Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 016

0042_I am not gregarious

New disciples of Yunxia Sect generally go through such a process: pass the entrance examination to become Yunxia Sect disciples, spend the Qi training period on the main peak until foundation establishment, and after foundation establishment, enter each peak according to their personal interests and previously shown talents, and enter each peak. After the peak, professional training has officially started.

But the so-called "general" means that there must be exceptions.

For example, before practicing Qi, the spirit beast cries and clings to him, and he himself hugs the spirit beast and does not let go.Don't say anything, go directly to Yushou Peak.

For another example, Shan Leilingen, during the entrance exam, he swung a sword out of his aura, and his whole person wrote "Idlers should not approach him."Alright, welcome to Jianxiu Peak.

Then, for example, I, because the back door was open, have been staying at home in Jianxiu Peak.

This kind of special treatment has its advantages and disadvantages.

On the downside, it is obvious that other disciples have many friends in the first few years, and many of these friendships will accompany them throughout their lives.This is their initial contact in the cultivation world.Even if it is not so utilitarian, this kind of friendship, which is naturally close because of the same situation in the ignorance, is easier to be pure and heart-to-heart.

As for the good aspects, the disciples who don't follow the general process all show their particularity.These particularities make it difficult for them to make friends because they are different from others even if they stay on the main peak to spend the Qi training period, and they may even be squeezed out and experience uncomfortable things.Instead of going through those years with a patient attitude, it is better to go to a place that is more suitable for them in the first place, to get along with their kind.

As I said, I like the inclusiveness of the cultivation world. Although its supremacy of cultivation sometimes seems cruel and cruel, but there is a clear indicator that makes many things simple and straightforward: strong is enough, no matter what the process is.

What's even more wonderful is that this kind of "strength" is also linked to xinxing. People who are completely despicable and shameless have no possibility of becoming stronger, so the "no matter" of "no matter what the process" has an unbreakable bottom line.

The guy who came through the back door is not the same as those geniuses who have shown extreme special talents. In fact, my father wanted to send me to the main peak at first, just like my brothers and sisters also spent their Qi training period at the main peak. After trying various professions on the main peak, he chose the path of becoming a swordsman.

I'm not an unquestionable sword cultivator, and I don't meet the standards that I was trained directly at Jianxiu Peak. What made my father finally give up the idea of ​​sending me to the main peak was not worrying about my chastity—well, I admit, Only I've ever worried that much--it's my memory.

"Having a photographic memory and being lazy in practice, are you born with the material of the Bookstore?" My father felt that my lack of youthful vigor was really not suitable for mixing with the children of the main peak, and the only few days of getting along proved my innocence out of place.My father wanted to put me in Zangshuge instead, but unfortunately Zangshuge firmly refused to raise a child, and was threatened by the elders and refused to agree—it’s not that Zangshuge has no elders’ support—so my father finally compromised and brought the book back to me look.

——Privilege of elders, ordinary people cannot move books out of Zangshuge to read.

So I was able to spend my Qi training period at Sword Cultivation Peak, not because I was a natural swordsman, but because there was no suitable place for me to train Qi at the Nine Peaks of Yunxia Sect, so I could only stay at home.

If it is necessary to divide it, using reading to cultivate is one of the primary cultivation methods for Confucianism cultivators, but the problem is that Yunxia Sect does not train Confucianism cultivators at all.Confucianism cultivators are also a minority in the entire cultivation world.How should I put it, it is a very test of dual quotients, you have to be a genius in both EQ and IQ.It is hard enough to find one that satisfies one item, and if you have both, then naturally it can only be a minority.

Similarly, from the fact that the Confucianism Cultivator cannot expand, it can be seen why the Sword Cultivator can become the mainstream profession in the comprehension world.Great power is one, and the second is that this profession does not place too much emphasis on IQ and EQ. The average level of these two items is enough. If you are firm enough, even if the IQ is below the average line...

Cough, I really don't want to be a black sword cultivator, after all, I myself intend to take the path of sword cultivation.

Although I was relieved that I didn't go to the main peak, I have to say that I was a little regretful. I felt that my life was too ungrounded and I was far away from a lot of wonderful things when I came to the cultivation world.But I really can't stand the young and energetic atmosphere.When I died in my last life, I was in my 30s, which is actually considered young, but compared to the mentality of monks of the same age, I was too old.

The mental age of monks has always been equal to their apparent age rather than their actual age.Yunxiazong's qi training period is at most a teenager's appearance-actually it is this age-middle school students, junior high school students, secondary illness... let alone those milk babies who still have snot.My God, getting along with them day and night is killing me.Even if I don't have this beautiful shemale face, I still have to avoid them, please leave me alone, thank you.

0043_Aliens from Blue Star

Be it the world of comprehension or the world of mortals, the actual civilization history of this planet is conservatively speaking tens of thousands of years. Even if there are several faults in the middle, there are always some things that have been passed down.

For example, aliens.

