Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 148


For all items with spiritual power, no matter magic tools, medicine pills, spiritual plants, spiritual beasts... For monks, there is a common and convenient way to detect them: stretch out your own spiritual power thread to explore.

——The only possible trouble is that if the detected object has too strong defense power, its defense may attack the monk along the spiritual power thread, and in severe cases, it may directly kill the monk.

However, it is generally not so serious, and monks will not recklessly use their own spiritual power to search for any unknown items. Usually, they will conduct theoretical analysis first, and after some gains, they will use a little more in a targeted manner. Linglisi went to touch it.Touch it tentatively first, and after seeing that the test subject has not protested, a large number of spiritual power strands are protruded out for a thorough exploration.

When there are too many items to be tested, sometimes you don't need spiritual power to explore, and you can guess whether it is dangerous or not by intuition alone.

——That realm is too far away for me now, I'd better just follow the conventional route honestly.

I first explored the connection between the Ice Flame Stone and the Ice Lotus, combined with Ms. Yunxia's tips, I finally understood the meaning of "no formation connection" means that in order to maintain the stable existence of the Ice Lotus, I only need to put all the Ice Lotus After picking, just make sure that this ice flame stone and ice lotus flower are placed together.It doesn't stick to it, it has to be on the lotus mountain, it has to be laid out with lotus flowers and surrounded by ice flame stones in the center.

Ashamed, I swept away the ice lotus and ice flame stone, and then flew down the mountain, catching up with the five mortals who had not yet reached the foot of the mountain, each holding an ice lotus.After thinking about it, I didn't act immediately. I waited until the five of them walked to the door of their house and took out the key to open the door. Then I put ten ice lotus flowers that were only slightly better than the one they picked before into the house. .

In this way, counting what they picked by themselves, there are three flowers per person, not many, and the quality is not good, so it shouldn't be a burden for them?

After they opened the door, they saw ice lotus flowers lined up in two rows on the ground. After a moment of surprise, they turned around and bowed to Lianshan again, then smiled at each other:

"It seems that we were very lucky and met a generous fairy."

"Moreover, the fairy lotus this time is better than the one in the record. The outermost lotus must be diluted before taking it. The ones sent by the immortal are even more... I don't even know how to deal with it."

"Oh, yes, it's too good to be a headache."

"It's really embarrassing. Let us deal with such a good fairy lotus, will it cause a lot of waste?"

I think they are really having a headache.But are mortals so imaginary?Is this ice lotus so nourishing?What kind of remedy is it?How come even mortals know these ice lotuses better than me?

I haven't had time to carefully investigate the situation inside the ice lotus, so I can't give an objective evaluation, but since the five of them keep saying that they have headaches and it's hard to deal with...then I'll change.

I took back the ten flowers I just sent, and then, under their shock and panic, I picked out the fifteen flowers with the worst quality—that is, the ones in the outermost circle, which are the same level as the ones they picked before, and they are all in good condition. The layer with the largest number of layers - relocated to the ground.


The five mortals looked a little silly, their eyes turned back and forth between Lianshan and the house, they raised their hands to worship but didn't seem to know which way to bend down.

This made me even more guilty when I found out that I seemed to scare them, so I dipped in the snow water—I harvested it when I first harvested the ice lotus—and wrote on the ground:

Excuse me, this is for you.When this sentence is finished, I have left, don't mind me.

no sooner said than done.The speed at which I control the word revealing is slower than my writing speed, so when the five mortals saw the words on the ground clearly, I have already returned to the lotus mountain—I want to study the ice lotus here before I go—out of sight Don't bother, I won't feel guilty anymore if I don't watch their reactions.

Well, this kind of escape mentality is not good, but that's it for the time being, the ice lotus is more important now.

I explored the gaps and meridians of the petals, and easily found that it was my own spiritual power that built the skeleton of the lotus flower. No, it should not be my 'spiritual power', but my consumption and leisure during the cultivation process. After the spiritual power dispersed in the environment is combined with the surrounding environmental aura, a 'spiritual energy' that has my breath but no longer belongs to me is formed.

——Environmental aura also includes the aura absorbed and exhaled when the ice flame stone grows.

I looked at a large pile of ice lotus flowers in the small box, and was very surprised: I have only cultivated here for seventeen days, and it was still intermittent, so much spiritual power escaped, causing damage to the environment Is it such a big impact?

The combination of my escaping spiritual power and the environmental aura is frozen in the ice lotus. The more dominant my escaping spiritual power is, that is, the closer the ice lotus grows to my position, the more Delicate and large flowers, otherwise rough and small flowers.

