Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 108: Starting The Seeds

For the briefest of seconds, Darcel and Yasami locked gazes.

Darcel was akin to a beacon of warmth Yasami's soul was calling out to. But, Yasami managed to focus her attention mainly on Darcel's eyes.

His eyes twinkle with a hint of suggestion, indicating he wanted her to speak.

And somehow….Yasami somewhat understood this!

They obviously don't have a long attachment or any sort of attachment, considering they just met today.

But Yasami recognized Darcel wanted her to carry on their momentum. So with an aggressive stride in her step, Yasami turned around and boldly blared her voice throughout the whole room.

"Heh! Just what are we? A mere couple of youths, remember? Yet….now it seems like your opinions are changing, huh? Really, actions speak louder than bullshit!"

Those crude bold words slithered into everyone's ears, forcing eyes to gather on the hooded robe girl.

Though she had a point that their opinions were changing, it didn't change the fact that the one who is telling that is still a mere fifth rank Innate Core kid!

Eyebrows furrowed as people tried to bring their attention off from the overwhelming Darcel and Aniela and focus on the more normal kid out of the three.

Yet, Aniela wasn't going to give them a chance for that.

In the people's lapse of focus from changing their attention, Aniela's bright voice soothed into everyone'sBesides "Hehehe~, let's all not get so antsy now. Beside, we still have to do our expert tier mission, right Mr. Heavenly General?"

Heavenly General Sinaki zipped his eyes specifically to Aniela. His eyes matched with hypnotic profound black eyes and the widening grin of Aniela.

"You really don't have to discuss. We, in fact, welcome any expert tier missions. Since it won't be a problem for us." Aniela continued to talk, carrying her golden, daring momentum.

While she said the last part, her eyes briefly flashed over to Darcel and Yasami, gazing at their reaction.

And they both only inclined their heads at her.

Darcel was never the one to back down from any challenges, and he was curious about exploring this snowy region.

While Yasami had an impenetrable backbone and could step up to any challenge thrown at her.

Before Heavenly General Sinaki could respond to her, Darcel and Aniela stopped their soul aura, returning the room back to its standard atmosphere.

A wave of slight exhaustion washed over Darcel and Aniela, but they didn't allow anything to show on their face.

Their eyes did wander across the room and was satisfied by their soul aura effects. All under the seventh rank of the Innate Core realm released a huge breath as sweat poured down their brows.

Even some seventh rank Innate Core members released a small breath they didn't realize they were holding in.

Heavenly General Sinaki quickly noted this scene but kept his stature calm and steady.

"....I can admit it. You two indeed stand above common ones and may even be that special." As Heavenly General Sinaki talked, all eyes quickly gathered on him.

A grand Heavenly Transformation cultivator admitting this to a couple of True Soul Core youths should've come as a tremendous surprise.

Yet no one there could really say they were surprised by his words.

Seconds may have only passed, but to all Innate Core cultivators under the seventh rank, they felt as if hours passed already!

More than anything, it was apparent to tell these kids are anything but weak and ordinary.

After taking a brief pause, Heavenly General Sinaki continued to talk. "So if you truly want to take on this mission, let's see all of your limits then."

Heavenly General Sinaki ignited his spatial ring and pulled out a detailed map.

Seeing that specific map caused Heavenly General Gorbug and Fruna's eyes to widen a bit. Since Darcel and Aniela took control of the entire situation themselves, there's little they could really say here.

Even if Heavenly General Gorbug is on equal standing with Sinaki, neither holds the absolute power to make every decision for their group.

But since Darcel and Aniela are so brazenly showing off and agreeing, there wouldn't be much he could say to change their minds.

Yet, when his and Fruna's eyes landed on that map, they knew precisely what mission Heavenly General Sinaki is going to give out.

Before either could say anything, however, Heavenly General Sinaki continued to speak.

"For this expert mission, you are to follow this map into the Plunged Tundra wild side. You will eventually come across a special igloo following the map. Inside the igloo is the Snow Weaver hunchback ape. To complete the mission, you are to take its heart, head, and tail and bring it back to us."

"The Snow Weaver ape?! Heavenly General Sinaki really wants them to kill that! This may end up more than bad for them."

