Serving as an Example (64)

Ruvan's group rested for almost two days in the mines while they waited for the rest of the wounded to recover enough to move.

"So what's the plan?" asked Elder Yurie who had already recovered most of her injuries.

"Our orders were to rescue them… I think it would be best if we returned to the Sect at once" Yu-Hee said.

"Hmm… You said it was the members of the nearby City Council who betrayed you and your group, right?" Asked Ruvan, who was part of this conversation.

"That's right… We had agreed to meet to negotiate an improvement in the terms of our contract but when we showed up there were only the members of the Wandering Peak Sect who quickly ambushed us" Elder Yurie said with frustration. She still remembered those female disciples who had fallen due to the surprise ambush attacks.

"Mmm then I think it is most prudent for us to head to Gray Rock City" Ruvan said with a smile.

"What the hell? You're crazy?" Yu-Hee questioned with annoyance after the whole matter of Gray Rock City's betrayal of the Sect was a topic that the Sect Master should have discussed with the Elders.

"Crazy? No… I simply want to do justice for the sisters who fell during the ambush" Ruvan said casually.

"It's true… Those bastards must pay."

"We also supports what brother Ruvan says." The female disciples who had been listening silently quickly expressed their support for Ruvan, who had become quite a popular figure within the group.

"Tskk come on… But don't overdo it" Yu-Hee said with a frustrated tone. When she tried to seek support from Elder Yurie, she realized that she was also in favor of Ruvan's proposal.


Outskirts of Gray Rock City

Well this is certainly more of a town than a City" Ruvan said while riding on top of Viridis. They were currently on the outskirts of Gray Rock City.

Gray Rock City was a rather picturesque and curious place after all; most of the houses were built of stone. It was not unusual to find houses built within the mountains themselves. They certainly did honor to a city made up of miners.

A large number of Citizens had already gathered around them as they watched the group from the Hidden Flower Sect enter the City heading directly towards the Council building.

"So most of the inhabitants of this place are miners?" Ruvan asked curiously as he looked at the rustically made stone houses.

"That's right… The inhabitants of Gray Rock City have historically been in charge of mining all the spiritual crystal deposits in the nearby mountains," said Elder Yurie who was sitting behind Yu-Hee.

Finally, after about five minutes, Ruvan's group finally arrived at an inconspicuous three-level building which according to its inhabitants was the place where the City Council met.

A group of people quickly left their building.

"Elder Yurie!"

"We were expecting you two days ago" said a nervous-looking old man. The Elder cast discreet glances towards the group of Sect disciples who looked at him with furious glances.

"You still dare to lie to my face Councilman Downy!! You know you betrayed us" Elder Yurie shouted with a tone full of anger.

"I-It wasn't our intention."

"It's true… We had no choice" Council members quickly began to defend themselves against the accusations.

"I thought we were friends George" Elder Yurie said with a complicated look. During her time as a disciple she used to train in the nearby forests, naturally she stayed in this city most of the time, to the point where she had forged a friendship with several of its citizens. Among them is this Councilman Downy.

It was thanks to her good relationship that the Sect Elders had appointed her for this mission to strengthen the Sect's ties with the Gray Rock City Council.

"I'm sorry little Yurie but we had to do what was best for our City" Councilor Downy apologized.

"It's too late for that… Three disciples are dead because of you and the members of the council did"

"If they want compensation, we are willing to give it to them"

"That's right… We can improve the terms of the contract." The Council members quickly began to offer benefits in order to save their necks.

"The Council members decided to betray the Hidden Flower Sect?"

"Oh really? I don't understand… The Hidden Flower Sect has always helped us whenever we have problems." The citizens standing in the square began to murmur among themselves upon hearing the content of the conversation. It was evident that they were unaware of the actions of their council.

'Interesting… It seems that these guys went behind the backs of most of the Citizens' Ruvan thought to himself as he continued to listen to the discussion taking place in front of him.

"Do you think that a few benefits are equivalent to the lives of my sisters?" Yu-Hee asked with a dangerous look.

"It is a shame about the death of your fellow disciples but I am sure that the Elders of your Sect will be more than willing to listen to our proposal" Said another member of the council with a confident look.

'Hmph, we wouldn't even be foolish enough to incur the wrath of those Wandering Peak Sect bastards' one of the Council members thought.

Although it is true that they generally had very good relations with the Hidden Flower Sect, the reality was that their fear of the Wandering Peak Sect outweighed any good relationship they had with the Hidden Flower Sect.

"No. We're sorry but that won't be enough…" At that moment the Ruvan who had been silent throughout the entire discussion finally spoke.

"And who are you?"

"That's right… Since when do disciples speak for the Elders?" The Council members quickly attacked Ruvan for his 'audacity' to intervene after all he was not a famous central court disciple like Yu-Hee was.

"Who I am doesn't matter…"

"The only thing that matters is that you guys dared to betray the Hidden Flower Sect."

"And that is why you will now serve as an example for everyone to see what happens to those who dare betray our Sect…" Ruvan said with a cruel smile as golden lightning began to form in his hands.

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