Xishu Trip – Douluo

Chapter 112

Chapter 287:

This battle, when several elders saw that Tang San’s fighting spirit was greatly diminished when he released his spirit ring, they had already become unsustainable.

However, what made the faces of the elders most ugly was that after defeating Tang San, Tang San actually took out the Haotian Order belonging to the Sect Master, and Luo Qingchen also came out to heal their injuries.

This reminded them of what Luo Qingchen had said before—[I just don’t want to see you crying for being more deceived and beaten. 】

When the undertone is more ugly.

The next thing went even more smoothly. After defeating the fifth elders, Tang San took out the Haotian Order, and after using Tang Chen’s great ancestor fox to fake his power, he showed that the Haultian Hammer was even better than the Blue Silver Emperor’s martial arts spirit. The nine dazzling spirit rings.

Naturally, he became the chief elder.

After that, he fought hard for what happened back then, and repaid Tang Hao’s innocence.

It can only be said that a series of bells and whistles directly calmed Luo Qingchen.

After all, for Luo Qingchen, a lot of things just need to be straightforward, and all those who have no strength will shut up.

Tang San was different. He first convinced people with his strength and then put on an attitude of buying people’s hearts, and finally completed the reunification.

I also learned a lot of courses in Tang Yuehua. Luo Qingchen only felt that he had gone to a fake school, and he could only act as a background board for the whole process, and then was judged by Tang San. You predicted my prediction] The old mille-cake behavior is constantly shocked.

After that, under the leadership of several elders, he sacrificed to his grandfather, who was the previous generation of Haotian Sect, who was Tang Hao’s father. [By the way, I haven’t found this person’s name]

After that, Tang San and Luo Qingchen also helped Tang Hao recover—that is, rebirth from a severed limb. I have to say that the tacit understanding between the two really surprised Tang Hao, and they didn’t even have any discussions. After finishing my own affairs, I didn’t even feel a bit in the process, and I became healthy again after I slept.

So much so that when Tang Hao woke up, he was blinded.

After finishing the affairs of the sect and his parents, Tang San finally thought of himself.

I went to find Tang Xiao that same day, and came back with a wooden box in the evening.

“This is… what’s wrong with you?” Luo Qingchen noticed that Tang San’s eyes were red, and he contacted again, trying to ask, “Is it the master craftsman that has something to do?”

Tang San nodded, sat next to Luo Qingchen, put the box on the table, and sniffed, “It’s my fault. I didn’t expect that Master Lou Shen would take his life for it and throw himself into the stove. Sacrifice…Perhaps I shouldn’t be in such a hurry.”

Luo Qingchen just patted Tang San on the shoulder, and said softly, “You don’t think the Master Lou Shen looks like you at the beginning.”

Tang San trembled, but remained silent.

“This is the craftsman’s choice.”

“Listen to the uncle… Master Lou, he left with a smile.” Tang San’s gaze fell on the box, “It’s because the Master Lou was willing to make me feel so guilty. After all, I was the one who seduced him with tactics. ”

“Tang San.”

Tang San raised his head and looked at Luo Qingchen.

“If it was the great elder who told you, you can learn the Profound Sky Treasure Record and the hidden weapons, but you will die after you learn it. What will you do?”

Tang San was silent, and wiped off the water vapor from the corner of his eyes after a moment, “Thank you, Qing Chen.”

Luo Qingchen nodded and looked at the box, “As long as you live up to the heart of the master craftsman, it’s just as if they didn’t live up to your last heart.”

“Yeah.” Tang San took a deep breath, smiling again at the corner of his mouth, “Do you want to see the master’s work?”

“If you are in the top five, then forget it. You told me that you had seen it before. I thought I was an inner student at the time. Did you start learning at that time?”

“Ah, I have to mention the past.” Tang San looked away. “Furthermore, the work of Lou Shenjiang is extraordinary.”

With that, Tang San stretched out his hand to open the box, and suddenly, an unparalleled sharp aura spread across the room.

On the bottom of the wooden box, lying flat, there are a lot of drawings that are already dirty, but still completed.

There are several things on the drawing.

