Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 185


I looked at the furball that had been in my arms since entering the secret realm, and the furball nodded to me.

Me: "Then try."

The fur ball jumped up from my arms and floated to the top of my head. A gust of cotton-like wind wrapped me up. The fur ball took the transparent cotton sandwich and continued to dodge using the method I used to avoid attacks. Attacks on the environment.

Although it feels uncoordinated to carry such a small lump with me, but of course, to it in the foundation period, my weight is not a burden, nor is my size, which it has been familiar with for a long time.

The only trouble is that it didn't do evasive combat training with me when I was in Wanxin, so although I shared my experience with it after that, and demonstrated it for a few days after entering this secret realm, its evasion still has some strength. There are omissions, and it will consume more energy than me to complete the same level of dodging, that is, I will get tired faster.

But that's a small problem.Spirit beasts are born to adapt quickly in actual combat, and as long as I can rest for an hour, I can continue to deal with the current harsh environment for a whole day.Alternating in this way, there is no need to calculate the environmental attack strength value, and it is more free to move than using a defensive cover.

After more than half a month passed like this, Fuqiu and I got used to the frequency of taking turns to rest, and Fuqiu's dodging has been able to dodge without any injuries, and no longer continue to consume the healing water drops produced by the small follower, I began to have Free time to worry.

Worried about how big this secret realm is.Up to now, I haven't seen any signs of boundaries, and I've been moving in random directions, and I haven't gone through repeated places on a large scale.

I'm also worried that after so many days, I haven't seen any of the 24 people who came to the secret realm together, and I haven't even found any traces of their activities.Although the traces may be erased by the changing environment, but no matter how unpredictable the environment is, I don't believe it can erase all traces.I think the main reason why I didn't find traces of their activities is that my activity routes did not overlap with theirs on a large scale.This still hints at the vast scope of this Rift.

Or, is it because the secret realm is vast and boundless, or are the 25 of us drawn into different layers of the secret realm?Will this secret realm have many layers?

0740_ meet

It seems that I am thinking too much.

I met Kunlun's trio.

The moment I was swept away by the wind when I first entered the secret realm, I saw other people being taken away by various things one by one. There must be no two people going the same way.It seems that the three of Kunlun had contact information, so they got together again later—it’s nonsense, there is no way for the fellows who came to the secret realm to find a way to ensure mutual contact.

At a glance, the three of them in Kunlun dealt with the environment in a similar way to me and Fuqiu: two people rested, and one took them both to avoid environmental attacks.

All three of them are in good condition now, even if they were injured before, they have already recovered from treatment.Kunlun has the fireball lotus with spiritual veins, and the healing water drops must have been prepared in advance.

"Fellow Daoist Pei of Yunxia Zong." When I spotted the Kunlun three, they naturally also spotted me, and greeted me one step ahead.

Me: "Hi, you three. I wonder if you have met anyone else?"

Among the three, Ling Xingyu, the Dharma cultivator with the highest cultivation level, said: "I have met Chi Wuzong and the people from the Gate of Rebirth, and I have also met casual cultivators and ghost cultivators."

How can you meet so many?I wondered: "Since we dispersed on the day I came in, you are the first group of people I met."

"It's not surprising," the only girl among the three, Jianxiu Shangyun, said with a smile, "Before meeting them, I had never met anyone. But after meeting, it seemed that some switch was triggered."

"That's right," Ling Xingyu said, "the three of us had never met anyone else before our rendezvous. We only successfully rendezvoused on the tenth day after entering here, that is, seven days ago. The interference of the connector is very serious."

Me: "I tried to use a defensive magic weapon, and the magic weapon was destroyed within a few times. After that, I have been dodging and resting alternately with my spirit beast. Have you used other defense or dodging methods?"

"That's great." Tixiu Nong Shen said, "I was miserable before meeting the two of them. My flexibility is not good, and I often dodge incompletely. As long as I am hit, the subsequent attacks will increase. It is resistant to beatings, but I can't stand the beating method that frequently increases my strength. If I hadn't obtained the Spirit Vein Fire Ball Lotus, and thanks to Fellow Daoist Pei, I have the healing water drops, I might not be able to survive."

I realized something, no wonder they treated me very friendly and exchanged information with me very friendly, it turned out to be the face of healing water drops.

But it would be modest to say that it can't hold on, the tyrannical body of Tixiu is a living weapon.The front hairball is often hit by attacks when you are not proficient, but as long as you are not hit continuously, the attack power will not increase too much. Even the hairball can hold it. How can Kunlun's physical training fail? Woolen cloth?

As for claiming that flexibility is not good, that is also a matter of humility, or in other words, a matter of comparison.Maybe he is really less flexible among Kunlun's peers, but Kunlun's average and baseline value... Anyway, he is definitely not worse than Maoqiu.

Flying around with me, not only avoiding environmental attacks, but also keeping my position relative to the three of Kunlun so that we can talk, and being used as a baseline comparison by me: "Mi..."

Well, the furball can perceive my thoughts about it more clearly.

But is my comparison wrong?

Fuqiu: "...Mi."

That's right, you also admit that you are not as resistant to beatings as Kunlun Body Cultivator.


Ling Xingyu: "I tried to disguise myself as a local spiritual plant to avoid it. It went smoothly at the beginning, just like using the defensive cover went smoothly at the beginning. Later, my disguise was exposed and I was double attacked by the angry environment .Think about the scene where the shield is destroyed, and the attack similar to that is directly on me."

