Cruel Reality part 4 (4)

"Show yourself, bastard!!" At that moment, the Third Elder shouted as he got into a battle stance. A beautiful silver sword flashed out as the old man activated his Seventh Stage Golden Core Realm Cultivator aura.

"You! Protect the disciples!" The Elder ordered the other four Elders who accompanied him; meanwhile the disciples formed a circle in the middle of the Elders.

"Calm down, Old Man... You've never been told that shouting is rude..." Finally the cloud of dust rose, revealing a young man with golden eyes who was holding a black spear. Small golden lightning bolts emerged from the black spear. At his side stood four soldiers dressed in similar armor. In their hands they carried strange black whips.

"YOU!! You were the one who killed the Fourth Elder!!" The Elder pointed out with a furious expression after all the Fourth Elder was his little blood brother.

"Mmmm you are his brother, right? Now that I see you well, you both look quite similar," Said the young man while holding his chin thoughtfully.

"I challenge you to a battle! You and I… Leave the disciples out of this" Said the Third Elder as he unbuttoned his robe.

"Mmmm I'm sorry but I can't promise you that... I need your disciples after all I intend to make money with them" Ruvan said with an indifferent tone. Soon another explosion echoed at the back of the Tunnel.

Finally when the cloud of dust dissipated it revealed a woman surrounded by several soldiers. It could now be officially said that all paths were blocked for the Third Elder and his party.

"If you want to escape you will have to pass through us..." Ruvan said with a mocking smile as he took a fighting stance.

"Damn bastard… You don't intend to forgive even the children?" Third Elder cursed in frustration.

From what he could see, the other party was not scared by his aura of a cultivator of the seven stage. Not to mention that the soldiers armed with whips gave him a bad feeling.

'A golden lightning bolt...'

'Don't tell me that these bastards...' The Third Elder's mind went to work upon seeing the shield drawn on the armor of Ruvan's troops.

The third Elder had read several reports of these soldiers from the Elders who fought against them in the first battles of the war. From what he had read, these mercenaries were extremely ruthless and efficient. They were even described as the most difficult soldiers to deal with among all the mercenary squads.

"What you are looking for is money, right? I will give you all the money that you wants in exchange of let us pass" The Third Elder tried the negotiation route again after all, they were in a rather unfavorable situation.

"I'm sorry, but my ethics don't allow me to accept it" Ruvan said while shaking his head.

"WHAT? Now you tell me that you have honor as a mercenary?" A look of disbelief could be seen on the Third Elder's face until Ruvan's next words completely unnerved him.

"It's not because of my work as a mercenary... It's simply that my code of life goes against passing up any opportunity to make a profit and that's what's happening right now" Ruvan said with a mocking smile.


At that moment a distant explosion resonated on the horizon, causing the third Elder's bad premonition to be fueled by Ruvan words.

"Mmmm it seems like one of your brothers just sacrificed themselves…"

"You're running out of time old man…" Ruvan said with a smile as he played on the Elder's desperation after all a desperate opponent was much more likely to leave openings.

'You four be prepared... The moment I launch my attack, you run out together with the disciples,' The Third Elder said to the other elders through a spiritual transmission. The Elders nodded their heads solemnly to Ruvan's utter amusement.

"It seems that the time has come to dust off these old bones," said the Third Elder before launching himself without warning in the direction of Ruvan, in an attempt to catch him off guard but unfortunately this did not happen.

"Clang" The sound of her sword hitting the spear echoed throughout the tunnel.

Lira did not waste her time and quickly shouted her orders causing the mercenaries to begin attacking the Elders who were guarding the disciples.

"Arrrghhh" A rather loud scream, followed by a burning smell, slightly distracted the Third Elder who inadvertently turned his head only to see one of his Sect Elders completely immobilized by a whip. The woman holding the whip had a radiant smile on her face as she ordered another of the mercenaries to handcuff the Unconscious Elder.

"I am your enemy Elder" At that moment a puncture at the level of the right leg brought the Third Elder out of his stupor, however the electric shock after that puncture would be quite painful.


The Third Elder quickly separated but his extremes still felt numb, after all the electricity was still coursing through his body.

'This bastard is playing with me'

'If he had wanted to he could have knocked me out with that attack...' the Third Elder thought to himself as he tried to devise a strategy, but to his misfortune the screams of his disciples completely took him out of his concentration.




"I don't want to be a slave please!!" Turning his head he witnessed how Ruvan's mercenaries were immobilizing the disciples one by one.

The disciples fought bravely but in the end that was useless...

The Elders in charge of protecting them were already completely immobilized by Ruvan's mercenaries who used electric whips effectively. One of the Elders had a knife stuck in his chest. Apparently he was stabbed mercilessly when the latter tried to explode his Dantian.

"I told you that I am your opponent."

'Void-cutting spear position one'

 Ruvan said as he once again waved his spear which in less than two movements completely disarmed the Third Elder's sword.

"Storm Lightning" Ruvan, without missing the opportunity, pointed his spear in the direction of the Third Elder, sending a powerful stream of golden lightning straight to his chest. The attack was so devastating that he ended up crashing directly into the wall.

"CAPTAIN!! We have them all" At that moment Lira's cheerful voice reached his ears, causing a smile to appear on Ruvan's face.


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