Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 111


With the warm farewell from Yuhe people, we left Yuhe. After the teleportation, the ten members of Yunxiazong landed at the position before we entered Yuhe, at the foot of the main peak.

Eldest brother: "I know everyone is tired, but we still have to hand in the task first. Uncle Qi, you have to go too."

The little master uncle had a sullen face, as if he was upset to see everyone, but he didn't leave directly.

Eldest Brother: "Okay, I will first report the part where you must be present, and it will not take a lot of your time. The order of the report is, first, Senior Uncle Qi, then Senior Sister Yan, then Senior Sister Pei, and then Senior Brother Xie and Senior Sister Yuan, and then Yan Junior Sister, Junior Brother Duan, and Junior Brother Pei are at the end. Please, Senior Sister Sang, attend the audience."

Sister Sang nodded.

I endured it for a while, and didn't ask if I could also sit in on the audience, since I'll find out soon anyway.

"Does anyone have any objections to this order?" The elder brother waited for two seconds after finishing speaking, but no one objected, "Very well, then we will settle it quickly."

It sounds nice to say that I was the last to report, but I could only wait outside when the people in front reported. I couldn't hear their reports at all. It was a waste of time waiting for nothing.

...Well, actually, I already guessed this would happen.Whether it will be made public after the event is a matter after the judgment, and the report stage will not take the form of public disclosure.Even most of the time, there is no face-to-face report at all. Generally, Yunxiazong’s special mission report jade slips are used to record, and then the relevant person in charge checks the jade slips and it’s over. Don't touch it.

"Do you want me to wait with you?" My sister asked after finishing the report, standing in front of me.

Me: "Can you tell me what you just reported inside?"

My sister: "Is it troublesome? I have already handed in the Jade Slip for Records, and the Jade Slip will be sent to Zangshu Pavilion after the internal evaluation is completed. If you are allowed to read it at that time, won't it be over?"

...I'm just afraid that I won't be allowed to see it.This mission is led by Jindanqi. Even if I am one of the participants in the foundation building stage, I probably don't have the permission to view all the information. Otherwise, why am I kept in the dark during the mission?

My sister said to me who was depressed: "If you don't have permission to view it, then I can't tell you now, otherwise wouldn't it be a violation? If it is in Yuhe, then my violation can be said to be for the better. Complete the task as quickly as possible, but now... there is no excuse, right?"

So why didn't you tell me when you were in Yuhe?

"You are so troublesome." My sister patted my forehead, "You are slowly entangled here, I will go back to Peifeng."

Go ahead, don't ask me for instructions, as if I don't agree with you, you will really listen to me.

0436_coming soon

Big brother's sorting criteria are very simple, the shorter the time-consuming report, the higher the front.Senior Sister Sang is his partner and first assistant from beginning to end, and she knows the overall situation, so she must follow up all the reports; because Junior Senior Uncle basically did not do practical work during Yuhe, so he himself made the least reports upwards, but he is still there after the report is finished. I need to go to the elders as a reviewer, and I have to listen to the whole scene; I am the one who needs to report the most things among the remaining seven...

Although I always felt that I didn't know anything before the report, or at most knew a little more than Yan Ziqi, anyway, there was nothing to say.

However, the elders did not let me say much, they are mainly studying small ice sculptures, with Ms. Yunxia as the leader.

I am interested in this, and as the owner of the small ice sculpture—emphasis: I have officially recognized the owner—they must not hide their research results from me.

"Already awakened." Ms. Yunxia said to me with a smile, "Congratulations, you are about to have two spirit treasures. A newborn spirit treasure is like a newborn baby, so take good care of it."

Ok, I will, though, "two pieces?"

"Here," Ms. Yunxia pointed to the little ice sculpture, and then nodded to me, "and your small storage artifact."

Although I have many doubts about the ice sculpture ghost Wanqin, now I have to admit that he really didn’t lie to me—at most, he said that the little ice sculpture can drive the little companions to become a spirit treasure. , it really works.

I asked Ms. Yunxia expectantly: "How soon is it?" Next year?next month?tomorrow?

Ms. Yunxia: "For this little ice sculpture, within 100 years, Xiao Sui, within 300 years."

Me: "..." Well, compared to many spiritual weapons that take tens of thousands of years to evolve into spiritual treasures or cannot evolve at all, a hundred years is indeed very fast; and in terms of the lifespan of Ms. With a flick of a finger... Hey, it's enough for Wanxin to open up a few more times.

Ms. Yunxia covered her lips and smiled lightly: "Don't be depressed, that's the time when you don't act the most. For example, this time, Yuhe supplemented the nutrition of the small ice sculpture. If you come a few more times, it will be possible to wake up in a few years, or even tomorrow. It's possible. And the faster the little ice sculpture wakes up, the faster the little companion will evolve."

Looking at Ms. Yunxia's hand covering her lips, I always feel that she is covering her lips not out of reserve, but because her teasing smile is too obvious and needs to be covered...