"I don't know about that man. Those kids' souls are too freakish! What if they….no they truly may know about how to attack with your soul!"

"But killing that creature though…." Frey silently murmurs to himself as the whole room explodes into a rowdy noise of murmurs.

If this was before, every single Nobe's Fang group member would've been unconditionally jeering Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami.

But now, all talks reside around on whether or not the kids are actually that powerful enough to pull it off! Darcel and Aniela's soul aura left a tremendous imprint on them that none there will probably ever forget.

"So? What makes this ape beast just so deadly?" Darcel asked amidst the chatter about him and Aniela.

This time Heavenly General Gorbug turned around to answer him, saying,

"That Spirit Monster ape isn't ordinary at all. You see, Spirit Monsters who are able to gain their own individual names all have special and exotic abilities that make them deadly and tricky to kill. This ape is a powerful sixth rank Innate Core being, but it's also known to kill even teams of seventh rank Innate Core humans."

In some small hopes, Heavenly General Gorbug and Fruna wished the duo would reconsider hearing the danger of the mission.

Yet, only a challenging smirk etched on Darcel and Aniela's face.

"Hoh? Is it just that, really? Then….there really is no problem for us! This is nearly too straightforward then!" Aniela spoke, and while her words may seem arrogant. No one really spoke out to disagree with her.

Yasami had then confidently stride up to Heavenly General Sinaki and graciously took the map from him.

She only gave Heavenly General Sinaki a single challenging smile before strolling back to Darcel and Aniela.

During that short brief exchange, Heavenly General Sinaki didn't speak a single word to Yasami. And yet, while it was far more subdued than Darcel and Aniela, he sensed there was something….off about that girl.

"So? Are you two ready to go?" Yasami showed off the map to Darcel and Aniela while asking.

Taking a look at it, Darcel gently took the map from her hands and stuffed it into his pockets.

"Ready. Let's go; we'll be back soon, Fruna." Darcel said, and he and Aniela nodded towards Fruna.

She was still a bit stunned at how everything went down. But before she could respond, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami quickly turned around and walked out of the room.

Once they were gone, Fruna noticed everyone's expressions became more relaxed, yet there was still disbelief mixed in there.

The single question that rummaged on their minds was; just what the hell was that?!

"General Gorbug….you seem a bit more calmer than anybody else during that whole fiasco. Do you know what those two are?"

Heavenly General Sinaki swiftly strode up to Gorbug and asked.

Towards his accusing tone, Heavenly General Gorbug simply smiled and shook his head. "You know, I'm just as surprised or, in fact, even more, surprised than everyone here. If they do come back, I can say for sure that we just stumbled upon good saddlings."

"Fuu���.at least nothing came down to an irreversible point. I have a good feeling about them, really." Fruna had a slight joyous smile though she knows that mission won't be easy to complete, even for Darcel and Aniela.

Out of the clutter and chatter on Darcel and Aniela, only three were quiet, having fraught expressions on their faces.

Even as Darcel and Aniela left, the slight quivering feeling inside Robert, Reyney, and Hurey's souls still didn't leave them.

They knew their reign was far from over.


"Hm, hm! You two just have to be realm jumpers, too, right?" Once they got outside, Yasami had quickly saddled up next to Darcel and asked the duo. Seeing as outside the Nobe's Fang group place, it was completely vacant, she thought it was a good time to ask.

Previously she could only vaguely guess there was something special about their prowess when facing the silver armor men.

At that time, Darcel and Aniela's soul aura wasn't as refined. But in the Nobe's Fang group place, she could clearly sense the sensation soothing her soul and tell Darcel and Aniela's combat prowess far exceeds their realm.

Darcel and Aniela trailed their eyes over to Yasami.

Aniela smiled at her and was going to answer her until a lightning idea abruptly streaked in Darcel's mind.

Darcel couldn't say for sure Aniela had picked on it, seeing as she had no reaction about it. But Darcel was confident about the actions of Yasami.

Throughout all of their time together, despite everything still being new and very recent. Darcel notices how Yasami would naturally get close to only him.

It was like a moth being slowly allured by a bright flame.

Furthermore, Darcel felt an instinctive feeling in his soul and bloodline, telling him that Yasami may have an innate attraction to him.

