Yandere Dating System

Chapter 30

If there was one thing women loved, it was a good sob story. And being an orphaned kid taken in by a lustful widow and taught how to pleasure? Well that did the trick, alright.

After Akiko returned freshly bathed she was unsure of exactly how to deal with him. She seemed a tad awkward and Aiden didn't help.

"Would you like another round?" He rose from the bed and stalked towards her. His tall, imposing height bore down on her yet again. As he had been from the get-go, he stood there naked. 

He reeked of sex, and Akiko could smell even her own scent on him. A spark of desire came to life again in spite of herself.

"No, that's alright." She refused. "Come in." She called, and several maids immediately entered. The moment the young women caught sight of the man their movements paused. Akiko understood perfectly but prompted them, "Ahem." And they regained themselves.

"They will take you to wash. Your previous attire is being washed so I'll have the staff fetch you something else to wear. Once you're done, get dressed and meet me back here for breakfast. My daughters have already left for school, but I thought it would be nice. You can introduce yourself at dinner."

Aiden shrugged and allowed himself to be led away. Some minutes later he came upon a large bathroom with a sizeable tub filled with water. He let himself be scrubbed clean by the quiet maids, whose touches lingered just a bit longer than appropriate, and was then dried with several of them patting him down with towels.

Once that was done they allowed him to dress and then brought him back all squeaky clean. 

Akiko sat up under the covers of her bed. Her eyes brightened. "You wear those well." She complimented. The clothing given by the maids was some kind of tunic with a deep cut down the middle that revealed the entirety of his chest. Maybe a robe would be a better description. In any case, it looked almost like something someone from Ancient Greece would wear. There was a gold floral design that ran down a deep V-line.

"I feel half-naked. Was that on purpose?" 

The woman heard his words and seemed to dim. "No. I assure you, that wasn't the case. I'm sorry if I made you feel that way. I can have them bring something else if--"

He held up a hand. "No, that's alright. I don't mind it. That was the deal, after all."

Akiko's smile faltered. "You feel like I'm using you."

Aiden took a place at the bed where a cart had been placed beside. "No. This was a mutual transaction. If anything, we're both using the other. Why?" He asked. "Do you feel like you're using me?" He took a strawberry from one of the plates. 

"Honestly? Yes," She admitted, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear. " I never....dealt with someone with a history like yours."

"You think my sexual abuse means I hate it." He guessed her feelings. "Even if you couldn't know, you think I hated giving myself to you."

Aiden saw her grab ahold of her blanket and tighten her fists. "Don't you?"

"Of course not," He said firmly. "I have no strong feelings on the matter. Sex is sex."

"That's awfully...jaded." She spoke carefully. "Sex can be so much more."

He nodded. "I'm sure that's true. It's just that so far it hasn't been true for me. Not that I'm waiting or even expecting that to change. It hardly matters."

Akiko wanted to refute him, to tell him he was wrong. But how could she? She'd chosen to have sex with him the moment they met. She didn't care overmuch who he was, and feelings had never come into the equation. She only wanted to experience a good time, and he made big promises. 

After that, anything she said to him now would sound too hollow. Like a lie. 

Aiden noticed the change in her expression. "I told you, you don't have to feel guilty."

"That's not it." Akiko looked down. "I'm not the type of woman to regret decisions I already made. I just loathe myself for still wanting you after hearing about your...experiences." She finished weakly.

Aiden scoffed. "Wanting to have sex with an attractive partner is hardly something to hate yourself over. This was the deal. I don't have any qualms about pleasing you. Just enjoy yourself."

"How can I?" She grit her teeth. "You might be fine with it, and I can't say I regret our night together because I really don't. But I don't know how you expect me to be able to continue this sort of thing now that I know what sex has done to you."

He shrugged. "I may be a little bit desensitized." He allowed. "But with a face like mine, I'd probably end up that way eventually anyway. Don't worry too much. I'll help you forget all these worries. That's what I owe you for the asylum you're offering me."

Akiko furrowed her brow. "And that's going to make me feel even worse after."

Aiden rolled his eyes. "Do you want orgasms or don't you?"

"At this point, it just comes with so much baggage." She muttered.

"If the problem is that you'll keep feeling like you're using me, then try fixing me instead." He suggested.

She looked at him oddly. "Huh?"

He gave a smirk. "Don't you think your daughters need a father?"

"You want to apply for the position?" Akiko had a funny look on her face.

"Not currently. But who knows? Mold me right and maybe I can be a good lover and a good father to your children. There's no reason you can't make me your new husband after healing my wounded soul." He drolled. 

