Xueba starts with change

Chapter 110 It's All Good Tasks

Chapter 110 It's All Good Tasks

Compared with having no experience when upgrading from Lv0 to Lv1, Chen Zhou clearly felt the difference in this upgrade.

When upgrading, Chen Zhou felt a small warm current hitting his mind, making him feel like a spring breeze and very comfortable.

"Oh~ cool~" Chen Zhou couldn't help but "muttered".

He didn't really make a sound, but the comfort of consciousness.

However, this feeling only lasted for a few seconds before disappearing.

Chen Zhou slowed down a bit before looking at the screen again.

His information on the display screen has been refreshed.

Chen Zhou, who wanted to continue to upgrade his mathematics, took a look and found that Lv2 to Lv3 actually needs 10000 experience points.

And he still has 8000 experience points left, not enough, 2000 short, which is very uncomfortable.
Chen Zhou sighed lightly, looking at the 8000 experience points, he hesitated.

Do you want to use it in other subjects and upgrade other subjects?
But after some consideration, Chen Zhou finally decided to keep the 8000 experience points and talk about it later.

Chen Zhou's eyes moved down, and finally locked on the taskbar.

He reached out and clicked on the flashing "Available" word in the task bar.

A new task has been refreshed.

"Tasks available:"

"1. The host's mathematics building starts from the first brick!"

"Task description: The host has been exposed to the research level of the subject. Please choose the frontier direction of the current mathematical research, complete a research on the subject independently, and successfully publish the paper."

"Task Reward: According to the value of the host's final subject paper and the impact factor of the published journal, comprehensive consideration is given to reward natural science experience."

"2. Physics and mathematics are two disciplines that permeate and influence each other. The study of physics promotes the development of mathematics, and the progress of mathematics leads to the growth of physics. They are two inseparable basic disciplines."

"Mission description: The host has the intention to complete his undergraduate studies ahead of schedule, so he might as well take another physics course and obtain a bachelor's degree in physics."

"Task Reward: According to the time when the host obtained the double degree and the value of the relevant graduation thesis, comprehensively consider and reward the natural science experience value."

"3. A study career without participating in a competition is incomplete. No matter how you look at it, part of the fun will be missing."

"Mission description: In high school, you have missed many opportunities. You are in college, why don't you try it? The host needs to participate in at least one college student subject competition to make up for the lack of your study career."

"Task Reward: According to the actual situation of the competition and the competition ranking obtained by the host, comprehensive consideration will be given to reward natural science experience points."

"Note 1: The three mission time requirements are all two years."

"Note 2: Please make a decision after comprehensive consideration by the host. The choice of the host will affect the release of subsequent tasks."

Chen Zhou looked at these 3 missions and paid attention to 2. This mission gave him a different feeling than before.

Especially pay attention to the prompt in 2, which is to tell him clearly that he should think it over before choosing.

But what surprised Chen Zhou was why there was no linguistics task for three consecutive missions?

Linguistics is not like applied science. Applied science is because he has not been exposed to it.

So even if there is no related task, Chen Zhou is understandable.

But linguistics, logically speaking, it should be in the same position as the four natural sciences of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology.

But there was no mission, which made Chen Zhou very puzzled.

Chen Zhou tried to raise his question with the system, but the system remained silent.

Chen Zhou asked again, but the system still didn't respond.

Chen Zhou felt more and more strange. Generally speaking, the system would give an explanation for the questions he raised.

Unable to get a response from the system, Chen Zhou had no choice but to temporarily suppress the doubts in his heart, and looked at the three mission options again.

Task 1 is basically a continuation of Chen Zhou's current rhythm. He has learned the basic textbooks of mathematics at random, and if he spends some time to finish learning the textbooks later, then he should do something.

Task 2 is also quite in line with Chen Zhou's wishes. As the system said, since he intends to complete his undergraduate studies in the Department of Mathematics ahead of schedule, he might as well take another course from another department.

As for whether it will be physics, Chen Zhou thinks that there must be physics, but it does not mean that there is only physics.

As far as he is concerned, since he has spare energy, he should learn more.

Task 3 also aroused Chen Zhou's great interest. He has not formally participated in the competition, let alone ranking. As the system said, this is a pity!

What to do, Chen Zhou wants to choose all three tasks.
After thinking about it, Chen Zhou still asked aloud: "System, can I have them all?"

The difference from Chen Zhou asking linguistic questions is that the system immediately refreshed a new prompt on the display.

"Please host to choose a new mission as soon as possible."

Chen Zhou glanced at the new reminder, curled his lips, and asked again: "Two, can I just choose two?"

Another line of new prompt: "Please host to choose a new task as soon as possible."

"Okay." Chen Zhou could only helplessly think about choosing 3 out of 1, which one should he choose.

Judging from the task description, the intensity of the three tasks is in descending order.

Relatively speaking, the corresponding task rewards should also be in descending order.
Of course, the actual reward won will not be equal to the foreseeable maximum reward.

For example, task 1 is the most challenging task, and its task reward is based on the comprehensive consideration of the level of the paper and the impact factor of the journal.

If Chen Zhou has done valuable research and published it in the top journal, then his task reward must be the highest.

But this possibility is relatively small.

Task 2, on the other hand, measures task rewards based on time requirements and paper value, and is much less challenging than Task 1.

Because for the current Chen Zhou, compared with the journal factor, he is more able to control his own time than the journal factor.

As for mission 3, it is the only mission with foreseeable rewards.

After all, college students' subject competitions can be inferred by referring to previous competitions.

Therefore, the reward actually obtained is different from the reward maximized in fantasy.

After thinking for a while, Chen Zhou finally decided to choose task 1 to challenge his first step in the mathematics building.

Reach out and click on the option of task 1, Chen Zhou selects the task.

"Ten-thousand-foot tall buildings start from the ground, and the host's mathematics building begins with the first brick!"

"The task was selected successfully, the host please pay attention to the task time and cherish the task opportunity."

The system beep sounded, and the remaining two task options immediately disappeared from the display.

Chen Zhou's information interface also appeared on the display screen again, and the words "Available to collect" in the task bar also changed to "Mission in progress".

Although Chen Zhou chose task 1, the description of task 2 and task 3 also aroused Chen Zhou's interest.

 NOTE: Commenting has been broken for a few days, so comments are not visible to each other.But I can see it, so your book review chapter said, don't stop, please continue!

(End of this chapter)

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