From the most exquisite research all the way to the roughest, you can intuitively see the whole process of my spiritual power returning from my body to nature.

I guess this is the 'help' that Ms. Yunxia mentioned.Instead of directly using the ice lotus itself, they are used as specimens for comparative research.

Only the roughest ice lotus is used for mortals because only the aura contained in this kind of ice lotus is the closest to nature, and the more delicate ones contain too much my spiritual power.Swallowing other people's spiritual power is a burden for monks, let alone mortals, it is completely oppressive for mortals who cannot refine their spiritual power independently and can only rely on their bodies to adapt naturally.


I am not very good at summarizing or extracting the essence, so although the ice lotus has solidified into a specimen for me to study, and I also know the research direction, but when I study one by one, from the innermost one When I reached the outermost flower, if I realized something, I couldn't tell what I realized.

Well, Ms. Yunxia suggested that I keep ten flowers for each appearance, that is, each layer, which means that she thinks that I need to repeat the research ten times before I can truly comprehend, but I am not confident in my understanding and IQ, so I decided to Make the best use of everything and study all the ice lotus flowers.

As the old saying goes, reading a hundred times will reveal its meaning.Stupid people use stupid methods, and hard work can make up for one's inadequacy—hey, so, is my memory cheat used to make up for my incompetence?The God of time travel really has mercy on me.

I felt that even if I forced myself to summarize, I couldn’t summarize a single flower, so I simply let go of my mind and just wrote down the aura skeleton, meridian shape, and the way ice and snow filled the aura skeleton of each ice lotus flower one by one... Build their aura version models, and place each model one by one in the corresponding position of the lotus arrangement diagram I wrote down when picking ice lotus.

After simulating the last ice lotus in my brain, I recalled the details of the more than 20 ice lotuses sent out, and then made some skeleton and meridian supplements according to the previous model rules, and then Put them away as well.

The lotus diagrams are lined up. In fact, I am no longer studying it, but I am concentrating on playing puzzles.After the lotus picture was arranged, I took a closer look at the ice flame stone, combined with my memory to build a model of its aura at the moment of burning and put it in the center of the lotus picture, and finally put the spiritual power of myself and Maoqiu at that time. Make a model and put it in.

The moment everything was put in place, I felt my body tense and then loosen, and my cultivation base entered the late stage from the middle stage of foundation establishment, and I could clearly feel that it was only one step away from perfection.


"What happened?" I asked, rubbing the furball.

When I was playing puzzles in my brain, the fuzzy fan who had been asleep and snoring opened his eyes in a daze, looked up at me blankly for a while, and patted my wrist with two front paws, as if to congratulate me, congratulations When it was done, it closed its eyes again and fell asleep.

0592_ confused and happy

For a while, I couldn't understand the connection between the study of the ice lotus and my leveling up, although now I have recalled it, judging from the fact that I was able to complete the details of the aura of the ice lotus that I had sent without further exploration, I have worked out the law of this pile of flowers.Even if I still can't describe the complicated laws concisely with words, no, it should be said that even if there is no limit to the number of words in the description, I can't explain clearly, but I do know.

But, so what?Besides, this ice lotus is a specimen that is not even a magic weapon, a few of my own specimens overflowing with spiritual power, can I upgrade it by studying this thing?If I had known it would have this effect, I would have been able to freeze it myself.Pei Feng has no shortage of aura, ice and snow, and ice flame stones.

Thinking of this, I replaced the ice flame stone in the lotus flower picture in my mind with the lowest-grade aura model left by my mother-only this piece I can barely simulate, the rest of my spiritual power is simply You can't penetrate the ice layer, and you can't even touch the flames inside, let alone simulate it.But even for this piece, I can't figure out what it looks like when it just burns inside, so the simulation is still in vain, which directly makes the whole lotus picture look awkward.

After replacing the ice-flame stone model and putting the entire lotus painting into the memory warehouse for temporary storage, I returned to Yunxiazong Peifeng with a happy and confused mood.

"Yo," I ran into my brother as soon as I came back, and he seemed to have no intention of caring about my old enmity, "Where did you get an epiphany? It should have entered the late stage in the past two days, and your breath is very stable."

Me: "Lianshan had an epiphany. Today, seven hours ago, I just broke through to the late stage."

My brother: "I can understand the epiphany in the mortal world, but how did the aura in the mortal world stabilize your spiritual power?"

you ask me?how could I know.I don't even know how or what I realized.

My brother and I stared at each other.

My brother: "...Look at your dazed look. How did you break through?"

My answer was to send him an ice lotus.The appearance of the mid-level, neither up nor down.

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