Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 137


This is a wilderness.Withered vines, old trees and faint crows, this is probably the style of painting.The bad light makes everything look like a strange shadow. The small animals move and twist under the cover of the gaps in the stones and the grass. The twisted branches of the dead trees in the distance seem to form a ghost face. of... hanging... of...

I squinted my eyes, and didn't really want to gather my spiritual power to see if the hanging human-shaped object was a human being, because the faces of the hanged people are said to be very hideous.But it’s not an option not to look at it all the time, because I found that there are still many objects that are suspected to be corpses—including human corpses and animal corpses—as far as I can see.

I squeezed the hind paws of the fur ball to strengthen my courage, and the fur ball kindly wrapped its tail around my hand.Then I bit the bullet and saw clearly that the hanging person was really a human being. As for the other suspected corpses, some were just my imagination, while some were real.

The expressions of these corpses range from laughter to pain, fear and bewilderment, but they all have one thing in common: they all scare me.Then, the way they rot, I look very similar to the captive that turned into mud just now.However, I have only seen rotting corpses in the materials before, and it is hard to say whether this resemblance is my illusion.

I looked around in horror, suddenly!I hate sudden!The eyes of a corpse that were originally closed suddenly opened, and a smile appeared on his mouth. The corner of his mouth seemed to have been cut by a sharp knife, and his smile was directly cracked to the base of his ears.

I stared at him stiffly, not because I didn't want to look away, but because I heard the sound of biological activity.It's not the sound of small animals secretly hiding in the gaps, but the sound of activities of such a large body as a human being.And as far as I have observed just now, apart from stones and dead trees that should not move, there are only corpses that should not move with such a large body.


If I encounter such a scene while watching a horror movie, I can immediately look away and watch it after this period has passed, or I can just turn off the video, or occasionally want to self-torture, so I just keep watching it, and I am so scared that I am covered in cold sweat. The body is sore.

But now that there is no screen to block it, I can't avoid it, and I can't just watch it without responding.

The reaction of the hairball was much more decent than mine. It broke away from my hand, stood upright on my shoulders, flicked its tail, just fell off a dead branch and broke an arm, but stood up straight. The corpse walking towards me with its arms bent strangely was tied back to the trunk by dead branches.

I made up my mind, drew my sword and adjusted my spiritual power.I don’t know what kind of rotten corpses are in front of me. Although they look scary, their cultivation is the highest in the early stage of Qi training. Most of them have no cultivation at all. It's hard to estimate the degree of curvature of the limbs, but theoretically speaking, as long as I don't have any problems, they can't pose a real threat to me and the hairball.

Thinking of this, I held the sword in both hands, took two deep breaths, and inexplicably remembered the scene of a girl screaming and shooting a cockroach to death in my previous life.

...no, I don't scream.Well, to be serious, when I took a deep breath, my sense of smell discerned a trace of the same smell as the previous captive. It wasn't the stench of rotting meat, but death or ghost tainted with resentment?I'm not sure, although there are many rotting corpses here, the smell is much weaker than that of a captive.

I didn't have time to think too much, so I cut off the head of the dog corpse closest to me with a sword, and then retreated to a place where there were relatively few corpses. Came out of the ground.

While I was on guard, I observed the dog corpse that I chopped up.After seeing its head hit the ground, its eyes and mouth were still moving, but it was unable to move; its body was still able to move, but it seemed to lose its direction, bumping into things, sometimes falling, and sometimes knocking against stones or other corpses field.

I cut off the limbs of the dog corpse, and found that after being separated, they still move independently, and if they get close to each other to a certain extent, they will recombine to form a complete dog corpse.

It seems that just chopping doesn't work.This time when the sword slashed down, the spiritual power of ice was injected into the chopped dog corpse. It was split in half, and the incision condensed into ice. The ice quickly spread to the whole corpse, and finally, with a 'snap', the ice shattered. Crack, into slag.

I pulled some slags together to see that they were not combined again, so I was relieved.

Find a way and the rest is mechanical repetition.

0546_ cover

For these things that look like zombies, I don’t have the slightest psychological burden to kill them. Judging people by their appearance is indeed one of the general principles. But if they don’t look so frightening, I have to consider whether they are living creatures or whether they are living creatures. Maybe it's just some kind of vicious spell, should I find out if there is a way to break the spell?

Now, anything close will break.

But I didn't come here to kill zombies, the key is to figure out where this place is and how to get out.

I stood up with my sword and quickly turned the place around.This place is not big, with a clear boundary, but I can't see what is outside the boundary. There is a layer of force that blocks the line of sight and prevents me from leaving, as if there is an opaque hemispherical cover covering this place.

When I observed along the border, zombies continued to come out from various places and started to move, as if my arrival woke them up.What's worse is that the number of zombies with cultivation bases is gradually increasing. If you compare them in groups of ten, the average cultivation base of the zombies that wake up later will be higher.Although the highest level of cultivation so far is still only in the early stage of Qi training, but if this continues, there will be no good expectations.

I flew up again, and the cover was still a cover, and I couldn't find a place with a breach.

Well, come to think of it, I must be here because of the captive's flesh and blood, maybe he got the unreliable magic circle and even the magic weapon from here, maybe he sent me here to Sacrifice, perhaps, the zombies below are all people who were sacrificed.

