Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 349 The arrival of the Holy Light

Norman Sector

"We can no longer retreat. If we retreat further, we will almost give up the entire Norman sector."


Dror slammed the table and shouted angrily:

"You think I don't know, you think I want to retreat? What can I do if I don't retreat? Who can stop that monster?"

"But we are soldiers. Even if we know we are defeated, we must fight with all our lives to resist. This is the responsibility of us soldiers, the backbone of soldiers!" The general on the opposite side said with red eyes and gritted his teeth.


Dror stood up and angrily said:

"That's easy to say, but do you know how many battleships and lives of soldiers we have to lose for your backbone and your integrity? If you die, your heroic deeds will spread throughout the country, but what about the other soldiers? How many people will know about his sacrifice?"

"Droll! I'm not the bastard you say you are."

"Then shut up!"

Dror looked around at everyone with sharp eyes and said: "General Alonso has not recovered from his serious injury, and the morale of the entire army is low. If we fight against the opponent now, we are looking for death."

"Are we going to keep retreating?"

One general said in pain: "If we retreat any further, we will have to exit the Norman Sector. How should we explain to the people of the Norman Sector then?"

War is cruel, often accompanied by violence, bloodshed and massacre. Especially for the people in defeated areas, life can be said to be dark.

Under the supervision of the Pan-Universal Peace Convention and major public opinion media, large-scale massacres will not occur, but violent suppression, looting of property, and humiliation of women are almost inevitable.

As soldiers, they could only retreat step by step, surrendering their territory, and exposing the people to the enemy's machine guns. This kind of aggrievedness, helplessness, and pain made them suffer and endure huge mental pressure.

"I know what's going on in everyone's minds."

Dror took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "But I want to tell everyone, first of all, although we retreated quickly, it is because of this that the coalition forces have no time to worry about the people in the war zone. Their lives are not as good as we imagined. Oops."

"Secondly, we will not retreat forever. As long as one person arrives, that is the moment for us to launch a counterattack."

"Droll, is the person you are talking about the Holy Light?" a general asked.

Before General Alonso was seriously injured and fell into coma, he asked everyone to ask for help from the Holy Light, and the top management indeed sent people to do it.

But later, because their side was defeated too quickly, all their thoughts were focused on reorganizing their troops, adjusting their morale, and making follow-up arrangements, and they had no energy or time to pay attention to this matter anymore.

"Yes, it is the Holy Light, the commander of the Holy Light Legion!"

Dror said forcefully: "Your Excellency Holy Light is recognized as the first person under the God King. He has fought dozens of natural disasters alone without defeat. I believe that no matter how strong Terry Chris is, he will not be the Holy Light." Your opponent."

These words shocked everyone present.

Yes, the leader of the Holy Light Army is the strongest natural disaster in history certified by the three major civilizations. There is no doubt that his strength is definitely higher than Terry Chris.

And don't forget that Holy Light initially debuted as an auxiliary. When he appears on the battlefield, the combat effectiveness of all natural disasters on one's side can be increased by at least 30 to 40%, and General Alonso, who has been seriously injured and has not recovered, will also return to the battlefield.

Just because of a name, the depressed and depressing atmosphere at the scene was quickly reversed, and excitement and expectation began to ignite in everyone's eyes.

"Droll, when will His Excellency Holy Light arrive?"


Dror said: "Your Excellency Holy Light has been setting off for several days. According to the speed of the Holy Light mothership, it will arrive tomorrow at the latest."

"Mothership? The Holy Light Legion has brought the mothership with it!"

"We'll be there tomorrow! Okay, that's great. You are worthy of being the most die-hard ally of our Star Stone Civilization."

"Thanks to General Alonso. Without General Alonso's foresight and continuous efforts to promote cooperation with the Holy Light Legion, it would not be so easy for us to invite His Excellency Holy Light."

The generals discussed excitedly. Not only did His Excellency Shengguang arrive by himself, he also brought the mothership Holy Light. Two of the most powerful Star Wars weapons arrived at the same time. We were finally able to make a good comeback.

"Okay everyone, let's take some reassurance. Our next task is to stabilize, retain our strength, and persist until the arrival of the Holy Light Legion." Dror said seriously.


All the generals shouted in unison.

Didi didi~~

At this moment, a piercing alarm suddenly sounded in the conference room. Seeing this, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

"General Dror, the long-range radar has detected the signal of the enemy fleet, 16 star feet away."

16 star rulers

Dror's eyes were solemn. A star ruler is a standard unit for measuring distance in space. 16 star rulers are a fairly short distance for a battleship.

