Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 160: Submission

Seeing the same mysterious gray robe figure that was putting through so much hell, Darcel, Masami, and even Aniela felt small resentment swell up in their chest. 

They didn't even get to celebrate their reunions fully!

However, before any one of them could utter a complaint, the gray robe figure's green eyes brightly shimmered. It told the trio, "You more than astounded for the last trial. And now, let you be judged."

The gray robe figure raised its sleeve, and a snap echoed out in the gray space void. 

A blinding bright green flash sparked from the gray robe figure, forcing Darcel, Aniela, and Masami to shut their eyes.

'Too bright-Eh?' At first, the trio felt like they were going to go blind. 

But immediately, a mass rush of energy washed over there. The energy didn't feel threatening or powerful at all.

It was an odd yet slightly calming sensation to go experience. 

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami felt all tension leave their bodies; their minds became calmer, and their mood turned serene.

They laid with their eyes closed, being absolutely still, for a lengthy amount of time. 

By the time they felt like a few minutes passed already, Masami suddenly said, "Haaah….did we finally catch a break on this hell-like day?" 

"Well, would you look at that?" 

"Indeed, it's rare for people to come here, much less three at the same time." 

"And all three of them even pass chaotic judgment."

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami simultaneously flung their eyes open as three ethereal sounding voices soothed into their ears. 

However, instead of seeing three people, they witness something magical.

Hovering six feet away from them was the most beautiful set of objects they had ever seen in their lives. It was three green diamond shards, elegantly hovering a few inches from the ground.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami were in total awe at the green shards. 

Each green shards radiated a luxurious mesmeric green aura that nearly hypnotized the trio. There wasn't a single aura before that could compare to the green shards.

Not Heavenly Kings auras, or even their own auras, could compare to the green diamond shards' luminous radiance. 

And on their appearance, the green shards looked like they were crafted by the hands of God.

There wasn't a single miss detail on them. Everything was entirely made, showcasing the intricate details neither Darcel, Aniela, nor Masami could accurately tell what it was.

So taken aback, Aniela began to subconsciously utter, "Sooo beautiful….just what kind of mystic trial will in-" 

"You three may have been on a line of repeated success. But let us obverse your true colors now." The three ethereal voices spoke at the same time, cutting off Aniela's thoughts. 

Faster than the trio could even comprehend, the three green diamond shards blitz over to them.

The green diamond shards drilled right into Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's back but didn't cause any blood to spurt out of them. 

Though there was no visible damage, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's eyes still burst to the size of dinner saucers. They all immediately stiffen up as tremendous pain assaulted their entire being! 

"Ah-Ahhh!! What the hell?!?" Masami roared in agony, her hands thrusting to her chest, clutching it in anguish.

"Th-this-Argg!! Hell!!' Aniela was shivering on the ground, writhing in immense pain. 

"Gi-Gir-Arg! Shit! Ju-Hold On!!" Darcel could only sputter slight words of encouragement while he grovels in pain.

The trio felt like the pain was akin to getting their bones shattered over and over again without any rest. 

Only a few seconds passed since the green diamond shards drilled into them, yet the trio felt like hours passed already.

And none of them could understand just one tidbit about this pain. 

Why the hell are they still alive?! 

Surely with their already terrible injuries, the trio believed this kind of pain should've pushed them over the edge.

Yet, none of them could even pass out from the agonizing pain. They all were forced to stay up through every agonizing second. 

However, contrary to the trio's thoughts, the green diamond shards weren't actually breaking their bodies.

No, in Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's bodies, the green diamond shards didn't spew out any power or energy and traveled towards their Martial veins. 

It was only the mere presence of the green diamond shards that was causing the intense pain.

As the green diamond shards traverse to the trio's Martial veins, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's bloodlines simultaneously flared up. 

Their bloodstreams tried to rumble against a foreign invader in their bodies.

Even with their lack of cultivation, because they were truly in the presence of death, it seemed like their bloodstreams would actually gather a deep power. 

But, all the green diamond shards did was stop for a brief moment and shimmer a quick spark of green light.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's bloodstreams immediately froze, going back to their dead silent state. After that, the green diamond shards continued on, swiftly making it to their dead Martial veins.

In Darcel's body, his Martial veins began to exude a faint Darkness glow as his soul defenses sparked up. 

Aniela's Martial veins hazed a faint white Light glow, and Masami's Martial veins lightly simmered in a soft blue glow.

This didn't impede the green diamond shards at all. They simply tore right through their soul defenses, breaking into the trio's Martial veins, and directly went straight into their souls' space.

"Indeed, not bad ones at all we got here." The green diamond shard in Masami's soul space casually commented. 

Her soul space was a blended mix of Darkness and ocean blue.

And at the center of her soul space was Masami's soul core. The very center of Masami's entire being. Her soul core was a mix of pure blue flaming essence and a deep Darkness glow. 

"Who knows, these two elements can mix together." In Aniela's soul space, the green diamond shard could actually hear the shard in Masami's soul space while casually remarking. 

Aniela's soul space was a fantastic blend of Darkness and White Light. 

At her soul core, Aniela's was a mix of white Light, pure black flaming essence, and a profound Darkness glow.

