You agreed to fight mechas, but your body exploded into stars?

Chapter 114 No need to suppress yourself anymore

Citizens in surrounding towns have completed the evacuation and evacuated to open areas.

You can get started.

If there is anything else you need to cooperate with, please feel free to ask.

The highest peak recorded in ancient civilizations is not the highest peak of today's era. There are many cities in the surrounding areas.

Considering the special ability of the source of disaster, it must be much stronger than those elite monsters.

In addition, the earthquake is a natural disaster, and its scope of influence is extremely exaggerated.

If you're not careful, maybe the war is still going on here, the aftermath will destroy a large area of ​​the city, causing widespread casualties, and the evaluation will plummet.

In order to prevent this from happening, Jiang Chen waited for several more hours.

It wasn't until news came from over there that he looked at the top of the snowy peak at his feet.

The ancient god sleeping at the bottom of the mountain...

To be honest, tens of thousands of years have passed in the records of ancient civilizations.

No one knows whether He is really sleeping beneath this area.

Not to mention, the area itself is not small. Without the earthquake source coordinates locked in advance, Jiang Chen may not be able to find him if he goes directly through the lava channel.

It's a thankless waste of energy and effort.

Therefore, Jiang Chen prepared to change his approach to find the existence of the Ancient God:

If the Ancient God was the source of the disaster, he would have been in a light sleep for less than ten days before waking up.

During this process, Jiang Chen used a force similar to earthquake fluctuations on the other person's face. It was like turning on the alarm clock close to the face, and it was very likely to wake the other person up in advance.

Once the other party wakes up, it will naturally emit seismic waves.

Thus becoming a new earthquake source that can be observed by humans.

In this way, movement will be much easier.


Module switching.

[Molten Fire Rock] is replaced with [Shock Aftershock]!

Jiang Chen killed many elite monsters and obtained a large number of overclocking modules.

These overclocking modules are related to the earth, lava, and rocks.

The [Shock Aftershock] module is very similar to the innate abilities of these underground monsters. It can inject the power of battle into the earth to form seismic fluctuations.

Ground-based enemies within the fluctuation range will be controlled by effects such as dizziness and weightlessness.

If it is a large enemy, it will also suffer aftershock damage due to the resonance of the earthquake wave.

In addition, you can also directly attack the enemy and send the shock waves into the enemy's body, which can also produce effects.

The effect of this module is undoubtedly quite powerful.

Especially the out-of-control Titan in the abyss was almost completely defeated by this module.

Unfortunately, once you encounter flying enemies, the shock aftermath module becomes a melee module, and its effect will be greatly limited.

In the deep abyss, there are too many flying enemies.

Therefore, unless the shock and aftermath module is linked with other modules to obtain new special effects.

Otherwise, compared with other melee modules, there is no obvious advantage.

Now, when the [Concussion Aftermath] module is loaded into an arm module.

The arms of the steam mecha were replaced from scorching rock armor with a special structure similar to a rammer, which was pressed to the ground.


Start oscillating at a high frequency!

With the help of the special effects of the shock wave module, the steam mecha did not smash the hills, but turned the power of the bombardment into seismic waves and spread them.

Under the strong earthquake fluctuations, the entire mountain peak began to shake.

Avalanches roared, rocks collapsed, and the forest shook!

Countless birds and beasts were frightened and fled in all directions, forming a frantic beast tide!

This is only what happens in the mountainous area.

Elite-level underground beasts are already lurking underground nearly three hundred kilometers deep.

As a more powerful ancient god, the sleeping position of the god and beast must be deeper.

In other words, Jiang Chen must let the earthquake wave spread to an underground depth of more than 300 kilometers!

During this process, seismic fluctuations will naturally propagate on the ground.

When this wave of fluctuation spread, people who were hundreds of kilometers away and had been evacuated to open areas couldn't help but stagger around and felt the strong earthquake!

Many buildings in the city even toppled and collapsed in the earthquake!

At this moment, people finally understood why they were evacuated to open areas despite being so far away...

This range is too big!

Is this a [module]?

I actually captured those weird earthquake powers!

The generals looked at the scenes and pictures broadcast, and their awe and desire for the power of the mecha grew a little more.

It was at this time that Jiang Chen's voice reached the Earthquake Monitoring Bureau.

The seismic fluctuations have ended. Pay attention to monitoring the underground.

