Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 372 Counterattack, prepare to enter

"Tower of Time~"

In the virtual room, the leader of the light and the soul emperor showed a dignified look at the same time.

The leader of Guangming frowned and said: "With Su Mo's talent and the assistance of the Tower of Time, it will take at most two or three months to break through the God King. By then, it will be difficult to complete the plan."

The Soul Emperor asked hoarsely: "What is the attitude of other divine religions? Are they willing to send manpower?"

"Don't think about them!"

The leader of Guangming snorted coldly: "Everyone cherishes his life very much, and he is not willing to face that old lion."

Rein Guth had a great reputation and a terrifying record. Counting Zenidin, three god-kings had fallen to him.

Everyone has concerns. Even if we can really capture Rein Gut, will the old lion take someone to support him before he dies?

Very likely to happen!

The first choice for pulling back is the soft persimmon. Among the twelve divine religions, except for Gaia, the mother of the earth, whose strength can stabilize the leader of the light, and is on par with the Soul Emperor, the rest are lower than the two.

Considering this, these high-ranking leaders will naturally not take risks. The ones who have enmity with Rein Gut are the Soul Clan and the Holy See of Light, not their divine religion. Although everyone belongs to the All Souls Sect, after all, there are still some Individual differences.

Hearing these words, the Soul Emperor's eyes turned cold, but he was not surprised. This is the Twelve Gods of the Wanling Sect. A group of timid, corrupt, and arrogant old people rely on their seniority to firmly control the Wanling Sect. The supreme government of the country, little did they know that under their leadership, the development of the All Souls Sect had lagged behind the open and inclusive Radiant Federation and the centralized and efficient Iron-Blooded Empire.

If this continues, the gap between the All Souls Sect and the other two major civilizations will become wider and wider, and they will gradually lose their status as the hegemon of the universe.

"Forget it, we don't need them."

The Soul Emperor said hoarsely: "Su Mo getting the Tower of Time may not be a bad thing for us."

What a smart person the Guangming Cult Leader was, he immediately understood what the Soul Emperor meant.

Their previous manpower preparations were aimed at Su Mo and Rein Gut, but if Su Mo entered the Tower of Time to attack the God King, then only Rein Gut would be left.

As long as the time difference is correct, the plan will go more smoothly.

"How are the preparations over there with Isaac?" asked the leader of the Light.

"Decades ago, I planted nails around Isaac and could close the net at any time."

The Soul Emperor spoke in a gloomy tone. So many Soul Clan elites died at the hands of the Lion Palace back then, but he has never forgotten this blood feud. In the past hundred years, he has made many preparations, placing spies in the Lion Palace, and laying secrets around Isaac. Nails are for now.

"Issac has returned to the Revolutionary Army, and now we are waiting for Su Mo to enter the Tower of Time."

The Soul Emperor's eyes were as dark and deep as a hellish cave, and there was a coldness that froze the soul.

Rhine Gut, just wait, I will throw your soul into the reincarnation of eternal calamities, and suffer the pain of soul whipping forever.

No one from the Lion Palace can escape!


Star Stone Civilization Supreme Meeting

"Tell me, what do you think?"

The leader of the Star Stone Civilization put down the document in his hand and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"There is no need to hesitate. The Holy Light Legion has just helped us defeat the two major coalition forces of Usha and Gert. Now that we have nothing to do with the Holy Light Legion, what do you want the soldiers to think? What do you want the people in the country to think? Let those who are on your behalf What do we, the people doing it, think?”

Alonso's tone was stern and his voice became louder and louder. Even in front of the leader, he unabashedly showed his inner dissatisfaction.

"Alonso, it's not that simple."

The Minister of Finance shook his head and said slowly: "You have to know that the All Souls Sect has now issued a death order asking us to cut off from the Holy Light Legion, otherwise we will be blocked in various fields such as economy, diplomacy, science and technology. We are not those small mercenary groups or small financial groups. The more advanced the civilization, the more affected it will be by the three major civilizations in the universe. If these blockades are really implemented, our losses will definitely be much more serious than the invasion by the coalition forces this time. "

The finance minister's words silenced Alonso and a group of military bosses who were complaining about the Legion of Light. This is the reason, but this approach is really chilling.

