Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 96: Inevitability

Several ten thousand kilometers away from the fourth rank Province, over Necrotic City, there seemed to be a growing light shine in the clouds.

The once melancholic atmosphere that had suddenly plagued the City appeared to be clearing up.

All major sects and institutions were steadily gathering new information that will slowly change everyone's future in the City.

Specifically, in the Zakira Academy, a haste shift was undergoing unknown to nearly all of the Academy.

Inside Principal Zakria's office, three beautiful women were gathered there. It was, of course, Principal Zakira herself, Vice Principal Zelle, and surprisingly, the third-ranked middle-level student Hao Cao.

Vice Principal Zelle still retained her stunning beautiful appearance that was revealed in the forest. And when combined with Principal Zakira's already astounding beauty, it made for a deadly combination.

Under regular times for a student like Hao Cao, she would've been overly ecstatic to meet with her Heavenly King Principal and to see Vice Principal Zelle's authentic appearance.

However, she was anything but ecstatic.

A serious, concerning expression dawned on her face, similar to Principal Zakira and Vice-Principal Zelle. Together with Principal Zakira, Hao Cao was putting her hand on the purple crystal orbs that floated above Principal Zakira's desk.

To the side, Vice-Principal Zelle watched on in silence, giving Principal Zakira and Hao Cao full concentration. Several thoughts rummaged in her mind as she anxiously waited on the upcoming news.

A few days have passed since the death-defying fight in the Necropolis Woods.

And Vice Principal Zelle wanted to say she was surprised, but she half-expected the already swift response the whole Necrotic City is taking.

After all, the colossal blue shine that covered the whole expansive Necropolis Woods was quite literally possible to ignore. That shine had not only blinded her vision but also expanded for several hundred kilometers!

On the same day, Darcel, Aniela, and that horrid looking man seemingly disappeared in the Woods. Vice Principal Zelle managed to sneakily come back to the Academy with Elder Leweyn and Erin without causing any stir.

Principal Zakira immediately informed her that everyone in the City, including their Academy, was fascinated by the blinding blue flash.

As Principal Zakira informed her of the news, she wasn't even shocked by Vice Principal Zelle's new stunning appearance.

But her mind was worried about Darcel and Aniela. During their whole fight in the Woods, she couldn't make a single prediction about how they would end up.

Vice Principal Zelle had then told her she doesn't have a clear idea of the duo's wellbeing either.

She had stayed for a couple of hours in the same spot when they had faced the horrid looking man, and yet neither Darcel nor Aniela came back.

Vice Principal Zelle wanted to stay longer, but her senses suddenly picked up upcoming Spirit Monsters roaming to her spots. And not in the most optimal state to fight, Vice-Principal Zelle had no other options but to leave without even knowing what happened to Darcel and Aniela.

Because of this, Vice Principal Zelle wanted to quickly explore back into the Woods after getting somewhat healed, but Principal Zakira stopped her.

She claimed the situation is too chaotic now and had instead sent their best Scouters to explore the Woods.

And in merely a day, their Scouters told them that people couldn't help but explore the Woods again. Furthermore, during this new exploration, everyone who went into the Woods was able to come back home!

This led to word getting steadily stirred around that the Necropolis Woods are now safe to explore over the past few days.

Armed with this new knowledge, more adventurous cultivators took up to explore to satisfy their burning curiosity of the unknown Woods.

One small peculiar thing Vice-Principal Zelle noticed was how Elder Leweyn and Erin were still staying inside their Academy. It was reasonable, seeing as those frightening creatures and that horrid man severely damaged and drained their souls.

But still, Vice Principal Zelle wasn't actively keen on them staying for any extra amount of time. However, among all of those subject matters and worries, her biggest concern was still Darcel and Aniela's wellbeing.

Admittedly, she was growing quite fond and attached to those enigmatic kids.

Unlike any other students, they were a breath of fresh air. They never hesitated to speak their minds and took everything at their own pace. Some sort of intimate mentor and disciple bond was starting to build between them before it was all abruptly taken away.