"General Dror, the enemy warship signal has also been detected from behind!"

"There's one on the left side too."

"There's one on the right side too!"

Bad news came frequently, and everyone's expressions became increasingly ugly.

The coalition forces did not know what method they used to hide it from their own "Tianshi" reconnaissance system. They were unaware of it until they were very close to it, and they were not detected by the radar system.

"Get ready to fight!"

Dror took a deep breath and said: "But don't fight with the opponent head-on. Try to break through as much as possible."



Boom boom boom~

The colorful light cannons render the dark space dazzlingly.

Countless battleships filled the battlefield, including bombardment, boarding, and extraordinary space battles... The battlefield was in chaos, and the coalition forces were like a pack of wolves, tearing into the fleet of the Star Stone Civilization.

At the same time, the natural disaster masters of Uxia and the Geert Civilization all went out to fight, destroying the battleships of the Star Stone Civilization without restraint.

Orenzi opened his hand with one hand and turned suddenly. In an instant, dozens of warships around him were covered by a terrifying force of shock. The hulls of the warships shook violently, and parts were thrown out one by one. Within a few seconds, the warships exploded with a bang. It disintegrated, and the crew inside turned into blood mist.

"Iron General" Beta shuttles back and forth. With his alloy-like body and majestic strength, he can basically blow up a battleship with one or two punches.

On one side of the coalition, there were more natural disaster masters than before, causing huge damage to the Star Stone fleet. On the other side, under Dror's strong orders, many natural disasters in the Star Stone civilization chose to avoid fighting.

Although this was very frustrating, and they were ashamed of the soldiers who were being mercilessly slaughtered by the enemy's natural disasters, but for the final counterattack, they could only do this.

"Lord Gabu, find the command ship on the opposite side!"

Commander Uxia Civilization ordered in a deep voice.


Gabe nodded. He was a natural disaster-level mechanic trained by the Uxia civilization. He was proficient in virtual technology and had just arrived in the Norman war zone two days ago.

In interstellar wars, the command ships of each fleet are very concealed and almost undetectable from the outside. This is to avoid the enemy's precise decapitation tactics.

However, as a natural disaster-level virtual mechanic, Gabe can hack into the enemy's command system to trace the source and find the central command ship that issued the order.

Gabe immediately launched a virtual invasion and controlled the data torrent to enter the command system of the nearest warship. Under the control and bonus of the natural disaster-level mechanic, the data torrent was like a tough man, tearing open the firewall and moving along the data nodes. Go all the way up and look for the command terminal at the top.

"No, there is a natural disaster-level virtual mechanic on the opposite side."

In the command ship, several technical experts exclaimed.

What, a natural disaster-level virtual mechanic!

Dror's expression changed and he said sternly: "I must stop him. I must not let him locate our command ship."

The technical experts didn't even have time to respond. Several of them were nervous and anxious, sweating profusely, trying their best to resist Gabe's virtual invasion.

They are also mechanics who are proficient in virtual technology, but they are still at the leadership level. Even if a few of them join forces, they are far unable to defeat the natural disaster-level mechanics.

Fortunately, the fleet command system has strong anti-intrusion capabilities, just like a city wall, and they are soldiers standing on the city wall. Although they are not the enemy's opponents, they can survive for a period of time with the help of the city wall.

"Ha, that's interesting!"

Feeling the stubborn resistance on the other side, Gabe curled his lips, and the torrent of data became more turbulent and majestic, constantly hitting the arson wall on the opposite side like a tsunami.

At the same time, in his field of vision, the anchoring range of the enemy's command ship was constantly shrinking, and it wouldn't be long before he could accurately determine the target.

There was constant artillery fire on the battlefield, and warships were destroyed and exploded every moment. Among these warships, those belonging to the Star Stone Civilization undoubtedly accounted for the majority.

This time, the coalition's offensive was much more fierce than before, and it seemed to have the momentum to catch them all.

Dror commanded calmly and delivered clear instructions to each unit one by one. His performance gave the entire army reassurance.

However, Dror's heart is not as calm and calm as he appears on the surface. As the commander-in-chief who has an overview of the overall situation, he is the only one who knows best how bad and dangerous the current situation is.

The natural disasters on our own side cannot escape, but the natural disasters on the opposite side can destroy warships unscrupulously, making the encirclement shrink continuously.

At the same time, the command system also became in danger due to the invasion of natural disaster-level mechanics from the opposite side.

