Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 154


Everyone compared who was the worst, and finally agreed that the gray wolf Ahui was the first, and its owner Qiao Yuanguan and Shi Bolin tied for the last.

Qiao Yuanguan: "Hey, seeing Ah Hui eating so painfully, my heart aches."

Shi Bolin: "I was alone blowing the cold wind in the middle of the night, and during the day I was foolishly poking at the door of the mission office and being treated as a fool by the people who came and went. It was very hard."

Meng Li: "Hey, are you missing the point?"

Everyone is silent.I just noticed that none of the seven of us has the ability to lead, and we are all used to being led, so the combination is completely loose.

——It doesn't seem like you can do some serious missions?Unless Elder Guanghe leads the team... the God Transformation Stage takes seven Foundation Establishment Stages to do the task?It's not like a serious task.

During the process of the seven of us exchanging recent experiences, Elder Guanghe has not responded. He neither stopped us from communicating nor explained the situation to us, but obviously, he was the only one among the eight people on the boat who knew the situation, so After the internal communication of the seven foundation building stages, they all turned their attention to him.

Elder Guanghe stood at the bow of the boat.This airship is his personal property, of course the grade is very high, the speed is extremely fast, and it has flown a considerable distance during the time we communicated.

Since the flight is at a high altitude with few obstacles, there are few scenery reference objects. All I can know is the direction of the bow of the ship when it takes off, and the occasional detour during the journey.

——This kind of detour usually only happens when passing through a large sect, and you have to avoid the range of its defensive circle, and some sects are in the form of floating islands floating in the air, so you have to be careful not to bump into them.In addition, the waterways drawn by the mortal world and large flocks of birds passing by temporarily must also be avoided.Therefore, it is difficult for a flying ship to fly to the end in a straight line when traveling a long distance.

Judging from the direction of take-off, the speed and duration of the flight, and the flashing scenery when turning around, "If you go on like this, will you go to Kunlun?" I said.

The six people were stunned for a moment, and the beast master Qiao Yuanguan thought for a while, took out the map, gestured for a moment, and agreed: "The direction of takeoff is indeed towards Kunlun, and we have been driving at full speed for so long without any sign of slowing down, we should probably Arrived at this location. There is no special place between here and Kunlun. And if you don’t go to Kunlun, you should take an arc instead of a straight line from the beginning. After all, Kunlun’s range is too large, and it is very troublesome to get close and go around.”

Zhang Li, the planter: "So it is most likely to go to Kunlun. But why is the elder Guanghe leading the team to go to Kunlun?"

Let's not talk about the inappropriate word 'leading the team'. After all, we really don't look like a 'team'. The point is, Elder Guanghe is 'like this'. Girl, are you questioning your elder Zhuangfeng's image of leading the team?

In fact, I also doubt it, but what I said in person...

Elder Guanghe turned to face us, with his stern face but still inexplicably showing some scumbag appearance, he said to us: "Check the items you are carrying, especially the items related to the fire ball lotus."

Zhang Li was the first to look down at the storage bag.

Hey girl, your main storage should be your bracelet?That thing is quite conspicuous, much more conspicuous than the dusty storage bag on your waist.Are you sure you found the wrong storage?

0615_ carry with you

Shi Bolin looked around at everyone, and asked, "Do you all carry your things in storage utensils?"

I nod.I am used to putting everything in the small box, which makes my own room empty all the year round. If the house itself is not connected to the foundation and it is difficult to move, I might be able to put the whole house in the small box-but the small box is still Put a portable house.

Qi repair Nie Jing had a bitter face: "I don't have the habit of bringing all the refined items with me, but the problem is that I was hurriedly notified to board the ship, and I didn't have time to organize the freshly refined magic tools and put them in the usual place."

Denshusto said that he was also in the same situation.

Faxiu Mengli: "I have been fighting with that pile of petals, and I can't put it anywhere else."

Planter Zhang Li: "I was urgently notified to harvest all the remaining fireball lotus, and I harvested them all within one day. I boarded the boat as soon as I finished it in a hurry, and I didn't have time to put it elsewhere."

