Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 142: Master & Mistresses

Darcel curiously glanced around the current space he was in. He felt at one with his soul here as an incredible influx of his soul power enriched him. 

'So this is an invasion of my Darkness essence….'

Darcel thought to himself, recognizing the place he's in is that platinum armor woman soulscape space. 

He could tell that initially, everything here would've been a bright silver glow.

But now, there was a heavy mix of his Darkness essence here. Darcel could only spot a few patches of a silver glow shining through his Darkness essence.

Yet, every time his eyes trailed to a silver patch, his Darkness essence would immediately overtake it, transforming it into pure Darkness. 

"This is….enlightening. I feel like….oh?" Darcel was talking out loud while walking until his eyes settled on a lone figure at the center of his Darkness essence. 

This lone figure was tightly wrapped up in his Darkness tendrils and constantly squirmed about in there.

Darcel paused for a moment. He concentrated on the sensation of his Darkness essence. 

Darcel didn't want a repeat like last time and have his Yin Pleasure go out of control.

But, surprising to him, it's like his soul adapted since last time. His Darkness essence held that platinum armor woman, yet it didn't try to overwhelm her all at once. 

It was slowly trickling into her as if it was awaiting for Darcel's full presence. Realizing this, Darcel continued to walk over to the restless squirming woman. 

Vice Leader Ninu felt utterly helpless, wrapped in Darcel's Darkness essence.

She knows this is her soulscape, yet incredible pleasure was still making her go wild. Her soul body felt unbearably hot, and she could still feel the wetness of pussy squirting out constant love juices.

And when Vice Leader Ninu's eyes landed on Darcel slowly walking up to her, a mix of emotion swirled in her eyes. Confusion, hatred, fear, and lust. 

It was all evident emotion that Darcel even spotted in the platinum armor woman's eyes.

But the front-most feeling that overshadowed everything for Vice Leader Ninu was this mind-shattering pleasure! At every inch, every corner of her soul, Darcel's Darkness essence was immersing her with pleasure.

And when Darcel made it a few feet between her, Vice Leader Ninu said in a shaking tone of voice. "Ju-Ju-who-are….you?!?"

Vice Leader Ninu couldn't make heads or tails of this situation.

All she could realize is this boy is an outrageous monster! 

And yet….Vice Leader Ninu didn't want this feeling to stop. These feelings that Darcel gave her, it made strange words echoed in her consciousness. 

Words she quickly pieced together was something called Yin Pleasure!

"Y-Yin-AH-Wha-what are you?!?" Vice Leader Ninu repeated her question, but now, there was pleasure mixed in her tone along with fear. The fear in her eyes lessened as well, and the hatred wasn't there at all.

Darcel didn't mind the fearful tone of her voice. He got right up to Vice Leader Ninu and crouched down.

His eyes bore a hole into Vice Leader Ninu's mixed gaze, and he simply told her, 

"Your new boss." 

Darcel didn't give Vice Leader Ninu a chance to react to his words before putting one finger at the center of Vice Leader Ninu's forehead.

The bursts of electrifying pleasure only increased in their intensity from Darcel's single touch. 

Vice Leader Ninu moaned and panted as she felt like several orgasms struck her all at once.

But before she could fall more into pleasure, Vice Leader Ninu went entirely still. 

At the tip of Darcel's finger, a deep Darkness glow lit up. Slowly, Darcel began surging a completed Darkness Soul link to the center of Vice Leader Ninu's soul core.

What Darcel is touching now is essentially the entire being of Vice Leader Ninu. This would be the center of her soul core. And this is what forms her personality and thoughts. 

Through his Darkness essence tendrils that wrapped her up, Darcel was able to sense and figure this out.

He sensed the rawest and most primitive emotions radiating from Vice Leader Ninu and could tell everything she was thinking. In this state, Darcel was assured about creating a Darkness Soul link here.

He had experience adjusting to his new soul growth and knew where he went wrong with Silver Lila. 

This time, Darcel didn't relentlessly push on the core of her soul.

Instead, he continued to electrify the edges of her core with his Yin Pleasure ability. Every slowly tickled of his Darkness essence push Vice Leader Ninu to willingly go over the edge on her own. 

In some form, Darcel realized he needs some amount of consent from the platinum armor woman. Even if he wanted to just control her, she needs to be open and willing to be controlled by him. 

Darcel didn't move, being in full focus. And after some time, he began to hear the sputtering moans of Vice Leader Ninu once again.

"Ahn~, Mnh~ AHH~, Mo-Ah~!!" Vice Leader Ninu was like a beast in heat, unaware of how much time passed already. 

To Darcel, he only felt a few minutes at best passed as he was so focused on constructing his Darkness Soul link.

But to Vice Leader Ninu, it was like hours, days, or weeks passed. She just loved it, Yin Pleasure. Everything about Yin Pleasure made her fulfilled. 

She needed this Yin Pleasure; no, she can't live without this Yin Pleasure!

Suddenly Vice Leader Ninu went limp. She ceased moaning though her tongue lazed out of her mouth. A euphoric expression crossed her face, but her eyes still held life in them.

And her eyes burned a fiery gaze into Darcel's deep black eyes. 

Darcel smirked, seeing the state she was in, and started to ask, "So? Do you-" 

"YES! Yes, Master! I want it all, Maaaster~!!"