If the breakout is still not successful within a short period of time, the main battle fleet of the Star Stone Civilization will be eaten up by the coalition forces. This also means that the Norman sector will be lost and the eastern border of the Star Stone Civilization will be wide open. The coalition forces can drive in and attack Enter the hinterland of Star Stone Civilization.

"No, I will never allow this to happen."

A flash of determination and ruthlessness flashed in Dror's eyes. If the moment came to a last resort, they would surely perish together with their opponents.

"Hey, I found you!"

At this time, Gabe's eyes lit up. He knew he would lose if he defended for too long. Under constant attacks and intrusions, he finally found the loophole on the opposite side.

The data flow poured out, quickly destroying the "defensive embankment" and entering the core area of ​​the fleet command system.


The fleet technical expert's face changed drastically, his whole body was soaked with sweat, and he tried his best to prevent Gabu from invading.

However, it is too late to struggle now.

"The commander-in-chief ship is right here!"

Gabe drew a circle on the combat panel to mark the area where the command ship was located.

He doesn't need to pinpoint a specific ship, he just needs to delineate an area and get rid of all the warships in the area.


A flash of joy flashed in the commander's eyes and he immediately ordered:

"Dear natural disaster worshippers, we have located the command ship of the Star Stone Civilization. Please go to the area immediately and destroy all warships in the area."


The natural disaster experts responded shortly, immediately turned around and rushed towards the target.


Dror looked at the rapidly approaching high-energy light spots on the tactical panel, and his heart sank.

It seems that the opponent has located the direction of the command ship. If he does not want to directly destroy the command center, then there is only one way to go - the natural disasters go out to fight and fight with the opponent.

"Everyone, the enemy has locked the command ship, and we have reached a critical stage of survival."

Dror said in a deep tone on the natural disaster channel: "Now, I can only ask you to open a channel for the fleet."

"Leave it to me!"

"Droll, you take charge and lead the team forward, and leave the rest to us."

"Droll, promise me that you will win this battle."

The sonorous, heroic, and free voice reached his ears. Dror clenched his fists, and his teeth were almost broken by his teeth.

Because of his defeat in the Madiel war zone, it led to a series of chain reactions, the fleet suffered heavy losses, and now even the powerful natural disasters are in danger of sacrifice.

Guilt, pain, despair...all kinds of emotions kept eating away at his heart, causing his body to tremble uncontrollably.


At this time, a natural disaster expert held down Dror's shoulders and said with a faint smile:

"It is our duty as soldiers and our honor to defend our country. You don't have to feel guilty. Now you have only one mission, which is to preserve the fleet's vitality as much as possible and wait for the opportunity to kill these bastards."

"Don't worry, I will open a passage for you."

The natural disaster expert patted Dror on the shoulder, and then resolutely ran towards the battleship gate.


Dror looked at the retreating stalwart figure, his eyes turned red, he gritted his teeth and shouted with all his strength:

"All troops advance!!!"

Swish, swish, swish! ! !

Five powerful natural disasters appeared behind the command ship, like five mountains, blocking the way of the coalition's natural disasters.

"This road is blocked!"

Mann said calmly. Facing more than a dozen enemy natural disasters, he and the people around him showed no fear. Their calm aura concealed a volcano-like intensity.

Such magnanimity makes the enemy sigh secretly.

What a group of good guys!

"Quick victory!"

Orenzi ordered in a deep voice.


boom! ! !

More than a dozen natural disaster-level auras exploded, causing the surrounding space to become significantly distorted.

The terrifying pressure rushed towards them. Mann and others' eyes were solemn, full of determination and determination.

Come on, use our blood to open a path for survival for our comrades.

"Do it!!!"

Following Orenzi's order, the natural disasters divided into several groups in tacit agreement and attacked the five people.

However, just when the two sides were about to enter into a hand-to-hand confrontation, suddenly, a powerful spatial fluctuation suddenly came.

"The spatial concentration is rising rapidly and is about to reach its peak."

The pilot of the Uxia civilization command ship shouted loudly.

"The peak value is still rising. This kind of value... is the mothership, the mothership has arrived!!!"

boom! ! !

A huge black hole suddenly opened in the sky above the battlefield, and then, a giant ship slowly flew out of the black hole. The hull of the ship turned silver gray, and a burning golden flame was engraved on the left and right sides.

"This is……"

When Dror saw the picture presented on the tactical panel, his eyes suddenly opened wide and he said ecstatically:

"Holy Light, the Holy Light Legion is coming!!!"

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