Xueba starts with change

Chapter 9 Math is Difficult, Reasoning is Good, and English is Simple

Chapter 9 Math is Difficult, Reasoning is Good, and English is Simple

At 3:00 pm, the math test "answers started".

Holding the test paper, Chen Zhou read it over and over several times, but he never started to write.

No way, this math and Chinese are not the same style at all, the topics are too difficult, simple, you can't find a good starter.

"In that case, let's follow the order." Chen Zhou turned the test paper back to the first page and began to calculate on the scratch paper.

By the third multiple-choice question, his progress was interrupted.

This is a functional geometry problem. The straight line passing through the focus F of the parabola y=4x intersects the parabola and two points A and B, and O is the origin of the coordinates.If |AF|=3, find the area of ​​ΔA0B.

On the draft paper, Chen Zhou had already drawn the coordinate axis and parabola, and the straight line passing through the focus F was also drawn casually.

Then, Chen Zhou looked at the scratch paper and lost his thoughts.

Seeing the passage of time, Chen Zhou moved the scratch paper slightly down, revealing the four covered options.

I glanced at it and ticked a quarter of the possible option C.

Skip this question and go to question 4.

A question of permutation and combination, read the question stem once, seems to have some ideas, read it again, forget it, the next question.

Question 5, the application of derivatives in the study of the monotonicity of functions, so difficult!Pass first!

Question 6 is still very difficult! pass!

"I'm done? Then I'm done too"

Chen Zhou jumped and jumped to the second largest question type, filling in the blanks.

Fill-in-the-blank questions and multiple-choice questions are completely the same way. There are 5 questions in total. Except for the first question, you can do the rest. Pass it first.

"It took me four to ten minutes to write out three questions?" Chen Zhou glanced at his watch, feeling very troubled.

Critical fill-in-the-blank questions are not even a quarter of the time.

The remaining answer questions are also suspended according to this number.

An hour later, Chen Zhou completed the first course, barely completed the second course, and filled in the third course as much as he could write.

As for the remaining 3 questions, he left a "solution:", and some even guessed the formula. I don't know if the formula is correct. I just hope that the teacher can give some sympathy points.

After doing this, Chen Zhou turned the test paper to the front again and stubbornly slammed into the paper.

He was a little fortunate at this moment. Fortunately, this was not a thorough examination, otherwise he would be finished.

Until he went to the classroom for evening self-study, Chen Zhou's brain was still buzzing.

In the classroom, there are also sorrows everywhere, and they are all condemning the teacher who published the math test.

"How was the test?" Chen Zhou turned his attention to Zhang Yifan who came to the classroom one step earlier.

Shaking his head, Zhang Yifan sighed and said, "This is the hardest math test I've ever done, no one! It feels like"

"Like what?"

"It's like. It's like I can't describe it well, understand?"

"Understood. It's okay, maybe the teacher is in a bad mood." Chen Zhou pointed to the students who were complaining, "Everyone is about the same."

Zhang Yifan was silent.

Chen Zhou chatted a few more times with the classmates in the front row. Of course, he was not interested. A math test made a group of people a little autistic.

After the evening self-study, Chen Zhou, who returned to the rental house, took out the problem set from his backpack and put it on the table.

Open?Still not open?

Chen Zhou is very confused!
During a night of self-study, he never dared to turn over the wrong set of questions.

Now, just die.

"Sure enough, it's appalling!"

There are more than two pages in the set of wrong questions!

With a feeling of loss, Chen Zhou fell asleep.

The next day at 9:00 am, the comprehensive examination.

The full score of the comprehensive science is 300 points, including 110 in physics, 100 in chemistry, and 90 in biology. The score distribution is fairly balanced.

During the two-and-a-half-hour exam, Chen Zhou also experienced the balance of this exam paper.

Unlike Chinese, there are half of the original questions, and unlike mathematics, you can only have a few questions. This time, the comprehensive test paper is moderate in difficulty.

Moderate difficulty means that the difficulty of the question increases from easy to difficult, but it will not make you cry.

Chen Zhou worked hard to fill the test paper at his own pace.

Like mechanical vibration, the law of universal gravitation, chemical bonds, structural formulas, extraction and separation of proteins, I will do it first if I know it, and leave it empty if I can't.

Chen Zhou first completed the physics part of the test paper, then the chemistry part, then the biology part, and finally went back to the questions that he couldn't answer.

I can't say that I'm sure, but I can give full play to the knowledge I've learned, and I won't be smeared like mathematics.

Chen Zhou secretly gave a thumbs up to the teachers who wrote the questions in the comprehensive examination paper.

Three minutes earlier, Chen Zhou checked the test paper one last time, handed it in and left.

This time, Chen Zhou learned the lesson from the previous day and was very calm.

After all, people can't be complacent.

Like yesterday, you only experienced the joy of Chinese language for three hours, and then fell into the sadness of mathematics in a blink of an eye, but the time was a whole night.

Therefore, he has learned well, and is no longer happy because he feels good in the comprehensive examination.

Soon, the time came to the node of taking the English test.

Listening test in English.

During the listening test, Chen Zhou discovered a serious problem. The questions were very simple, and he could understand them all, but he could not understand listening very well.

"Mistakes, mistakes, listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English, you can't lose a single one!"

Chen Zhou secretly decided that after the exam, the listening part must be added to the study plan.

After listening, it was a single item to fill in the blanks, and Chen Zhou looked at the first question.

"—Which one of these do you want?"

"—___Either will do."

"AI don't mind, B.I'm sure, C.No problem, D.Go ahead"

"Well, the meaning of this dialogue is that you can choose whichever of the two. You should choose A."

Question 1 is pretty easy, next question.

"Well, grandma used to say that life is like walking on snow," Chen Zhou muttered to himself, "Choose C."

The next question is quite simple.

Next question, well, I will too.

Further down.

too easy!

For the first time, Chen Zhou felt that filling in the blanks for a single item in English was like sending a sub-question.

With confidence, Chen Zhou continued to answer the questions, all the way to the cloze.

Read the short text first, and you can probably understand the meaning, so let's start looking at the options.

The 20 spaces in the short text are quickly filled. Except for a few options that are not well understood in grammar, others can be selected according to the meaning of the words.

Keep going!
The first reading comprehension is about children's education, and the topic is quite simple, CCBDD, get it! .

The second part, about the story of bees, is not difficult!

Chen Zhou quickly finished 4 reading comprehension articles. He felt so good that he could understand it, and he could do the questions!

This English test is so easy!

Only the last essay is left.

"Dear Sir or Madam"

"Cool, the feeling of not needing to clasp words to write an essay is so cool!" Chen Zhou experienced the hearty pleasure brought by the expansion of his vocabulary.

Paint the answer sheet and check it one last time for omissions and mistakes.

For the first time, Chen Zhou handed in the papers ahead of time in the English test with his head held high!
Chen Zhou, who walked out of the examination room, wandered around the campus leisurely.

I just think the sky is so blue, the clouds are so white, and the chimney with clouds is so cute.

The joy in the English exam room completely dispelled the haze of the math exam.

Taking advantage of the dangling time, Chen Zhou took out the set of wrong questions, and has secretly calculated the score, without adding 100 points for the composition!
Unprecedented breakthrough, even if the composition gets zero, he is a man with three digits in English!
After dinner happily, I happily went to study at night.

Just waiting for the test papers to come out.

(End of this chapter)

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