Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 68: Good First Impressions

After a relaxing fun day spent graciously with the joyful Hao Cao, Darcel and Aniela had immediately started the next day bright and early in the morning.

They wasted no time in traversing the large Academy, making it down to the High-Level students' section.

Where Darcel and Aniela had ended up was the Academy's signature Mission Center. Only this time, the Mission Center on this High-Level area was of a higher quality than the Initiate-Level area.

But, Darcel and Aniela weren't there to admire the better quality or even seriously complete a mission. No….they were here for a straightforward pretense.

To fight and crush any Quicksilver Roc True Soul Core disciples!

"I already feel the anticipation bubbling inside me like a wild storm Darcy! Plus, it also helps that walking through this big place now feels more; let's see….pleasant." Aniela excitedly stated.

And looking back on their walk coming here, Darcel did find Aniela's was undoubtedly correct in her words.

Compared to their first day here, their change in status was night and day.

Even while trekking through the High-Level student section, no High-Level teacher or elder dared to look down or disdain the duo.

Most of the students now held a slight appraisal about Darcel and Aniela, getting rid of any mockery in their eyes.

Although that wasn't to say every student, there was so accepting and welcoming. Some still have an unkind haze in their eyes; others have this false sense of superiority over the duo directly etched into their brains.

Their dramatically rising super stardoms is a sore spot of envy for many spanning across the entire Academy.

But no students dared to make trouble with the duo, knowing the extremely high consequences involved there.

Still, no matter what kind of gaze or expression thrown towards Darcel and Aniela, they both took it in great stride.

Relishing in the envy of their competition is truly something magical to feel.

"Let's get in,"

Darcel told Aniela, and they both promptly walked through the Mission Center doors.

Somehow….this place was even more extensive than what the Initiate Mission Center could achieve.

Darcel and Aniela dart their eyes all over the room, taking notice of the finer detail here. But the most significant thing to note about this Mission Center was the swift bustling of students here.

Many students were either in large or small groups with each other. Nearly on all of the students' faces were a burning will to fight or devious intentions sprawled all across their faces.

With just a simple quick listen in, Darcel and Aniela found out these groups of students were fervently discussing plans on how to take on and take down the gnats of the Quicksilver Roc sect.

Once entering the Mission Center, several prying eyes landed on the duo.

But once realizing just who they were, the students quickly went back to their own talks.

Throughout this short time, Darcel was gauging the level of the students here. Clearly, he didn't feel anyone here nowhere near close to Jamas aura.

Still, some noteworthy ones stood tallest among the crowd.

Aniela, however, darted her eyes to the left wall of the room. Quickly her eyes lit up as she said to Darcel, "This paper…. it'll do us quite nicely."

She got Darcel's attention as she pointed to a typical paper upon the wall.

Nodding at Aniela's quick find, the duo had then proceeded to walk up to this flyer. While walking, Darcel read the description of the mission, in which it detail,

'Collecting special cores of True Soul Core ghosts around The Demesne Grave.'

The mission was only but a common rank, clearly telling of how easy of a task this would be.

And yet, Darcel and Aniela suddenly recall some memories reading the term ghosts.

Their thoughts immediately delve back into the past, where they first stumbled upon that cave and those strange spirits. If it truly wasn't for their bloodline awakening, then neither Darcel and Aniela would be standing here.

But more specifically about that very cave, Darcel and Aniela could vaguely sense something off about that place.

Now that they're genuinely far stronger, Darcel and Aniela gained that much confidence in exploring that cave again if they were to come across that path.

"Ah? You two….you two must be Darcel and Aniela, right?"

Slithering into Darcel and Aniela's like a cool breeze was of a charming male voice that carried a magnetic allure.

Turning around, the duo found themselves face to face with the most noteworthy boy out of everyone in the Mission Center.

This boy is delightfully handsome, radiated an alluring soul capturing presence, and wore a pleasant smile.

This was the fourth rank student Lukil out of the whole High-Level students' section. His eyes carried massive interest and curiosity while gauging his first impression of Darcel and Aniela.

The duo also held a similarly impressive first impression of Lukil's noble appearance.

Aniela gave the boy a bright, captivating smile that burst with alluring rays of dazzling light and had then said,

"Yep! We sure are! And you are?"

Already in just a few words, Lukil slightly fell into the enrapture of Aniela's energetic, enigmatic world. Her angelic voice smoothly cooed into his head like a summer breeze.

Pleasantly smiling back at Aniela, Lukil told the duo, "My name is Lukil, and I can already tell, fierce geniuses like you also want to compete against those Quicksilver Roc rats, right? It's the main reason why so many are taking on missions now anyway. Though no disrespect to your prowess, might I suggest joining some of my friends in their group? It's all only True Soul Core cultivators hashing it out."

Even before Lukil started talking to Darcel and Aniela, his general impression was already favorable high of them.

Primarily because of a particular friend of his, he vaguely knows about this duo's unfathomable potential.

"We….appreciate the offer, but Aniela and I prefer to be on our own team. But these ghosts, any specific detail you can provide us with?" Darcel, this time spoke up, his voice carrying an undeniable alluring charm.

Some mild surprise enters Lukil's eyes when glancing over to Darcel. From some off rumors, he had heard Darcel having a more standoffish attitude compared to Aniela.

