a lot of rain. Since March, it has rained for half of the time. With a gust of wind blowing in, with a damp gloom, Li Shan couldn’t help tightening his cloak, raising his eyes to the gray sky.

This year is the 23rd year of Yonghui and the tenth year that Li Shan has been crown prince. Li Shan recalled his ten years and couldn’t think of any achievements worth talking about. He is rich in clothes, because he is the son of the emperor, he can be crown prince, because he is the son of the Queen of Heaven.

Seeing that Li Shan seemed to be in a low mood, the servant of the East Palace asked: “His Royal Highness, the saint has confessed some tricky things to you? Is it? Why are you not in high spirits?”

Li Shan shook his head slowly, his voice was low and mute, almost as loud as the rain from the outside: “If my father arranged tricky government affairs for me, it would be a good thing?”

As a prince, what is more terrifying than not being loved by the father is that he is not expected by his father. The emperor treated him peacefully, but in the end, he only allowed him to recuperate and did not arrange government affairs for him.

Yes, there are days to deal with daily government affairs, and Li Chaoge handles monsters and monsters. Mother and sister are doing very well, and there is no way for Li Shan to use it.

Seeing that the prince was depressed, the servant softly persuaded: “His Royal Highness, the saint is for the sake of your body. Only when you take good care of your body can you have the energy to deal with political affairs. Manchuria, civil and military all look forward to your Kangtai.”

Li Shan shook his head, not wanting to say any more. When the waiter saw this, he had to shut up. At this moment, there was a cat cry in the rain. Li Shan turned his head and saw a cat curled up under the eaves in front of him. Its coat was pure black, and its eyes were deep and emerald green. It seemed to perceive that Li Shan was looking at it. It stood up, bowed its waist, and leaped gently to the corner of the wall.

The maid scolded: “Go, go! No cats are allowed in the palace, where is this wild cat?”

The black cat stopped on the wall, not afraid of being driven away by the servant, his green eyes still stared at Li Shan deeply, as if there was something to say. The cat stopped on the wall, its hair was soaked by the rain, Li Shan looked at the wet cat in front of him, strangely feeling pity for the same disease.

Li Shan aroused sympathy, he stopped the action of the servant, and said: “Mother doesn’t like cats. If the palace is invited, it will inevitably be killed. Although the cat is a beast, it is also a life. Let it go. .”

The servant bent over: “Yes. Your Highness is kind.”

Li Shan said to the cat: “Go ahead, someone should find it in a while.”

The black cat wagged its tail at Li Shan and called out in a low voice, as if to say something. Li Shan saw something strange and asked, “Are you talking to me? What do you want to say?”

The black cat flicked its tail and jumped away. It’s rare for Li Shan to be curious, and said, “Come and take a look.”

The servant was a little anxious: “Your Majesty, the rain is getting heavier. Your health is not good. If the wind blows outside for a long time, you may be sick when you go back.”

“It’s okay.” Li Shantou tightened the cloak and said, “The loneliness is not so weak. Let’s go.”

When the waiter heard that the prince had used the self-proclaimed ‘solitary”, he dared not say any more, obediently holding the umbrella, followed the prince to chase the cat. The black cat stopped and went, always keeping a distance with Li Shan. After reaching a palace, it dived into the grass and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Looking at the desolate and desolate palace around him, the servant became more and more untenable, and couldn’t help but persuade Li Shan to go back: “His Royal Highness, this is Ye Ting, you shouldn’t come to such a place. Let’s go back.”

Li Shan looked at the empty palace around him, also feeling bored. Ye Ting seemed to be three minutes colder than the other places. Li Shan was about to speak back. Suddenly the small side door in front opened and a woman in a half-old skirt came out. She saw a cluster of people standing in the corridor, and she was shocked. With a jump, the umbrella in his hand fell to the ground.

Looking at the woman in her twenties, her facial features are not ugly, but there is a gloom between her eyebrows, which immediately discounts her appearance. Her umbrella fell to the ground, rolled half a circle in a shallow puddle, and immediately became wet. The woman quickly lowered her head and squatted to pick up the umbrella.

Li Shan looked at the figure in front of him, hesitated for a long time, and then tentatively said: “Elder sister?”

The woman who was called by Li Shan as the eldest sister dropped her head and quickly saluted: “His Royal Highness.”

Li Shan couldn’t describe how he felt at this moment. Li Changle, Li Huai and others were born late, and when they had memories, their mother was already a queen. The queen of heaven is rich in clothes and food, and she has always been like this, but Li Shan is much older, and many things from his childhood, Li Changle and others do not know, but he remembers.

