Xishu Trip – Douluo

Chapter 45

: Works Related (45)

, Xiaochen and Rongrong. Especially the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal in the hands of Xiaosan. Set off. ”

With an accurate analysis and judgment of the situation, there was naturally less confusion, and everyone’s fighting spirit was rekindled. Everyone, including the master, released their martial arts.

Due to the acquisition of the third spirit ring, the master’s martial arts spirit Luo Sanpao has also undergone some changes. Not only is it a circle larger than the original, but there is also a little more gold in the dark purple hair. Look at him, if it is The master can really get the nine rings, maybe it can really evolve into a golden holy dragon.

The author has something to say: Luo Qingchen: You will be a shark if you don’t give any part of it! 【Inflation】

Author: OK, OK, everything you say is right [Heart to Heart]

☆One hundred and thirty-eight

Under Tang San’s guidance, with the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product to resist toxins, everyone walked forward cautiously.

The judgment of the master and Tang San was very correct. The patriarch of this group of “pink girls” was a “pink empress”, and it was also the companion of yesterday’s unlucky earth king.

Soul beasts have a method of communication between soul beasts. When the king of the earth dies, he will naturally give out a smell, notifying the’Pink Empress’, plus Ma Hongjun’s breath belonging to the king of the earth, he is naturally sought out by others. Come here.

The entire encirclement of the “Pink Girl” was not too big, but Tang San soon discovered that it was wrong.

As they move, the entire encirclement is also moving.

At this time, although the morning mist has gradually dissipated under the shining of the sun, there is still a layer of reddish poisonous gas around it, but it is thinner than before.

Stopping, Tang San said, “This won’t work. These’pink girls’ have also been moving. We can’t see clearly, and we are in the woods. Our speed is limited. If we continue like this, we can only stay surrounded by them. Although. There is a fairy product of Youxiang Qiluo, but we can’t continue like this. Xiaoao, prepare the mushrooms.”

Oscar looked at Flander inquiringly, and Flander nodded Tang San with his hand, “Commanding Xiaosan.”

After Oscar’s spirit power progressed, he could produce twelve extremely fast flying mushrooms under the circumstance of consuming all his spirit power, which was just enough to satisfy everyone’s needs.

Although he himself uses this flying mushroom intestine, the effect will be halved, but there are two more premises (Flander is a flying spirit and does not need mushroom assistance), and he can fly for one minute like everyone else.

Tang San’s purpose is very simple. With the extremely fast flying effect added by the mushroom, everyone can quickly pass through the poisonous fog area, causing damage to the “pink girl” outside, and the passive situation will be resolved.

It took a full half an hour, Oscar almost exhausted all his soul power, and completed twelve flying mushrooms. After a simple repair, everyone immediately started to act.

After eating the mushrooms, everyone ascended into the air first. In order to prevent everyone from falling into the poisonous fog area due to inconsistent flight speeds, Tang San released his own blue silver grass and wrapped them around each person’s waist, using the length of the blue silver grass. Controlled the distance between everyone and him, and then quickly launched, looking for a direction to fly quickly.

It’s not impossible to walk in front of the ground. The speed of the’Pink Girl’ is not too fast, but it will be blocked by trees when moving on the ground. After all, the line of sight is unclear. Even with Tang San’s guidance, a team of eleven people can It was impossible to achieve the same speed. At this time, the poisonous mist was already denser than before. Tang San definitely didn’t want someone to accidentally inhale the poisonous mist and cause unnecessary trouble.

This kind of excitement gas is extremely troublesome even if he wants to get rid of it.

With the improvement of Oscar’s strength, flying mushrooms not only increased their speed, but also increased their duration by about ten seconds. Although it was still not very long, this period of time was enough for them to fly directly out of the poisonous fog area.

The pink poisonous mist was broken by the breath of Youxiang Qiluo Immortal, and heavy poisonous mists passed from both sides. When the flight effect of the mushroom was about half consumed, everyone’s eyes suddenly cleared, and the surrounding scenery instantly became clear. , Has already rushed out of the encirclement of the poisonous mist.

Liu Erlong screamed, swinging his waist, and broke free from the blue silver grass around his waist, and his body fell straight toward the ground like a meteor driving the moon. The flames of the big canopy had already rushed out before the person reached the ground. A screaming scream.

Everyone looked down, just to be able to see the dense soul beast under their feet, and the true face of the’Pink Girl’ appeared in front of them.