At this point, Vice Principal Zelle didn't even care for their outrageous talent or latent potential; she only wanted them to be safe.

So when after few days passing and none of Principal Zakira's sources picked up on Darcel or Aniela, she took matters into her own hand.

Just earlier today, Vice-Principal Zelle decided to go undercover along with a team of their best trackers to find any traces of Darcel and Aniela.

Elder Leweyn currently wasn't a possibility, seeing as the duo quite literally left nothing about themselves in the Academy. Plus, he was also still not at his most optimal state for tracking.

With her speed Vice Principal, Zelle managed to cover the several hundred kilometers of Necropolis Woods in just a few hours.

Unfortunately, her results left her more than disappointed.

There wasn't even a trace of Darcel and Aniela in the Woods! At least she couldn't pick up a hint of them.

As for her best trackers, they still haven't got back to her during her own search.

But when Vice Principal Zelle wanted to call and ask about their progress. Principal Zakira recalled for Vice Principal Zelle to come to her office, saying she could make a clear lead on the duo's whereabouts.

It was finally how they came to this situation where after Principal Zakira did a brief explanation to Hao Cao. She was conjoining her foresight powers with Hao Cao's sixth sense powers.

Principal Zakira assumed this was the most likely option to peer in some form of Darcel and Aniela's near future.

Although for Hao Cao, all she needed to hear was that Darcel and Aniela could be in grave danger to immediately start helping out.

Besides her brother and her older sister, Hao Cao could safely say she was the closest to Darcel and Aniela out of everyone in the Academy.

And they only knew each other for a few weeks!

But those few weeks spent with them was one of the most unrestrained fun times she ever had with someone that wasn't her siblings. And after their death-defying time in the Black Dungeon Labyrinth, Hao Cao could honestly say they are her real friends.

Time had quickly passed in the silent anticipating room.

Vice Principal Zelle didn't know how long, but she reckoned at least half an hour or so already passed. With this amount of time, Vice Principal Zelle was starting to assume this may even take all night.

But right then, a bright glistening purple flash radiated in Principle Zakria's pupils!

She stared intensely inside the floating purple crystal orb, finally feeling a vision appearing in it.

Hao Cao, however, only felt her soul continuously tingle.

It was a shivering tingle that didn't cause discomfort and only raised her curiosity. She couldn't see what Principal Zakira was observing but already anxiety built up in her.

And finally, after ten crushing seconds, Principal Zakira looked up and told the two women, "They're alive. But… .they're far, extremely far away from us."

Her answer caused some slight worries to alleviate Vice-Principal Zakira's Hao Cao's minds but also raised some significant concerns.

"Well? Just how far?" Vice Principal Zelle asked rather hastily.

"In an extreme region of ice and snow. Specifically, somewhere in the middle of the Icy Cloud Province." Principal Zakira patiently and calmly explained to them, not minding Vice-Principal Zelle's hastiness.

"The Icy Cloud Province?!?"

However, Vice Principal Zelle and Hao Cao had more intense reactions.

After all, what they just heard was the Icy Cloud Province! The fourth-ranked Province out of the whole nine!

A Province being assigned a rank isn't just for cosmetic or distance purposes. No, everyone from the ninth rank Province and until the fifth rank Province knows the Icy Cloud Province is the start of real monstrous powerhouses!

To several thousand years old ancient experts, monstrous genius youths, and exotic, deadly Spirit Monsters. The Icy Cloud Province is what many consider the real start of one cultivation journey.

But, that's only if one is at a sufficiently high enough realm and is prepared for it!

Even with the heaven-defying prowess Darcel and Aniela have. Being able to beat mere peak True Soul Core cultivators is nothing compared to Innate Core powerhouses and the terrifying Heavenly Kings.

"This….this….we have to plan to get them back immediately. They'll be eaten alive as mere fresh meat out in there."

Vice Principal Zelle quickly said, and Hao Cao was in full agreement with her.

