Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 182



Since it is a new secret realm, there is no historical data to check, and the information that everyone has discovered is full of uncertainty. So, what should I do to prepare?

My sister: "Double the daily training."

My brother: "In the early stage of finding a few golden cores in Jianxiu Peak, I received a few beatings."

...I put the violent item after entering the secret realm, I don't want to do anything before entering, is there a more peaceful way to prepare?

Brother in the task department: "A simple purely violent task can be completed in at most three days. Second son, do you want to do it? It's still early to go to the secret realm, let's add an extra meal."

No, no, actually I don't like violence, I do it once in a while to get fresh and practice, I can't stand doing it continuously.Besides, there are only nine days left before going to the secret realm, how could it be too early?

Senior brother at the task office: "It's a pity, it's rare that the second son is interested in naming it, and it's all because of the elder brother's intrusion. Next time the second son wants to tell me, I promise to satisfy you."

...Why do I feel that your sentences and tone are so strange?My conscience advises you not to take advantage of me verbally, because...

That night I heard that the senior was beaten up, and when I contacted the mission office again, the person who received me was replaced by a senior sister.

Really, how many times has this kind of thing happened, how come some people don't learn their lesson?Wouldn't it be enough if I thought about it in my heart, I insisted on saying it for people to hear.Do you think that what you say is reserved makes it difficult for others to do it?In the eyes of people who are single-minded about finding fault, they can see the meaning even if they don't have that meaning, let alone the real meaning in the first place.

In the end, I took a task from the task office, from within the sect, and went to Danxiu Peak to help with the basic processing of Lingzhi.

Washing, slicing, drying... a bag of sweets was harvested without thinking about physical labor.

What is the psychology of making the Jiedu pill into the shape of a colorful star?

The senior sister who gave me the task reward was still there to introduce: "The blue one is cold-relieving poison, the red one is antipyretic poison, the white one is contained under the tongue, it can resist miasma, the pink one is crushed and sprinkled around to prevent snakes, insects, rats and ants, and the black one is anti-pyretic poison. For trauma, orange refreshes the mind and blue calms lust."

I was moved when I heard it earlier, because this one was specially made for me to go to the strange secret place, but what does the last one mean?

Sister: "Don't underestimate lust, it's easy to make people crazy. Especially with low cultivation. For any creature, in order to survive, the individual must first satisfy their appetite, and for the group to continue, it must first satisfy mating. This is rooted It is impossible for anyone to cut off the needs in the genes."

Sister: "With the Bigu Pill, monks will not fall into hunger, but how can they satisfy their sex? Although the sexual desire will be weaker than ordinary people after cultivation, lightness does not mean nothing, and monks do not advocate abstinence. But low-level monks often I can't handle the difference between light and forbidden, and because I haven't tried it and it's inconvenient to try it, I'm curious and easy to be tempted."

Senior Sister: "Once there is something aphrodisiac in the secret realm, you have to be very careful. Once someone falls into lust, you have to be very careful to avoid it. Don't try to save it, just avoid it. The injured person can be saved, but the person in heat should be left alone."


Although Senior Sister, what you said is very serious and the reason is very correct, but: "In a purely aggressive environment, can there be aphrodisiacs?"

Senior Sister: "Aphrodisiac is also a means of attack. If you don't believe me, ask the Acacia Sect."

Don't steal concepts.Me: "It's an attack from the environment. It's a chaotic environment full of damage, such as sharp wind blades, collapsing ground, rocks, turbulent water, rolling magma... This kind of environment can also breed slow-moving Aphrodisiac plants or some other devious form of control?"

You can see if the environment will play tricks with you during the catastrophe, all of them are fierce and hard, and all they want are the effects of killing with one blow.

Senior Sister: "Everything happens in case."

Heh... I don't even bother to remind you, I have a lot of aphrodisiac pills.Inherited from my mother, it was presented as a gift from the Hehuan Sect. It is guaranteed to be more professional than the one produced by the Yunxia Sect. It is impossible to find a more professional one in the whole cultivation world.

Sister: "Anyway, there is no harm in having a spare, and you won't get confused because of too much medicine. Look, the color is so beautiful, are you willing to take it?"

Willing to.What are you trying to do with such weird colors for the entrance?If it is in the mortal world, this kind of thing is definitely the material that has been sent to quality inspection many times.That is to say, everything in the cultivation world can be used to explore with spiritual power, and there is no and no need for a unified standard, so you are used to showing your creativity in all kinds of weird places.

I accepted it and said thanks.

Sister: "After entering the secret realm, nothing else matters, you just need to remember to protect yourself."

Me: "I will." As soon as I come out, the detailed map will be stored. Of course, my safety is the most important thing.As for the treasures in the secret realm that need to be fought for...

First of all, everyone who enters the secret realm for the first time is mainly exploring. Who knows if random looting will cause any chain effects? Others generally will not do it lightly for long-term interests.