He remembered that his mother was only Zhaoyi at first, and the queen was another person, and even the concubine was occupied. Mother wanted to make her concubine, but she was always suppressed by the queen and Concubine Xiao Shu, and she had no choice. Following the changes in Shuo Fang, Queen Wang was abolished, Concubine Xiao Shu fell out of favor, Wu Zhaoyi finally took the back seat, and their family’s life improved.

Later, Queen Wang and Concubine Xiao Shu died. The specifics of how they died were taboos in the palace. No one dared to talk about it in the open, but Li Shan knew everything in his heart. At that time, the Queen of Heaven first came to the post. Many people in the front harem opposed her. Even the Queen and Concubine Xiao Shu were ready to move, sending people to send letters to the emperor, hoping to show weakness for the emperor to change his mind. In order to deter everyone, the Queen of Heaven followed the example of Lu Zhi, cutting off the hands and feet of Queen Wang and Concubine Xiao Shu, stuffing them into a wine jar to make human beings, and killing them cruelly.

After the death of Concubine Xiao Shu, her child was not spared either. Concubine Xiao Shu’s son Wu Wang Li Xu was sent to a remote place, and the title was cut and cut again, which was almost restricted; Concubine Xiao Shu’s daughter Li Zhen was locked in Ye Ting, without the title of princess, and no princess treatment. It was like she was not in the court. Like people, everyone was lively to please the Queen of Heaven, Li Changle and others, no one remembered that there was another emperor in the palace.

In this sense, Queen Wang has no biological children, so she is lucky.

As the queen’s son and beneficiary of this court struggle, Li Shan felt very complicated when he saw the eldest sister being polished into this appearance by his mother. Li Zhen is two years older than Li Shan. She is 22 this year. Li Shan has already married a wife, but Li Zhen has not been married as a woman. Both the emperor’s daughters, Li Chaoge and Li Changle? What life did Li Changle live, and what did Li Zhen live?

Before getting married, Li Chaoge moved to the princess’s mansion, where he had the best food, clothing, housing and transportation, while Li Changle was held in the palm of the hand by his parents, and the whole city was cautiously pleased the little princess. On the other hand, Li Zhen wears half-old clothes, lives in the cold Yeting, and goes out on a rainy day. There is not even a maid to follow.

Li Shan was kind. He always felt that his mother’s hand in killing Queen Wang and Concubine Xiao Shu? Duan was too bloody. Now that they have already won, it would be fine to put them in confinement. Why bother to kill them all? Taking a step back, why bother with the child since he killed the other’s mother, Li Zhenhe? Li Xu is after all the blood of the father and the emperor.

Li Shan watched this scene, sighed deeply, couldn’t bear to say?: “Elder sister, how are you doing well here?”

Li Zhen kept her head down, looking timid, she didn’t look like a princess. She laughed at herself and said: “But it’s just going through the days, left and right are lonely and dying? It doesn’t make any difference. The father and the queen are healthy, and the Tang Dynasty is in harmony with people. This is my greatest blessing.”

Li Shan couldn’t say anything. The Queen of Heaven was his biological mother, and everything she did was for them. Li Shan couldn’t blame her biological mother. However, Li Zhen was living in this situation and could not get rid of him.

Li Shan nodded dryly, and said: “My father is in good health, the elder sister can rest assured. The elder sister can still be rich with food and clothing? This is some of my heart, elder sister accept it.”

Li Shan untied the bag on his waist, without seeing how much money was in it, and directly handed it to Li Zhen. Li Zhen didn’t answer, she squeezed her hands tightly, and said: “My status is humble, I don’t dare to take possession of the prince.”

The things in Li Shan’s hands fell to nothing, he sighed, put the money bag in the hands of the maid, and said, “Elder sister, don’t say such things. In any case, you are always the father’s daughter. These things are not counted. What? The eldest sister will stay. After a while, I will let Donggong give you some home to use.”

After Li Shan finished speaking, unable to bear to look at Li Zhen any more, he turned and left. The servant who was holding the umbrella hurriedly followed, and the team serving the prince left in a mighty manner. One servant stayed at the end and handed the money bag to Li Zhen’s hand: “Madam, this is the heart of your Royal Highness. You accept it. Lady. Ankang, the minion retires.”