Shang Yun: "I tried to burrow, because there was a piece of land where I passed that seemed relatively stable, and I did get some breathing time underground, but I was quickly redoubled."

Me: "It seems that there are many methods available, but none of them can be used all the time."

Ling Xingyu: "We also think so. If we can collect enough methods and use them in rotation, I think it is also a solution. However, in terms of versatility, several people partnering alternately dodge and rest, just like What we are doing now is more reliable.”

Nong Shen: "Beast Master, the partner of man and spirit beast is more reliable than the partner of man and man. If it is a man, it may be all scattered at first, but from the point of view of Fellow Daoist Pei, it seems that there is no match for your spirit. Have the beasts ever been separated? Or even if they were separated, they quickly got in touch?"

Me: "Yeah, I've been with my spirit beast all the time, so when I tested the defensive cover and got a problem, I immediately changed to cooperate with my spirit beast instead of trying other solutions. I just entered the secret realm When I was swept by the strong wind, my spirit beast and I were also swept together, and we didn't encounter the force of splitting."

I said it very frankly, because they can guess a thing or two by looking at the state of me and Maoqiu, so why bother to cover up and make jokes.On the contrary, my refreshment can also be exchanged for theirs to a certain extent.

Ling Xingyu: "The ghost cultivator seems to have a racial advantage here. After we met the casual cultivator ghost cultivator, although she quickly avoided us and was unwilling to communicate with us, we saw the attack go through her, as if It didn't do her any harm."

Me: "But the attack here contains spiritual power, the spiritual power of the foundation-building period." Of course, a purely physical attack ghost cultivator can directly blur the body so that the attack has nowhere to go, but spiritual power attacks can affect the soul. Virtualization in the sense cannot dodge this attack.

Shang Yun: "So we also feel very strange, but what we see is indeed so."

I nodded: "Thank you."

Ling Xingyu: "Reciprocity is a matter of courtesy. Do you want to establish a temporary connection? Although as long as it exceeds a certain distance, this connection is almost non-existent, but..."

"Talk is better than nothing." I continued, "Establish. Since the chances of meeting other people increase greatly after you merge, then maybe, when all 25 of us have met or connected, maybe, something will happen."

Shang Yun: "We also have this kind of conjecture."

Nong Shen: "But if the secret realm requires 25 people to gather together and act together, then it will be a lot of fun."

Shang Yun: "Can't you think better?"

Nong Shen: "The space-time fragments have not been recovered yet, what do you want me to think?"

I agree with Nong Shen's statement, but seeing Shang Yun and Ling Xingyu looking at Nong Shen helplessly, and showing me the expressions of "sorry, I made you laugh", I swallowed my agreement.

0742_Temporary group

Ling Xingyu: "Although this is probably the case, let's make sure again. Fellow Daoist Pei, do you still have the space-time fragments in your hand?"

I am here."

Ling Xingyu: "The three of us, Chiwuzong and the Gate of Rebirth are also in the same situation."

Shang Yun: "If the space-time fragments are not recovered for a day, it is indeed unreliable for a day."

Me: "The scheduled period of two months, at least until that day, there will definitely be some changes."

Nong Chen smiled: "That's what I said too."

Shang Yun raised his forehead: "What you said is that if the space-time fragments in our hands have not moved by that day, the secret realm may undergo a sudden change, directly sealing the entrance and exit, and trapping us inside."

Nong Shen is the person in charge of maintaining the evasive action among the three. While ensuring the safety of the three, he can also talk to him at the same time, and he really can't see any inflexibility."Can you say it's not a possibility?" he said.

Shang Yun said to me: "I'm sorry, this guy likes to pour cold water on people, you can ignore him."

Me: "..." Actually, from a pessimistic point of view, I also think so.

Kunlun and I established a temporary connection by interweaving spiritual power, which is actually equivalent to establishing a temporary group. At this time, apart from the four of us, the Chiwuzong and the gate of death are also in the group. People from Jianzong who were pulled into the group by Chiwuzong, and people from Medicine Sect and Yanxing Sect who were pulled into the group by Death Sect.

There are already quite a lot of people, but it’s just that there are too many people. I tried private chatting with Jianzong in the group, but there was no response at all. As soon as the news was sent, it was washed away by the environment. transfer.

Shang Yun: "As long as you are out of sight, you can't communicate."

So what is the meaning of this group of existence?

Shang Yun: "The meaning is... as long as you join the group, you agree to cooperate. For example, although you have not met with Jianzong, but if you meet later, you can skip the previous interview steps and communicate directly on the topic? "

Nong Chen laughed.

I think I know what he is laughing at: the cooperative relationship established by the monks face to face may collapse at any time due to changes in the situation, let alone indirect.Besides, what kind of sincere cooperation can there be between the top ten...

Shang Yun was a little embarrassed: "In short, maybe after the space-time fragments are recovered, this group will be able to function normally?"

Then the group should disband.Miss, you haven't forgotten that our eleven families are actually in a competitive relationship?Now the environment is more difficult to deal with, so we can have the intention of cooperation, in order to improve our chances of survival.When the environment is no longer a problem, can we continue to cooperate?Will you share with me the map you have drawn?I'm definitely not going to share mine with you anyway.

So the main meaning of the existence of this group is to serve as another tool to detect the environmental conditions?

Maybe by the way, I can see if everyone in the group is dead?If the fluctuation of spiritual power would collapse immediately after the death of a person here, instead of being maintained by the secret realm.

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