As the master described it, it was a crystal-clear pink scorpion, like a sculpted pink crystal. Each one was about two feet long, swimming on the ground. A faint pink gas condensed forward from his body.

Liu Erlong was in a bad mood because of what happened last night, and he was trapped by the poisonous fog for a long time. At this time, he couldn’t bear it when he came out of the poisonous area. Although he didn’t use the Chilong real body as impulsively as last night, but At this time, it also rushed into the group of poisonous scorpions like a flame demon. It was a one-sided killing. Only the first wave of flames melted the bodies of at least ten’pink girls’.

“Let’s go down too.” Flanders nodded to Tang San, fearing Liu Erlong would lose.

Tang San took back the blue silver grass, and everyone controlled their flying ability to fall from the sky.

“Don’t kill too much.” The master yelled, not only to the Shrek Eight Monsters, but more importantly, to Liu Erlong.

Liu Erlong kicked a “pink girl” next to him, turned to look at the master, snorted, and speeded up again, but although she didn’t agree very much on the surface, in fact she still respected the master’s opinion very much, those poor When the scorpion flew again, he could finally leave a breath.

Dai Mubai whispered in Flender’s ear: “Dean, didn’t you say that we are going to deal with Beasts by ourselves this time? Look, Teacher Erlong, this is…”

Flander said helplessly: “Women with endocrine disorders cannot be judged by common sense. Xiaogang, why don’t we leave this area first. Although these’pink girls’ don’t worry about it, they are still a little troublesome after all. .”

To Flander’s surprise, the master shook his head and said, “No hurry. Wait a minute.”

At this moment, a sharp scream came from the poisonous fog area, and then, a group of pink light and shadow burst out from the poisonous fog area with a whistling sound, opening his mouth was a thick mist sprayed towards Liu Erlong.

Liu Erlong was shocked, patted with both palms, his figure jumped back for an instant, but still unavoidably smelled a trace of poisonous mist. Fortunately, Tang San gave the miasma pill before, which has a certain resistance to poisonous mist. In addition, she has a deep cultivation base, and a small amount of poisonous fog is difficult to cause harm.

“Erlong is back, Xiaosan, come on, don’t kill it. Take a breath.” The master calmly gave the order to attack.

What emerged from the woods was a huge “pink girl” whose size was even similar to that of the king of the earth who was purely abused by Liu Erlong yesterday. The pink on her body was not only more intense, but also covered with a whole body. With dense scales, six small dark red eyes on the head shone with faint cold light.

Liu Erlong suddenly backed away, and the poisonous mist it sprayed obviously made it more angry. As soon as the scorpion tail pumped the ground, he chased him in the direction of Liu Erlong.

That’s right, this is exactly a “pink empress”. From the outside, the master can judge that the cultivation base of this pink empress is probably between 3,500 and 4,000 years.

“Third brother, help me.” Ma Hongjun yelled, and a phoenix erupted from him. It was not the sound from his mouth, but the rising flame on his body, and the hot golden red flame spread instantly. The purple light of the third spirit ring on his body spread all over his body, and as he watched, the huge flame wings behind the fat man had already spread out in an instant.

With a wingspan of more than four meters, although it was a little inconsistent with Fatty’s chubby body, the hot air flow made the Shrek Eight Monsters retreat quickly and stretched their distance.

After working together for so long, Ma Hongjun meant Tang San of course understood that he wanted to test his newly acquired spirit ability.

“Go.” Tang San only gave him a simple instruction. As soon as he lifted his right hand, a ball of green light had been thrown out by him.

The fire wing behind Ma Hongjun flapped suddenly, and his body flew up again, with a dazzling flame tail, chasing the green ball of light towards the ‘Pink Empress’ like a blazing meteor.

This is Ma Hongjun’s third spirit ring skill, Fengyi Tianxiang.

With this spirit ability, he can temporarily have the ability to fly. During the flight, the spirit power will be continuously consumed. At the same time, this skill will ignite his second spirit ability, the Phoenix of Fire, and the two spirit skills are combined into one. , So that his flame attack power instantly increased by 100%. The attack range increased by 50%.

Starting from the third spirit ability, Ma Hongjun, the powerful Phoenix martial soul, has begun to show strength that surpasses ordinary martial souls. Especially with Tang San’s help to get rid of the evil fire restrictions in this mutant martial soul, it made him no longer hesitate to use his soul abilities.