Because of the queen, the servant dared not call Li Zhen a princess, so she could only use the big lady to be vague. The eldest princess is the princess Sheng Yuan who is the most beautiful, so what is Li Zhen? The Queen did not say that Li Zhen is a princess, who would dare to be Li Zhen as a princess.

The servant didn’t dare to be sloppy, the Queen of Heaven reported a lot in the harem. If things were to be heard in the ears of the Queen, the group of them would have to die. The waiter finished speaking and didn’t want to stay for a long time, so he hurriedly tied his hands and left.

The group of people walked away in a blink of an eye, and the rain dripped from the eaves, never stopping. Li Zhen’s fingers squeezed the golden thread-embroidered kit tightly, and the thin knuckles were all squeezed in blue.

When Li Shan returned to the East Palace, Crown Princess Lu was waiting at the door, seeing him coming back, and hurriedly greeted him: “His Royal Highness, why are you coming back now? Your Highness is so wet, how did you serve them?”

The princess looked at the servant in angrily, and the servants bowed their heads with crossed hands, not daring to reply. After Li Shan stayed in the wind and rain for so long, his body really couldn’t bear it. The princess saw that Li Shan’s face was not good, and tried to touch Li Shan’s hand? She was shocked: “His Royal Highness? Why is it so cold? Send the royal doctor.”

Fortunately, Li Shan has always been in poor health. The East Palace always has medicine. After a while, the royal doctor took his hand? He stood up and said to the princess: “Return to the princess, the prince is cold and cold. I am afraid I need to rest for a while.”

When the princess heard these words, she sighed deeply. He had to recuperate again. The prince had just cultivated for a period of time. Today, he finally got up and got caught in the rain and fell ill again.

The prince concubine couldn’t help thinking, the Queen of Heaven was forty-three years old, and every day she criticized her until late at night, and the next day she went to court again in Mao. The prince’s two sisters, one Princess Sheng Yuan went to heaven and earth to be omnipotent, and the other Guangning. The princess also ran around, and had never been sick since she was a child. I heard that the Wu family is in good health, and the Queen’s mother, Mrs. Yang, is in her eighties and still full of energy. The Wu family has a rare advantage of longevity, but it hasn’t been passed on to the prince. The prince is only twenty years old, and his body is inferior to that of the emperor.

Li Shan leaned on the collapse, his face was pale, and looked rather weak: “My body is too useless. When it reaches my father’s ears tomorrow, I will trouble the elders to worry about me.”

Even if the prince is full of heart, she can only comfort Li Shan at this moment: “His Royal Highness, don’t worry too much, just raise it with peace of mind. The saints and the sages are all for your good, and you can recover so that they can be relieved.”

Li Shan sighed: “My body has been like this since I was a child, and I have been used to it over the years. It’s just that I feel guilty and uneasy. As the prince, I can’t share the worry for my father. On the contrary, I have to tire my elders to worry about me. It is really a son of man.”

When it comes to the emperor, the princess dare not judge easily, and can only softly say comforting words that she does not believe in herself. The prince princess deliberately diverted Li Shan’s attention and said, “Princess Shengyuan moved to the princess mansion two days ago, and the gift box was delivered today. The concubine is preparing to return the gift list. Would you like to see it?”

Li Shan waved his hand and said, “No, these things? You can be the master.”

Li Shan is in poor health and can’t even handle the government affairs of the court, so there is no time to care about the internal affairs of the East Palace. The internal management of the East Palace and the relationship between people are all handled by the prince.

The crown prince responded, seeing her expression already accustomed to it. This was a trivial matter? But when the prince Zhan heard the matter, he paused and said, “His Royal Highness, there has never been a precedent for a princess to set up her own mansion without being married. Princess Sheng Yuan moved into the princess mansion before she got married. Don’t avoid the daily visits of foreign visitors… I’m afraid it’s not a courteous act.”

Li Shan also found it unruly. An unmarried lady lived outside by herself. What does this look like? But the emperor and the queen of heaven allowed what else to do.

After hearing this, the prince said: “Yes, it is not only the Princess Mansion, the saint is absolutely responsive to Princess Shengyuan. I heard that today, the saint even the soldiers of the Beiya Mansion are given to Princess Shengyuan. The saint is dedicated to Princess Shengyuan. A thousand people were transferred and sent by Princess Sheng Yuan at will. Women’s participation in politics was not appropriate. Princess Sheng Yuan also got involved in military power. If things go on like this, there is a risk of disaster.”