Vice Leader Ninu eagerly cut off Darcel, as she wanted to bathe in full Yin Pleasure now. And Darcel was the real Yin Pleasure source. 

He is the Yin Pleasure Master! 

A pleased smile crossed Darcel's face then. For this type of relationship, Darcel didn't need to have sex to solidify Darkness Soul link. His Darkness Essence was enough. 

The Darkness glow around Darcel's fingertip suddenly intensify. 

In that instant, Darcel pushed his Darkness Soul link straight into the center of Vice Leader Ninu's soul core. And like he expected, Darcel wasn't met with any resistance now.

In fact, Vice Leader Ninu had zealously absorbed the Darkness Soul link to her soul core. 

Right then, Vice Leader Ninu's whole soulscape space turned entirely into Darkness! Vice Leader Ninu's soul body as well became enriched in a complete Darkness glow. 

With a wave of his hand, Darcel made his Darkness tendrils put Vice Leader Ninu on the ground.

Immediately when she was on her two feet, Vice Leader Ninu got on one knee to bow to her new master. 

"Master~, what are your orders for me?" Vice Leader Ninu's tone became respectful with a subtle hint of being alluringly sultry.

The state Vice Leader Ninu is in now is what Darcel dubbed as one with constant blissful pleasure. From now on, her whole soul will forever be imprinted by Darcel's Darkness essence. 

And in return, she'll never hurt or betray him and only obey his orders.

Yin Pleasure had warped Vice Leader Ninu's soul's core center, hardwiring her brain to see Darcel as the only master for her. 

With everything successfully accomplished here, Darcel told Vice Leader Ninu with a small smirk, "Let's get back to the real world. We have a bit of cleaning up to do."


Back on the outside, Aniela and Yasmi calculated about only several minutes passed since Darcel put his hand on that woman's neck. 

And though nothing came up yet, the girls were starting to feel a bit antsy.

"This over glamour woman better not be so stubborn in resisting. It'll only make this day longer if she's a fool." Yasami said out loud, feeling her tension slightly grow with each passing second.

"Yasami….you little cutie, you were also a bit stubborn on joining our relationship. But look at you now! Nothing can resist Darcel's Pleasure!" Aniela assuredly boasted. 

Yasami only gave a small "Hmph." but didn't fully respond, knowing she couldn't deny her annoying words. And right then, Aniela and Yasami's eyes perked up. 

Darcel had finally begun to move!

His eyes flutter open, and Darcel took his hand off from Vice Leader Ninu's neck. Vice Leader Ninu had her eyes closed and stayed still even when Darcel took his hand off.

Wordlessly, Darcel began to saunter over to the girls with an assured stride in his steps. 

"Sooo? Is it a success? Unlike the other one, she isn't roaring out in pleasure." Aniela asked first. She had a bit of doubt in her mind, though, since Vice Leader Ninu hasn't made a single move. 

Doubts that were also shared with Yasami as she eagerly awaited Darcel's response.

Darcel only kept a causal smirk, however. He simply pointed his thumb over his shoulder and said, "See for yourself if it is a success." 

Aniela and Yasami looked back over to Vice Leader Ninu.

And like Darcel gave her the signal, Vice Leader Ninu's eyes flung open. Aniela and Yasami were slightly taken aback at the sudden apparent changes in the woman.

Now there was a permanent, profound Darkness haze that glowed in her eyes. And instead of her usual indifferent, cold expression, Vice Leader Ninu's face immediately shifted to a slight sultry one.

Under the daze looks from the girls, Vice Leader Ninu walked to the trio. She came to a reasonable distance apart from just behind Darcel and spoke in a submissive tone.

"What are your orders Master and Mistresses~?" 

Darcel was a bit surprised. Not at the woman's mild flirty tone, but at her calling Aniela and Yasami Mistresses. But he quickly fathoms it was because of their shared Darkness Soul link she would recognize the girls as such.

"Oooh~? I'm a Mistress now? We're both Mistresses Yasami!" Aniela was mildly amused since this was the first time someone had ever called her by such a respectful title.

Yasami was the opposite. She merely shrugged, not caring much the way she was called at all. She had then asked, "So how is this gonna….actually, what is your name?"

Vice Leader Ninu cordially responded with, "This humble servant name is Ninu, Mistress." 

"And that's all we need to do. Ask, and she'll do anything we say." Darcel explained to the girls. Internally, he was also pleased that Ninu takes orders from the girl as well. That just made things more convenient. 

"Really like our very own worker....Alright! For your first order Ninu, tell us how many Heavenly Kings are left here?" Aniela swiftly gave out her order.

For a brief moment, Ninu trailed her eyes down to Heavenly General Dara. His body was still eerily twitching about, and the scalpel stuck him still shined a bright silver hue. 

Despite working together for so many years, the current Ninu didn't care in the slightest about Heavenly General Dara. 

She focused her eyes back on the trio and respectfully answers them with, "With Dara….out of commission. There are only two other Heavenly Generals here. Silver Lila is gone meaning there are only six platinum members left. And beside me, there are only two fourth level Heavenly Kings here."

Hering the daunting line-up, neither Darcel, Aniela, or Yasami felt any fear. 

They only felt their confidence rise at the challenging odds. Darcel had then taken out his Star-Spangled Flute, telling Ninu, 

"Order the remaining Heavenly Generals to come here. You have a very crucial meeting for them...."

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