The six small eyes on the pink lady’s head immediately showed a look of fear.

Even Liu Erlong’s flames did not give it such a feeling before, and at the same time, in that fear, there was also strong anger, because she had clearly felt the aura of Ma Hongjun that belonged to the king of the desert.

The reason why it feels fear is naturally because of the flames on Ma Hongjun’s body. Soul beasts like poisonous insects are afraid of fire, but the “Pink Empress” has a cultivation base of nearly four thousand years, and ordinary flames don’t care at all. .

However, the phoenix flame on Ma Hongjun’s body is the nemesis of all poisonous insects. The phoenix is the king of ten thousand birds, and the suppression of the breath has caused this ‘pink empress’ to chaos.

The green light stretched in an instant, and the huge spider web did not give the’Pink Empress’ a chance to dodge at all. Tang San’s technique was so exquisite, the magical effect of this spider web’s **** unfolded in an instant.

With a puff, Pink Lady’s huge body has been **** by the spider web. At this moment, it is not just fear, but completely panic. The breath of the face demon spider on the spider web made its whole body soft, and the strong toxins entered the body, which immediately caused its defense power to drop drastically. At this moment, Ma Hongjun had already swooped down and landed in front of it with a thud.

The flame suddenly dimmed, and everyone clearly saw the fire wing behind Ma Hongjun who had fallen on the ground stretched out toward the sky, and his right fist hit the ground heavily. In an instant, the air was violently twisted, and a twisted mask with a diameter of five meters enveloped him and the body of the “Pink Empress” at the same time.

The Pink Lady, who was struggling desperately under the cobwebs, instantly stiffened in the twisted air and completely lost her ability to act. Immediately afterwards, the fat man yelled, “Fourth spirit ability, Phoenix Howls Skystrike.”

Boom——The powerful phoenix flame erupted instantly, and the loud phoenix sound pierced the clouds and broke the fog, like a clang of gold and stone.

A strong phoenix-shaped flame spewed out from under the ground, leading Ma Hongjun’s body to rise instantly.

The area covered by the twisted air before was completely covered by flames. The Firebird Phoenix rushed straight into the sky over ten meters, and the phoenix wings stretched out in the air, and it really looked like a Fire Phoenix came to the world.

The author has something to say: Luo Qingchen: Hey, there is still no role in the scene, am I not the protagonist.

Tang San: Don’t cry or cry, (turning his head to gloomy face) Are you not thinking about it? Um?

Author: Sanye, spare your life! I was wrong ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!


☆One hundred and thirty-nine

The Shrek Eight Monsters who looked at such a dazzling scene couldn’t help being a little stunned. Although they also knew that the effect of the fourth spirit ability would be quite good, they didn’t expect Ma Hongjun’s strength to be so strong.

Before he obtained the spirit ring of the Lord of the Earth, Fatty’s flames were domineering, but he did not have any effective means of attack. Although the Phoenix FireWire was very powerful with the increase of the Fire Phoenix, it was at best a spirit master of the same level. To contend, the attack technique is very simple.

Even his Phoenix Wing Tianxiang, which can greatly enhance the flame effect and increase the short-term flight ability, cannot greatly improve his attack ability. As a strong attack type spirit master, this has always been a pain that plagues the fat man. Place.

But at this moment, Fatty’s fourth spirit ability Phoenix Howl Sky Strike has completely changed the situation. With the combined increase of the second spirit ability and the third spirit ability, the horror attack effect produced by this strike is even more effective. Rand, Zao Wou-ki, Liu Erlong and others couldn’t help but shrink their pupils. Among the Eight Shrek Monsters, Luo Qingchen, with the strongest spirit power, also believed that it was impossible for him to retreat in such an attack.

The sharp chirping of the “Pink Empress” stopped abruptly in the phoenix flames. As the dazzling fire phoenix slowly dispersed in the sky, the fat man had fallen to the ground lightly. Although his face was a little pale, his expression was full of excitement.

Bang——, the body of the’Pink Empress’ fell heavily to the ground, the crystal clear body has completely turned dark red, and the whole body exudes an unpleasant burnt smell, except for a slight spasm, it has already Can’t get up anymore.

If it wasn’t for the fat man’s merciful control to control the intensity of the flame, the blow just now would be enough to kill it.

What made the fat man a little strange was that the spider web bound to the pink lady’s body was still there, but it had already turned fiery red. It was not reduced to ashes.

