Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 364 Killing God (5)

A black hole with a diameter of more than 10,000 meters hangs in the sky.

The earth was torn apart, and the earth and red mantle debris rushed towards the black hole like wild sand. An entire land plate fell apart at this moment, seawater poured in, and countless lives flew from a distance and were sucked into the black hole in despair.

Swallowing Star, the strongest magical power of the Swallowing Star clan.

When a mature Star Eater releases this magical power, it can swallow an asteroid in one bite.

The Puppet Master does not have the internal space of Galactus, so he can only use his supernatural power to simulate the magical power of Galactus. The person "eaten" by Galactus will enter a temporarily opened space and wait for the energy to run out. It will be decomposed into dust by the devouring force and disappear without a trace.

At this moment, let alone the creatures on the land plate, even those in the outer space of the planet and inside the battleship can feel the flow of energy, which shows how terrifying this magical power of swallowing stars is.

"The Holy Light was swallowed up like this?"

"The puppet master is also missing. Could it be that they both died together?"

"If the puppet master dies, will this black hole still exist?"

"Yes, yes, the puppet master is definitely not dead, but it's hard to say for the Holy Light."

"It's over. Hey, I didn't expect that not even the Holy Light could defeat the God King. Sure enough, only the God King can defeat the God King."

Seeing the scene where Su Mo was swallowed by the black hole, the audience watching the battle almost thought that Su Mo was dead.

It's a pity that Su Mo cut off the puppet master's head. It was so exciting, but he didn't expect that in the end he failed.

"Su Mo!!!"

Angela's expression suddenly changed and she screamed.

Han Jia clenched her fists suddenly and pursed her lips until they turned white. Su Mo, you will be fine, right? Show up quickly. Show up now! ! !


The Lion King's heart sank. Although he had never seen the Star-Eating Beast, he had recently carefully learned about the Star-Eating Beast. When the Star-Eating Beast was activated, the swallowed creature would be quickly drained of its energy and eventually decomposed into factors. .

If you want to survive Galactus, you must either use your supreme power to break the Devouring Space, or hold on until the end of Galactus.

When the swallowing of stars ends, the living creatures in the swallowing space will be automatically transferred out.

It's dangerous.

Just when the Lion King was about to rescue Su Mo, suddenly, two bright auras locked onto him at the same time.

"Rhine Gut, let them resolve their battle."

The indifferent voice of the Guangming Cult Leader reached the Lion King's ears, and there seemed to be a faint lightness in his tone.

"Kreyer, Zenidin!"

The Lion King looked out the window and saw the luxurious spaceship that was not far away. When he arrived at Rag Star, the two god-kings of the Holy See of Light were present.

A Su Mo is not worthy of Kreyer and Zenidin fighting at the same time.

Obviously, the main target of the Holy See of Light is not Su Mo, but him, Rein Gut.

"Disgusting flies."

The Lion King's eyes showed a cold look. He knew very well that with the two god-kings, Krayer and Zenidin, he would definitely be delayed for a long time and would not have time to smash Galactus.

In this case, Su Mo can only rely on himself now.

The Lion King stared at the huge black hole on the screen, and suddenly, an intuition came to his heart.

Swallowing Star cannot trap Su Mo.

Yes, his son Su Mo was destined to become a legend in the universe. How could he be tripped up by a little puppet master?

Krayer, Zenidin

Just wait, Su Mo will definitely bring you a "surprise".


Boundless darkness enveloped the body, there was no light, I couldn't see my fingers, it was like falling into hell.

Su Mo held up the light shield, but as soon as the light shield appeared, the energy was sucked away by a terrifying suction force. At the same time, the power in his body drained away like a flood.

Swallow the Star~

Su Mo looked solemn. He had heard Hutao say that Swallowing Star is the strongest magical power of the Swallowing Star clan. Once it is absorbed into the Swallowing Space, the energy of the object will be quickly drained. Whether it is a living body or a mechanical creature, it will eventually be destroyed. Break down into factors and disappear completely.

However, the swallowed object does not necessarily mean that it will die. There are two ways to escape from the swallowed star.

First, penetrate the Devouring Space with absolute strength that surpasses the Star Swallowing Beast and return to the main world.

Second, stay alive until the end of Galactus.

When releasing Swallowing Star, the Swallowing Star beast will also consume a huge amount of energy, put a heavy load on its body, and the duration will not be particularly long.

If you can still survive when the swallowing star ends, you will be automatically transferred to the outside world by the power of space.

The first option is not very feasible. Although the puppet master uses a fake swallowing space, the formation of this space is based on the energy of the God King. If you want to violently break it, you must at least explode several times more power. Obviously , I can’t reach that level.

