Xishu Trip – Douluo

Chapter 136

Chapter 312:

Inside the Poseidon Temple.

After the gate was closed, the place suddenly became dark. Although it is not the first time here, the feeling this time is completely different.

Everyone’s eyes focused on Tang San.

Tang San sighed, “Everyone will look at me like this and I will feel a lot of pressure.”

Luo Qingchen raised his right hand and hammered Tang San’s left heart, full of worry.

“Don’t worry.” Tang San smiled and hugged Luo Qingchen, then looked at the encouraging companions around him, “I will succeed. I can’t make my family Qingchen a widow, right?”

The eyes of everyone teased.

Luo Qingchen glared at Tang San, “You are a dual god. If you don’t say anything, there will be some changes. Also, remember what I said.”

Of course Tang San could understand the meaning of Luo Qingchen’s words and hugged Luo Qingchen again before releasing his hand. Soaring into the sky in an instant. Body shape flashed. He has already boarded the platform where he once pulled out the Seagod Trident.

Suddenly, the six Shrek monsters clearly felt a special energy wave permeating their bodies, and on their foreheads, the magic lines that had appeared before appeared again. Whether it’s a black pentagram, a hexagram, or Ning Rongrong’s red seven-pointed star. The light on the foreheads of six people lit up almost at the same time. Adds a bit of luster to this dark world.

As if there was a special force pulling them, the six people rose into the air at the same time, each leaping onto a platform.

Luo Qingchen retreated to the gate of the Sea God Temple, trying to minimize his influence.

However, this is Poseidon’s home court after all, and there are the remaining six companions who have accepted Poseidon’s assessment to assist. Luo Qingchen really can’t affect much when he converges his aura, but Tang Chen’s face is a little ugly.

After all, the away gods or sacrifices will be suppressed by the home gods.

Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi’s low voice echoed in the Seagod Hall, “Are you all ready?”

“Yes, we are ready.” Including Tang San, the Shrek Seven Devils shouted at the same time.

If they are not nervous at this time, it is impossible. Even though I have experienced it once, this solemn atmosphere is indeed the first time.

Who would have thought that Luo Qingchen’s **** test was so gentle.

What’s more, compared to the **** of life, the sea **** is closer to the battle direction, and the momentum alone must surpass the **** of life.

But it is impossible to say that things like stage fright are absolutely impossible.

Bo Saixi slowly raised the golden scepter in his hand. The three-meter-long scepter was engraved with magic patterns on the whole body, and the rod was a diamond-shaped bulge like a spear. Five inches below the tip of the spear was inlaid with a diamond-shaped golden gem. When Bo Saixi lifted it high, the bright golden light was instantly ignited from the diamond-shaped gem. In an instant, the entire Sea God Temple was illuminated.

“Stand to the center of the platform.” Bo Saixi said lightly.

The faint golden light began to rise from Bo Saixi’s feet. At this moment, her whole person seemed to have entered a special er state. That faint golden light was Bo Saixi’s spirit power, and this was also Shrek everyone. For the first time, this Seagod Douluo truly showed his power.

Under the rendering of the pale golden light, Bo Saixi’s hair fluttered without wind, and under the surging golden light, one after another spirit rings were released from her body. Each spirit ring was covered with a layer of pale golden brilliance, and it was vaguely visible that among all the nine spirit rings, the lowest level was of the ten thousand year level.

Compared with Bo Saixi’s sacred breath, Tang Chen standing next to her was much more daunting.

When Tang Chen flipped his wrist, a red light suddenly lit up, and a **** giant hammer over two meters in length appeared out of thin air. Tang Chen’s Clear Sky hammer was densely covered with dark golden magic patterns. The whole body was blood red and full of extreme The fierce killing aura, as if the real blood aura spread in the hall at this moment, the golden light that had filled the hall was also forcefully lined up at this moment, the hall as a whole was evenly divided into two colors of gold and red, and Tang Chen even compared Bo Saixi needs one more red spirit ring!

[In the original work, it is mentioned that the Scarlet Longsword is Tang Chen’s lifelong cultivation base, not a heritage artifact. I just changed it here. 】

Even Tang San, as the inheritor, couldn’t help but breathe.

But Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, and Xiao Wu, who were shrouded in the divine power of Shura, almost slumped directly on the ground, even if the golden light partly came to protect them.