After a head start, the Donggong ministers started talking about Li Chaoge. Their dissatisfaction has been backlogged for a long time, but because of the prince in the past, it is difficult to speak out. Nowadays, Li Chaoge has a high reputation among the people. The streets and alleys are talking about Princess Shengyuan’s feat of capturing horses on the day of Shangyuan, and even some dramas have been compiled and sung. Fortunately, Li Chaoge is a princess. If she is a prince, the courtiers of the East Palace must suspect that she has other plans.

Li Shan went to see the emperor today and knew about the Forbidden Army? Li Chaoge made meritorious service one after another, and now the emperor trusts Li Chaoge very much, even the two princes Li Shan and Li Huai are far behind. The emperor can rest assured, on the one hand, Li Chaoge is indeed capable, on the other hand, because Li Chaoge is a princess.

If it is a prince, the emperor must hesitate the thoughts of courtiers before granting military power. The emperor’s every move represents the direction of the court. Does the emperor give other people military powers to represent dissatisfaction with the prince? Even, do you want to change the prince?

Therefore, the emperor did not dare to give Li Huai power arbitrarily, instead he was relieved to uphold his daughter. The daughter will never pose a threat to the throne. No matter how much credit Li Chaoge makes, in the end, he always goes to the name of his elder brother. The prince is weak, and there is one more person in the DPRK to help the prince, and the transfer of power in the future will make the prince more stable.

The emperor’s support for Li Chaoge is probably the same as he did his best to cultivate queens. The emperor himself has experienced the time when the court was controlled by the powerful officials, and he most understood how uncomfortable it was for a weak emperor and a strong minister. No matter how loyal the courtiers are, they can’t resist the erosion of power, and even the closest brothers and uncles will turn against the imperial power, but the mother and sister will never betray them.

Li Shan understood that the emperor was paving the way for him, but he was such an incompetent and weak image in his father’s eyes, which was still difficult for Li Shan to accept. The emperor would rather support a woman, but couldn’t believe him.

The crown prince lowered her eyes and said softly: “Princess Sheng Yuan has just found her, and it is inevitable for the saint to spoil her. However, Princess Sheng Yuan is too much. The Queen of Heaven intervenes in politics because the Queen of Heaven is the mother of the prince, but Princess Sheng Yuan is just a princess. How can a younger sister take care of her elder brother? Love?”

Li Chaoge has now overshadowed the crown prince in the eastern capital, and Li Chaoge is also the first in the palace. The prince concubine to endure Li Changle is fine, but Li Chaoge is just a princess who has just been found. It is hard to say whether it is a real princess or not.

The ministers of the Eastern Palace received the recognition of the prince, and their morale increased, and they remonstrated: “Yes, Your Highness. Princess Sheng Yuan has reached the age of marriage. She should stay in the deep palace to be married. How decent she would be to show her face all day long. Seongri is mixed among men. If something happens, it will be the face of the saint and the crown prince. The saint’s Jianzhen Demon Division may be very deliberate, but there are so many great boys in my court, so it should be led by a man. , On behalf of the leader of the town demon division. Major events in the court? Is there a princess who points to the hands? The reason for painting the feet?”

“It’s a pity that government affairs are now approved by the Queen of Heaven. What does Princess Sheng Yuan ask for? The Queen directly agreed. I won’t be able to enter the admonition. Your Majesty has a serious problem and it is difficult to manage politics, regardless of etiquette or affair. The crown prince should supervise the country. But the Queen of Heaven does everything and does not delegate power. What is the rationale?”

The Donggong has its own set of small courts, and after the prince takes over, these people will be the future Zaifu team. Their interests have been bound to the prince early, and when they mentioned Li Chaoge and Tianhou, they were full of grievances. These people talked and talked farther and farther, and they had gone from complaining about Li Chaoge to complaining about the Queen of Heaven.

After all, there is so much power, and if the Queen of Heaven holds it alone, the East Palace will not be able to divide it. The ministers of the Eastern Palace couldn’t help thinking more deeply. You know, the Queen of Heaven is not just the son of the prince.

Although the possibility of setting up Zhao Wang Lihuai as the prince is small, it is not impossible. Parents all over the world love Yaoer, and they have to guard against it.

Li Shan saw Li Zhen today, and he was initially depressed, but now he heard the courtiers and the crown prince complain about the Queen and Li Chaoge, and his heart became more and more depressed. Li Shan’s gloomy mood surged into his heart, he suddenly tilted his head and coughed, and the speech in the hall stopped immediately. Li Shan ended up coughing easily, his face was as white as gold paper, and he said weakly, “These things? I’ll discuss them later. You’re lonely and tired, let’s go down.”