As soon as the Holy Light Legion received its request for help, it rushed to the Norman War Zone non-stop to save the Star Stone Fleet in a critical moment. After that, His Excellency Holy Light captured the supreme leader of the coalition forces by himself, completely End this battle.

As a result, now, even if they don't repay, they still have to complete the separation with the Holy Light Legion and cut off all contact. Such an act of repaying kindness with hatred will make them hold their heads high in front of the soldiers.

The morale of the army will surely plummet.

"Anyway, I won't agree."

Alonso had a sullen face and disconnected the virtual connection after leaving a sentence.


The leader of Star Stone sighed helplessly. Alonso felt aggrieved. How could he not be angry at the domineering attitude of the Wanling Sect? How to do it?

"Everyone, please listen to me."

At this time, the Foreign Minister slowly spoke: "From a political and economic perspective, even if His Excellency Shengguang breaks through to the God King, it will not bring us too much benefit. I wonder if everyone agrees with this?"


Everyone nodded. The God King is the pinnacle of personal power, but he is relatively mediocre in other aspects. What's more, His Excellency Shengguang is not his direct descendant. The improvement is also quite limited.

"However, we must also consider the combined impact of His Excellency Holy Light's talent, Holy Baptism, and Tower of Time. Therefore, I think we should carefully consider the matter of the Holy Light Legion."

The Foreign Minister calmly glanced at everyone's expressions. He suspected that there would be people from the All Souls Sect among the senior officials present, so what he said was relatively vague, but he believed that the leader and other ministers could understand what he meant.


The senior officials nodded slightly. The Foreign Minister was right. Judging from His Excellency Shengguang's talent, which can be said to be the best in the sea of ​​​​stars, it is almost certain that he will be promoted to the peak of the God King in the future.

A strong person of this level is enough to influence the destiny of the country.

At the same time, His Excellency Holy Light has also mastered the Holy Baptism and the Tower of Time, two great weapons for quickly cultivating masters. If he cuts off from the Holy Light Legion, these two channels will be completely closed to his own civilization, and the losses will be equally incalculable. .

In addition, don't forget that it is not only His Excellency Shengguang who can reach the peak of the God King, but also another famous Lion King, Rein Gut.

The two god kings were at their peak and were neighbors. If they dared to offend, the consequences would be more serious than disobeying the All Souls Sect.

It’s difficult~

"Okay, the meeting is over, let me think about it again."

The leader of Star Stone rubbed his temples with a headache, waved his hand, and disconnected.


"Legion Commander, we just received a lot of secret messages from the consortium."

Colin, the Minister of Commerce, stood next to Su Mo with a hint of joy on his face. "They are willing to continue to cooperate with us in a more secretive way, provided that we cannot leak the cooperative relationship between the two parties."

"Well, it's pretty much what I expected."

Su Mo smiled slightly. Financial groups and businessmen knew how to hedge their bets. Seeing that the Holy Light Legion had mastered the Tower of Time and that he was about to break through to the God King, these people were immediately shaken.

Su Mo was not angry about this vacillating behavior. In life, only a few people can stand firmly by their side at all times. Most of the remaining people are connected by interests. .

When enjoying the scenery can bring benefits to the other party, this group of people are more considerate and enthusiastic than your own son.

When you are down and out, they are the first ones to abandon you.

How many people just didn't see this clearly and ended up in a sad ending.

"Okay, that's it for the time being, but Colin, you have to remember which ones are our real friends and which ones are just losers. When dealing with these losers, future cooperation must be stronger and fully extract their value." Su Mo said calmly. road.


Colin nodded heavily. He was also quite angry in his heart. Because of the words of the All Souls Sect, these people did not even say hello and immediately stopped cooperating with the Holy Light Legion. They also did not talk about liquidated damages at all, leaving the Legion Huge losses were incurred.

He will have plenty of ways to deal with these kind of losers in the future.

"Let's have a meeting~"

Su Mo patted Colin on the shoulder, and the two walked into the conference room together.

At this moment, all the natural disaster-level cadres of the Holy Light Legion, including Capeo from the Prison Star, were on the scene. In addition, there were also important leaders of various departments and captains of the major divisions.

After Su Mo sat down, he went straight to the point.

"In a few days, I will enter the Tower of Time to attack the God King."

As soon as these words came out, all the cadres present immediately showed excitement.

They knew that within a few months at most, the legion commander would emerge as the God King, and at that time, the Holy Light Legion would once again undergo earth-shaking changes.