Even in my previous life, there were countless stories about aliens. In contrast, the history of civilization there is only a few thousand years. Although there are rumors that there were highly developed civilizations that were destroyed before, but After all, it is just a legend, unlike this life, there are so many real things handed down.

Starting from this planet to explore the civilizations of other planets, the world in this life is not very rewarding at this stage, but there are records of people from other planets visiting this planet.

Among them, I am most interested in a planet called Blue Star. It is said that there are many kinds of intelligent creatures living on that planet. In addition to humans, there are orcs, elves, dwarves, mermaids... Wow, fantasy stories.Fantastic stories are fine, but there are fan settings out of morals, sentinel guides and so on, ah ha ha ha, there must be errors in language translation, otherwise how can humans have such things as estrus, one-on-one lifelong binding... …

Alas, anyway, this planet still has a lot of problems in interstellar travel, and the extraterrestrial matter should be read as a story and not delved into it.




No, I still have to look into it.

According to the records, the first visit of the Blue Stars happened not long after the first catastrophe in the cultivation calendar. At that time, there were very few people who survived, and they should all be monks.When the Blue Stars landed on the messy surface in a spaceship, a monk approached them stealthily, reading with his mind, ignoring the language barrier, and understanding what they were saying——

"There are biological signs."

"Artificial traces."

"But the damage was massive, it looked like it was devastated, and it was a natural disaster type of devastation, and it just ended."

"There is no magical reaction."

"Oh, it's too bad, the professionals are going to be disappointed again."

"They have given up hope for a long time, and now they simply don't explore with the team."

"I think they probably want us ordinary people to immigrate to alien planets and leave the whole liberal arts to them."

"No, no, no, we still have to believe in the harmony between professionals and ordinary people. Professionals also enjoy technology, just like us, we also need to use alchemy products."

"There is also a magic core."

"Yes, the magic core is a beautiful energy source. For this energy source, professionals are also very valuable."

"Heh, if I can find a suitable planet to live in, I'd like to immigrate. Blue Star is really not suitable for ordinary people to survive. Other intelligent creatures, monsters, and professionals who are also liberal humans but have inherent differences, oh, set off Underneath, the only ordinary Boyar without magical powers is like a different kind. If it weren't for our numerical advantage, ha, can you imagine that scene?"


The conversation record is quite detailed, but there is no direct information stealing, because the technology of that blue star is much more advanced than that of this planet, and the monks have no way to deal with those smooth instruments.

In the words of the monk who made the record at the time: "Even if it is a spiritual treasure, I can try to crack it, but who can tell me how information is stored in a metal block without spiritual power fluctuations? There seems to be such a treasure in the mortal world. However, the catastrophe period has just passed, where can I find mortals who understand technology?"

Well, the growth direction of the skill tree is too different. Across the unbreakable barrier, the living dimensional wall, Mahayana monks can only do nothing.

In the end, the monks determined which piece of metal was a pure information storage by eavesdropping, broke off the whole piece and stole it, causing the Blue Stars to leave in shock and full of doubts, and announced a follow-up visit later.

The monks made a good idea. There was no cracking technology at that time, but the mortal world will still develop again. Wait patiently for it to be cracked sooner or later.

Unfortunately, it has not been successful so far.

Later, the Blue Stars came a few more times, but there may be a problem with fate. They either came after the catastrophe, or they just hit the catastrophe, or they finally came at the right time but fell into it at the wrong place. The secret realm, when the monks got them out of the secret realm, they were busy going home miserably and didn't walk around to see and discover the mortal world.

Therefore, although the Blue Star has been visiting from time to time since tens of thousands of years ago, the monks have unilaterally observed the Blue Star people secretly, and the Blue Star people have not connected with the Star people so far.

The monks are also damaged and stubborn. They feel that they are not going the same way as the blue star people. In addition, the blue star people who come to this planet seem to be more or less resistant to magic power that sounds similar to spiritual power, so the monks don’t think much about it. Contact them directly, and wait eagerly for the blue star people to find the mortal world.However, the Blue Star people seem to only have a relationship with the cultivation world, every time they fall into the realm of the cultivation world, and every time they don't wait to reach the mortal world, they start to return to the Blue Star.

In the past few thousand years, the world of comprehension has also been discussing. This planet should cherish this only alien friend who has a stable visit record. When the Blue Stars come back next time, don’t peep, and directly lead them to the mortal world. , although I don't know when the 'next time' will be.

Oh, and one more point, according to the conversation records of the Blue Stars, it is speculated that the time flow on their side is very different from our planet. Since they first came to this planet, we have passed tens of thousands of years, but they When discussing, it was mentioned that the first time came, but it was only more than 3000 years ago.

Could interstellar travel involve time differences?There seems to be such a saying.It's a pity that my IQ really can't understand this kind of high-level physical theory. The technological level of the world in my previous life is far from the real interstellar travel than the star in this life. Except for science fiction and plausible more science fiction I didn't have any examples for reference outside the hypothesis.

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