Xueba starts with change

Chapter 93 The mathematics that ruled the 9th century

Chapter 93 The mathematics that ruled the nineteenth century

When Chen Zhou came out of the dormitory, he planned to ask Li Li to have dinner with him, but Li Li was too polite and refused to come.

Chen Zhou had to go downstairs to the next dormitory alone and wait for Yang Yiyi.

Yang Yiyi lives on the 3rd floor, and the 4 girls in the dormitory are from the 4 departments of the Wuyuan.

I have to say that there are very few girls in the Faculty of Science of Yenching University.

Among them, Wuyuan and Shuyuan are the most serious.

If Wuyuan is compared with Shuyuan, then Wuyuan is definitely the No. [-] monk's courtyard.

Chen Zhou and the others both have 2 girls in the mathematics department, but Yang Yiyi's physics department has only her 1 girl.

"Yiyi, your boyfriend is looking for you, so I'll leave first." After Yang Yiyi's roommate finished speaking, he walked over to Chen Zhou and whispered, "Your girlfriend is very popular, you Look good."

Chen Zhou glanced at the girl and smiled, indicating that he had no pressure.

"Okay." The girl shrugged, said to Yang Yiyi again, and left with her luggage.

Yang Yiyi walked up to Chen Zhou and asked, "What did she tell you?"

Chen Zhou looked at Yang Yiyi and said softly, "Well, let me look up to you, you are very important."

Hearing this, Yang Yiyi blushed slightly: "This Li Jing."

"What's her name?" Chen Zhou asked.

"Li Jing, what's up?"

"Ask some brothers in my dormitory."

"Well~" Yang Yiyi thought about it and said, "She is from the Astronomy Department, and there are only 2 girls in that department. You have to ask your roommate to take care of it."

"Well, I'll go back and tell them."

After Chen Zhou finished speaking, he took Yang Yiyi's hand and walked towards the Yanda cafeteria.

It seems to be a course specially designed for the Golden Week holiday, Chen Zhou and Yang Yiyi had no class in the afternoon.

After the two finished their meal, they strolled around the Yan University campus for a while, and then went to the library.

Although it was a holiday, there were no shortage of people in the library at all.

Chen Zhou and Yang Yiyi managed to find two adjacent seats.

Yang Yiyi took out the textbook "Mechanics" (Shu Edition), handed it to Chen Zhou, and then took "Mathematical Analysis" (Volume [-]) from Chen Zhou to prepare for self-study.

Chen Zhou looked at her skilled movements, smiled slightly, put the "Mechanics" aside, and then took out the textbook "Concise Course of Complex Variable Functions" (Yan Da Edition).

Yang Yiyi looked at the book "Functions of Complex Variables" in surprise and asked in a low voice, "Chen Zhou, this is the sixth textbook you've read, right?"

During the summer vacation and Chen Zhou supervising each other's self-study, Yang Yiyi had already discovered that Chen Zhou's reading and self-studying speed was very fast, but she did not expect Chen Zhou to be so fast.

In less than a month, Chen Zhou has already taught himself the last two volumes of "Basic Number Theory", "Mathematical Model", "Probability Theory" and "Mathematical Analysis", a total of 5 basic mathematics textbooks.

The point is, Yang Yiyi feels that these textbooks are not related to each other except that they belong to the category of mathematics. How did Chen Zhou learn so fast?
"Well, if you don't count the first volume of numeracy in the course, this is the sixth volume." Chen Zhou nodded and opened the "Concise Course of Complex Variable Functions" in front of him.

"That is to say, you have completed all the three textbooks for your scoring class, and you have completed all the self-study? Add those three textbooks, and there are six textbooks in total. How did you do it?" Hearing Chen Zhou's words, Yang Yiyi was even more surprised. After thinking about it, she said again, "Chen Zhou, do you stay up all night to read every day without sleeping?"

Chen Zhou smiled, looked at Yang Yiyi and said, "Are you stupid? Studying also pays attention to the combination of work and rest, how can you not sleep? These books are mainly self-study during class time, and you know the rest. I taught myself when I was studying with you."

After a pause, Chen Zhou said quietly, "As for why it's so fast."

Yang Yiyi: "Why?"

"Of course it's because of my extraordinary talent." After Chen Zhou finished speaking, he smiled proudly at Yang Yiyi.


But the people around him obviously didn't buy it. The brief conversation between Chen Zhou and Yang Yiyi had already affected him.

This cough instantly silenced Chen Zhou and Yang Yiyi.

Yang Yiyi didn't ask any more questions, she just made a decision silently in her heart, and she had to study harder.

Yang Yiyi looked at the book "Mathematical Analysis" (Volume [-]) in front of her, and her eyes became focused.

"This girl" Chen Zhou shook his head slightly, retracted his thoughts, and prepared to read this "Concise Tutorial on Complex Variable Functions".

This book, like the numerology textbook, was written by Teacher Yan Da, and also used yellow skin.

A complex variable function refers to a function that uses complex numbers as independent variables and dependent variables, and its theory is called complex variable function theory.

As we all know, the concept of complex numbers originated from finding the roots of equations. In the finding of roots of quadratic and cubic algebraic equations, the square root of negative numbers occurs.

For a long time, people could not understand this situation, until later, with the research of Euler, the great mathematician, and D'Alembert, another great bull, the subject of complex functions was created.

Complex variable functions are also related to many famous mathematicians in history, such as Cauchy and Riemann, who have made certain contributions to the development of complex variable functions.

The best time for complex functions was in the nineteenth century. Just as the direct extension of calculus dominated eighteenth-century mathematics, this new branch of complex functions dominated nineteenth-century mathematics.

Mathematicians at that time recognized that the complex variable function was the most abundant branch of mathematics, and called it the mathematical enjoyment of this century, and some people praised it as one of the most harmonious theories in abstract science.

Looking at the history of the development of complex functions, Chen Zhou felt a little emotional. The development of each era always needs someone to stand up and lead it.

Going back to the book "Concise Course of Complex Variable Functions", Chen Zhou first read the catalogue, which is divided into eight chapters, including complex numbers and complex functions, analytic functions, Cauchy's theorem and Cauchy formula, Laurent series, residues, Harmonize functions, analytic exploits, and conformal mapping of these.

Things like complex numbers and power series are familiar to Chen Zhou, but things like Cauchy's theorem and formulas are the first time Chen Zhou has seen them.

After thinking for a while, Chen Zhou made up his mind, and within three days, he would smash this textbook on complex variable functions.

On the one hand, the set of wrong questions will be upgraded soon.

On the one hand, it is to quickly brush out the task experience.

Chen Zhou took a sip of the spiritual potion in the cup, and started the journey of brushing books.

"Chapter 1, Complex Numbers and Complex Functions"

"1.1 Field of Complex Numbers"

This section starts with the definition of complex numbers and introduces some basic properties of complex numbers.

Chen Zhou quickly memorized the contents of the book and did not choose to skip it.

This is his usual habit. For the knowledge points that are already familiar, it will not take much time to read them again, and it will also deepen the memory.

"imaginary root i complex real part imaginary part imaginary number"

"Complex plane of complex numbers. Complex vectors."

"Conjugate complex numbers."

"1.2 Topology of the Complex Plane"

Chen Zhou is immersed in the ocean of these knowledge, trying his best to fill the gaps in his knowledge.

(End of this chapter)

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