But at this time he was in the state of excitement after casting the fourth spirit ability, and didn’t think much about it.

The master suddenly said: “Oscar, hurry up. Kill it, the key is in the eye, and then immediately absorb the spirit ring.”

Oscar was stunned for a moment, but when he saw the eager light in the master’s eyes, he immediately understood. He rushed up in three steps and two steps. He didn’t even have time to thank Ma Hongjun. He drew the dagger from his waist and stabbed it straight down, forty. Although the spirit power of Grade 1 can’t make him have any offensive ability, but the power is much stronger than ordinary people.

The outer shell of the pink empress had long been softened by Ma Hongjun’s phoenix flame, and the life of this soul beast was solved effortlessly.

Sitting cross-legged in the’Pink Empress’ Oscar immediately began the process of absorbing the spirit ring.

At this time, a large number of “pink girls” around them had already receded like a tide, and it was not just the death of “pink girls” that made them retreat, but more importantly, the powerful pressure from the fat man’s phoenix flames.

Flender walked to Ma Hongjun’s side and slapped the back of his fat head, “Don’t be stinky. Don’t sit down and recover your spirit power.”

Ma Hongjun was beaten and stuck his tongue out, and hurriedly sat down beside Oscar not far away and began to practice silently.

Although his attack just now was dazzling and extremely powerful, he used the second, third, and fourth spirit abilities at the same time. It was still a huge consumption for him who had just entered the forty-first realm by acquiring the spirit ring. .

In addition, in order to pursue the visual effect of the flame, he spared no effort to outline the perfect phoenix form in the air, using at least 70% of his soul power.

Ning Rongrong muttered: “Every soul ability acquired is really a qualitative leap. I don’t know what my fourth soul ring will be. Master, why did you ask Oscar to absorb the soul ring of the pink lady? Although this soul beast has a good cultivation base, its strength is not strong!”

The master sternly said: “For a soul master who needs a soul ring, there is no strong soul beast, only the one that suits him best. For Oscar, this’Pink Empress’ is better than any other soul beast. If so. I guessed right. After he obtains this fourth spirit ring, it will help your overall attack strength.”

Luo Qingchen was taught by the master, and he is also the easiest to understand the teacher’s thoughts. He moved in his heart, “Teacher, do you mean that the effect of Oscar’s fourth spirit ring will be mixed with the excitatory toxins in the pink girl’s poisonous mist? ”

The master nodded and said: “That’s right. What Oscar has is a food-type martial soul. Even if he absorbs the martial soul of a poisonous soul beast, his soul skills will not produce toxins. Therefore, this skill originally belonged to the pink lady. After being absorbed by him, there will be a certain change. The effect should be to increase the excitement in a short time. I am not sure about the extent of the increase, but it should be an increase in all surnames. Just like the madness you once encountered. The team as a whole enters the effect of bloodthirsty. Although he will also have backlash, but I think it should not be as overbearing as bloodthirsty.”

Full attribute promotion? Just these few words made the Shrek Eight Monsters couldn’t help their heartbeat speed up.

Although Luo Qingchen’s own spirit ability has always had this effect, it still takes time to use the spirit ability, and if Oscar obtains this kind of spirit ability and makes Wuhun food–they can do it anytime, anywhere without cooling. Go crazy! Just a moment’s delay, Luo Qingchen’s spirit skills can keep up, achieving a seamless madness!

But the most obvious performance was Ning Rongrong.

Since Oscar confessed to her that day, she has watched her diligent practice every day. Seeing that Oscar will get a very useful spirit ability again, how can she not be happy for him? However, she was even more worried.

It was decided to show off to Oscar after this Soul Master Competition, but the closer it was to the showdown, the faster Ning Rongrong’s mood changed.

I found out that I would pay more attention to Oscar inadvertently now, not because of his looks, but because of the attachment in his eyes. Ning Rongrong knew very well that the persistence in Oscar’s eyes was born entirely because of himself.

He really likes himself, and he is working hard to be able to have the capital to pursue himself.

Two yellow and one purple, three spirit rings move up and down Oscar’s body. At this time, the pink lady’s body is constantly emitting a trace of pink light into Oscar’s body, and the pink light invades it. Next, Oscar’s expression gradually revealed pain.

The master once said before that whether it is difficult to absorb the spirit ring or not has a lot to do with the depth of the spirit beast’s resentment.

The ‘Pink Lady’ not only had a hatred of murder with everyone, but also died in Oscar’s hands. How could the resentment be small.

