Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 311 Shocking Changes Demon Ark

The machine shop is located on the southernmost side of the site.

It is said to be a factory, but in fact it is a very large factory area. There is a magic shield on the outside that isolates sight and mental detection. There are many checkpoints inside. Tens of thousands of guard robots are placed in every corner of the factory area, truly realizing that even a fly can Can't fly in.

There are hundreds of workshops in the factory, and the smallest workshop is as big as five football fields.

Each workshop has different production tasks, such as producing laser guns, standard armor, combat helmets, shaped lightsabers, nuclear explosive grenades, etc.

The workshop is full of assembly line operations, with no living person in sight. Occasionally, engineering robots come over to debug faulty equipment.

Xiao Zhongyuan stood at the door of the workshop. The long river-like mechanical tracks in front of him were winding and twisting. Hundreds of thousands of mechanical cantilevers were running in an orderly manner like worker bees. There was a rhythmic thumping sound. Seeing this scene, his spine suddenly jerked. A warm current arose, and his eyes showed shock and enthusiasm.

This is machinery!

This is the kingdom that belongs to mechanics!

"Oh My God!"

Lu Fan, Jamie, Wu Yao and others opened their mouths, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

In their eyes, this mechanical factory is like a terrifying giant beast that keeps exploding troops. The rumbling sound is like a giant beast roaring. The long tracks and mechanical arms are like the blood vessels and organs of the giant beast, producing products in a blink of an eye. A powerful and deadly weapon.

"This is my machine shop."

Su Mo stood in front of a hundred-meter-high large-scale equipment and proudly said:

"Currently, the Holy Light Legion can produce a total of 576 weapons or equipment, covering pistols, sniper guns, armor, multi-functional combat backpacks, combat robots, engineering robots, battleship parts and other fields, and our products are of high quality. The price is favorable and it is favored by major armed forces, large financial groups and even higher civilizations."

"The scale of the machinery factory is still expanding. I can confidently say that, given another three to five years, the Holy Light Legion will definitely become at least one of the top ten arms suppliers in the Chaos Star Territory."

In the past six months, Jarvis has spent a lot of money and purchased a large number of high-end machinery and equipment. While his computing power has improved, he has also mastered more and more sophisticated technologies and rare drawings.

Some high-precision technologies were developed by generations of geniuses in advanced civilizations and took decades, hundreds, or even thousands of years to develop. They have strong technical barriers, but Jarvis (Pooh) cracked and mastered them. It only takes a few minutes.

It can be said that the knowledge and technology reserves of Jarvis alone are now comparable to the level of at least twenty or thirty star cluster-level civilizations put together. Even the strongest mechanic in the universe, Black Emperor, cannot match the breadth of technology of Jarvis. Comparable to Weiss.

Through a combination of technologies, Jarvis allowed the factory to produce weapons and equipment with higher precision, stronger power and lower cost. After being put into the market, it was quickly recognized by all parties, and the number of orders increased day by day.

As Su Mo expected, the arms business gradually became the legion's second pillar business after the Holy Light Potion.


Amethyst Supreme deeply felt that as the head of Wildfire, he knew very well how profitable the arms business was, but to make this business successful, technology, channels, connections, force, and funds were all indispensable.

Since Su Mo is confident of becoming one of the top ten arms dealers in the entire Chaos Star Territory, it means that he is already confident in the above aspects. The only difference is time.

"Su Mo, can I see Mr. Jarvis?"

Xiao Zhongyuan grabbed Su Mo's arm and asked impatiently.

As the strongest scientist in the history of Yehuo and even Tianyuan Star, Xiao Zhongyuan is quite proud of his mechanical talent. Even after entering the universe, he does not believe that anyone can crush him mechanically.

However, since he contacted Jarvis, the chief scientist of the Legion of Light, on the star network, his proud heart was severely shaken.

Mr. Jarvis is always able to answer any difficult questions raised by him with ease, and he is also very familiar with various sophisticated technologies in the universe.

Sometimes, he even felt that Mr. Jarvis was not like a person, but an omniscient and omnipotent database. He never had to look up any information and could tell the tedious data that made his scalp numb just from memory.

This was the first time that he had to submit to someone in the mechanical field, so he really wanted to meet this mysterious and knowledgeable Mr. Jarvis.

"Of course, he's already here!" Su Mo said with a smile.

Bang bang bang~

I saw an ordinary-looking middle-aged man walking in. He was a little short. From his appearance, it was hard to imagine that he was Jarvis, the top scientist who had been worshiped by countless mechanics.