Therefore, he chose to drag on. With the BUFF and the blessing of the five gems of the God-killing Arms, he believed that he would last longer than the Puppet Master.

Swish swish swish~~

The golden BUFF light is constantly flashing, and the five gems are also continuously supplying energy.

Su Mo closed his eyes and concentrated on fighting against the devouring power.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

In this dark world, time becomes elusive and difficult to grasp.

I don’t know how long it has been

Gradually, a line of sweat broke out on Su Mo's forehead, his face turned pale, and there was a sense of weakness in his body that he had not experienced for a long time. It was as if he had just recovered from a serious illness, and his whole body was soft and had a sense of being drained away. Feel.

The light of the golden BUFF became increasingly dimmer, the power, soul, speed, and space gems were completely silent, and the energy gems only had a faint glow left, like candles in the wind that could be extinguished at any time.

At this time, Su Mo also began to become anxious. His own strength was almost exhausted, and even the energy of the five gems was almost exhausted. If this continues, when all the energy is drained, his body will be like fine sand. Generally collapses and dissipates.

quick! quick! It’s almost over!

Su Mo gritted his teeth, roaring silently in his heart, and his face became paler.


The energy gem's light fell silent, and the God-killing armor automatically returned to its position and turned into a ring.

The external energy supply disappeared, and Su Mo could only watch the little energy remaining in his body drain away quickly, and his consciousness began to blur.

Vaguely, he seemed to see his feet turning into little stars flying, all the way up along his calves and knees.

Am I going to... die?

Su Mo forced a wry smile on his lips. After working hard for so long, it finally ended like this. He was unwilling to accept it, but there was nothing he could do.

Jiajia, Angela, Hutao, Lu Fan, Bobo, Dad...

My friends, I may not be able to go on with you.

Hutao, I'm sorry, brother Su Mo failed to protect you.

Su Mo slowly closed his eyes, relaxed his body, and gradually sank into consciousness. However, just when his eyes were about to close, a bright light suddenly came through the slit in his eyes.

The light was so dazzling that it was accompanied by a warm aura that enveloped the body.

It seems like... I don’t have to die!

Su Mo suddenly opened his eyes.



High in the sky, the black sun was violently turbulent. Under the gaze of everyone, the black sun shrank rapidly and finally became a black spot.

Just before the black spots disappeared, two figures emerged from the black sun.


Su Mo was lying in the hot magma. The land had been completely swallowed up, exposing the mantle layer. At this moment, his waist had completely disappeared, his face was as pale as paper, his chest had almost no rise and fall, and only his eyes were open and not dimmed. , proving that he is still alive.

On the opposite side, the puppet master's condition was no better than Su Mo's.

His body lost a lot of weight, as if he had shrunk, his cheeks were deeply sunken, and he was half-kneeling in the magma, so weak that he couldn't even lift his fingers.

"Su Mo!!!"

The puppet master raised his head with difficulty and looked at the dying Su Mo not far away, feeling a deep sense of unwillingness and anger in his heart.


There was only a small chance that Su Mo would be completely swallowed by the Swallowing Star.

It's a pity that his strength can't guarantee that he will persist until the last moment.

If it weren't for the God-killing Arms, you would have become the nourishment in my body long ago.

The puppet master gritted his teeth bitterly. At this moment, he was very dissatisfied with the Holy See. If it weren't for the Holy See's stinky plan, Su Mo got the complete god-killing weapon from Terry Chris. This battle would have been It won't be that hard at all.



Su Mo and the puppet master were both frantically absorbing spiritual energy, and a vortex of spiritual energy condensed above their heads.

However, the deficit of both of them was too serious and their bodies could not move.

"Come out here and kill him!!"

the puppet master yelled.

Swish swish swish~~~

As soon as he finished speaking, people wearing black robes and various masks flew over from a distance. They were all puppets of the puppet master. They were hiding in safe places during the battle just now, and the puppet master deliberately blocked them. They, and therefore these natural disaster experts, appear in full state and with great momentum.

Dozens of qi machines were locked on Su Mo. After hundreds of years of accumulation, the puppet master secretly captured more than 50 natural disaster-level puppets. It may not sound like many, but in fact, except for some of the top god kings, In addition, ordinary god-king forces simply cannot attract such a number of natural disasters.

Su Mo lay in the magma and slowly raised his fingers, a faint golden light lingering between his fingers.

His missing legs and feet have grown back, but only a small part of his energy has been restored, and his energy and blood are severely depleted, making it difficult to lift his fingers.

But no matter what, he will not sit still and wait for death.

"Who dares to hurt my leader!"

At this moment, a majestic and furious voice echoed through the sky.

A green light fell rapidly like a meteorite, and behind it, there were several "shooting stars".

boom! ! !