It is naturally not so easy to absorb, but it is within the range that it can absorb. At the same time, its own ability is not as overbearing as the original human face demon spider. Although Oscar has to bear some pain, there is no danger.

Flander approached the master and asked in a low voice, “Xiaogang, how do you think Hongjun’s attack was effective?” Although his mouth was asking, the pride on his face couldn’t be concealed. .

His direct disciple is getting stronger and stronger, and he also feels exuberant.

The rays of Tang San and Luo Qingchen were too dazzling among the Shrek Eight Monsters. The strength shown by Ma Hongjun just now made Flanders overjoyed. At least he thought that his disciple would finally not be too different from Tang San.

Sure enough, the master nodded affirmatively, and said: “It’s pretty good. The attack power that Hong Jun burst out just now should be about the same as Mubai’s all-out attack power. It is enough to cause fatal damage to spirit masters below level 50. The more important thing is the phoenix flame effect included in his attack. His flame is not only extremely hot, but also has strong adhesion. The additional flame damage is almost equal to the spirit power of the body attack. On the explosive power, now Shrek Fatty should be the strongest among the Eight Monsters. He is also slightly stronger than Mubai.”

Flander laughed and said, “I also want to thank Erlong. If she temporarily stopped yesterday, Little Fatty would not have such a good harvest.”

The master knows Flander more clearly, this guy has always regarded the issue of face very seriously, and although the master and him are good brothers, they never mind hitting him. Of course, this is a completely kind reminder.

“Flander, do you see the current ills of the fat man?” the master asked lightly.

“Disadvantages? You mean his ability to continue to attack?” Flender pondered.

The master nodded and said: “Although Fatty’s instant explosive power is very strong, his soul power consumption is really too great. The continuous fighting ability is inferior to Mubai, the overall ability is worse than that of Xiao San, and the overall improvement of the team is weaker than Xiao Chen. Once. His attack did not achieve the expected effect, and his combat power would be greatly weakened in a short time. This is a limitation of his current ability. At the same time, there is also a problem. His fourth spirit ability inherits the magma of the Lord of the Earth Earth Breaking Strike is combined with its own Phoenix Flame to transform into Phoenix Howling Sky Strike. But the principle remains the same.”

“His Phoenix Howl Sky Strike is divided into two parts. The first part is to make the opponent stun in the air shock, and the second part is to take advantage of the time when the opponent is stunned to explode the strongest attack. The process of the opponent’s stun is also his storage. The process of force explosion, I am right.”

Flander nodded and said, “You are a master, of course you are.”

The master said: “It is precisely because of this that Fatty has also inherited the disadvantages of magma cracking, which is the attack range. Think about it, will the opponent let him attack in close proximity? As long as he displays the Phoenix Howling Strike Escape from the five-meter-diameter range around his body before the first stage, and his attack will become futile. This is not only the agile attack type spirit master can do it, even the strong attack type soul master can easily do it as long as you pay attention to some. Speed is not what Fatty is good at. Although Phoenix Wing Tianxiang can make him fly for a short time, its more important function is to increase the effect and power of the flame, not to increase the speed. Therefore, although the explosive power of his attack is tyrannical, it must be someone Cooperate.”

Listening to the master’s explanation, Flander immediately understood, “You mean that someone must first help Hong Jun limit the opponent’s actions, so that his Phoenix Roaring Strike can exert its greatest power.”

The author has something to say: Luo Qingchen: Oh, I want to run away from home!

Tang San: Qing Chen!謩——Spirit——! !

Author: ah ah ah ah ah ah

Author’s second death

☆One hundred and forty

The master nodded and said: “That’s it. Because Hong Jun, the air shock and stun effect hit by the Phoenix Roaring Sky needs to be close, not to lock the opponent to use, so in my theory, I call it the backhand limit. And like Xiaosan I call it the first-hand restriction. The second-hand restriction skills must have the first-hand restriction skills to cooperate. The cobweb restriction traps the opponent’s actions and exerts its toxins, which reduces the opponent’s defense. At this time, the fat guy will make up again. The upper hand restricts the skills, and the Phoenix Howl Skystrike erupts. Only one blow can kill. The cooperation can be various, and the specifics need to be carefully studied. The key point is that you can’t waste a trace of soul power. . Let every bit of strength exert the best effect.”