"Mr. Jarvis!"

Xiao Zhongyuan quickly stepped forward to shake hands with Jarvis and said enthusiastically:

"I can finally meet you offline."

Jarvis held Xiao Zhongyuan's hand and said in a friendly tone:

"Xiao, welcome to Shengguang Machinery Factory."

"Mr. Jarvis, I have a question..."

Before even exchanging a few words, Xiao Chongyuan went straight to his usual scientific research state, pointed at a large piece of equipment behind him, and asked, "Can you explain to me the principle of this piece of equipment?"

"Of course~"

Jarvis' face straightened up and he began to speak a lot of words in a language that outsiders could not understand at all, but Xiao Chongyuan listened extremely seriously and nodded frequently.

Seeing this scene, Su Mo knew that Xiao Zhongyuan would definitely not continue to visit.

Jarvis is like this, like a powerful magnet, with a fatal attraction to mechanics.

Nowadays, Jarvis has become a fairy figure in the circle of mechanics. Too many mechanics come here to apply to join the Legion of Light, just to learn from Jarvis.

"Let's go, let's go see other places."

Su Mo took everyone to visit the legion's recruit training camp, martial arts venue, conference building, and internal canteen. What they saw and heard along the way made everyone exclaim and opened their eyes.


"I will show you these for now and take a rest first."

In the conference room, Su Mo poured everyone a cup of fragrant tea. The tea comes from a certain magical civilization and has the effect of calming the mind and improving mental strength. The tea comes from the fairy spring and can nourish the body and strengthen the spirit. It can remove all kinds of diseases and enhance vitality. Just this cup of tea is worth at least a thousand innars.

The fresh and elegant tea fragrance filled the conference room, giving people the feeling of being in a forest.

“Good tea~”

Everyone just took a brief sip and immediately felt the magic of this cup of tea. A pure energy flowed through the body, and their mental power also increased slightly.

Gudu Gudu~

People like Lu Fan and Jamie who didn’t understand tea at all just took this cup of tea as medicine and drank it all in one gulp. Others slowly appreciated the aroma of tea brewing on their tongues, and it took a long time to taste a cup of tea. Finished, the meaning is still not finished.

"Everyone, I've finished drinking the tea. I want to talk to you about something next."

Su Mo's face straightened slightly and he said: "At present, all the people of Tianyuan Star have been transferred to their new home. It can be said that my mission has been completed. Human energy is limited. On weekdays, just dealing with the affairs of the Holy Light Legion is enough. I have been unable to do anything else, so from now on the development of Tianyuan Star will be left to everyone."

"Of course, this does not mean that I will completely separate from Tianyuan Star. After all, I will always be a part of Tianyuan Star and Wildfire. If you have any questions or needs in the future, you can contact me at any time."

Hearing these words, Lu Fan, Jamie and other young people felt strange, as if they were about to be separated from Su Mo. However, Amethyst Supreme, Luo Tang, and Wu Feng knew very well that now Su Mo The standing position was too high. Tianyuan Star was like a small ant to him. How could the King of Beasts participate in the activities of the ant colony?

Moreover, Su Mo has done his best for Tianyuan Star, not only preparing a new home for them, but also bringing a lot of technology, capital, and talent support.

Not only that, Masuo Star has also been turned into a resort for mercenaries by Su Mo. It is expected to bring them at least tens of millions of inar in terrifying profits every year in the future, and all of this money will be used for the development and expenditure of the Tianyuan people. , the Legion of Holy Light will not take away a single cent.

It can be said that few races in the entire universe can have such a high starting point.

Under these conditions, if Tian Yuan Xing still can't do well and Su Mo needs to intervene frequently, then they might as well commit suicide.

"No problem, Tianyuan Star will be handed over to us from now on." Amethyst Supreme nodded and said.


Su Mo glanced at the depressed expressions of Lu Fan and others, and said with a smile:

"One more thing. From now on, Masuo Star, no, let's call it Tianyuan Star. From now on, Tianyuan Star's environment will be relatively comfortable. It will mainly focus on recuperation and the development of science and technology, and there will be fewer opportunities for exercise."

"So I hope that Jiajia, Lu Fan, Jamie, Qiqi, Caroline, and Wu Yao will join my Army of Holy Light. In addition, I also welcome outstanding executives and extraordinary people from Wildfire to join the Army of Holy Light." Experience.”