There is an essential difference between the inheritance of the **** of Shura and the inheritance of the **** of sea, which is mainly reflected in the choice of inheritance. The choice of Poseidon’s inheritance is absolutely specific, as long as one is selected, it will be cultivated as imperceptibly as possible until the selected has enough establishment to complete the inheritance process.

Just like in the current RPG game, he is very affectionate for the brave and is constantly sending his men to give experience.

And the inheritance of the **** of Asura is much more dangerous. As the **** of killing, the **** of Asura has more stringent requirements for his inheritance. It is not so easy to inherit the **** of Asura.

When God Shura chooses his own inheritance, he follows the idea of casting a net in general and cultivating one by one. As long as people in the area of killing gods are obtained, they are considered to be selected, and in the end, who can inherit the godship of the **** of Shura depends on their own efforts.

Of course, there is another point that everyone present doesn’t know. Judging from the current situation, no one other than him can inherit the Asura divine position.

The God of Shura is half a level higher than the God of Sea, God of Raksha, and God of Angels, but it is at the same level as the God of Life but ranks high because of being more brave and good at fighting.

Although the previous generation of Asura God is not in this world for a long time, the spirit he left behind does not need to have any carrier. As long as someone can cultivate the Killing God domain to a certain degree, it will be transformed into the power of the Asura God. Spiritual thoughts will appear.

Before, Tang Chen woke up under the influence of Luo Qingchen and immediately got the attention of God Shura, so he could directly enter the demigod body of God Shura. As long as he completed the inheritance, he would be able to pass on the gods of Shura. Bit. After all, Tang Chen had passed most of the tests of God Shura.

However, there are two points that affect this heritage.

One is that Tang Chen’s own physical condition no longer allows him to inherit, and his broken body cannot withstand the huge energy impact inside. Although Luo Qingchen helped Tang Chen to continue his life with the power of the God of Life, before Luo Qingchen became a **** to treat Tang Chen, Tang Chen actually maintained a state of being corroded by Shura’s divine power and then healed. Under the condition of interference from other divine powers, even if Tang Chen wanted to become a god, it would be difficult for Tang Chen to survive the assessment.

Second, Tang San happened to be beside Tang Chen at that time, and he also received attention, and when he just completed the road to hell, his killing **** domain was directly mutated once because of Luo Qingchen’s repulsion, and later in various battles. As a result, the **** Shura immediately gave up Tang Chen, the heir on the verge of death, and shifted his attention to the better Tang San, but the Shura divine power that Tang Chen gave to Tang Chen did not take back. The three bodies gathered together and were always ready to grab someone from the Seagod–it could be said that the black heart hadn’t run away.

The topic returned to the Temple of Inheritance. After the two colors of gold and red were clearly distinguished, the magic patterns in the Sea God Temple were also lit up under the influence of the two auras.

Half are golden and soft wave-shaped magic patterns, and half are blood-red and angular sword-shaped magic patterns-from here you can also see that the **** Shura is powerful, even if it is not at home, the **** of Shura can still play against the sea god’s home court. The Poseidon was evenly divided, and even vaguely showed a suppressive meaning to the Poseidon.

But Luo Qingchen, who had become a god, felt more deeply about all this, and he was even more worried about Tang San who was inheriting at the same time.

The faint light flickered, and the look on Tang San’s face became very calm, he was silently waiting for the arrival of the last moment.

The figures flashed, and the bodies of Bo Saixi and Tang Chen had already changed positions, moving from the previous one to the left and one to the right side by side with Tang San in front of him, facing him.

At this time, Bo Saixi’s eyes had turned golden, and the nine spirit rings on her body expanded at the same time, increasing to a diameter of three meters away.

Tang Chen was also average, but changed from gold to red.

Tang San only felt a burst of warmth and a burst of icy energy passing over him, and his body was enveloped by a total of eighteen spirit rings from the two of them.

This is the first time for everyone to see this spectacle.

The dazzling magic patterns are densely covered on the roof, the walls and the seven platforms at their feet

The scepter in Bo Saixi’s hand was between her and Tang San at this time, and the golden diamond-shaped jewel on the scepter became brighter and brighter, but the light was not dazzling at all. Under the golden light, the Seagod Trident brand on Tang San’s forehead gradually shone, and the warm feeling spread across his body instantly. At this moment, Tang San only felt that every cell in his body seemed to be active. Like it, I’m dancing to my heart’s content.