The staff came to their senses and hurriedly checked various data to conduct high-precision real-time monitoring.

After a moment, a staff member opened his eyes wide and spoke hurriedly.

New earthquake source discovered underground!

The focal depth is...

Seven hundred kilometers!!

This is the deepest earthquake source observed so far by humans in the fission world!

Seven hundred kilometers...

Jiang Chen unloaded the shock aftermath module and loaded the molten rock module, intending to re-create the lava channel and go deep underground.

But I heard new news coming from my ears.

No, the source of the earthquake seems to be 650 kilometers away...

Six hundred kilometers...

The earthquake source is rising rapidly!

Oh ho?

Instead of running away, are you approaching me?

Jiang Chen decisively changed his mind.

Anyway, he went down there to lure the strange monsters out of the ground.

Since the other party took the initiative to get out, it saved a lot of effort.

At this time, he used the biological force field to support the steam mecha to fly, quietly listening to the communication sound in his ears.

Five hundred and fifty kilometers...

Five hundred kilometers...

Earthquake monitoring is inherently delayed.

Just when the staff were talking about five hundred kilometers, Jiang Chen could already see the earth shaking and the mountains collapsing.

Strong high-energy reactions also surged rapidly from the depths of the earth.

Four hundred...

The staff member's words have not yet finished.

In the forest in the center of the mountain range, the earth and stone forest rose and shattered like water. From the countless gravel and sand, a majestic figure broke out of the ground and landed heavily on the ground.

It has a lizard-like appearance and skin, but it does not have lizard-like slender legs. Instead, it has four columnar legs that can fit closely to the body and support the body.

His upper body also has more than eight hard and thick limbs, which reveal a metallic color in the sun.

The overall look is weird and ferocious.

The most important thing is His towering body that is more than a kilometer long and can touch the clouds, giving people a suffocating sense of oppression!

You know, in some special photography works, the monsters that can destroy cities are only a few dozen meters tall.

Put next to this strange creature, not to mention elephants and ants, there must be at least the size gap between humans and mice.

At this time, this celestial monster opened its ferocious worm-like mouthparts and let out an earth-shaking roar. The strange power immediately spread along the ripples.

Like a hurricane blowing through, the earth and forests were lifted up, merging into huge waves of dust, spreading in all directions.

Some helicopters that were relatively close and wanted to broadcast the scenes to various countries had no ability to resist. They were directly impacted by the sound waves mixed with mysterious power and hit the ground, turning into an inconspicuous firework.

Only some helicopters that were further away barely survived and hurriedly retreated further.

This is the power of the ancient gods!

At this time, He raised his limbs as hard as hammers and leaned forward, intending to bombard the ground. He used his extraordinary power to confirm the words of doom and set off the fission of the earth!

To know.

For the same earthquake magnitude, the shallower the earthquake source, the stronger the earthquake will be felt.

This celestial monster is located on the surface, and coupled with its unparalleled earthquake power, it is impossible to predict what the consequences of this attack will be.

It was also at this time——

The celestial being's strange toppling movement suddenly froze and stopped strangely in mid-air.

No, it's not stagnant.

Instead, a golden-red steam mecha stood in the path of the strange god, blocking his movements!

The shock brought by this scene is unparalleled.

You know, the size of the gods and monsters exceeds one thousand meters.

The steam mecha is only four meters long.

This level of size difference is almost like when a person is throwing himself on the ground, an ant suddenly flies up and holds him up.

The picture is very impactful!

It was only then that the gods and monsters noticed this tiny, golden-red bug with powers similar to him.

He stood up again, his body surface shook slightly, and a wave of energy spread out.

There was obviously no sound, but the universal external translator still worked as usual.

Convert the thoughts conveyed by gods and monsters into understandable language.

Powerful bugs, interesting.

Unfortunately, mother doesn't like bugs.


Jiang Chen piloted the steam mecha and looked at this strange and majestic god, and his heart suddenly became enlightened.

Sure enough, these underground anomalies are not the only ancient life on this planet.

This strange celestial being is not the oldest life form on this planet.

They even have concepts such as mother and child, and ethnic groups.

In this way, it is understandable that the ancient civilizations of this world were able to record these things.

This is an extraordinary world where ancient martial arts and superpowers exist. Maybe there are people with superpowers such as [priests] in ancient civilizations who can communicate with these big guys.

Thus the corresponding information was obtained.

