Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 216: Great Satisfaction


Aniela quickly shifted her gaze over to Masami, just feeling that violent shift of emotions radiating off from her. Her curiosity further piqued as Masami's foxtails rigidly curled up as if she just encountered a fearsome enemy. 

Truthfully, though Masami tends to be on the aggressive side for most situations, Aniela never saw her get so instantly hostile. 

In just a snap of a moment, Masami looked like she was ready to pounce on whatever thing she directed her burning gaze at.

Aniela started to move her hands over to Masami's shoulder, preparing to ask just what got her so worked up. 

But right then, Masami swiftly spoke, still keeping her gaze locked on that specific spot. "So! The little crap geniuses are finally here to play?!?" 

The sheer intensity in Masami's voice was also something Aniela never heard from her before. Just from Masami's surging anger, the air around them began to sizzle even without her spewing her blue flames.

Before Aniela had a chance to react again, Masami impulsively moved on pure anger alone. 

She raised her finger and instantly surged a brightly blue flaming ball at the tip of her finger—small streaks of blue flaming wisps emitted from the burning ball, drilling deep into the snowy ground.

In the same instance, Masami brought forth her blue flaming ball of rage; she shot it right towards the specific spot she had her gaze locked onto. 

The blue flaming ball tears through the air, roaring straight towards a seemingly invisible target.

The interesting tidbit about Masami's rage-filled attack was the fact she barely put any of her power into it. Masami may have anger on the brain, but she made explicitly sure she used even less than a fraction in her attack.

Such a weak attack still would've made an eighth-level Heavenly King fear for their lives. And it was certainly enough to get a sneaking presence to finally show themselves. 

From fifty feet in front of Aniela and Masami, the ground had suddenly burst open!

A different set of blue flames chaotically rumbled in the air as a blue flaming figure shot out of the ground. Just very narrowly, the blue flaming figure flashed out of the way of Masami's blue blazing ball. 

Although, Masami's attack did graze that blue flaming figure's clothes before shooting off into the far distance.

Aniela's eyes widened a bit. Now that vague presence was fully revealed to her Spirit Sense. And up in front of them, she finally saw just who was stalking them. 

"My, my, my! Just look who we have here. An actual beauty?" Aniela was curiously tilting her head at their sudden stalker appearance. 

It truly wasn't anything like she expected a stalker to look like. Fifty feet in front of her, and Masami was this seemingly beautiful woman.

This beautiful-looking woman had long jet black ink hair that was revealed after her robe hoodie was flung off. She had clear, gorgeous eyes that was warped with confusion and a bewildered expression to accompany the disorder in her eyes.

However, the main attraction that really got Aniela's interest was two fluffy fox ears standing rigid on top of this woman's head. 

Aniela's eyes quickly peered over to Masami's fox ears and this woman's fox ears. Unless she looked closely into their ears, it was difficult to tell the difference between the two.

A glint entered Aniela's eyes as she thought to herself, 'So it's family time, huh?' 

Compared to the apparent interest Aniela had in this seemingly beautiful woman, Masami was feeling a particular emotion bubble up inside her.

She imposingly stood straight up, her gaze glowering down on the seemingly beautiful woman. "Really now? They sent the little girly boy Kasai huh? Guess our faction really is getting desperate...." 

Masami's smirk insanely widened when seeing Kasai react hard to her insult.

Kasai had briefly forgotten her surprise and confusion over this strange reunion as her expression turned a slight bit grim. The fact that it was someone like Masami blatantly insulting him didn't sit well at all.

However, Kasai showed a degree of maturity most young, overly talented young people his age lack. He took a slight deep breath and attempted to calmly analyze this bizarre situation. 

Although, almost immediately, Kasai tightened his eyebrows.

When attempting to make sense of this situation, nothing made sense at all. That mere minor attack Masami so casually flung at him was incredibly dangerous to Kasai! 

Kasai had felt immense pressure as if he was facing a peak, eighth-level Heavenly King.

There was an actual threat to Kasai's life. Just a step slower, Kasai was positively sure that Masami's attack would've fatally injured him. 

And beside Masami's insane prowess, there was this mysterious long white hair girl. Adding on to the confusion was the fact that this white-haired girl and Masami were wearing these odd black and white masks. 

It was quite literally seconds ago that Kasai felt Nomyia's fox amulet violently pulsated, picking up on Masami's signature.

Though it was a bit strange the amulet didn't go off while he searched New Branch City and close to the city, Kasai didn't bother to question at first. 

A bit unfortunate for Kasai was that the fox amulet quickly died down a few seconds later.

Still, Kasai was able to track the general vicinity of Masami's variant bloodline presence thanks to the remnant pulsation of the fox amulet. 

And finally, here, Kasai had immediately identified Masami's voice since it was admittedly loudly iconic.

All this time leading up to the Mercenary Exchange Event, Kasai thought this would be an easy little pit stop for Grand Teacher. But actually, facing Masami was quickly shaping up to be an entirely different story.