Secondly, there are at most 25 people, and the perception range of the foundation building stage is not very large, so unless the secret realm is too small, most of the time you can’t meet each other. If you don’t know, of course you won’t be able to grab it.

I am quite optimistic about the situation of this secret realm human battle.The Gate of Rebirth and the Chiwu Sect had an absolute advantage due to their large numbers of people. Others could only avoid them, and the Kunlun gang of three could not afford to provoke others.The remaining seven majors and two casual cultivators are all single-player actions. If they are discounted, they will not be able to get the first-hand map. Therefore, everyone must carefully evaluate one or two before making a move.Besides, in order to fight against the three major numbers, the nine of us need to cooperate to some extent, and it is even more difficult to fight each other.

Therefore, the main thing should be to fight against the harsh environment.Should, can you handle it?

0727_ break open

When some secret realms were first formed, there was no passage between them and the main world of the star, that is, the secret realm was like a closed and hidden sphere, and people in the main world could not enter this secret realm, or even detect the existence of this secret realm.

For this kind of secret realm, usually only by chance and coincidence, some strong enough force attacked it, breaking a part of its shell, like opening an irregular door, after that, people from the main world can pass through This door enters the secret realm.

When breaking the shell, it is like hitting a wall with a hammer, and the fragments of the wall will fly everywhere.If the attack is from the main world to the secret realm, most of the fragments will fall into the secret realm, and a small part will fall into the main world. Into the world.

These fragments called time-space fragments, space-time fragments, or space fragments contain the breath of the secret realm, and can bring the holder into the secret realm, which is a kind of ticket to enter the secret realm.

Of course, outsiders can also forcibly enter the secret realm where the passage is forcibly opened, but if they do not carry something that contains the atmosphere of the secret realm, then the entrant is a complete enemy to the secret realm, and it is very likely that they will encounter the secret realm full-scale attack.

The endless attacks not only endanger the entrants themselves, but also activate the emergency mechanism of the secret realm. Even if the entrant is too strong to resist the attacks of the secret realm, it may cause excessive consumption of the secret realm and even self-destruct.

Therefore, unless you want to destroy the secret realm or commit suicide, tickets to the secret realm are very important.However, there are some life-like secret realms, such as Yuhe, if you can find a smuggling entrance, it doesn't matter if you sneak in, because that kind of secret realm itself is not aggressive.

It’s just that if it’s not smuggling, and it’s a forced entry that causes a certain amount of damage to the outer layer of the secret, then the secret realm will still respond, because after the outer layer is destroyed, the stability of the life-like secret realm will also be destroyed, and the imbalance will naturally occur. There are sharp points, that is, aggressiveness.

A secret realm that has just been opened is always relatively unstable, and the opening of that passage is even more chaotic. The secret realm will constantly call back its time and space fragments scattered to the main world.This kind of summoning makes those space-time fragments the first ticket to enter the secret realm, but it is also the least secure ticket.

Because once the ticket is brought into the secret realm, the secret realm will take back these fragments and re-stabilize the secret realm itself. In the worst case, after stabilization, the broken passage will be repaired again, and the secret realm will once again be released from the perception of the main world. Disappeared, and then the entrant was trapped and died in the secret realm.

Fortunately, judging from historical statistics, it is rare to be so miserable.

0728_safety first

It may be because the entrants themselves carry a foreign aura, allowing them to connect the secret realm and the main world after entering the secret realm, so when the destroyed secret realm gathers together materials to repair itself, it bypasses that connection, leaving the entrance and exit to the main world. After coming out, the messy entrances and exits were only repaired into orderly gates.

Then, since the gate has been repaired, it will naturally come with keys or tickets for entering and exiting. After that, this secret realm can naturally be entered and exited stably under certain conditions.

Therefore, the first batch of entrants after the emergence of a secret realm always undertake multiple tasks: to return the necessary items needed for the stability of the secret realm, to explore the internal resources of the secret realm, to ensure that the secret realm has an entrance and exit during the restoration of the secret realm, To get tickets for the new life in the secret realm...

"After entering, the first thing is to ensure your own safety, and the second is to try to travel all over the secret realm. There is nothing more to do, understand?" the elder brother emphasized to me before entering the secret realm.

Me: "Then what if the door was not kept when the secret realm was restored?"

Eldest brother: "Let the three majors worry about it. They have gone to so many people, and they definitely can't afford to lose more than us."

Me: "The new ticket?"

Big brother: "Normally, anyone who returns the space-time fragments with their own hands will receive gifts from the secret realm, including tickets."

Me: "There must be gifts, but whether there are tickets or not is a matter of fifty or five."

Big brother: "If you meet the [-]% that you don't have, then it depends on fate, you can get the best, if it conflicts with safety, it doesn't matter if you give up. Later, you can find a way to buy it from the three majors or loose cultivators. But first you have to Check whether you need a ticket when you come out, and if you do, you must get at least one. However, if you must have a ticket when you come out, it will be included in the general gifts. It’s not a big problem. Safety first.”

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