It was also at this moment that the Shura divine power in the temple was slightly suppressed.

This Seagod Temple felt like a huge magic circle, and the center platform where Tang San was located was the circle eye of this magic circle.

The golden six-pointed star began to light up at the feet of Tang San and Bo Saixi. This huge golden six-pointed star was five meters in diameter. The six horns of the six-pointed star pointed to the other six platforms. Six golden lights were released from those six horns. Come, shoot on the six platforms. Suddenly. Six huge golden beams of light suddenly rose from the six platforms, each of them covered the platform on which they were located, and at the same time swallowed the bodies of Tang San’s six partners completely.

The six monsters clearly felt that their bodies were drawn by a strange energy, and their spiritual power had entered a wonderful world. In this world, a special kind of spiritual fluctuation was connected with their souls, in mind. In the middle, they feel that they are like a pillar supporting the house, their bodies can no longer move a minute, and even the rhythm of breathing is controlled by the golden light.

Bo Saixi stared at Tang San, a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, “Tang San, are you really ready?”

Tang San didn’t retreat in the slightest, staring into Bo Saixi’s eyes with clear eyes, “Yes, I’m ready.”

Bo Saixi’s voice suddenly became serious, “The Seagod is the **** who controls all the creatures in the sea. As the inheritance of the Seagod, you will spare no effort to protect your people. Tang San, can you do it?”

Tang San said without hesitation: “I can.”

Bo Saixi asked again, “Poseidon is the spokesperson of the light and the control of the sea. Can you let the kindness in your heart last forever and use the power of Poseidon for justice forever?”

Tang San said affirmatively again: “I will definitely bring the justice of the Seagod to the world.”

Bo Saixi said: “Poseidon, has the power to control all of the sea. As the land of Poseidon, a new generation of Poseidon, you must always remember that you must not insult the prestige of Poseidon, and spread the light of Poseidon on the sea. In every corner, use your divine power to assist your people. Do not allow any foreign enemies to invade.”

“Yes, I will definitely do it.”

Bo Saixi’s gaze seemed to penetrate Tang San’s body. The two made eye contact, Tang San didn’t try to dodge or block, letting Bo Saixi’s fierce gaze look into the deepest part of his eyes, like It’s the same as seeing through one’s soul.

He knew that Bo Saixi’s question was not a routine inquiry, but an inquiry made on behalf of the Seagod. It was also a test by the Seagod. If at this time, Tang San had the slightest hesitation in his heart, then he would Unable to inherit the divine power of Poseidon.

What Bo Saixi saw was Tang San’s inner world, and what she caught with her eyes was also a perfect inner world.

Nodded with satisfaction, Bo Saixi nodded in front of the scepter in his hand, so that the diamond-shaped golden jewel on the scepter was attached to the brand of the Seagod Trident on Tang San’s forehead, “The glory of the Seagod will continue because of you.”

And the next moment, Tang Chen squeezed the huge Clear Sky Hammer in his hand to the ground, and the slightly suppressed Shura divine power spread again.

“Tang San, God Shura is the **** in charge of judgment, holds the power of life and death of all things, and is one of the highest law enforcers in the God Realm. Can you always ensure that your trial is fair and just and will never be affected by your own desires? ”

“Yes, I can.” Tang San’s eyes remained firm.

“You will inherit the name of Shura and continue this glory!”

As Tang Chen’s words fell, the monstrous blood spread, turned into a sharp blade, and pointed directly at Tang San’s eyebrows——

Tang San only felt that his soul had exploded in an instant. It had appeared many times before, and the old and vigorous voice sounded again at this moment, and it was full of passionate and even unbelievable emotions.

“Two Gods Test-the inheritance of Sea God and Asura God, begin!”

The author has something to say: I don’t know if it’s my computer pumping or Jinjiang pumping today. I couldn’t get up after five o’clock and I was so anxious, so I just threw it down to eat, and it was delayed until six o’clock _(:з」∠ )_


Yesterday Le Jisheng fell sadly on the edge of the window sill and knocked a big bag on the back of his head, which made me understand three things——

1: Knowing that the star is not an empty adjective… and he may also be a white star, a green star, and a black and white TV screen.

2: In TV dramas and novels, it’s a lie to knock on the sap, because it took about three minutes (or five minutes?) after I knocked it out that I started to feel dizzy, dark in front of me, and I sat down on the ground. Not dizzy yet.

3: My head is really iron.



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