Beast Master Qiao Yuanguan: "If this kind of plant is to be used as food for spirit beasts, it must be kept fresh, and it must be stored in a special storage utensil, and Ahui is really not interested in eating grass, but it is like this. I was restricted from eating other things for a few days. If I don’t eat the fire ball lotus, I will be hungry. I always carry the fire ball lotus with me these days. Seeing that Ah Hui has a little appetite, I quickly stuffed it. Can eat Eat the leaves if they can fall, and eat the root tips if you can... Anyway, bring them all, and give it what it wants to eat quickly, so that it doesn't get really hungry."

"So," Shi Bolin concluded, "I'm the only one who didn't bring it?"

Qixiu Nie was surprised: "Didn't you carry half of the new talismans with you when you got inspiration? Where did you put them?"

Shi Bolin: "On the table in my room..."

Both Nie Jing and Danxiu Sidu said that this habit is incomprehensible.

Si Du: "But you took the two materials of water and mud with you?"

Shi Bolin: "It's because these two bowls haven't been used yet, they haven't been taken out, and they are kept in the storage condition when Master gave them to me."

Fa Xiumengli sneered: "Are you used to being a young master? Do you need someone to clean up for you? I guess your room must be too messy."

Shi Bolin pretended not to hear, and timidly asked Elder Guanghe: "What should I do? Go back and get it?"

Elder Guanghe raised his hand and pointed at Zhang Li like a gangster, and Zhang Li immediately understood what the elder Fengtou meant, and said to Shi Bolin: "I was in a hurry when I harvested the fireball lotus. I collected quite a lot, and I’ll just sort it out for you.”

Nie Jing: "But what about the talisman that was refined before?"

Si Du snorted.

Shi Bolin: "I haven't even made one."

Si Du, who also failed to make a single pill in the first round: "Why didn't you have a time limit and a warning not to waste materials?"

Shi Bolin: "I don't know. It's not me who gave the warning."

Hey, this is so true, not only did none of the seven of us appear to be in a state of disunity, but small conflicts arose before we even got to the place.

In other words, do you really want to do the mission?If it is true, then we should go back home now, anyway, if we do this, it will definitely fail, so don't go to Kunlun to be ashamed.

0616_floating island

The main body of the Kunlun site is suspended in the air against gravity, and the Kunlun people themselves modestly call it a floating island.

A huge floating island, a continental floating island.The land covered by the floating island is also owned by Kunlun.The Kunlun floating island itself can move around, but in order to avoid disputes and panic, the Kunlun floating island usually stays in place and pretends that it will not move.

This kind of immobility makes the land under the floating island see no sunlight all year round, many spiritual plants cannot grow healthily, and many spiritual beasts don't like it, but it has also developed a special ecological system, so that even if Kunlun needs to To move the floating island, you must first get a cover to block the light from the land below.

But the cover—even the Kunlun special cover—could not compare with the shading effect of the floating island. Besides, the floating island is not just a light blocker, but its spiritual energy dissipation and pressure regulation are also very important.So even if there is a cover to temporarily protect the ground below, Floating Island has to hurry back to its original position after dealing with the affairs and continue to cover its own ground.

This would give the public a lot of peace of mind.For a behemoth like Kunlun in various senses, it is best to be quiet and not move. Running around will only make everyone nervous.

From far away, we can see the Kunlun Floating Island from the flying boat. It can be said that it is the holy land of the entire cultivation world. Almost all monks believe that if the modern cultivation world can reproduce the myth of ascension, then Kunlun must be responsible for it. Wei.

——It’s just that there are not many monks who believe that they can reproduce the ascension, and most of them think it is a wish and a fantasy.

The airship did not fly into Kunlun, but stopped at a distance of several hundred meters, and then fell to the ground.

...I can understand not flying directly into Kunlun, just like it is impossible for foreign aircraft to fly directly into Yunxiazong, even invited guests have to confirm their identities before they are allowed to enter.However, it would be nice to stop at the door while waiting for the approval process. The approval process will not take much time, and there is no need to rest on the ground.I have already seen welcoming disciples in Kunlun uniforms standing at the door.