Yet, Principal Zakira still remained tranquil and poised.

"Don't get too riled up now. The distance between us is tremendous. None of us in the Academy are strong enough to go on a solo mission, and we can't take away manpower considering our equal rivals. But….don't fret. Darcel and Aniela will use this as a great opportunity."

"....Great opportunity? I'm sorry, Principal, but what do you mean by that?" Hao Cao asked her question as respectfully as possible but still had the courage to pry into Principal Zakira's mind.

Yet Principal Zakira didn't mind and gave the child a slight but beautiful smile.

"For heaven defying talents like them, there isn't a single one that doesn't thrive under the most dangerous settings and situations. Being in that Province will most definitely explosively increase their prowess to a degree, not even we can provide. Moreover, I will have an accurate enough reading to know when it will be necessary to intervene."

Principal Zakira spoke with utter confidence, leaving no room for error in her tone.

Even before her first meeting with Darcel and Aniela, her attention had always been on the duo. No matter what, she won't leave those unique kids to simply meet an unfortunate death.

"Haah….I suppose you are right. The current situation is still too chaotic, plus the Yoderine institution is still our biggest concern besides the Quicksilver Roc sect. But when everything is settled, we most definitely must try to help in the future." Vice Principal Zelle still had determined eyes and wouldn't relent on this point.

Hao Cao's mind, however, was flashing back at scenes in the Labyrinth.

More specifically, the undeniable soothing warmth she felt when Darcel held her in his arms.

Or the soothing tranquility she had when Aniela wrapped her up in her gentle telekinesis powers. Even under near death danger, those two somehow just found a way to keep her mind the most serene and relaxed.

Which is why she just had to speak up and blurt out, "Principal Zakira. Instead of using manpower or waiting around, can I request for me, Joyce, and Shai Xia to go out and help them? Surely-"

"Rejected. That kind of bravery for friends is commendable but not you, Joyce, nor Xia holds the talent to strive as they would. Furthermore, to travel across the five other Provinces would require every one of you to be at least a high low-level Heavenly King. Something that takes even the most talented of geniuses around our Province at least tens of years just to reach the half step level."

Principal Zakria didn't spare her words, but they were the blunt truth that she needed to hear.

"Ah, Hao Cao, can you stop for a minute. Vice Principal Zelle and I have important matters to discuss. I will call for you later." She continued on to say as Hao Cao had a slightly stunned expression.

Her face went through slight multiple changes as if she wanted to say something else. But, in the end, she relented and nodded towards Principal Zakria without another word.

Although as she walked out, Principal Zakira's words rummaged inside her word. The thought of not being able to help didn't sit well at all.

A goal was starting to become inspired in her mind. And unknown to her, several changes were beginning to form in her soul.

As Hao Cao left, Principal Zakira squinted her eyes at her lovely back. A slight purple flash illuminated her eyes, but it went unknown to Vice Principal Zelle.

"Are you planning on dealing with the chaotic situation of the Necropolis Woods already?" All alone, Vice-Principal Zelle suddenly asked.

"Yes….but we will go at it slowly and discreetly. From your descriptions, it appears as the ring leaders consisting of those creatures and that man are all disposed of. At least, there are no traces of that man in the Woods or the whole City. Still, those possessed humans are a problem. We'll obverse and snipe any situation that is convenient for us for now."

"As you wish, Zakira." Though Vice-Principal Zelle nodded, her mind still couldn't let go of Darcel and Aniela. "Do you really think they can survive?"

Towards her question of concern, Principal Zakira briefly closed her eyes for a second. And in the next, she snapped them back open, telling her,

"All I can say for use is our next meeting with them will cause inevitable, irreversible changes. I don't know how, what or when it will happen. But it will be an unavoidable meeting."

Slight fluctuation feelings course in Vice Principal Zelle's mind until she simply exudes a tired sigh, "At least they will be alive. Alright, for now, let's just put our full attention in these ghastly Woods."

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