The people in Zhan Shifu didn’t dare to say any more, they gave up their hands and stepped back silently. The princess looked at Li Shan’s weak body, and no matter how ambition he was, she turned into a weak sigh. The princess got up, pulled the bedding on Li Shan, and said: “His Royal Highness is well cured, and the concubine retires.”


After the Feitiantu case, the town demon division gradually gained fame, not only among the people, but the officialdom also gradually recognized the position of the town demon division.

The Town Demon Division finally existed as a court institution, not a toy that a princess had for nothing.

In the east of the imperial city, the number of personnel in the Town Demon Division gradually increased. In addition to the three labors of Bai Qianhe, the number of civilian personnel gradually increased. Recording things? Waiting for people to publish books outside, Li Chaoge gathered Bai Qianhe and the others to hold a regular meeting in the main hall.

Li Chaoge asked: “Who was the first to distribute the supporting drawings, have you found out?”

Bai Qianhe was in charge of this task. Bai Qianhe slowly shook his head and said, “I can’t do anything about it. I’m asking people about it.”

At the beginning, the Fu Ji map that summoned the ghosts was all the rage in the Eastern Capital. The spreading routes were crisscrossed and it was not easy to find the source. Li Chaoge had anticipated it, and was not disappointed when he heard that he hadn’t made any progress. He said, “Continue to investigate. Slowly spend with him, I don’t believe that I can’t find someone behind the scenes.”

Mo Linlang asked quietly: “Commander, why do you want to inquire about the map?”

This is undoubtedly the voice of everyone. Li Chaoge sighed, loosened his cufflinks, and said: “I can’t tell, but there is a line behind this. The Qianyuan sword was resold by the tomb thief to the old owner of Cangjian Villa and resurrected the Flying Sky. Ye Mingzhu is also related to Tomb Robbery. I always feel that the formation symbol on the Fu Ji map is a large formation of ghosts, not by coincidence, but deliberately.”

In this way, it is true that these cases have something to do with the dead. Ma Lin Lang nodded silently, lost in thought. Li Chaoge thought for a while, and said to Zhou Shao: “Zhou Shao, the news on the tomb robbery road is not accessible to the government. The news about Qianyuanjian and Ye Mingzhu, or you should come to inquire. Fan Yong confessed that Ye Mingzhu is somebody. For the burial in the emperor’s tomb, you’d better find out which emperor it is and where is the cemetery.”

The tomb thief avoids officials very much. Li Chaoge can’t find it through normal channels. It can only be handed over to Zhou Shao so that he can check it through people such as market gangsters and three roads. Zhou Shao nodded in response, still cherishing words like gold as always: “Understand.”

Li Chaoge said that Zhou Shao should check Ye Mingzhu, but she actually had an intuition in her heart that this pair of pearls was probably also dug out from the tomb of Emperor Kui. There is no evidence, it is pure instinct.

After Li Chaoge dealt with the clues from the front area, he began to talk about several new cases. The Town Demon Division is now on the right track. In addition to unexpected incidents and the emperor’s appointment, other departments gradually transfer the demon cases to the Town Demon Division. This is a good sign. You must know that in the previous life, the Town Demon Division and all prison temples were enemies. When other officials saw Li Chaoge, they could hardly wait to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

The former life name of the Town Demon Division was extremely poor, and both inside and outside the field conflated the Town Demon Division with the cool officials. In fact, Li Chaoge is very disgusting and cruel staff. In this life, she has to pick the town monster and cruel staff early. She is not the same as the unlearned gangsters.

The new cases are all simple, and Li Chaoge quickly assigned the tasks almost. She swept away until someone was waiting outside the door, she ended roughly, and sent away Bai Qianhe and the others, and then asked the court messenger: “What’s the matter?”

The female officer crouched and saluted Li Chaoge, and whispered softly: “Princess Shengyuan, the queen has an edict, please come with the servants.”

Li Chaoge followed the female officer into the palace. There were many palace ladies standing outside the Dayi Hall. Li Chaoge was wondering how these people came out. As a result, just when he approached, he heard the sound of slamming things in the hall.

“Asshole, you actually pity Concubine Xiao Shu’s daughter. If it weren’t for me, how could your brothers and sisters survive? I have worked so hard to make you a prince. Now, you blame me for someone else’s daughter?”

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