But just like what Chai Huou said, with such a simple magic circle and such a rough magic weapon, I don't believe that the guy who uses and provides that kind of thing will be such a powerful existence. It's the limit, the chance of breaking through to the Golden Core is basically negligible, so the chances of me not being able to deal with the current situation are very, very small.

I floated on a high place to look down on the movements of the zombies, trying to sum up the rules of their appearance and activities. A small number of bird zombies were able to fly to the same height as me to attack me, but all of them were shot down by the furball's paw.

Now I'm not in a hurry to completely destroy them. Anyway, there are too many of them, and the new ones appear too fast. It can't solve the source, and it's useless to destroy a limited part.


I observed it for a while, and was disappointed to find that, if there was a pattern, there was only one: the drop point to which I was teleported could be regarded as the center.There are the most zombies gathered near this center, followed by the one directly below my current location.They all follow the breath of the living.

...Wait a minute, if it follows the breath of living people, why are there so many fewer zombies gathered at my current location than at the teleportation point?I have stayed at the current location for twice as long as the landing point. Even though I am floating in the air here, the smell of living people is much weaker when it floats to the ground, but why are there more zombie birds wandering there? who attacked me?

I flew to the sky above the point where the teleportation landed, gathered my spiritual power on the sword, and swung it down fiercely, blasting out a big hole.

Let me explain, I have many swords, but I only have one as a partner, and the others are used for flying and forming formations.In addition, it is not necessary to use a sword to fly, there are special flying instruments, and there are more professional props for formation.

It's just that for a sword repairer, the sword is always the most convenient to use, especially the only sword as a partner, and he wants to use it no matter what he does.But the main function of this partner is to fight together, and sometimes air combat is required. Can't you let this partner fly on your back and use it as a weapon at the same time?So many alternatives are configured.

When my cultivation base is higher, I can fly without stepping on the sword, and I can fly with the sword in my hand.However, there is still a problem of habit. After all, when learning to fly, you step on the sword, so you don't necessarily change your posture when you can stop stepping.

For example, Chai Huou, he is still accustomed to flying with the sword by stepping on it, but if he is attacked during the flight, he can immediately hold the sword in his hand and attack and defend without wasting any time.And even if he doesn't hold the sword in his hand, the sword is an extension of his body, and the sword can even assist in fighting without direct contact with his body.Accurate stabbing, chopping, and blocking like arm and finger...

However, it is still a matter of habit. Many sword cultivators are used to holding something in their hands even if their cultivation base is very high, and there is a stabbing movement when they move their hands, even though they may be thousands of miles away from their attack target. Arm extension doesn't help at all for ranged attacks.

Standing in a safe place with the muff in the sleeves, pointing out Jiangshan, that is the aesthetics of Dharma cultivation, Confucianism cultivation, not sword cultivation.The sword cultivator prefers to be on the front line, from the soul to the meridians to the body to the tip of the sword, and the power rushes out.Destruction, destruction, precise strikes, the aftermath of force collisions are fed back to the body, which is a kind of control of personal perception.

——The aesthetics of violence.


I looked at the pit that I blasted out, there was no smoke and dust, only a layer of ice covered by me, I was disappointed to find that this was a simple pit, and the boss I thought would be hidden in it was completely gone.

It seems that I guessed wrong.

I thought so.Sudden!Another nasty suddenness!As soon as my body sank, I fell straight down. The sword couldn't slow down the speed of my fall, so I didn't slow down at all. I followed the falling trend and struck the pit again, but it had no other effect except to make the pit deeper.

I fell to the bottom of the pit with my sword in hand, and the hairball landed on my shoulder.

"Mi." It called softly.

I also saw that the zombies slid down the ice one after another.I tried again and was sure I couldn't fly.

Great, this is forcing me to fight zombies.

I let out a long sigh, and I didn't have any more time to sigh with emotion. The zombie had already rushed in front of me, with that rolling figure, that eagerness to snatch food, and that face that I didn't even want to look at.

How to see how suitable for killing.

But the more this place makes me feel that killing zombies is a matter of course, the less I want to do it.

I ran up the pit wall, forcing the zombies on the road back as much as I could, and chopping them up if I couldn't. After rushing out of the pit, I ran a certain distance and flew back into the air smoothly.

I looked at the pit that was expanding radially and vertically, getting bigger and deeper, and thought:

Am I going to trick myself?

I stayed as far away from the pit as I could, but the area was so limited that I soon retreated to the border.The zombies were all gathered in the pit, but they all looked towards this side.The eye-scaring scene made me unable to bear to begin to recite the book, to the super-duplication chapter of the learning materials for the introduction to Shengmen.

Then I found that the unearthed zombies slowed down.

...Well, although I can memorize books, I don't know how to run the supernatural power, that is, I memorize the supernatural chapter and memorize the small yellow text, which should have an effect here.

Thinking of this, I memorized a section of Yunxiazong's introduction to swordsmanship... nonsense, of course I can't really memorize the small yellow text, that kind of text is okay to read silently, but it's shameful to read it out.

As a result, when I started reciting sword techniques, the zombies emerged faster than when I didn't recite anything, so I switched back to reciting the Chaodu Chapter, and their speed immediately slowed down again.

I tried the Confucianism Cultivator Introduction, Danxiu Introduction, Planter Introduction, etc., and finally confirmed that the Exceeding Chapter of the Gate of Rebirth really slowed down the appearance of zombies, and also slowed down the speed of their activities.

Do I still have the talent to be a monk?No, I don't like bald heads.

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