Speaking of this, the master couldn’t help expressing admiration in his eyes, “The talents of these children are so good. If you take out one, you can be considered a genius. Mubai’s toughness, Oscar and Ning Rongrong’s. The combination of dual assistance, Hongjun’s instant explosive power, Zhuqing’s speed, Xiao Wu’s melee combat skills, and Xiao San’s calm mind and Xiao Chen’s amazing talents is almost perfect. Maybe they will still It is troubled by too much support or insufficient combat power. But as the power of their respective martial arts gradually unfolds and the support effect is further enhanced, their small group will only become more terrifying.”

Flender looked at the master with a smile but a smile, “Why don’t you mention the strength of Xiaosan, but only his mind?”

The master smiled slightly and said: “I am not as good as you. Although Xiao San’s strength is good now. But that is because the quality of the spirit ring he obtained is too good, plus the spirit bone attached to his body. But from the basics Speaking, Blue Silver Grass is Blue Silver Grass after all. As everyone’s strength increases, the spirit abilities increase. Blue Silver Grass’s weakness will gradually be revealed. That’s why I said that his commanding ability is more important in the team. This It is the most important thing as the soul of the team. As for the strength-is it not enough to have Xiaochen?”

Flander twitched his mouth, secretly said [childish ghost], and whispered: “When are you going to let him start cultivating that second spirit?”

The master sternly said: “At least until after his eighty-level spirit power. The twin martial arts are blessed, and I absolutely don’t want Xiao San’s talent to be wasted. At the same time, I have not figured out any way to resolve the excessive martial arts on his body. The negative effects produced by the increase. If I don’t want to get through this, I will never let him take the risk. Otherwise, once the body cannot be supported by the body due to the strong additional attributes of the spirit, I will regret it for the rest of my life. If I can’t think of it. The way, I would rather he just be a Blue Silver Grass Soul Master. I think even his father would agree to my suggestion. For the sake of the junior, I can’t say that after this Soul Master Contest is over, I will go to the Pope. I went to the temple.”

Flender couldn’t help being surprised when he heard this, “Are you going to see her? Aren’t you afraid of Erlong turning his face?”

The master smiled bitterly: “You have to help me then. For the sake of Xiaosan, I must go to see her.”

Flander frowned and looked at the master solemnly, “Xiaogang, you have to think clearly. You should know that she is different from Erlong. Perhaps you may not be able to come back this time.”

The master shook his head and said: “No, I still have this point. Okay, let’s not talk about it. Everything will be discussed after the end of this Advanced Soul Master Academy competition. You must keep this matter secret for me. Especially not let it be. Erlong knows.”

Flender nodded, “Don’t worry, I know how important it is.”

Due to the resentment of “Pink Empress”, Oscar’s absorption rate was much slower than last night’s Ma Hongjun. It took an entire hour to complete the entire absorption process.

I don’t know if it’s affected by the dazzling appearance of the “Pink Empress”. After absorbing the spirit ring, Oscar looks a little more handsome. After seeing the practice, Ma Hongjun got up and couldn’t help but said, “You deserve a **** face.”

Oscar didn’t care about the fat man’s sarcasm, “You are jealous, so I didn’t hear it. Anyway, if you imagine your brother is so handsome, there will be no chance in this life.”

The crowd gathered around, and Dai Mubai couldn’t wait to ask: “Xiao Ao, what is your fourth spirit ring ability?”

Among spirit masters, asking about spirit abilities is a big taboo, and ordinary spirit masters are never willing to easily reveal their spirit abilities to others, but the previous feelings of the Shrek Eight Monsters are no longer as simple as friends.

Oscar’s eyes flashed with the same excitement as Fatty this morning, “My fourth spirit ability is excitement. It can increase the user’s surname by 10% within five minutes.”

Dai Mubai said disappointedly: “Is it only ten percent? Only five minutes? Your spirit ability…hey, forget it, it’s enough.”

Oscar snorted and said, “Boss Dai, you can hear it clearly. All attributes are increased by 10%. That is to say, after taking it, the overall strength will instantly increase by 10%, not as you think. Simple. And it should be able to stack with any other support skills. In these five minutes, you can make your strength become one hundred and one percent, and at the same time offset all negative states.”

Luo Qingchen was a little surprised when he heard the words: “Did you cancel out all the negative states? It’s not easy.”

The master’s voice came from behind the Shrek Eight Monsters, “Yes, his fourth spirit ability is definitely not as simple as it seems.”