Well, it seems that our destination is not in Kunlun, but at the gate of Kunlun.Those welcoming disciples did not welcome us either.

Why do you feel a little pitiful?

When we got to the ground and let us disembark, Elder Guanghe put away the flying boat and said to us: "Access according to the opportunity here. Pay attention to safety, and don't embarrass Yunxiazong." After speaking, he flew up alone to the Kunlun Floating Island , those welcoming disciples greeted Elder Guanghe as soon as they saw Elder Guanghe, and invited Elder Guanghe to enter.

Zhang Li: "He was a guest of honor inside, eating and drinking spicy food, while we were exposed to the wind and sun at the door...and we don't know what to do."

Sister, you really have a problem with Elder Feng, don't you?But you have to know that the absence of others in front of us does not affect that he can see and hear all our words and deeds.You... complaining can be a little more tactful.

0617_ poly

It's not entirely true to say that we don't know what to do, because there are many monks from other sects nearby who look at us in a similar situation.

I know it’s other sects and not casual cultivators because they all wear uniforms—I can recognize the sect they belong to from the uniforms of any sect with fixed uniforms—similar situations mean: they are all in the foundation building period; There are all occupations in the sect, and there is one person for each occupation; many people hold some parts of the fireball lotus in their hands, and take out the ones that are not in their hands from time to time from the storage utensils; in the end, everyone's expression is rather dazed.

Seeing the appearance of the seven of us, many people were overjoyed, and the bold ones came over and were about to speak, but saw several waves of people coming one after another.There are second-rate sects, and there are seven major ones. I can recognize the leaders of the group are all elders of various sects. These elders, like the elders of Guanghe, put their disciples near us, and entered the Kunlun floating island themselves.

After the peak period of this wave of visitors has passed, I counted, all seven sects have arrived, twenty second-rate sects have arrived, none of third-rate sects and below, and three major sects... oh, the finale is here... two Home, Kunlun's did not appear.

It's a pity that among the second-rate sects, the Acacia Sect didn't come, otherwise I might be able to get some information from their elders because of their lack of integrity and bottom line when facing beauties.

When there were too many people, the disciples of the second-rate sect who had come close to get close to each other retreated silently, and the disciples of the Seventh University naturally gathered together and asked each other.

Speaking of which, our Yunxia Sect has seven occupations, which are relatively more among the seven majors.Yaozong, Jianzong, Zhongsumen, and Gutianmen all have a main occupation that occupies an absolute advantage, and then in order to ensure that they will not be controlled by others, they will develop several auxiliary occupations at the same time.

For example, the array cultivator and planter of Jianzong; the planter and sword cultivator of Medicine Sect; the sword cultivator of Zhongsumen and Gutianmen, etc.——Jianxiu is like panacea, which can be put anywhere.

Yanxingmen and Yaomeng have relatively single biological attributes, and they have no special bias in terms of occupations. Like Yunxiazong, they bloom more.

The seven of us got together, and each took out a part of the fireball lotus in his hand, indicating that it was the same situation, and then expressed the same confusion.

"It seems that the answer lies in Kunlun." The sword cultivator of Yanxingmen raised his head and said.

"Why do I feel like we're making fun of you?" Jianzong's swordsman said.

The sword cultivators who came to Jianzong this time are also female cultivators, but they are also female sword cultivators. The temperament of Jianzong is completely different from that of Yanxingmen.

Of course, it's hard to say whether the comparison of a single person is universal, but at a glance, almost every school has sword repairs, basically revealing the unique temperament of its school.For example, the elegance of Zhong Sumen, the indiscriminate male and female of the Demon League, the taste of medicine pills of the Medicine Sect, and the magic stick aura of Peeping Tianmen...

I don't know what kind of temperament Yunxiazong's me is in the eyes of outsiders. In fact, I don't know what kind of temperament Yunxiazong should be.

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