Now given the fact they literally just met not too long ago, anybody would think this line of thoughts is ridiculous and almost narcissistic.

Yet, Darcel knew his bloodline and soul was no fluke.

Considering that there wasn't a single other girl that made his soul and bloodline react like this during their first meeting was the biggest striking factor.

Admittedly, Darcel didn't even feel this kind of innateness when meeting Aniela the first time.

And it was that moment a slow smirk curled up Darcel's lips.

He already promised that ethereal voice that he will surely spread the enjoyment of his so-called Yin's Pleasure. So now, it was time to put these skills to the test.

Recalling the times he engaged in hot passion with Aniela, Darcel surged the pleasure, lustful side of his bloodline powers.

But, uniquely, this time, Darcel had coated his vocal cords in pure Darkness energy!

Darkness swirled in Darcel's mouth like water, and it felt a bit odd to him.

His Darkness energy truly did feel like warm running water coursing around his tongue. Still, he ignored this feeling and spoke up before Aniela talked.

"Hmmm….since we are going to be working together, we should tell you, right?" Darcel's voice came out as incredibly smooth and soothing to listen to.

His eyes flashed over to Aniela, but she only gave him a smile in understanding.

Although Darcel could've sworn, he saw a mischievous twinkle in her eyes as he spoke in this unique tone of voice. On his other side, Yasami had her gaze on Darcel as if he was putting her under a trance.

Shifting his eyes quickly over to Yasami, Darcel's smile only grew wider seeing her state.

"You're right, Yasami. Aniela and I can indeed fight beyond our realm. And we can certainly tell there's something special about your prowess as well. That bold, confident stride you have isn't something that can be faked so well; for sure you can walk the talk."

Darcel's alluring, soothing voice slinked into Yasami ears like a cool breeze, causing her body to slightly shiver from pleasure.

Darcel's voice made her soul and body quiver in a warm sensation that nearly turned too pleasurable.

Combining this with Darcel's devilish handsome smile was throwing Yasami all the way off.

"Ah-ah, r-right-" Yasami stuttered all over her words from being so caught off guard.

But she couldn't even finish her sentence as Aniela started to sweetly giggle.

"Hehehe~! Right, right! Darcy is even better than me when knowing who is truly special. Especially when it comes to cool girls like you, Yasami!"

For a split second, Darcel was puzzled. Even for Aniela, Darcel wasn't quite sure why she would add that last part.

Still, Darcel didn't miss a beat. Instantly when Aniela finished talking, he told Yasami, "Indeed, we're more than delighted to be going on a mission with an especially cool charming girl like you, Yasami."

Yasami was wholly stunned by Darcel and Aniela's double attack.

These two just had little shame to be throwing out more personal compliments like that! Yet Yasami couldn't stop the feeling of warmth that spread in her soul and body from their words.

She felt the heat begin to rise to her cheeks, but Yasami quickly got a hold of herself.

Yasami knows she shouldn't be getting so fluster with two kids she just recently met!

So with a quick clearing of her throat, Yasami straightened up her back. She tried to play if off like their words didn't affect her and said in quite a loud voice,

"My pleasures! I mean! The same to you! So yea! What plan are you two brewing for this mission?!"

Though she tried to play it off, the several higher octaves in her voice told a different story. Plus, she also spoke a bit quicker than usual.

Darcel smiled at the cute reaction but decided to let Yasami off for now. The seeds are already starting to be planted.

"Most definitely those Silver Bloody eyesores are hanging around the entrance to the town. So, what do you girls say before we do this mission, we do a reverse robbery?"

Darcel's voice returned mostly to normal but still kept a smooth, charming quality about it.

Yasami was able to slightly relax with a more normal Darcel voice. But then her eyes had quickly lit up at Darcel's suggestion.

After the crap they tried to pull, Yasami was more than eager to dish out some just desserts. Yasami peered over to Aniela only to see her smiling in agreement.

"I say it's already a start to a great plan. But what will our method be?" Yasami curiously asked, and Aniela answered her.

"You wanted to see our prowess, right? Then let this fight be the gateway to truly getting to know each other better!"

Even under the hood, Darcel and Aniela could see Yasami cracking a wide beautiful smile, showcasing her pearly white teeth.

"Well, well, then. Let's not dilly dally anymore, shall we?"

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