Hearing his voice, the Shrek Eight Monsters couldn’t help but focus their eyes on the master.

The master looked at Oscar with satisfaction, and said: “All surnames are increased by 10%, which sounds like a small percentage, but it can make you reach an absolute level of 100% immediately. This is the prerequisite for offsetting all negative states. Down. No soul master dare to say that he can maintain 100% strength in every battle. For example, when your opponent suppresses you in the spirit of martial arts, then it is difficult for your strength to be complete. It may only be played by 80% or even lower. Especially when the opponent’s spirit ability has some weakening effects, the limit will be even greater. However, Oscar’s excitement skill can offset these negative effects. According to my calculations, it should be able to make your mind highly concentrated, plus an increase of 10%. It can also make each of you burst out of your strongest power in a short period of time. When it comes to battle, You will understand the magical effect of his fourth spirit ability. After all, Xiaochen’s spirit ability is not really omnipotent. The limitation of time alone is enough to become a flaw.”

Luo Qingchen nodded thoughtfully.

Oscar also nodded and said, “However, master, my martial arts spirit also has two flaws. One is that the duration is too short. The other is that it cannot be stored. After being summoned, it must be taken within one minute to produce an effect. . In other words, before any battle, I can’t make it in advance. The better part is that it does not consume much of my soul power, it is similar to flying mushrooms, and it has no side effects-spicy girl Spicy, spicy girl!”

The last sentence is exactly the soul curse of this new soul ability.

I saw the pink light condensed in Oscar’s palm, and after a while, a fiery red and spicy devil pepper appeared in his palm.

Ma Hongjun cried out strangely, “This is really delicious!”

Oscar was also a little bit spicy, so he threw the chili into Ma Hongjun’s hands after changing hands: “There’s plenty of it.”

Ma Hongjun smelled it, and his nose and tears fell in an instant.

The master squeezed the chili pepper from Ma Hongjun’s hand, and said with a serious face: “Just because there is no side effect, his fourth spirit ability is much stronger than that of many auxiliary spirit masters. Although, cough, cough, there are indeed some. Not enough, cough cough cough!”

Flander suppressed his smile and said, “Okay, stop talking nonsense and continue on the road. You are still short of the spirit ring of the last person. I hope that luck will always be so good, and I will find what you need as soon as possible.”

Luo said that although the area of the forest is not as huge as the Star Dou Forest, it can’t be walked out in a few days. In this vast forest, the Shrek Academy group continued their careful search.

Judging from the overall quality, the spirit beasts in Luoyue Forest seemed to be better than the Star Dou Great Forest, but they lacked an extraordinarily powerful presence.

But fortunately, everyone’s current goal is not a powerful soul beast.

After spending another two days in the sunset forest, everyone also found a soul beast suitable for Ning Rongrong under the guidance of the master-a thousand-year-old beast.

The beast is shaped like a crocodile. The volume is not particularly large, the length is about five meters, the first has four eyes, the sturdy limbs are like buckets, and the biggest feature is that the whole body is covered with a layer of black plate armor. Each piece of plate armor has the size of a palm and is extremely tough.

The main ability is personal hand-to-hand combat, with great power, and with its amazing defensive power, it can almost ignore the spirit beast skills attack of the vast majority of fellow practitioners.

It doesn’t take much to capture.

It was Liu Erlong’s violent aesthetics that once again successfully shocked our Shrek students.

It’s really gratifying.


The author has something to say: Huh, the next chapter introduces Xiaochen’s fifth spirit ability! I finally figured it out! Ha ha ha ha

Reader [There are also the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth spirit ability and spirit bone skills. 】


☆One hundred and forty-one

That night, Luo Qingchen finally showed his fifth spirit ability.

This is also due to the sneak attack by the wolves.

The wolf pack is led by a 30,000-year-old Darkmoon Wind Wolf. After Shrek and the others helped Ning Rongrong obtain the spirit ring, when Ning Rongrong absorbed the spirit ring, he sneaked into everyone’s camp. Luo Qingchen was there. After practicing the piano skills, after discovering something was wrong, he turned the piano sound directly and released the fifth spirit ability, and everyone finally saw Luo Qingchen’s spirit ring-yellow, purple, purple, and black.

Everyone wanted to work together to defend and resist the wolves, but they saw that the wolves suddenly stopped their offensive pace with the changing sound of the piano, all quieted down, and they all dispersed.

After the wolves left, everyone gathered around and watched curiously.

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