Hearing this, Han Jia, Lu Fan, Caroline and others' eyes immediately lit up, and they turned to look at Amethyst Supreme, Luo Tang, and Wu Feng. They were used to being controlled by "parents" and always asked before making a decision. It’s about asking their opinions first.

"It's a good thing and I certainly raise my hand."

Amethyst Supreme smiled.

As Su Mo said, it is almost impossible for Tianyuan Planet to have external crises in the future. As a result, the extraordinary people in the clan will definitely lack opportunities to practice in battles. Over time, they will even slack off and lose the motivation to move forward. This will have a negative impact on the entire clan. That's never a good thing.

The Holy Light Legion not only has a systematic and complete talent training mechanism, but also provides sufficient training resources, a positive competitive atmosphere, and a variety of training stages.

It can be said that the Holy Light Legion is a top super academy, and the dean is still one of his own. There is no place in the world that is more suitable for Tianyuan Star extraordinary people.

After seeing the glory of all races in the universe, Amethyst Supreme's vision broadened and his ambitions became bigger.

Now, he not only hopes that the Tianyuan Star can gain a foothold in this star field, but also looks forward to the day when the Tianyuan people can become a powerful group famous in the universe like the Soul Clan, the Mechanical Clan or the Void God Clan.

If you want to achieve this goal, Su Mo alone is not enough. Tianyuan Star needs more commander-level and even natural disaster-level masters to make Tianyuan's name resound across the star sea.

Therefore, in addition to Han Jia, Caroline, Lu Fan and others, he also wants to send more than half of the Tianyuan Star extraordinary people to the Holy Light Legion to cultivate more outstanding talents with the help of the Holy Light Legion's platform and resources. , achieving the rapid growth of Tianyuan Star’s overall combat power.

There is another important point.

There is a small star gate between Holy Light Base and Wildfire New City, which is very convenient to travel back and forth. With this condition, there is no need to worry about outstanding talents losing their feelings for their hometown because they have not been home for a long time.

At this moment, Amethyst Supreme is like an old village chief. He not only hopes that the young people in the village can come out and fly higher in the future, but also hopes that they can return to their hometown to make contributions after becoming successful.

To this end, he has already conceived many plans in his mind, which can be said to be very painstaking.

Seeing Amethyst Supreme agreeing so simply, the young people present suddenly showed joy.

Wu Yao put his arm around Su Mo's shoulders and smiled:

"Brother, I will hang out with you from now on. If nothing else, arrange some young and beautiful maids for me, such as elf girls, cat girls, bunny girls, etc."

Since Mr. Wu Feng recovered, the decadence on Wu Yao's face has been wiped away, and he has returned to the playboy with a playful smile all day long.

"Given the elf girl, it's more like giving you two hippopotamus girls. I'll kill you." Su Mo said angrily.

“A dog can’t change its habit of eating shit!”

Caroline pouted.

"Brother Mo, what are we going to do after joining the Holy Light Legion?" Lu Fan asked curiously.

Su Mo had already thought about where everyone would go and said without thinking:

"You first go to the recruit training camp for two months. The current training mechanism of the Holy Light Recruit Camp is very complete. It can not only quickly improve your combat skills and experience, but also make you familiar with legion affairs as soon as possible."

"After you leave the new barracks, we will arrange you into a special team, mainly responsible for carrying out the mercenary tasks of the legion."

"Hey, it sounds like I'm back to my old life in Wildfire."

Lu Fan smiled and said, the two brothers just came out of the special training camp of Wildfire, and were then assigned to the shelter to perform tasks continuously. Now he himself has to return to the starting point, but this is a higher starting point.

"Well, it does look very similar~"

There was a trace of emotion in Su Mo's eyes. It seemed that it had only been a few years since he graduated from Wildfire's special training camp, but he always felt that it seemed like a long, long time ago.


At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door of the meeting, and the frequency was quite urgent, as if something important had happened.

"Come in!"


The door opened, and Kurosawa Bei hurried to Su Mo's side, his face looking wrong.

"What's wrong, Kurosawa?" Su Mo asked.

Kurosawa Kita glanced at the people around him and hesitated.

Su Mo said calmly: "It's okay, just tell me."

Hearing this, Kurosawa Kita no longer avoided taboos and said solemnly:

"Captain, the goods we sent to the Demonic Civilization were robbed, and all 1,500 brothers on the frigate died."

What! !

Su Mo's expression changed, and his eyes instantly became cold and sharp.

"Who did it?"

Kurosawa Kita took a deep breath and said in a heavy tone:

"Devil's Ark!"

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