"This time of retreat, I will be the only one for the time being." Su Mo said slowly.

Now the Holy Light Legion is in a precarious situation. Without him, the other cadres need to take on the responsibility and stabilize the situation. It is not appropriate to enter the tower to practice with him.

It's a pity that the Tower of Time must be placed in a fixed location and can only be effective when it reaches its maximum height. It cannot be like some fantasy novels where the mini form can attract people.

In addition, the environment around the Tower of Time must be stable and safe to ensure normal operation within the tower.

And this is why he chose to place the Tower of Time in the Holy Light Base.

The Holy Light Base is guarded by tens of millions of members, and the Lion Palace and many mercenary allies can also quickly support through the teleportation array. For him, this is the safest place.

The Tower of Time towers into the clouds and cannot be hidden. Instead of letting outsiders guess and test it, it is better to directly announce its origins and functions, making it another business card of the Holy Light Legion and attracting more allies.


All the cadres nodded in unison. They also knew that the legion was now facing multiple sanctions from the Wanling Sect. It was the time when everyone needed to work together to tide over the difficulties. Without the legion commander, these cadres must stabilize the morale of the army until the legion commander succeeds. Break through.

Next, Su Mo laid out the next phase of the legion plan in detail, with specific responsibilities assigned to everyone. Even Xiao Hutao and Mondo, who had always been left alone by Su Mo, also received their own tasks.

In addition, the five members of the Lucky Team were also willing to help at this moment. Su Mo was not polite to his friends and left some important work to them.

The Holy Light Legion is now not only facing an economic blockade, but also experiencing many security problems such as the hijacking of the transport fleet, the invasion of resource stars, and attacks on foreign bases.

With the deliberate support of some people, the star thieves and raiding teams in the Chaos Star Territory have shown signs of resurgence, and a big net is covering the Holy Light Legion.

But the more times like this, the more the Holy Light Legion needs to show a tough stance.

"The second phase of the Sin Prison Star project has been completed. Let's fill it all up this time." Su Mo said coldly.


Everyone said in unison, their eyes flashing coldly.


The dinner hosted by the Legion of Light became the biggest focus of the Zatanvi Star tonight.

Celebrities such as the leaders of the six major legions, the leaders of the natural disaster-level mercenaries, representatives of the Lion Palace, heads of local financial groups, and chambers of commerce, etc., arrived one after another, and the scene was extremely lively.

Everyone first celebrated Su Mo's return as a king with great victory, and took turns sending congratulatory gifts. Then they began to inquire about the situation of the Tower of Time.

Everyone has the same appeal, which is to apply for the opportunity to enter the Tower of Time for their own people.

Naturally, Su Mo would not be stingy with the allies who could stand by him at this moment. He allocated a lot of free quotas to each family and also gave the most favorable conditions for the exchange of quotas in the future.

However, this also has a premise, that is, when the Tower of Light encounters an external attack, all major allies must come to support as soon as possible.

No one has any objection to this. After all, everyone present has been tightly bound to the Legion of Light. Everyone will be prosperous and suffer losses.

If something happens to the Holy Light Legion, no one will be in trouble.

Moreover, there are so many experts from the Holy Light Legion that except the God King, who dares to invade the Holy Light Base and attack the Tower of Time.

If a god king really appears, wouldn't there be His Excellency Shengguang and Lord Lion King? How could it be their turn to take action?

But in fact, this seemingly insignificant condition actually connects everyone more closely and creates a sense of mutual identity in their hearts.

This point is very important for Su Mo's next major alliance plan.

Zatanvi is still too small, and the influence of mercenaries is also very limited. In the future, he plans to unite all the forces on Zatanvi into one rope, continue to expand outwards, and one day reach the level of the top forces in the universe.

The day after the dinner, the Holy Light Legion teamed up with many mercenary groups to launch a cleaning operation.

Those star thieves or secret forces that had plundered and invaded the Holy Light Legion were uprooted one by one. The autumn wind swept away the fallen leaves, making those who were ready to take action immediately stop thinking, and the security problem of the Holy Light Legion was temporarily solved.

After seeing that the situation had stabilized, Su Mo decided that it was time to enter the Tower of Time.

I feel the support of all book friends this year. I wish you all good health and all the best in the new year.

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