The burly and strong body fell into the magma, causing waves to splash onto Su Mo's face, and then was slowly wiped away by Su Mo.

Broden stood proudly in front of Su Mo, his eyes sharp and his fighting spirit surging.

Swish swish swish~~

Han Jia, Meng Duo, Qian Liuyu, Ming, Gio Torre, Angela, and Bobo arrived one after another, guarding Su Mo closely.

"Just you guys are looking for death!"

The puppet master's eyes are filled with cold stars. Now that he is here, your Holy Light Legion will be completely destroyed this time.


Dozens of natural disasters erupted with powerful momentum and locked onto a few people.


The sky suddenly glowed with red clouds, forming a fiery cloud.

"Who dares to hurt my brother!"


The fire fists in the sky exploded like missiles at the black-robed puppet, covering the sky and the sun. The power of each punch was extremely terrifying. After the first-level natural disaster puppet received a punch, the resisting arm exploded directly, and a shrill scream came from its mouth. .

The next moment, a man wearing battle armor with chestnut hair and stepping on red lotuses came over.


Bobo and Angela shouted in surprise, and Su Mo also had a smile on his face.

The person who came was none other than Isaac, the fourth adopted son of the Lion King and Su Mo's friend.


At this time, another dragon roar shattered the sky.

I saw a green dragon swooping down, more than a hundred meters long, strong and mighty, with wind and thunder surging all over its body. Several figures stood on the dragon's head, their clothes making a hunting sound.

"Brother Mo, Hutao, here we come!!!"

Frank shouted.

Su Mo looked at the familiar figure above in surprise. After Isaac, another group of his close friends also came here.

lucky team

The Blue Dragon was transformed by Hyde, Frank, Peggy, Asura, and a magician he didn't know.

What surprised Su Mo was that the auras of these people were all above the natural disaster. The strongest Hyde and Asura had actually reached the peak of the natural disaster!

What on earth did they go through?

You must know that a few years ago, Hyde and Frank broke through the leadership with their own help. Even after experiencing the sacred tree star and the group, several people each obtained the tree fruit that was most suitable for them, but their strength should not have improved so much. Hurry!

But in any case, the arrival of Isaac, Hyde and others has greatly eased the pressure faced by the Holy Light Legion and others. Although their number is much smaller than that of their opponents, there are Broden, Isaac, Qian Liuyu and others. With the top natural disasters such as Bobo, Hyde, and Asura, the balance of victory will tilt to their side.


Su Mo used the little force he had just recovered to add a full set of BUFFs to everyone. Fortunately, there were not many teammates, so the force could still hold on.


There was no nonsense, the two sides started fighting directly.

boom! !

Broden punched down, and the chest of a natural disaster martial artist was immediately pierced by the fist, and his heart was shocked into pulp. Seeing this, the others immediately surrounded Broden.

"Purgatory Lotus~"

The fire lotus bloomed, and Isaac trapped more than ten natural disasters in the flame field. The secret lines of flames were looming on his cheeks, and a bohemian smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

hold head high! !

Hyde transformed into a half-dragon form, swung out his dragon fist, and the wind and thunder surged, and he blew up a black-robed puppet with one punch.

A fierce battle was going on between the two sides, and all the puppets were stopped, creating a vacuum around Su Mo and giving him time to recover.

"Ahhh, damn, damn!!!"

Seeing that Su Mo had survived a certain death situation, the puppet master couldn't help but his eyes were about to burst, his eyes were scarlet, and he ordered angrily:

"You, go and kill him for me."

As soon as the order was issued, a short figure appeared in front of Su Mo.

Although her body was covered by a black robe and her face was covered with a mask, Su Mo recognized her at a glance as Hu Tao.

puff! ! !

The white and tender little hands poked out from the black robe, clenched into fists, and punched Su Mo in the chest, inserting into the heart. The bursting sound of the heart could be clearly heard.

"Su Mo!"


"Brother Mo!"

Seeing this scene, Han Jia, Angela and Su Mo's friends were shocked and wanted to return for support, but were blocked by the puppets.

"Su Mo, the person you want to save turns out to be the person who wants to kill you. I want to see how you deal with it."

The puppet master smiled grimly, and felt a sense of joy in his heart. He liked watching this kind of dramatic reversal, which gave him a sense of overlooking the control of human nature and destiny.

The heart was crushed and blood and strength were lost.

Su Mo raised his hand and moved closer to Hu Tao's head little by little.

Yes, that's it, kill her, kill the person you want to save.

The puppet master smiled more wildly, but the next moment, his expression froze.

Su Mo gently put his hand on Hutao's head, took off her mask with the other hand, rubbed her head as usual, and whispered:

"Sorry, I am late."

Hearing this, Hu Tao's body shook violently, and crystal tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

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