This information flashed through Jiang Chen's mind, and the sound was transformed into strange fluctuations of thoughts through the translation device.

Do you have a mother? Do you have a father? Where do they live? How strong are they? Where are your brothers and sisters?

I don't mean anything else, I'm just curious.


This strange creature seems to have no interest in communicating.

Six of them were more than a hundred meters long, with tapered metal-like arms at the tips, and they were thrown over by strong winds.

The movement was extremely fast, and the closure was completed in an instant before people could react.

Bang! !

The loud noise spread in all directions along with the wind pressure.

In the center of the cone-shaped metal, a golden-red steam mecha opened its arms, and a small number of cracks had appeared on the surface of the metal armor.

The way high-value agility is reflected is super attack speed...

Through two contacts, Jiang Chen has roughly judged some of the attributes of this strange celestial being.

【Gods and strange creatures】

[Strength: three]

[Strength: Physical strength is 50,000. It can exert higher effects through mysterious abilities. The upper limit is unknown. 】

[Agility: The average agility is 50,000, and the agility during attack can exceed 80,000. Due to the large size and inability to adapt to the ground, the agility value does not exceed 40,000.]

[Defense: Physical defense is not less than 70,000, recovery speed and vitality are unknown. 】

[Mystery: Unknown. 】

[Evaluation: Mecha rival. 】

The combined strength of this celestial monster may have exceeded 60,000.

It is far from an enemy that a stage one steam mecha can deal with.

As early as when he appeared, Jiang Chen had already started the machine soul fusion, and through his connection with the machine soul, he poured life energy into Yun's body.

Its attributes have been greatly improved.

Strength, agility, and defense all reached 65,000.

It seems that there is not much difference from this strange celestial being.


In the case of relatively similar attributes, the contrast in combat power caused by the difference in body size is extremely exaggerated.

Especially the comparison between a thousand meters and four meters, the gap between humans and ants.

The gods and monsters kept waving their arms at an indistinguishable speed to bombard the steam mecha.

Even if Jiang Chen maximizes the speed of his steam mecha, every blow from the opponent will be a large-scale attack that cannot be avoided at all.

Every time it resists an attack, the steam mecha's armor value will drop significantly.

If Jiang Chen's shared health bar hadn't been long enough, it would have completely collapsed.

On the contrary, the steam mecha is too small, and the defense of the gods and monsters is not low.

Although it can directly repel the strange arm of the god with much higher strength, and even knock it staggering.

But there is no way to cause real fatal damage to it.

Even if there are some wounds left, they still appear to be so small for a body that is over a thousand meters tall.

Must go further...

Jiang Chen conveyed his thoughts.

Yun, there is no need to suppress yourself anymore.

【The general will obey orders! ! 】

A warm voice sounded in Jiang Chen's heart.

The steam mecha retreated quickly, the broken armor fell off automatically, and a large amount of steam dispersed.

At the same time, surging life energy began to surge upwards, the core of the star was overloaded, and the body was constantly trembling.

Restrictions lifted + energy overload.

At this moment, the steam mecha became more slender, and its power and sensitivity attributes increased by a huge 7.2w——

Combined with the basic 65,000 force sensitivity.

Abruptly reaching 137,000 force-sensitive dual attributes!


As his attributes increased, Jiang Chen could clearly feel that Yun's consciousness began to blur.

After all, the steam mecha is a first-order overclocking mecha.

After replacing an attribute module, the basic force-sensitive defense attribute is only about 0.25w.

It was suddenly raised to 137,000, an increase of approximately fifty times!

Infused with such surging life energy, the machine soul must have endured tremendous pressure.

Just like an ordinary mecha master using machine soul fusion against a powerful mecha, it lasts only a few seconds at most before it becomes unbearable.

At this time, Yun endured Jiang Chen's life energy and the urge to roll his eyes, and let out the roar of his soul.

[Eight doors, open! 】

A golden and red shadow rushed out of the smoke.

It almost turned into a golden light, which silently hit the strange body of the god.

The moment the two were about to come into contact, the exposed gears on the steam mecha's body rotated crazily, and the armor on its feet spurted out white steam, and he kicked forward violently!

Time seemed to freeze for a moment.

With the hurricane blowing, the strange god who was more than a thousand meters high was kicked away and hit the snowy peak behind him!


Under the strong impact, the majestic mountain peaks that had long been cracked finally couldn't bear the humiliation and broke and collapsed!

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