Xianxia: Why am I here?

Chapter 47  Killing a tiger

Chapter 47  Killing a tiger

Ignoring the pressure coming from the tiger, Wang was swiftly swinging the spear in hand, with his eyes remaining sharp. Even though the tiger was angry, Wang was miscalculating by assuming that it would be easy to defeat is when it lost rationality after all the beast is never rational and the thing that its anger has done is just to increase its explosive strength. When it moved, even Wang did not manage to see clearly how it was able to arrive before him.

It seemed like it had taken a large stride without even making any noise at all, with the paws clearly barely leaving prints where it had stepped. The only thing that allowed him to react was the sound of the wind, and this can be said to be caused by the huge size of the tiger, and as such his spear was thrust forcefully in the direction that the wind was blowing from.


it might become a problem. In this way, he needed to end things in less than ten minutes, otherwise, 23:39

he might not even have the chance to enjoy his century lifespan, and this bugged him. Knowing that "Boom!"

In this collision, Wang's spear seemed to have hit a huge wall, and thus he retreated but unlike before he felt his hands produce some pain, from the recoil. It seemed like the skin of the tiger was really mysterious. But after this collision, he did not stop but rather took the spear and rushed forward for the attack, which seemed like offending the huge tiger. For some reason, he felt like this tiger was actually angry for this, like an intelligent creature. But he did not stop at all rather, switched his movements to a zigzag pattern before eventually, his target was in sight, the neck.


He was shocked at the reaction speed as he missed and collided with the claws, despite leaving some wound on it, it was nothing major. But he failed to see the coldness in the tiger's eyes as it looked down at him. He was still retreating and hit the ruins, from the recoil of the attack, and had the tiger not retreated, it might have had a chance to pounce on him.


After stabilizing himself the spear in his hand shook slightly and his face become indifferent. Despite the huge force that had just sent him flying, he could feel that his spear mastery was approaching perfection with this life-and-death fight, as an opportunity, he could not be willing to let go of. "This tiger despite being huge is very agile with a fast reaction speed." He thought, with a serious expression but was not afraid.


 The tiger did not waste time either as it moved fast again, pursuing a victory, but it was instantly greeted with collision and Wang's spear retreated after sending an attack twice in a row. The first was for defense and the second was for the pure attack, which happened too fast causing some damage to the paw too. Unlike before this time, it seemed like metals were colliding and then each of them seemed to have retreated.


Wang kept attacking but the beast seemed to have a fast reaction time when attacked, he could only dodge or flee in those moments he saw it coming but on most occasions, he only barely managed to use the force of the attack to retreat.

"What is going on here?"

As the fight continued, he realized that the physique of the tiger, as well as its speed and reaction time, were becoming better, or perhaps he was slowly becoming warn out. In this way, the amount of damage he could cause to the white tiger was becoming smaller and smaller, and if this continued it might become a problem. In this way, he needed to end things in less than ten minutes, otherwise, he might not even have the chance to enjoy his century lifespan, and this bugged him. Knowing that panicking would not help in this situation he started to fight to disregard the feeling of exhaustion, after all, if he failed here, death was imminent and fear of death seemed to have simulated him enough.

With the initiative, he kept attacking without sign of retreating even though his eyes were bloodshot at this moment, and he seemed to have some hatred for how his life was going in this world, thrusting his spear in a repeated manner and the momentum accumulated seemed to be slowly producing greater power and he himself did not realize at all, the anger in his heart was burning at this moment and the spear seemed to have been directed towards the neck, but the tiger deflected with a claw. But the result this time was slightly different as the spear slightly made a curve barely avoiding the claw and hitting the tiger's lower jaw to the point of collapsing.

Great perfection mastery!

Yes, his spear was swinging on instinct and thus he had already stepped into the level of great perfection mastery making the power of the attack reach 2.5 times and the tiger obviously bared the brunt of the attack. At the same time the tiger retreated, Wang seemed to have turned into an afterimage and followed in with the attack, spear seemed to be constantly being thrust five times in succession and the power in it superimposed resulting in the areas it landed being severely destroyed.

The current situation of the battle seemed to have reversed and Wang had yet to even regain his senses. But the tiger kept roaring with signs of retreating and the attack this time allowed Wang to completely reach the level of great perfection as five spear thrusts were released instantaneously piercing through the neck of the tiger when Wang accomplished this he passed out. He had exhausted all his strength on this attack this time but the most important thing was the fact that his spearman ship had already reached the limit of his current realm. The next stage was the artistic conception, but to attain this needed a chance it could not just happen out of nowhere, as even Ruruo who had memories from another lifetime could only build up slowly.

Time passed and three days had passed since the time Wang managed to kill the tiger, and at this moment he was playing around with the spear. Compared to before he did not have to visualize the moves before using the spear, but rather let it happen naturally. The meat from the tiger provided him with immense energy and the internal energy being released by the body and absorbed by cells and other parts of the body had increased greatly. At this moment, Wang was indeed very happy as he could be said to have benefited a lot from the fight and his blood forging level has entered the ninth level, just as he suspected.

At this level, the combat power that he had was more than tripled and he was more concerned about the change that would happen after he finished consuming the remaining tiger meat, especially with the Indestructible Pragna, as he wanted to very much enter the first level. At that time perhaps his physique would be capable of rivaling even grandmasters and he was very much happy about it but would not reveal this at all. In any case, one asked if he could just claim he had entered the grandmaster level.

It had been more than half a year in the forest and he did not seem that much of a hurry to go back, as the fight with the tiger seemed to have shown him something, which was he was weak and 23:40

potential could only be stimulated when he had something to lose. In Ziyu city for instance he could now see that there were many stronger experts and probably his grandmaster level was not much and this being used to reference the world in general then, the number is even more exaggerated. He did not know about the population but from the literature he had seen in the place he stayed in the mountains, this world was already several times that of his previous home world.

"With my current power, I can slaughter the white tiger if we met under these circumstances. The spear is indeed a very impressive weapon and suits me the best, but in the future, if the chance is obtained perhaps I can study staff techniques or even other tools and use them to improve my spear attack capabilities. In this period of time, it is best to stay in the forest and use these life-threatening situations to hone my will and state of mind. At the same time, my combat power is something that can benefit a lot from this. If I can't even deal with this or survive then it will be hard even dealing with humans as they are even more scheming."

In the analysis of the fight, it could be said, that Wang seemed to realize how minute he was in this world and the need to become stronger. Becoming accommodating of his weakness, in the end, was already a very dangerous thought and he did not wish to die because of it. Just because he was cautious did not mean that he could not be harsh with himself after all if becoming an expert was something that could be accomplished by merely existing and not taking risks then the number would be already immense. What he wanted to do was in the end just one of the ways some experts come to rise, and conflicts are a part of becoming strong, so he would take initiative to search for it instead of being looked for.

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