Chat with the bandit (112)

"Damn... Really, these Sect disciples are too stupid... They lack any kind of cunning..." Ruvan muttered in a voice full of reproach. In his opinion, the martial skills of the Sect's male disciples were pitiful.



"The idiot who is trying to escape... If you don't want my snake to eat you..."

"BRING YOUR FUCKING ASS HERE!!" Ruvan said with an annoying voice. I was too exhausted to be dealing with the little rat that was trying to sneak away.



"WAIT! I'M SORRY," A voice regretfully finally echoed throughout the cave as a pitiful-looking bandit ran to bow down in front of Ruvan.

"Well... At least you're not that dumb..."

"I am more than willing to be of help to the young master" The bandit said as he bent his head to the ground. It was obvious that he was scared.

The bandit had witnessed how Ruvan and his snake had completely charged the powerful level four Hyena of the Sands.

'This guy is not only strong but also has a lot of dangerous artifacts and objects... Not to mention that damn snake that can change size' Cursed the bandit internally realizing that he was completely at the mercy of Ruvan.

"If you don't want to die come here and let yourself put this" Ruvan said as he took out a small scroll from his space ring.

"Seal of Slavery..."

"Please, young master, I'm begging you!! I promise to serve you with loyalty but please don't do this to me" Begged the bandit in a hurry.

"How did you serve your previous boss?"

"..." Bandit.

"Now let me put the seal on you or I'll kill you right here... You decide" Ruvan said in a cold voice.

The bandit finally had no choice but to let the seal be affixed. A black mark appeared right in front of his forehead soon after.

'Damn... These seals are really bad enough' Ruvan muttered internally as he felt how low the seal's reach was on the slave.

Usually slave seals had a restrictive power over the cultivation of the slave, but that had used Ruvan could hardly control a cultivator within the Earth Realm. Of course this only happened with low quality slavery seals like the one Ruvna had used on this bandit.

'Well at least it fulfills its basic task...'

"Outside the cave there's a guy hiding right behind a big rock. Go get him and tell him that Ruvan is calling him..." Said Ruvan as he started walking towards where the masked bandit was lying.

After a few steps the view of Ruvan was much clearer…

'It looks like the guy broke his mask...'

'I can't deny that I'm a little curious' Ruvan muttered to himself as he took a small torch out of his space ring.

Thanks to the illumination of the torch, Ruvan finally had a clear panorama of the masked bandit's face.

"Oh shit... Now I understand why you were wearing a mask" Said Ruvan as he saw the hideous face of the bandit. It would actually be a compliment if Ruvan had to describe the face of the bandit in front of him.

From huge ears to a wide red nose. His lips were thick and misshapen while his chin looked like a ramp.

'A lot of cultivators wear masks to hide some wounds but this guy just does it to hide how ugly he is... Well looking at him well it's impossible to blame him'

"I hope you are reincarnated in the afterlife with a slightly better face, friend..." Ruvan said in an honest voice.

"I'm still alive bastard..."

"..." Ruvan.

"Oh dear! I'm sure you're resilient"" Ruvan murmured in amazement.

"Apart from ugly, tough... It's not a bad combination, don't you think?"

"I swear on my life that if I didn't have all my bones broken, I would kill you right now..." The bandit said in a furious voice.

His ugly appearance had always been his biggest complex, it was for this reason that he had always hidden his face under a mask.

'I always boasted that everyone who had seen my real face was dead and now it turns out that I will die with my face exposed to a bastard I don't even know...'

'And to top it all off, he's a cute boy' The bandit cursed internally. Perhaps because of his complex, but he had always had resentment towards those people who, according to him: "had been blessed by the gods."

"Hey, calm down… It's a joke hahahahaha"

"Besides, buddy. Beauty is subjective..." Ruvan said as he tried to lift the depressed bandit's spirits.

"Do you really think so?" The bandit asked with some expectation.


"Only in your case you need to be a little more subjective than usual..."

"..." Bandit.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" The bandit shouted angrily when he saw that Ruvan was openly mocking him.


"Ah hell... I really like you" Ruvan said as he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.

"Fuck off..."

"Hey... And how did a guy like you end up in a place as desolate as this? Judging by your skills and techniques you shouldn't be from around here, right?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"For nothing in particular... The only thing that could motivate you to answer me is that your life depends on me now" Ruvan said with a smug smile.


"It's not too special a story..."

"I'm just the bastard son of the Supreme Elder of a powerful Sect..."

"Did your father let you out here just because you were his bastard son?"Ruvan asked with a raised eyebrow, it seemed like something too cruel after all.

"Actually, yes... My father was ashamed of my appearance in front of the children of the other Elders..."

"It was for this reason that my father exiled me to this place... Only by living in exile would I stop embarrassing him in front of others... But I suspect that everything was orchestrated by my father's first wife" The bandit said a cold voice.

"Oh... Why do you suspect that?"

"She was always envious of me, after all I was always more talented than her children..."

"According to what I heard she even managed to convince my father that I was not his son because of my ugly appearance" The bandit said with a bitter voice.

"And your mother had nothing to say?"

"Forget it... She was a mere maid that my father took during a night of drinks. I doubt very much that she has dared to speak for me" Said the bandit as he shrugged his shoulders.

Neither his mother was close to him nor he to her…

"Oh... it's been a hard life yours ehh"

"And that you say it..."

"Do you want a drink?"


"Hey wait..."


"Why the fuck am I telling you about my life?" The bandit shouted in disbelief, after all this was the dark past he had been dealing with for these past few years.

"I don't know..."

"But now you've opened your mouth... Better have a drink" Ruvan said with a smile as he took out his wine gourd.

"Fuck it..."

"Here you go" Ruvan said as he took out a gold cup.


"Oh! Good wine..." Said the bandit earnestly. This was by far the best wine he had tasted in his entire life.

"Thank you"


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