Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 156: Hell Land

Once again, in the same gray space yet at another location, Masami had a scowl on her face at her current situation. 

When coming to the gray space, Masami was more like Darcel when experiencing the atmosphere here.

It was genuinely chilling to be here! 

Masami didn't think she would experience a different kind of fear as soon as she stepped into the gray space. But even as she felt her fear grow, Masami had no intentions to back down.

Masami took several seconds to calm herself. She had to find the center of her being and relaxed all tension in her mind and body.

Unknowingly in her state to become calm, her Darkness Soul link began to silently surge.

And immediately after, Masami was able to calm down and have a prepared mindset for what's to come. 

Though what did throw Masami a bit off again was the sudden feeling of an eerie atmosphere popping in right behind her. Masami swirled her body around and became slightly wide-eyed.

The gray robe figure had appeared before her, slightly shocking the fox girl.

But using the same relaxing technique combined with her Darkness Soul link, Masami called herself and pushed down the alarming fear the gray robe figure presented. 

Like with Darcel and Aniela, the gray robe figure had also asked Masami about her desire for power and if she values it.

Masami actually had to think a bit longer about it. 

Her goal for power drastically changed over a short span of time. And she now held new values that she tightly holds on to.

A confident smirk plastered on Masami's face when she had her answer. 

She told the gray robe figure, "Heh, my desire for power isn't some deep or philosophical one like you may be expecting. All I want to do with my power is protect my annoying team forever. And to crush prideful people's arrogance to make them see the light. You know, through your questioning, you made me truly realize my values. And that is, to do everything in my power to make life good for my team."

A slight shimmered crossed the gray robe figure's green eyes at her answer. And with a raise of its sleeve, the gray robe figure snapped its hand to create a soul form of Aniela and a mass of Perfected blue flames.

The gray robe figure had to snap its hand again to create a soul form Darcel, but like what happened with Aniela, it took a slightly longer time to do it. 

Although, Masami didn't even catch on to it.

She was just genuinely taken aback at seeing perfect replicas of the duo! 

Moreover, she felt the blue fire essence in her soul chaotically rumble in the presence of the Perfected blue flames. 

Masami felt a rush of anger at seeing the gray robe figure so causal create Darcel and Aniela like they're some sort of puppets. 

But before Masami could hotly speak out, the gray robe figure began to talk. It presented her with three choices, 

"Either choose Darcel and share a perfect team life with only him. Choose Aniela and share a perfect team life with her. Or choose the flames, and you'll be able to instantly gain the power for your revenge against your sect."

This choice is why such a vast scowl dawned on Masami's pretty face. In a sense, Masami's mind quickly pieced together what this gray robe figure's intentions are.

"So this is supposed to be some sort of trial of the mind or our characters, right? Heh….I just know for sure those two already easily pass this. And you know my answer to this?"

Masami paused to truly contemplate her answer. 

From her childhood until now, she went over all of her memories. And the only fond and cherished memories she has are with her kind and wise full grandmother.

Everyone else, down to even her own parents, placed so much unjust value on her since birth. The daughter of one of the three strongest leaders in their sect, yet such pitifully low talent was unacceptable in their eyes. 

Her own mother barely helped her out with these troubles.

And on her journey alone to prove herself, Masami honestly felt lost. 

Lost and unsure until she met Darcel and Aniela. These two shameless duos gave Masami feelings she didn't even realize she longed for.

The feelings of warmth and security. Warmth because they both showered her in just equal love and affection. And security because they both go out of their way to protect her and tremendously help her with her own cultivation.

Besides, her grandmother would people rarely go out of their way for her. Plus, even when Darcel and Aniela heard about her true origins, they didn't feel any fear. Their bond only grew stronger then.

Masami legitimately felt like they've been together for years despite knowing each other for a short amount of time. There wasn't a single moment where she didn't feel satisfied with them.

And, of course, she can't forget about the pleasure and bliss both Darcel and Aniela can offer to her. The mind shattering orgasm, which was her very first orgasm, left a tremendous impression on her. 

And she wanted more, she wanted it all! 

Despite her terrible experiences with her family, there was one thing she inherited from them. 

Their fiery possessive trait to never let go of what she loves!

Upon reaching this conclusion, Masami's Darkness Soul link began to violently quiver. A frantic amount of energy surged throughout her body, and a Darkness glow shimmered within the depths of her slit pupils.

"If you're expecting me to struggle or get stumped, well, too bad! I could care less about your bullshit options because Darcel and Aniela will be right by my side, and we'll carve out our own path to power!"

