Xishu Trip – Douluo

Chapter 94

Chapter 268:

Author: Okay, since everyone is very concerned about the private life of the newly promoted gods and husbands, our Xishu trip program group specially invited two people, welcome Mr. Tang and Mr. Luo!

Tang San [Tang] & Luo Qingchen [Luo]: Hello, everyone.

Author: Welcome to the show group of Xishu Kizuna Next, we will have a quick question and answer game. Do you have any questions?

Tang San [Tang] & Luo Qingchen [Luo]: No.

Author: Okay! Then we will officially start! The first question-have you ever had a pet? What is it?

[Tang]: Raised, it’s a bird, probably.

[Luo]: Raised, is a titled Douluo.

Author: Hehe, Mr. Luo really has a personality, so let’s move on to the next topic-where do you want to go for a date most?

[Tang]: Forging room.

[Luo]: Nothing I want to go. By the way, you actually want to go to the forging room on a date? After becoming a god, haven’t you used to directly using magical power?

[Tang]: There is no real forged feel.

Author: How long is the longest relationship I have ever talked about?

[Tang]: I only talked about it once, it means life.

[Luo]: Same as above.

Author: How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had, do you still have contact?

[Tang]: You are looking for a fight.

[Luo]: (He silently releases Wuhun.)

Author: What is your attitude if you quarrel with your boyfriend?

[Tang]: In short, admit your mistakes first.

[Luo]: After accepting the apology and reconciliation, reflect on yourself.

Author: Are there more male friends or more female friends?

[Tang]: Male.

[Luo]: Same as above.

Author: Cheating and lying, which one can’t you accept?

[Tang]: Cheating.

[Luo]: Neither accept it.

Author: Believe in love at first sight or in love over time?

[Tang]: Love is born for a long time.

[Luo]: Same as above.

Author: Will you live with your parents or separate after marriage?

[Tang]: Separate.

[Luo]: It doesn’t matter.

Author: What do you fear most from happening? Tell me three things?

[Tang]: Losing Qing Chen, Qing Chen ignored me, Xiao Wu spread rumors everywhere.

[Luo]: Losing Tang San, Xiao Wu spread rumors everywhere, Tang San was unrestrained, especially after I started begging for mercy.

[Tang]: (Eyes erratic) Cough.

Author (the corners of the mouth go up frantically): What kind of sports do you usually like?

[Tang]: Exercise on the bed.

[Luo]: Playing the piano. And let’s go back and separate today. (Indifferent jpg.)

Author: Are you active or passive in love?

[Tang]: Be passive.

[Luo]: Take the initiative.

Author: If there is a boy/girl chasing you, it’s not love at first sight, you will refuse or get along

[Tang]: I don’t think about the existing family.

[Luo]: Don’t consider anyone other than Tang San.

Author: When you see a girl/boy, where do you first notice her/him?

[Tang]: Eyes.

[Luo]: Hands.

Author: Do you like doing housework?

[Tang]: It’s okay, I really like the feeling of taking everything in.

[Luo]: What is housework?

Author: …Where do you want to go for your honeymoon?

[Tang]: I saw a remote and beautiful valley before…

[Luo]: Being with him is a honeymoon no matter where you are, in various senses.

Author: Who is ashamed to attack and who suffers?

[Tang]: (touching ears uncomfortably) I attack.

[Luo]: I am affected.

Author: Do you usually have disputes because of shame? What’s the reason for it?

[Tang]: There is no dispute.

[Luo]: Yes, because of his intemperance.

Author: Have you ever thought of turning offensive?

[Tang]: No.

[Luo]: Yes, but I gave up because I needed too much attention.

Author: You give someone you like a magic candy, you can ask him to do something for you, what do you want him to do?

[Tang]: I want to see my lover’s women’s clothing.

[Luo]: I want him to abstain from sex.

Author: Perceptual and rational, which category do you belong to

[Tang]: There are some, but strictly speaking, it is more perceptual.

[Luo]: More rational.

Author: What do you do if your family opposes you dating your boyfriend?

[Tang]: My family has no objection.

[Luo]: Same as above.

Author: Do you dare not confess to someone you like because you are shy?

[Tang]: There are some.

[Luo]: No.

Author: Do you think about where you want to go with the people you like in advance? where is it?

[Tang]: Think about it, there are many.

[Luo]: No, listen to him in this regard.

Author: What do you most want to do but dare not do?

[Tang]: presumptuous——

[Luo]: (Hold down Tang San in one hand) You can skip it.

Author: What age do you plan to get married?

[Tang]:…It seems that I haven’t gotten married yet.

[Luo]: Then come back and make up.

Author: How to troubleshoot when you are in a bad mood?

[Tang]: Hug Qingchen.

[Luo]: Playing the piano.

Author: In the communication between the two sides, do you think you are a listener or a talker?

[Tang]: Listen.

[Luo]: Listen.

Author: Then you guys are speechless…what is your mantra?

[Tang]: No catch phrase.

[Luo]: Special training once.

Author: If there is only the last day left in your life, let you meet 5 people, who would you go to meet?

[Tang]: Parents, teacher, Qing Chen and Xiao Wu.

[Luo]: I am the **** of life, this assumption does not exist.

Author: If you go back to the past, what time do you want to go back to?

[Tang]: Xishu, I will be more cautious when jumping off the cliff.

[Luo]: It’s fine now.

Author: If your ex asks you to get back together, would you agree? Okay, I know, skip this question-did someone get a nickname from you?

[Tang]: Shura.

[Luo]: Qin Demon.

Author: What do you call you if you like the opposite sex?

[Tang]: It doesn’t matter. Just don’t call your husband.

[Luo]: Same as above.

Author: …when was your first kiss?

[Tang]: The first kiss was given to Qingchen.

[Luo]: When I was in Xishu, I secretly kissed my master when I was young.

[Tang]: (Shocked) Isn’t it me?

Author: Do you care or ask about the past of the present object? Why?

[Tang]: I don’t care, because I know it.

[Luo]: Same as above.

Author: What do you think is the most important thing for lovers to get along?

[Tang]: Honest.

[Luo]: Candid.

Author: What do you think of ambiguous?

[Tang]: It’s good to leave a trace of yourself to your lover.

[Luo]: If you don’t bite next time.

Author: I’m not referring to this… Forget it, the next question, what do you do in your leisure time?

[Tang]: Hug Qingchen.

[Luo]: Practicing piano.

Author: A friend asked you to borrow money, but this month is not enough after you borrowed the money, what do you do?

[Tang]: Borrow him, and then find Qingchen.

[Luo]: It’s not enough.

Author: Okay! Thank you very much for your cooperation! See you next time! Stand up and bow to the reader!

The author has something to say: 嘤嘤嘤, here is the manuscript saver, the author is too fun to go out to pick the jujube, and can only count the extras that he intends to be a welfare, please forgive me-tomorrow will count today’s words Make up【kneel】【fold hands together】

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