But clearly, now, that standoffish attitude was nowhere to be seen; in fact, Lukil had strangely felt a slight soothe oozed into his soul.

"Ah, those ghosts require minimal worry. Simply as long as your pure Qi can overpower the ghost cores, you can effectively kill them. Plus, these ghost cores are all highly unstable in their foundation, further making it easier to overpower." Lukil generally explained to the duo.

Darcel and Aniela quirked their eyebrows a small tidbit.

This way of killing the ghosts does remind of how they kill those ghosts in the cave through sheer overwhelming power.

Nodding at Lukil, Aniela had then told him, "Many thanks for the advice! See you around soon."

Darcel had then taken the Mission flyer, and the duo prepared to get their supply from the Mission Elder.

But before entirely leaving, Lukil had suddenly, swiftly spoken up, saying,

"Just one more thing. Be wary of this odd blue glow in those Quicksilver Roc rats' eyes. My group underestimated them at the time, which led to one of my friends getting injured. I would say, when you fight them, beat them as soon as possible."

Darcel and Aniela stopped midway once hearing Lukil's words.

An odd blue glow?

Recounting their previous fights, besides those ghosts, no one they fought ever had an odd blue glow hazing their eyes.

"We'll keep that in mind then." Darcel nodded to Lukil, and the duo once again proceeded their trek to the Mission Elder.

All the while, they couldn't help but feel this event will be far more interesting than they initially believed.


Inside the dreary enveloping Darkness of the Necropolis Woods, two streams of Light and Darkness speedily tore through the place.

Darcel and Aniela weren't really the ones to over-prepare, and they knew they wouldn't really need to.

Running through the Woods now, Darcel and Aniela felt as if they were running on clouds. Just their base speed and with minimal Nascent Qi, it allowed them to reach unfathomable speeds at their current prowess.

In only a minute or so, the duo managed to cross miles away from Necrotic City and dash straight into the Woods.

This small feat isn't even achievable by peak Nascent Core cultivators or even some early layer link True Soul Core cultivators!

As for traversing the Necropolis Woods, no peak Nascent Core Spirit Monster could even catch a whiff of Darcel and Aniela's scent.

Their speed was like flashes to the Spirit Monsters, only feeling a wild gush of wind wash over them for a split second.

The route they headed on was directly leading them to the so-called 'Demesne Grave.' Truthfully, Darcel and Aniela had heard of this place a few times.

Still, it was never nearly mentioned as often as the Black Dungeon Labyrinth.

From all they can gather about this place was the fact there was supposedly great riches deep underground of specific graves.

But, mysteriously, most who went to The Demesne Grave just strangely was never found again.

And for the ones who do come back, there had been reports on those cultivators acting a bit odder. Plus, those cultivators wouldn't want to discuss what happens in The Demesne Grave at all.

It was all a bit interesting for Darcel and Aniela, plus they now also have a second destination to explore after crushing those Quicksilver Roc kids.

After running nonstop for about ten minutes, the duo had finally come upon an intriguing sight.

Just a couple of meters ahead of them, there lay a human-like figure entirely in an eerily blue shade, sitting on top of a large boulder.

Darcel and Aniela immediately recognize this as a Spirit Monster ghost!

Although, Darcel and Aniela couldn't determine the gender of this ghost, and its appearance didn't match any of the ghosts they fought in the cave.

Still, the aura of this ghost wasn't anything to scoff at.

Massively more superior than cave ghosts, this lone ghost sat in the True Soul Core realm!

Moreover, Darcel and Aniela were now able to sense what layer link this ghost was, and it was seated firmly at the second layer link of True Soul Core.

Because of teachings from Vice Principal Zelle and their own latent abilities of their Spirit Sense, it was quite a smooth process for the duo to achieve.

But, the ghost aura wasn't the only thing Darcel and Aniela sensed.

It was vague, very vague akin to searching for a needle in a haystack. Yet Darcel and Aniela could sense this ghost aura was covering three small energy signatures.

If one was merely at the same second layer link like this ghost, it would've been all but impossible to sense these three small energy signatures.

Unless a cultivator would have an extremely special Spirit Sense, which is difficult to come by.

Of course, though, Darcel and Aniela Spirit Sense was the base definition of being counted as unique.

"Soo, Darcy? Shall we give the sneaky hiding rats a big surprise welcome?" Aniela quietly whispered to Darcel.

Looking ahead, it would appear this lone ghost hasn't noticed them yet. Instead, its gaze was focused on the long profound Darkness of the Necropolis Woods.

"Try not to go too hard; we don't want them scurrying off so fast," Darcel whispered and smirked at Aniela. She spouted the same bold smirk as their eyes lit up in a plan of attack.

Without any further words, Darcel and Aniela enriched their legs with Nascent Qi and slightly bent down.


Faster than their base speeds, Darcel and Aniela took off like lightning towards the ignorant ghost.

Quickly, however, the ghost snapped its head towards the duo, a hint of chilling killing intent already sprayed in its entirely blue eyes.

The ghost only sensed the pitiful power of fifth level Nascent Core aura as it raised its hand, preparing to slap these kids to death.

But right then, the ghost abruptly went as still as a statue.

A tremendous burst of crisis frantically swelled in its mind as it watched Darcel and Aniela.

Before it could even fully understand what was transpiring, a beautiful black and white glow enchantingly spewed out from Darcel and Aniela.

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