Yandere Maker: Multiverse Yandere Harem

Chapter 8: The Rapture

I tried making MC's art with Stable Diffusion. Apart from eyes, it turned out pretty okay.

I stared at Saeko, the beautiful purple-haired lady, in the dojo. Her mature face and calm demeanor could easily pass her as a woman in her early twenties. I was all for her looking older than her age.

She went to grab two bokken, the wooden katana used by kendo practitioners for training purposes. She poked my rib with the tip of the bokken. “Lost in thoughts?”

I took the wooden sword, maintaining a stoic gaze. “I’m feeling frisky.”

She giggled. “Let’s see you say that after our spar.”

I had goaded her into accepting my challenge. What did I get out of sparring? Nothing. Simply a pure test of my physical ability. She was one of the strongest physical fighters in this world. How did I stack against her? I was itching for an answer. I was also curious about her reaction to our friendly battle.

With the sword in hand, I assumed a wide stance. While I wasn’t a trained kendoka, I knew the basics of fighting a kendoka. That brilliant YouTube tutorial covered countering most common matchups in theory. With some theoretical knowledge and my incredible adaptability, taking her on shouldn’t be hard.

Confidence is the key.

“Saeko, don’t hold back. Show me the woman who won the last nationals.”

The shift in her demeanor was immediate. Saeko’s fingers curled tightly around her bokken, her previously calm eyes now carrying a piercing gaze that screamed determination. “As a woman and a fellow Kendoka, it is my duty to honor a man’s request. I shall not hold back.”

Then, like a tiger pouncing on its prey, she darted forward, closing the gap between us in an impressive burst of speed you wouldn’t expect from a highschooler.

I reacted on instinct, raising my bokken to meet her ferocious downswing. Our katanas clashed, the harsh clang echoing through the silent dojo. The force of her blow rattled my bones, sending tremors through my arms. This woman was a demon. My old body would have buckled under her inhumane strength.

All the crazies are built differently, as if they can rewire their brains to unlock their ‘hysterical strength’ on their command.1Hysterical strength is a term for the display of extreme physical strength in life-threatening situations. It's believed to be triggered by a rush of adrenaline, temporarily lifting the brain's usual restrictions on muscle output to enable a person to handle tasks well beyond their normal capability, like lifting a car to free a trapped person. This phenomenon is not well-documented scientifically, due to the unpredictability and rarity of the circumstances under which it occurs, and can often result in physical injury.

She pulled back gracefully, a hint of surprise in her eyes. “When most people see a straight swing at their heads, they instinctively freeze in terror or try to flee from the attack’s range. Your block was perfect, synonymous with a trained kendoka.”

“You sound impressed.”

“More than you believe.” She bobbed her head. “Let’s test your full capabilities.”

Another clang of our katana signaled the start of an intense battle. Saeko’s attacks were all direct, no-nonsense moves. Each time our bokken met, a tingle ran through my arms. The grace in her movements contradicted the power packed in her muscles.

What a beast.

In terms of techniques, Saeko was a titan and I was a dwarf. But when it came to the real deal, we fought neck and neck. Despite my inept movements compared to her elegant and disciplined dance, I could hold my own in a pure skill battle.

Ego wasn’t lying about rebuilding my body in its peak condition. My fast reflexes allowed me to play defense without getting overwhelmed by her flurry of strikes.

However, she wasn’t going all out yet — I could feel it in her eyes. The glint in her eyes was all too familiar for me, the eyes of a predator waiting for a chance. She waited for an opportunity to strike decisively and give me pain.

Our casual, friendly spar turned into an intense battle, both of us aiming to one-up the other. But I wasn’t about to back down. I found myself moving in tandem with her, blocking and deflecting her strikes. Our bokken met again and again, creating a rhythmic symphony in the otherwise quiet dojo.

As I parried and pivoted, trying to find an opening in her near-perfect defense, I found my heart beating with so much vigor. The dojo, the world outside, everything seemed to blur into nothingness as Saeko and I swung our bokken in sync with each other. Despite her relentless strikes, a smile was creeping onto my face. The heat of the battle, the strain of our friendly contest, it was exhilarating. This was it, the thrill I craved.

Saeko was a formidable fighter, pushing me to my limits. With every block, every deflection, every counter-strike, I could feel myself growing stronger, my movements becoming sharper and decisive.

I was adapting to her strength as well as my own muscles.

Out of nowhere, Saeko twisted around and swung her bokken at me from the side. I easily raised my wooden katana in time to block the unexpected attack. This time, the force of her strike jarred my arms, nearly knocking the bokken from my grip. Whereas I was getting used to the battle, she was breaking through her limits.

A true sword prodigy if I must say so myself.

“Good reflexes,” Saeko commented, pulling her weapon back and readying herself for another attack. She seemed a little winded, sweat trickling down her face, but the glint in her eyes told me how much she enjoyed this friendly contest. “You were lying about being a novice.”

“I wasn’t.”

Suddenly, a voice boomed from the school speaker fitted in the corner of the dojo. “Attention all students and staff! Attention all students and staff! A violent outbreak has taken place on school grounds. All students are to follow the staff’s instructions to safety at once!”

Ladies and gentleman, it is with great pleasure that I announce the arrival of the zombie apocalypse. Though, I was a sad Keanu for not being able to finish this spar with Saeko. We could’ve gained so much from fighting each other.

[You have acquired a new talent.]

//Kenshi (E) - You have comprehended the ABCs of holding a katana! While far from Grandmaster, you won’t embarrass yourself in front of a crowd. Each rank adds +2 to your Dexterity attribute.//

Nice compensation for getting sweaty with Saeko, especially free attribute points. I was in desperate need of those to be competent in my next world.

Before I forget, I took a look at Saeko’s status.

[Saeko Busujima (High school student, Kendoka)

Titles - Kendo Prodigy, The Onee-san of Many Dreams, The Haunted One, Self-proclaimed Monster, The Enchantress of Fujimi Academy, Torturer

HP: 48/48 (Healthy)

Stamina: 51/54

(Base Attributes)

Strength: 21

Stamina: 18

Dexterity: 20

Toughness: 16

(Special Attributes)

Charisma: 22

Intelligence: 16

Wisdom: 15

Energy: 0

(Innate Skills)

//Blessing of the Main Character (D) - As one of the many main characters of her verse, Saeko Busujima is blessed with a high chance of surviving a crisis.//

//Busujima Bloodline (E) - Where most families pass down recipes and embarrassing stories, the Busujima family chose the sacred art of sword. Thanks to centuries of handpicked partners, the Busujima Clan enhanced their genetics. They are not just good with a katana—they were practically born holding one.//

(Acquired Talents)

//Kenshi (B) - Each stroke of Saeko’s blade is artfully precise and stunningly efficient, making her foes marvel at their own dismemberment. Her muscles are molded to wield katana, drastically reducing her stamina consumption, Each rank adds +2 to her Dexterity attribute.//

//Chef (E) - Saeko’s culinary techniques turn simple ingredients into mouth watering dishes. Whether it’s a simple sandwich or a five-course meal, she has the skills to give people a delicious experience they won’t soon forget. Each rank adds +1 to her Dexterity attribute.//

Holy shit! Saeko is an absolute beast of a human. No fucking wonder I struggled. Then I saw her Innate Skill and almost spat out blood like those Clan Elders.

Having the luck to survive a crisis… isn’t it just the manifestation of her plot armor? Does every main character have that stat?

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