Xueba starts with change

Chapter 103 Tasks

Chapter 103 Tasks
Wu Xiping ignored Zhang Zhongyuan's proud little eyebrows, didn't he just win the bet?Isn't it because you see Chen Zhou more accurately?
He turned his head to Chen Zhou and Shen Jing and said, "From what you two said just now, it can be seen that you have a good understanding of mathematical analysis and advanced algebra."

"Especially Chen Zhou, your understanding of the two even exceeds that of your senior."

After a pause, Wu Xiping praised unabashedly: "Well, the teacher really didn't misunderstand you, you are very talented."

Zhang Zhongyuan interjected immediately: "I can't expose you, Chen Zhou, let me tell you, you Professor Wu can follow me."

Before Zhang Zhongyuan could finish speaking, Wu Xiping immediately interrupted him: "Chen Zhou and Shen Jing have the same thinking as the two of us, so then, we will be able to assign tasks."

"Chen Zhou and Shen Jing are each responsible for two related problems, using mathematical analysis and advanced algebra methods to solve the problems respectively. Then, from the corresponding problem-solving process, find out the connection between the two."

After talking to Chen Zhou and Shen Jing, Wu Xiping turned to Zhang Zhongyuan and said, "That Central Plains, you are also in charge of solving two problems, as well as the framework of the entire research paper."

"I'm in charge of the remaining two questions, as well as filling in the frame. How's that going? No problem?"

Zhang Zhongyuan was startled, raised his finger and pointed at Wu Xiping, and then spit out three words: "No problem!"

Wu Xiping opened the notebook, and said while operating: "Now I will pack up your respective task materials and send them to your mailbox, pay attention to check."

Zhang Zhongyuan glanced at Wu Xiping. He estimated that it would take a while to finish, so he looked at Chen Zhou and asked, "Chen Zhou, how is your abstract algebra going?"

Chen Zhou replied truthfully: "I have finished learning abstract algebra."

"Have you finished reading?" Rao Zhang Zhongyuan felt that Chen Zhou's self-learning ability was comparable to his own, so he was also surprised this time.

You should know that abstract algebra mainly talks about various algebraic structures, and the content is highly abstract. What you learn is concepts and structures, basically all theorems and proofs are piled up, and there is almost no calculation.

It took him more than half a semester to read abstract algebra before he understood it thoroughly.

To use a metaphor, advanced algebra is an enhanced version of linear algebra, but it is only a transition between linear algebra and abstract algebra.

Chen Zhou nodded, and then said: "Abstract algebra is more difficult than advanced algebra, but it took me a lot of time."

Zhang Zhongyuan asked, "How long did it take?"

Chen Zhou thought for a while and replied vaguely: "It took about half a month."

Zhang Zhongyuan looked at Chen Zhou, um, half a month compared to half a semester, well, you are better than when I was young
Of course, this was what he thought in his heart, and he didn't say it out loud.

However, Chen Zhou noticed that Professor Zhang's expression seemed a little lonely, and he didn't know why.

Chen Zhou felt as if someone was looking at him all the time, and when he turned his head, he saw this staring gaze, which was from Senior Shen Jing.

Senior Shen Jing's expression was even more surprised than before, and Chen Zhou looked very embarrassed.

Wu Xiping finally sent all the mission materials, and he instructed: "This project will be finished in one month, so we all have to hurry up, you know?"

Chen Zhou and Shen Jing: "Okay, Professor."

Zhang Zhongyuan nodded slightly.

Wu Xiping thought for a while, and then explained: "At the same time next week, we will meet again in the seminar room to collect the project materials."

All three of Chen Zhou said there was no problem.

After the task assignment is completed, everyone can proceed according to the task information received.

Thinking of the conversation between Zhang Zhongyuan and Chen Zhou just now, Wu Xiping asked, "Chen Zhou, have you learned almost all the basic mathematics textbooks?"

Chen Zhou reported what he had learned and what he planned to learn.

Wu Xiping and Zhang Zhongyuan looked at each other, be good, how long have you learned so much?
But fortunately, this is only half of the textbook, he should still study for a while...

They didn't doubt Chen Zhou. From Chen Zhou's previous statement on the topic, it can be seen that Chen Zhou did not turn over the book and endorse it.

It is the one who is really learning books, he has his own understanding and cognition.

However, what puzzled Wu Xiping was that according to Chen Zhou's student status file, he had never participated in competitions before, and he was born as a repeat student.

That is to say, Chen Zhou has not been exposed to undergraduate courses in advance.

Then, did you suddenly realize it?

Even if you don't understand, the facts are in front of you.

Wu Xiping looked at Chen Zhou and asked, "Then you plan to study all the undergraduate courses by yourself?"

Chen Zhou nodded, glanced at several people in the seminar room, and said, "Actually, I was admitted to the Department of Mathematics of Yanda University after repeating high school for a year. It can be said that this is a year of extra expenses. Therefore, I want to catch up on the time of repeating this year, and I want to finish my undergraduate studies ahead of schedule."

Hearing Chen Zhou's words, Shen Jing was surprised for the fourth time, and he was a little numb.

Although it was the first time I heard someone say in front of the professor that I would graduate early, he actually believed it.
Wu Xiping praised: "Well said, to recover the lost time, have the ambition!"

Zhang Zhongyuan also praised: "Chen Zhou, I was wrong before. You are accumulating strength in a low-key way, and you have the demeanor of mine back then."

Chen Zhou glanced at Zhang Zhongyuan, smiled and said, "Professor, I don't think you said that?"

"Ahem..." Zhang Zhongyuan coughed twice, "Really? You must have misremembered."

After the joke, Zhang Zhongyuan said seriously: "For your courage, I support you. You are almost ready by then. If you want to graduate early, you can come to me."

Chen Zhou: "Thank you, Professor, and please don't make things difficult for me then."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhongyuan burst out laughing.

Wu Xiping and Zhang Zhongyuan communicated again, and the subject research has been explained, so Chen Zhou and Shen Jing were asked to leave the seminar room.

In the seminar room.

Wu Xiping said: "Old Zhang, this is a rare and good seedling. I wanted to tell him to finish at least the freshman courses well, but when I thought that your senior class directly released him, I also Did not say."

Zhang Zhongyuan: "Can't you see that this kid is more suitable for independent study, rather than going to a large classroom? Moreover, you have also seen his independent study ability."

Wu Xiping: "At Yanda University, there are many stories about hurting Zhongyong."

Zhang Zhongyuan: "I don't think so, this kid has a good heart. By the way, where should we go for dinner?"

Wu Xiping: "Where to eat what?"

Zhang Zhongyuan: "You lost the bet, you ask me?"

Seminar outside.

Chen Zhou and Shen Jing walked towards the library study area together.

Chen Zhou glanced at the time, it was almost closing time, it was a pity that this night was delayed.
"Then I'll wait for you outside the library." After speaking, Shen Jing walked out of the library.

Chen Zhou returned to his seat, called Yang Yiyi, stuffed the textbooks into his backpack, and the two also walked out of the library.

(End of this chapter)

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