Yandere Maker: Multiverse Yandere Harem

Chapter 11: The Conflict

[Takashi POV]

Watching Genji-san and Busujima-senpai take down zombies was like watching some hardcore zombie action flick, except way gorier and real. They weren’t just fighting; they were straight-up annihilating.

They were terrifyingly ruthless.

But seriously, what’s the matter with them? We were all high school students but how come there was such a massive difference between us?

Rei tugged at my arm, pulling me out of my thoughts. “Takashi, say something. Are we going this way or that way?”

Ask your boyfriend about that… I couldn’t say that out loud. She was like a landmine lately, getting triggered at any little thing. With zombies wanting a piece of us, the last thing I needed was more drama.

I peered over the railing, and it was a nightmare down there. The sight of zombies eating my schoolmates made my stomach churn. The piles of zombie corpses in the hallways didn’t make me feel any better. Imamura’s favorite girls were among them. I wonder what Morita and him are doing right now. Did they come out alive…?

I gave my cheeks a quick, stinging slap to wake my mind. “Busujima-senpai and Genji-senpai are our best bet to survive.”

Contrary to my expectations, Hisashi nodded his head with a calm smile. “You’re right about sticking with them. We’ll have to be shameless.”

He was always able to keep a calm and collected front in high-stress situations. The guy had it all—brains, athleticism, looks... It’s no surprise Rei was into him. Ugh, not the time to think about this.

Shaking off the jealousy—or whatever it was—I made the call. “Alright. We follow after them.”

At this moment, we made the biggest choice of our life by following Busujima-senpai and Genji-senpai. A choice that dictated whether we survived this pandemic or joined “them”.


[Genji POV]

While crossing the stairs, I yanked a cloth from my bag and wiped the greasy mixture of blood and fat clinging to the spearhead. Maintaining the blade was the key to longevity for a blade.

We reached the Faculty Room to see students pounding the door, calling out the teachers for help. A brown-haired girl spun around, her panic dissolving into relief at spotting me. Who was I kidding? She only had eyes for Saeko, her senpai.

“B-Busujima-senpai!” she yelled ecstatically, hands pressed together like she was ready to worship the sadist. “Please guide us. Tell us what to do!”

Her squeaky plea yanked everyone’s attention our way. The students’ reaction was a mixture of fear and relief. Fear from our blood-coated weapons and relief from Saeko’s presence. These students were sticklers for rules and responsibilities, otherwise, they’d have ignored the announcements and made a beeline for the entrance.

“I’m not sure,” Saeko said. “This is a zombie virus outbreak. Try to avoid them if possible.”

I nudged the clingy chick away with the shaft of my spear, imbuing my voice with authority. “I’ll tell you what to do. First of all, move aside.”

They all quickly moved their asses, letting me kick open the door. The students were given hope, then snatched away in the next moment. Their happiness lasted shorter than a sixty years old man in bed. 

“N-No. Why?”

What greeted them weren’t some reliable and professional adults but undead masquerading as their teachers. Some bitten teacher probably returned here to seek shelter, told other teachers to keep the doors shut, but he himself turned and infected everyone.

“Move back!” I yelled at the students. “Saeko, let them come out.”

“Got it.”

Once the zombies came out to eat us, we started our massacre. A total of six teachers died at our hands.

Pulling Saeko inside the room, I glared at the students. “Nobody will come to save you. Take some weapons, form a group, and fight your way out. The zombies react to sound. Be silent and get your happy ending. Or stay here and wait for zombies to tear you apart. The choice is yours.”

[Path of Hunt grants you 29 Soul XP.]

That was a pretty hefty Soul XP for doing nothing. Was it because my ruthlessness was true to my Path of Hunt?

“F-Fight?” Saeko’s fangirl looked horrified. “Seniors, no… we aren’t like you. We can’t fight!”

“Y-Yeah,” said a guy with short hair. “Please, help us.”

I glared at them. “Do you seriously expect us to handhold you to safety like you’re a bunch of kindergartners?”

[Path of Hunt grants you 21 Soul XP.]

Their faces were a sight to behold as I shut the door. This was the same room where Takashi’s group would have relaxed and watched the chaos all over the world on the CRT TV placed up there. Now that I think about it, flip phones are still the trend in this world. This world’s technology is over a decade behind my own.

I plopped down, chugging water and mourning the absence of Skyrim. Wait, can’t I create consoles and the game disc with my power? All hail the Power of Creation!

I calmed down my excitement and glanced at my beautiful companion. “Saeko, do you criticize my selfish actions?”

Her opinion at the moment would be a decent mentality check for this wannabe samurai chick. She had to be honest about her feelings though.

Placing her blade on the table, Saeko collapsed into a chair, all grace gone and exhaustion taking root. “You provided clear instructions without showing empathy for their lives. It sounds awful… but you chose the correct option on the paper.”

She looked towards the window, gazing at the dark smoke filling the sky as she gathered her thoughts. Just a few hours ago, she was the helpful senpai who would go out of her way to fulfill requests from her schoolmates. Now she—we practically left those kids to die. The decision must weigh heavily on her soul.

She let out a sigh and looked at me. “If the entire city is like this, we cannot help everyone. We can’t be everyone’s savior.”

My selfish actions brought out a new side of Saeko. More focused and rational, and less driven by the samurai honor-code. Gotta say, I loved her shift.

“I was simply following, ‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.’ I wouldn’t reject competent students but those who cower in danger is a big no. I’m no Mother Teresa, you know?”

Especially talented guys like Kohta and sharp-minded students like Hisashi and that pink-haired tsundere. No point in leaving my free pass to the Takagi Estate, a hotspot for zombies — free Soul XP.

Saeko let out a light chuckle. “Using wisdom from proven proverbs… it fits really well with everything Genji-kun has shown so far.”

“The historians walked so we could run.”


I tossed the water bottle aside and took out two stamina recovery vials from my bag. The potion was yellow and had a citrus-like scent. I drank mine in quick gulps and saw the stamina bar at the edge of my screen recovering at a faster rate. A lovely item for endless zombie grind.

I passed one vial to Saeko. “Here, try my special energy drink.”

She threw a skeptical glance at me. “How did these fragile vials survive in the bag with the spear? Genji-kun, you… were you always prepared for a zombie apocalypse?”

Oh no, I got busted.

“I drink them during my training,” I deflected smoothly. “It’s my original recipe to improve fatigue recovery.”

She accepted my cheeky explanation and gulped down the potion, immediately feeling its magical effects. “It’s amazing…”

“It sure is.” After a pause, I steered us back to business. “Get the keys for Marikawa-sensei’s car and the minibus in the parking lot. Never know when we might need to guide a bigger group.”

Part of me figured Takashi’s crew wouldn’t give us the slip. If they had two brain cells to rub together, they’d know sticking with us was their best bet. Maybe I’m overthinking things and they’d find their own way. I’m too old to predict a highschooler’s actions.

As a wise man once said, “It’s easier to outsmart a genius than to outsmart a fool, for the fool is most unpredictable.”

Saeko and I rummaged through the lockers and drawers. Finding Shizuka’s prada bag was so easy. Yup, the airhead nurse was a sucker for branded items. I took the bag and shoved it in my backpack. We also took some keys we thought would fit the bus. If nothing worked, I could just create some car master key.

When in doubt, use your cheat powers.

As I opened the door to leave, I saw an unexpected sight in the hallway: the unwelcomed trio ganging up on a zombie girl. 

Yup, called it.

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