"Even if it means you'll lose all of your cultivation right no-" 

"Yes! Didn't you already hear me? You can do whatever you want to me because I, no, we will find a path to the top no matter what stands in our way!"

Masami felt her confidence blast through the roof. 

Her Darkness Soul link surging her with energy gave her the complete assurance she'll be able to handle any hurdler thrown at her. Even if she loses her cultivation power, her soul assured her it will all be ok.

It was like Darcel and Aniela were right by her sides. 

The gray robe figure's green eyes sparked, and it's raised its sleeve. With two snaps of its hands, the gray robe figure got rid of Darcel and Aniela's soul forms and all of the Innate Qi in Masami's body.

Masami felt her body become similar to a mere mortal, and she no longer had her Spirit Sense. An event like this could crush any cultivator.

Masami, however, stayed absolutely firm. She crossed her arms under her tremendous bosoms, still feeling soul energy course in her body. 

"Congratulations, you passed the first part. Now, are you ready for the second part? The path of hell." 

The gray figure asked, and Masami simply smirked. She took a short breath and resolutely said, "Bring it."


Sweat continually pooled from Darcel's brows, his teeth clenched in pain, and his body was uncomfortably secreting. 

The only word Darcel could describe the current place he was in, hell.

The place the gray robe figure transported him to seemed like an actual fiery hell landscape meant to torture any sinful souls that came here. 

There were numerous fiery mountains as far as Darcel's eyes could see, and every one of them spurted boiling lava.

The sky was an eerie blood-red color, and there was even ghastly red smoke spewing into the atmosphere. Down at his feet, the entire ground was in a similar chilling blood-red color.

From just meters in front of him, Darcel could also spot haunting human skulls littering the ground. 

And to top it off, Darcel could also just vaguely hear faint screams in the background as if somebody was getting rip to shreds.

Just standing at the entrance of this fiery hell, Darcel could say he was a bit off-put about it. 

But instead of letting any fear try and take over his mind, Darcel ignored the screams, the unbearable heat and closed his eyes.

He took a deep breath and let his body relax. 

Darcel found out not only he had no Qi to use, but he also couldn't use his Spirit Sense. And without either, it became incredibly hard to control his soul energy.

But, as an automatic defense, Darcel did feel his soul energy increase enough to just barely resist the heat here. His injuries only got a bit better, but his body was still worse for wear.

Although, at his current state, Darcel was assured it was enough to get through the fiery hell. 

After a few minutes, Darcel reopened his eyes. His gaze calmly wandered throughout the fiery hell, and he began to walk.

"It's very simple. All you had to do is reach the end." The gray robe figure's ethereal voice suddenly sounded in Darcel's ears. 

Darcel paused to look around him, but he didn't see the gray robe figure anywhere.

Shrugging his shoulders, Darcel continued to walk. And with only one step, Darcel felt a sizzling sound come from his feat. An incredible burning sensation traveled through his foot, running up Darcel's spine.

'Nnngh….well, I never expected a trial literally named hell to be easy.' Darcel mirth to himself as his face contorted into pain. 

He knew the only reason he was surviving this right now was because of his soul energy.

Specifically, Darcel's Darkness Soul link was slowly spewing out special soul essence energy, just barely keeping him alive in this environment. 

After taking one step, Darcel looked at how far and wide this fiery hell was.

Just looking at the vast scale of the place, Darcel could tell this may be the hardest challenge he'll ever face in his life. He would even go so far as to say this trial may be near impossible.

But….Darcel knew going through this wasn't just for himself.

He had to see both Aniela and Masami again. He needs to see their beautiful faces and relish in their loving embraces. 

So no matter what, Darcel knew he must push on here! 

Darcel violently clenched his hand to the point where blood began to draw from it. He pushed his mind to the absolute limit and started walking.

Darcel's feet sizzled into the ground with each step he took, and the fiery pain didn't lessen at all. But this time, Darcel didn't stop at all. He kept trudging on, pushing past the agony of fire.

Darcel continued like this for several meters, and right then, he suddenly felt the wind quickly pick up. 

Red smoke blew past Darcel, almost taking his breath away.

"Ack!....Tch!" Darcel violently hacked and cough, puking out fresh crimson blood. 

But, not even this could halt Darcel. 

A small increase of his soul energy let Darcel contend with the red smoke. He held his breath and stubbornly trudged through the red smoke.

Darcel knew if he were to stop, it could all be over then. Even just a single second of rest could ruin his momentum and make him crash and burn. 

Putting a hand at his bloody mouth, Darcel continued to traverse the fiery hell, his thoughts squarely on meeting his girls again.

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