No, how could I think this way about this elder who has a longer history than Yunxiazong and is like the mother of Yunxiazong?Not all elders are cos like Elder Huigu who didn’t graduate from Secondary [-], or like Xiao Shishu who really didn’t graduate from Secondary [-]...

But the so-called upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. When the lower beam is too crooked, can you really have full trust in the upper beam?

0437_ instinct preference

Ms. Yunxia put down her hands and looked at me lovingly like a dignified big sister: "Is there something wrong?"

Originally, it was just a possibility, but once you changed your face so obviously, I felt that there was really something... Of course, it doesn’t matter if there is really something, the point is:

"What things can promote the growth of small ice sculptures?"

Ms. Yunxia: "I don't know."


Ms. Yun Xia: "Don't look at me like that, little Pei Lin, your question is equivalent to asking a passerby what the expectant mother next to her who is about to have a child likes. Of course the passerby doesn't know."

Me: "Soon? Doesn't the expectant mother mean that she is pregnant?" It seems that the point is not right.

"Okay, I didn't use the right word." Ms. Yunxia nodded to the small ice sculpture, "It hasn't conceived yet, but, how should I put it, it's like the sperm and egg are ready, they just need to combine."

I was about to speak again, but Ms. Yunxia took the lead and said: "Sperm and eggs are healthy and full of vitality, and will not fail to combine."

... I don't want to pick on this thorn, I just want to ask: "How did you see it?"

Ms. Yunxia looked at me kindly and said nothing.My father explained on his behalf: "With your realm, you can't understand any popular analogy, so save everyone a little effort."

A dear father is a dear father, and he always pokes his heart and lungs like this when he speaks.

Me: "That is to say, the little ice sculpture doesn't have a weapon spirit yet, but why does it sometimes respond to me?"

Ms. Yunxia: "The so-called spirit of the weapon refers to a spirit with independent thinking ability and logical thinking. Without the spirit of the weapon, the weapon is not a dead thing, such as your sword, you can feel that it is connected with you, right? ?They also have their instincts, even if they cannot be fully expressed, but you cannot deny that they have preferences. Otherwise, how can evolution be possible?"

Hmm... I've seen such a statement... Forget it. "Can I see the details of this mission later?"

The master uncle looked at Elder Huigu.

Elder Huigu: "Yes."

I was pleasantly surprised: "All?"

Elder Huigu: "Everything you can know with your cultivation base."

That's fine too.I continued to verify: "Is it a record of appearances and facts, or does it include analysis?"

My dad: "There's no end to making progress, right? After the report is over, you can get out."

Me: ... Tsk.

0438_ side corner corner

Three days later, I went to the mission record area of ​​Zangshuge to check this year's jade and secret realm mission records.

Hehe, it really is just corners and corners, and there is not much analysis.

Basically, this is what happened.

Xie Qinwei made friends with a pair of resentful couples, and learned that Yuhe had hidden treasures, and these hidden treasures were related to the treasures that Yuhe advertised and invited outsiders. Maybe the latter is the key to unlock the former.

Duan Zhe and Duan Zhe have split up and reunited with each other hundreds of times... Probably they are resentful spouses, and they also made friends, and learned that the set of treasures that Yuhe advertised needs the right person to be effective, and the right person The person, my sister found out, was me.

It was my appearance that caused Yu and Wang to change their original plan, skip the centralized audition step, and choose to attack me directly after observing for a period of time.

Yan Ziqi learned through Yu Chen that Yu and Wang valued me and Lao Xin very much.After getting in touch with Lao Xin, Senior Sister Sang confirmed that Lao Xin's mask was slightly floating. At this time, the Gate of Rebirth also discovered this, and Lao Xin was the first to notice that I was entangled by a force through the floating mask.

——Soon, the little uncle also noticed this, and it was basically certain that Yuhe started to attack.

I knew nothing at that time: "..."

Up to now, it can basically be said that except me and Lao Xin, other people have been excluded from the plan by Yuhe Wang, but combined with the "key" theory learned from the previous guess, the big brother took the initiative to propose cooperation to Yuhe .

At that time, the Eldest Brother and the Gate of Rebirth both assumed that Lao Xin and I would lead to the emergence of a mutant space in Yuhe Wang's plan, that is, be separated by space. Very low, probably to ask Lao Xin to protect me, and at the same time Yunxiazong cooperates with the actions of the Gate of Rebirth outside the mutant space.

Because his posture is too low, and although Yunxiazong is a level lower than the gate of reincarnation, and although my cultivation base is far lower than that of Lao Xin, the three majors and the seven majors are not directly related to suppressing and being suppressed. As a rising star among the Big Three, Sect maintains a modest attitude, and is generally not too deceiving, especially the relationship with the Seventh Big School has always been pretty good, and although I am lacklustre, my father is an elder of Huashen after all, who despises others. It doesn't matter to me, but if you offend Elder Pei because of contempt for me, even the gate of death will have to be reckoned.

So the gate of death was polite to the big brother, saying that my existence is also very important, and I will not suffer in the abnormal space, and promised to give me as much as possible without harming the interests of the gate of death. convenient.

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