What made the situation just that more chilling was the fact Kasai could barely sense Masami's cultivation realm. All he could pick up on was that she was somewhere in the Innate Core realm. 

Most worrying was all; Kasai couldn't sense Aniela's cultivation realm at all.

Out of these unexpected crazy developments, Kasai still tried to maintain an even face while talking. 

"Masami….it's time to go home. Your Grandmother wants you, which is why I'm here." Kasai quickly thought it over in his head and realized appealing towards her impulsive emotions should work.

And Masami indeed paused for a moment. She felt a sense of warmth, nostalgia, and love all nestle inside her chest, thinking of her Grandmother. 

However, before Kasai could think he would get somewhere, Masami began to softly chuckle.

"Heh….you know, I do miss grandma. But….it isn't time for me to go home yet. And when I do get home, she'll be in for a tremendous surprise." 

Kasai began to tense up his body. He was preparing to respond a bit more persuasively until he felt two presences rapidly approaching from behind.

Not only Kasai, but Aniela and Masami shifted their gazes beyond Kasai's body. 

"A surprise for the Wisdom Grand Sage of our whole sect? Is that so? That's quite a big talk Masami Kitsui." A charming-sounding young man's voice blared up to them.

Kasai looked back in slight surprise. Aniela became more amused while Masami became increasingly excited.

Sprinting up to them was Zhaun and Cui! 

These two began to walk as they got close, confidently strolling up the whole group as if they already had the entire situation under control.

As they got close, Cui was indifferent as usual. But as her gaze crossed over to Masami, a heavy disdain filled her whole body. From under hoodie robe, one would be able to spot her lips curling up in disgust just from Masami's presence.

Zhaun had the same type of unwelcoming opening gesture, just in a completely different way. 

Under his hoodie, his face was deviously smiling while looking over to Kasai. But when staring at Masami, Zhaun's eyes turned as if he was staring at a colossal joke.

Kasai didn't care what reaction they had to Masami. He quickly demanded from both of them, "Just how did you….oh right." Kasai's face began to lit up in realization. "The contact ring. You two….just why are you here?"

Cui ignored Kasai's question and peered her eyes over at Zhaun. "Hmph. Zhaun, when you said he had something potentially useful hiding in his clutches, I thought something actually useful." She peered her eyes back over at Masami, still filled with disdain.

"Not just some joke." 

Zhaun put on a seemingly oblivious expression as he mockingly raised his hands in the air. "Come now, don't be like that. Don't you two want to see lowest talented dau-"

Zhaun abruptly ceased talking. His face contorted into unbelievable shock! An unfathomable powerful aura violently crushed down on his entire being! 

Zhaun felt his blood run cold, his Heavenly aura was suppressed, and immense danger exploded in his mind.


Zhaun and Cui weren't spared as their faces had also transformed into bewildered shock. The same tremendously powerful aura suppressing Zhaun also crushed down on them, freezing their Heavenly auras, locking up their entire bodies.

Zhaun, Cui, and Kasai tear their eyes over to just who was causing this powerful aura. 

And seeing who it was further destroyed their sense of disbelief. 

"No-no-no way?!?" Zhaun and even Cui and Kasai all fearfully uttered.

Their entire faces were in complete awe and horror. In front of them, Masami stood tall and proud, decked out in her bloodline transformation state. 

Her blue fox flaming cloak brightly shimmered like a miniature blinding sun drawing all eyes into her.

'H-Her cloak....it's even brighter and richer than mines!!' Zhaun, Cui, and Kasai simultaneously thought. Staring at just how vibrant Masami's bloodline fox cloak was, their sense of inferiority only increased.

Masami was curiously tilting her head towards the Ice Nine Tails geniuses as a sense of satisfaction increasingly surged within her. "You know, I let the three of you ramble on for so long, just for this moment. So what were you saying? Lowest talented da-what? I didn't quite catch the last part."

'She's enjoying herself. And I can't deny, this is so fun to watch!' Aniela was musing to herself, perfectly content with Masami handling all of this.

Kasai Zhaun and Cui, however, felt like everything dramatically turned into a bizarro world. Fear seeped into every fiber of their entire being; they all were having tremendous trouble believing this reality. 

Kasai, Zhaun Cui desperately tried to gather any scent of power, move a tiny part of their body to struggle, and even tried to draw on their souls. 

However, every avenue for them was futile. Zhaun, Kasai, and Cui were suppressed entirely.

Their Heavenly Qi and Heavenly aura were utterly vaporized by just the mere sliver of Masami's bloodline power. None of this felt even remotely right to Kasai, Zhaun, and Cui. 

Masami is supposed to be trash lower than even the weakest disciples! How could she hold this legendary genius prowess?! 

For the first time in her whole life, a jumbled frantic mix of emotion burst on Cui's face. She started to fearfully stutter out, "Im-impossible-how-AH!!"

Suddenly, Cui's eyes nearly bulged out her sockets. 

"Thre-thre-three tails?!?" 

As Cui pointed it out, Zhaun and Kasai also looked at Masami's foxtails. And an equally dumbfounded expression plastered on their faces.


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