"Hm, and this boy is even more surprising." A genuinely impressed tone sounded out from the green diamond shard in Darcel's soul space. It, too, could hear the other two shards' comment.

All around, Darcel's soul space was a wonderful blend of Darkness, white Light, and a bright blue glow.

And Darcel's soul core was the mix of Darkness, white Light, pure blue flaming essence, and black flaming essence. 

Just from overseeing their soul space, the green diamond shards could tell how closely connected the trio was. The girls had a deep mix of Darcel while he had the perfect blend of the girls.

And the time has come for them to undergo their true test. 

Without warning, gray energy burst from the green diamond shards! The gray energy had immediately drowned Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's soul space entirely in their tremendous power!


On the outside, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami simultaneously shrieked in tremendous agony. The gray energy wasn't destroying their souls, but it was causing them the worst pain of all.

The pain of having your soul get violently pierced into. 

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami violently convulsed on the green ground. They legitimately felt like they were going to die.

And it was an excruciatingly slow, painful death. 

After a minute pass undergoing this hell of pain, a sudden thought streaked in the trio's mind. 

They just wanted the pain to end in any way possible.

They were mentally drained. Their hands had clutched deeply on to their heads, digging deep into and drawing even more blood from it. The trio didn't even notice a change discharging from their bodies.

The same gray energy terrorizing their soul space began to slowly spew from their bodies. It started to individually slowly wrap around Darcel, Aniela, and Masami, attempting to form a cocoon around them.

When all hope seemed lost, and the trio thought this soul breaking pain would last forever. The green diamond shards ethereal voices echoed in their minds at the same time.

"This power you're experiencing. It's terribly agonizing, yet, it's not even half a percent of what it can truly do. And this power is something you all can gain for yourself. With it, nobody can stay in your way again. Even the Gods of the universe will bow to you. All you have to do is lie down and submit to us, and all the pain will go away."

"Nnngh…." Only groans of anguish leaked from Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's. 

They heard the voices, and they were about to seriously contemplate going through with it.

Their whole soul space and soul core was nearly covered by the gray energy. And if they just go limp, maybe the pain can really go away. 

But right when thinking so, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's Darkness soul link pulsated within the gray energy!

A spark of Darkness burst in the trio's eyes! 

And above expectations, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami suddenly sat right up. Death-defying pain was shattering their very being. But there was one thing none of them could accept in any way.

"Lie down and submit to you?! We don't care what you are! You will never make us submit!!" Darcel, Aniela, and Masami furiously shouted like they were roaring to the heavens!

And right then, inside Darcel's soul space, his soul core violently quivers. 

"Wh-what? Wait….no way!!" The green diamond shards immediately fell into a chaotic panic.

An overwhelming power was bursting from not only Darcel's soul core but also Aniela and Masami's! The same power that Darcel felt briefly surpassed his Darkness Soul link was surging again.

This hidden extraordinary power wasn't only changing Darcel, but it also began manifesting inside Aniela and Masami through their Darkness Soul links. The Darkness Soul links acted as a bridge for Darcel's hidden power to emerge inside of them! 

The Darkness glow inside all of them quickly intensified, and everything froze for a brief moment.


An immense Darkness explosion burst in the trio's soul! 

Darcel's soul core was continuously trembling, changing and transforming Aniela and Masami's soul core at the same time. 

Darcel's soul core Darkness's immense power quickly drowned out the gray energy and covered the green diamond shards. 

"Nothing will ever control us!" Darcel shouted with determination and power.

"Only we can carve out our own path!" Aniela roared in absolute indignation. 

"So you will lie down and submit to us! You will be absorbed by us!!" Masami topped it all off with a mighty shriek.

'Chi!' A Darkness dome suddenly shrouded the trio. 

Inside their soul space, the green diamond shards actually couldn't move at all. This Darkness power was beyond their wildest dream.

"They want to absorb us?!" 

"Nobody, nobody ever succeeded in this! All Gods who tired died!! They-they can't!!" 

"Oh no! What's that?!" 

The green diamond shard all got starstruck as numerous Darkness tendrils blasted out of the Darkness in the trio's soul space.

The Darkness tendrils tightly wrapped up the green diamond shards. They slowly pulled them to Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's soul core. 

Despite everything happening in three different soul spaces, somehow, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's souls were reacting simultaneously.

As the green diamond shards got slowly pulled towards the trio's soul core, they had finally realized it. 

"That boy….no Darcel. You're….you're an anomaly."

Neither Darcel, Aniela, or Masami even heard the green diamond shards' last thoughts. 

Their Darkness tendrils fully plunged the green diamond shards into their soul core then.

Once again, agonizing pain flared up in the trio. 

However, this time, neither Darcel, Aniela, or Masami made any lick of groans. They determinedly gritted their teeth, sitting upright, and fiercely resisted the pain.

Their bodies spasm in pain, yet none of them left there sitting upright spots. And under the brutal pain, time quickly sailed by. It wasn't until an hour passed that the Darkness dome surrounding the trio burst into small droplets.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami didn't even take notice of it. They immediately went limped and collapsed to the ground.

They were completely knocked out.

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