A cylinder about one foot long with peacock dark stripes. Three golden flowers, the center is like a lotus inlaid with a ruby. There is also a dark silver cylinder, which is different from the previous cylinder engraved with peacock dark patterns. On this dark silver cylinder, there are only two large characters and the height of the building. These two words are formed by the **** dark lines, which are the real blood of the **** craftsman Lou Gao.

Each of these things is covered with a faint blood, and the inner ones will explode.

Even if Luo Qingchen was already a titled Douluo-level powerhouse, looking at these metal objects, there was a sense of fear from the heart.

Tang San stroked the edge of the wooden box and said, “Peacock Ling, Buddha’s Fury Tanglian, and the rainstorm pear flower needle that cost him his life… These are the last works of Lou Gao… He succeeded, and he really completed it uniquely. God made.”

“It is indeed a work by God.” Luo Qingchen pulled up his sleeves and pressed down the standing hairs of the collective, “What is this?”

“A peerless hidden weapon in the first three of Tang Sect.” Tang San looked at the blood-red word “Lou Gao” again with water vapor, “I always felt that my research on Rainstorm Pear Flower Needle was not good enough. Until I saw Master Lou Shen’s work. This work, I understand that when this torrential rain pear flower needle is formed, it is necessary to use human blood to unlock the deep sea sinking silver and silver spirit, in order to achieve this world’s first hidden weapon!”

Tang San’s suppressed emotions exploded.

“If I had known that the Loushen Artisan would pay the price of his life for this. Then. I would rather not have these peerless hidden weapons!”

Luo Qingchen could only watch Tang San crying like a child holding the box.

Closing his eyes, Luo Qingchen released his martial soul, and a gentle and sad piano melody sounded.

When Tang San felt that Luo Qingchen released his martial soul, he was assigned a little attention, and now he was fully engaged, only feeling that the mood expressed by this song was far more sad than his own.

When the song was over, Tang San’s eyes were red, like Luo Qingchen cast a suspicious look.

“This song is called “Burial Soul”,” Luo Qingchen gently stroked the strings, “I realized it on the day I paid homage to you. Before that, the master told me not to learn this song anymore, saying I don’t I want to really understand him.”

Tang San got up and walked behind Luo Qingchen, gently surrounding him, “…fortunately, Qingchen, fortunately I still have you.”

“Yeah.” Fortunately, I have you.

No words for a night.

The next day, Tang San resumed his calm look again, and went to the chamber to discuss the return of Haotianzong with Tang Xiao.

Luo Qingchen took out a few music scores from the Soul Guidance Device and began to delve into it. The main purpose of this trip has been achieved, and there is no need to come forward.

But in the afternoon, Tang San came back to find Luo Qingchen and said that he planned to leave Clear Sky School and return to Heaven Dou City.

“Aren’t you waiting for your father and mother?”

Tang San shook his head, “You and I work together to help Dad recover and open up the meridians. Is this process faster? Let Dad stay and practice for a while and set off with the Clear Sky School’s large troops.”

Luo Qingchen nodded: “It’s okay, but I won’t go back yet.”

“what happened?”

“The Death God inheritance has become more and more restless recently. I will take him to the Jedi with Zi You to establish an inheritance system.” As he said, Luo Qingchen took out the spirit bone containing the inheritance from the Soul Guidance Device.

Tang San felt the breath of death on his face, and frowned, “I’ll be with you.”

“You have to go back to lead the overall situation.” Luo Qingchen said sternly, “You and I are equally strong, but I have no strength, I can’t calculate them at all, and you are far better than me in this respect, so you must go back. No matter what. Whether it is the Spirit Hall or the inheritance, neither can be delayed.”

Tang San pondered for a moment, “Then you are careful about everything, if you can’t do it, you sacrifice the common people—”

Luo Qingchen put a finger in front of his mouth, blocking Tang San’s words, “Don’t say that, no one should be sacrificed because of whom, this way I will choose a path with few lives, and nothing is impossible. It will cause too much harm.”

“Promise me.” Tang San pressed Luo Qingchen’s forehead, “Come back safely.”

Luo Qingchen smiled at the corner of his mouth, “I will.”

The author has something to say: The process of complementing characters is probably one day short and one long, or two days short and one long…

Forgive my hand speed is really not going up_(:з」∠)_

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