"You want me to get over my guilt by making you whole again, is it?" She seemed amused. "You're an odd one, aren't you? I've never seen anyone who'd make such a proposal."

"What can I say? I'm a thoughtful guy. Whatever helps you feel more at ease, I say." He folded his hands into his lap. "If you think you can, feel free to try."

Akiko paused. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, after all, I am quite fucked up." 

"That's a challenge." She said bluntly. "You're trying to provoke me. So I'll focus on this instead of acting all gloomy about you."

"Ah, am I so transparent?" 

"If I said you're an enigma, I'd be lying." She nodded. "It won't work. My apologies, but I'm not looking to heal you. And the last thing I need is a husband."

"A casual sex friend will have to suffice, I suppose. A pity. Kanon is pretty cute, I would've liked to hear her call me papa." 

Akiko rubbed her temples. "Talking to you is a bit irritating. You should just be quiet and let me pity you like a normal victim of trauma."

"I'd rather you let me fuck you into a coma." He replied mildly. 

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" She squinted at him suspiciously. 

"As I said, no strong feelings."

"You saw that, but you seem rather eager to do so."

"I told you I don't believe in charity. I'm just trying to uphold my end of the bargain." He splayed his hands helplessly. "Honest."

The suspicion lingered. "I really don't even know if anything you told me is true anymore. Ah, forget it. If you're so insistent I won't worry about it anymore. Casual lovers it is."

"Good." Aiden passed her a plate of pancakes. "Now eat. You're going to need the energy later."

"See? Eager."

"Please. It's called professionalism." 

It was time for Akiko to roll her eyes. "So annoying."

The conversation died down and Akiko finished her breakfast quickly. "I need to get ready for work. I'll let the servants know you have the run of the place while I'm gone. Ah, and I already had them prepare you a room. They'll lead you to it now. Just tell them if there's anything else you need. Tomorrow we'll see if Naoko placed any spells on you. Until then, get comfortable." She rang a bell and a small contingent of maids entered the room to help her dress. Some carried clothes or shoes, others had boxes of makeup and a few brushes. "We have a pool. Take a dip." 

And with that, he was led away.


 Aiden took her up on the offer and lounged near the pool for a while. Several notifications appeared as several young maids stole glances at him but he ignored them. 

The day passed quickly. After a short swim the night of near non-stop lovemaking had caught up to him and he retired to his new room. Woke up several hours later. His personal effects had been placed on a nearby table, including his phone.

He had dozens of messages and missed calls, mainly from Naoko and Rumi and a few from Angela. He belatedly realized he hadn't called in for work like he had in his previous cycles. 

He considered what to do. If he was going to be staying here, it didn't make sense to try and keep his job. Naoko would probably check there, at least for a short while. But he did promise Angela. 

She should be able to handle things herself now, Aiden concluded. The bakery practically ran itself by now. As popular as it is, she'd easily find a new chef to hire. 

Best he not contact her.

With that decided, he heard a knock at the door and an old man in a well-pressed suit entered after being called in. 

"The Madame requests your presence in the dining room."

"Thanks. I'll be there soon." 

The man bowed and departed.

Aiden went to the bathroom and washed the sleep away before checking the time. It was a little past four o'clock. 

Guess it was time to meet the family.

Aiden made his way through the winding halls of the opulent estate and found himself at the dining room a few minutes later. 

As he entered a familiar face came into view. Kanon. At her side was another girl with the same starlight-colored hair as herself and Akiko. A bit older, maybe around Yuuji's age. 

At his appearance, Akiko made an announcement. "Girls, this is--" A slight hesitation. "--a new acquaintance of mine." She finished as smoothly as she could. "Due to some circumstances, he'll be staying with us for the foreseeable future." 

As she finished, her daughters looked up at the newcomer. Kanon's eyes widened. "Yuuji?" Akiko caught the name and committed it to memory. "I don't understand. What are you doing here?"

Akiko spoke before he could answer. "That's none of your concern. Just know that he'll be with us from now on." She turned to Aiden. "You already know Kanon. This is my other daughter, Akari." She gestured to the girl.

Akari had longer hair than both her sister and mother, falling luxuriously down her back, and her eyes were a particular shade of amber. She stared at him with interest, irises flashing for just a moment. 

Aiden felt a sharp pain between his brows and winced, the movement having not gone unnoticed.

"Akari!" Akiko snapped. 

The girl regarded her mother with a slow, lazy smile. "I see you've found a replacement. I'm glad." She turned back to him. "It's nice to meet you, Aiden."

His heart froze. 

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